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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1959)
Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, November 2, 199 Ross Comments: Latin America Resents U.S. Neglect By Dick tuckey "Niglect is the main Latin American complaint against the United States." Dr. Stanley L. Ross of the history department, past sum mer Latin American visitor, voiced this opinion in a1 Daily Nebraskan interview. "When we need them (the Latin American states), we turn to them otherwise they are forgotten," said Dr. Ross. 'United States forgetful neg lectpolitically and econom icallyhas been particularly conspicuous throughout the cold war. Our diplomatic at tention has been turned to Europe and Asia, and Latin America has -resented the slighting." Area Characteristics Dr. Ross pointed out that Latin America is an area characterized by social economic revolution, strong NOV OPEN ALL DAY PARKING 20 Af711 No. 10th St. (Aero From th Stadium) SELF-SERV-SYSTEM YOU MAY GO IN AND OUT DURINO THE DAY If YOU WISH AUT0-PAROS-C0. PHONE 4-5595 L,vJ n Featuring 20 Of The World' $ Greatest Instrumentalist TURNPIKE Sunday, Nov. 15 7-11 Twilight h Mulhinlcfbryburself? (THROW THESE QUESTIONS INTO .THE POT AND Xf yofir ftodSea led you to believe you could strike oil by drilling a hole right in the middle of the campus, would you (A) keep still about itrso people wouldn't think you were lists? ) sell stock in the proposition to all your friends? (C) get an ofl man interested in the idea, even if yon had to give him most of the proiits? "k watched pot neverboils" means (A) the man who made such a statement never matched a pot; (B) if you don't want the stew to boil over watch it! (C) yon ean't hurry things by ' worrying about them., ADBQCQ If yon saw a girl perched up in a tree reading a book, would you say, (A) "Tim ber!" (B) "Is the light better up there?- (C) "Will , that branch hold two?" Assuming cigarettes could talk, would you listen to (A) a filter cigarette that talks only about its taste? (B) a weak-tasting ciga rette that talks about its filter? (C) a filter cigarette that lets its advanced filter design and full taste speak, for themselves? AQ BQ CQ 0; Next time you light up, take a moment to think about what you really want in your filter cigarette. Most men and women who think for themselves choose VICEROY, Tha Hlah Who UfVKXROY HAS A TK1NXIN3 MANS FILTER... A SMOKING MAN'S TASTE I AlOBO, DrMnltmiimmTUitfnCM, nationalistic , overtones, em phasis on industrial develop ment, and of great potential importance due to natural re sources and an explosive pop ulation growth. The geographic location, in relation to United States se curity, is of great importance as snown by wona war 11. Trade imoortance and Unit ed States private financial in vestment in the area in creases our need for concern, he said. However, the United States concern has been a political one, a policy unfavorable to Latin Americans. Its national economic reform tendency and industrial stress desires a United States policy of eco nomic assistance, he said. ' "Most Latin American areas desire domestic nation al economic control," Dr. Ross said, "but this is not al ways possible. So, foreign in vestment under strict nation al control is advocated. But except for private investment, United States encouragement in economic investment and assistance has been slighted during recent years." Dr. Ross pointed to recent meetings in the United States aimed at rectifying our neglect, paucity of knowledge about the area and lack of consistent policy in Latin America. "At the Ardea House meet- -MOOCRN AMiRICAt MAN Of MUSIC .AD the cigarette with the most advanced filter design of them all . . . the one cigarette with a thinking man's filler and a smoking man's lasted If you checked (B) t three out of four of these questions, you're a pretty smart cooky out if you checked (Q, you think for 'yourself! Thinks tor Himself Knows ing," he said, "three main points were discussed. The problem of United States eco nomic aid in Latin American development, the opposition to United States intervention in Latin American internal af fairs, and the threat of com munistic 'economic and cul tural infiltration. "It was pointed out that most Latin American areas preferred international "or in tergovernmental sources of fi nancial aid instead of foreign private enterprise. "The Arden House partici pants," Dr. Ross continued, "favored U.S. assistance in economic development along with complete respect for Latin American incipient na tionalism. The effective pur suance of this policy conld possibly destroy much of the appeal of communism." Dr. Ross indicated that the felt the general press cover age in Latin America has been inadequate, citing the coverage on the Cuban revolution as very unfortun ate. "It takes an earthquake or revolution some sensational development to warrant pub lication of news of Lat in America in the general run of newspapers," Dr. Ross said. "The result is that ihe American public gets a shock treatment due to an absence of knowledge of circum stances producing the head' line events. "With the exception of the New York Times, press cov erage was lacking in depth necessary to produce an un derstanding of what happened and why in Cuba. Castro Non-Communist Dr. Ross said that he did not think Fidel Castro is a Communist and that the Cas tro group deeply resents being called Communist. Dr. Ross said,"I think this is a definite American' trait to label all revolutions and their leaders Communistic. Castro is a Cuban nationalist. "The communists were the last to jump on the Castro bandwagon," Dr. Ross point- SEE WHAT COOKS) BQ CQ Familiar paofc r erush-proof box ed out, ."and there is no basis for saying that Commu nists dominate the Cuban gov ernment in Cuba. However, there are communists repre senting -Cuba abroad. "I think Castro feels he can dominate the Communists in Cuba, but sees no point in so doing as they are presently his allies and since he is be ing attacked and criticized by the Cuban right wing and by the United States." Dr. Ross said that "the Lat in American good will of the thirties and the benefits of the forties have been largely dis sipated. But I do not feel rela tions are as bad as they are often portrayed and they are not as good as official sources tend to indicate. There seems to be a great difference of opinion among scholars as to the actual state of the United States-Latin American rela tionship." Rooters Day Hears Swine Study Report Reports of various swine studies conducted by mem bers of the department of ani mal husbandry at Ag College were among the highlights of the 24th annual Rooters Day on the Ag campus Friday. Four members of the de partment. Dr. E. R." Peo Jr., D. B. Hudman, Dr. La von Sumpt'on and Charles Adams, discussed the reports. Hog prices were discussed by Don Engel, extension ani mal husbandman at the Col lege, who said that a near record 104 million hogs pro duced this year may drive prices to $12 or $13 a hundred by December. "Slight recovery during De cember may occur but gen erally lower prices will pre vail during 1960 as compared with 1959," Engel said. m mm mmm and dick III - 3 1 I : ' jf'' fZ H if I f 1 1 f 1 1 $ fi ! If ir f i 1 1 J t n If 11 ! r" U ;li Mil ji ;U lU Ufi : Li U ; - H " i It I ' 1! !" I. ili. . Band Gives Half time g ' Sooners Honored; Queen Presented The University Marching Band provided the setting ,ior the halftime ceremonies and presentation of the Homecom ing Queen Saturday. The band honored the Soon ers with their first manuever, a revolving "0" circumscrib ing a "U" while playing "Boomer Sooner." Honorary N' Bill Orwig, University ath letic director, then made the presentation of an Honorary "N" Club membership to Dean Earl S. Fullbrook. Dean Fullbrook, retiring faculty re presentative to the Big Eight Conference, was awarded an "N" pin and a Nebraska blanket. The band then formed a large heart on the field while Homecoming attendants Kay Hirschbach and Judie Wil liams and Queen Skip Harris were being presented to the 34,000 fans. Innocents Society and Mor tar Boards formed a lane to the center of the heart where the Queen's throne had been placed. Royalty's Escorts Miss Hirschbach was es corted to the throne by Don Binder, president, of Corn Cobs. Dave Godbey, Inno cents' president, escorted Miss Williams to the throne and Brent Chambers, yell king, was Queen Harris' es cort. Chancellor Clifford M. Har din gave a short welcome to the returning alums. Miss Harris thanked the student body and, in view of the 14-12 halftime score, urged every one to cheer the Huskers on to victory. ' The band ended the cerr monies with "There is , no Place like Nebraska." The Almanac Says . Predictions Are Bad For Campus Events 'students contemplating the investment of huge sums to purchase a coat to shut out the most furious blasts of win ter air may be able to forget their worry. The winter will be warmer than last year and close to average temperatures, will prevail according to the 1960 Old Farmer's Almanac. This small book of predictions, se lect ryhmes, planting tables, anecdotes, pleasantries and other profound information boasts its 1958-59 weather pre dictions as being "71 cor rent and successful for No vember through April." Accordng to the November predictions, campus can ex pect to be blessed with tem peratures three to 7 degrees above normal, but the outlook for the AUF Drive and the Colorado football game is a bit discouraging. Snow flurries are predicted on both those dates. Thanks giving is to be clear, but cold. White Christmas The Military Ball will be greeted by a northeaster ac companied by sleet and the Kosmet Klub Fall Show will have fair but chilly weather, the Almanac predicted. Most of Christmas vacation will be clear but Christmas Day it self could be white, with snow flurries scheduled. ' Typewriters For Rent Royal Underwood Smith Remington Try Our Rental-Purchase Plan Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. 11th Phone 2-4284 Typewriter Ribbons Put On They're transmission engineers with Michigan Bell Telephone Company in Detroit. Burnell graduated from Western Michigan in 1951 with a B.S. in Physics, spent four years in the Navy, then joined the telephone company. His present work is with carrier systems, as they relate to Direct Distance Dialing facilities. Dick got his B.S.E.E. degree from Michigan in 1956 and came straight to Michigan Bell. He is currently engineering and administering a program to utilize new, transistorized re peater (amplifier) equipment. Both men are well qualified to answer a question you might well, be asking yourself: "What's in telephone company engineering for me?" , "There's an interesting day's work for you every day. You really have to use your engi neering training and you're always working with new developments. Every time Bell Lab oratories designs a new and more efficient piece of equipment, you are challenged to in corporate it in our system effectively ,'tnd economically. For example, I have been work ing on projects utilizing a newly developed voice frequency amplifier. It's a plug-in typo transistorized and consumes only two watts, so it has lots of advantages. But I hava to figure out where and how it can be used ia our sprawling network to provide new and improved service. Technological developments like this really put spice in the job." XCJ SAYS BURNELL: "Training helps, too and you get the best. Through an interdepartmental training pro gram; you learn how company-wide operations dovetail. You also get a broad background by rotation of assignmehts. I'm now working with carrier systems, but previously worked on repeater (amplifier) projects os Dick is doing now. Most important, I think you always learn 'practical engineering.' You constantly search for the solution that will be most economical in the long run." There's more, of course but you can get the whole story from the Bell interviewer. He'll be visiting your campus before long. B sure to sit down and talk with him. BELL TELEPHONE New Year's Eve will usher in many, things, including a period of fair weather. Clear weather and severe cold will accompany the last day of classes and finals week will be comparatively , warm, predictions say. The begin ning of second semester classes will be amidst a prob able blizzard. Coed Follies will be present ed during1, a violent Gizzard or rain storm, according to the Almanac. The State High School Basketball Tourna ment will have somewhat bet ter weather than the bitter cold of last year. The State High School De bate Tournament will be held during clear, but cold weath er and the joint Phi Beta Kappa-Sigma Xi Banquet is expected to be , held during wet and windy weather. SPEEDWAY MOTORS 1719 N St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Speed Equipment Hollywood Mufflers maslowski SAYS DICK: COMPANIES