Wednesday, October 28, 1959 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 ,x ...... . ... I Sf frfi&lf' , , A i S f w W 'V'V f ' " ' vL ' ' y'-'-':'' ' ;; I mmg:-: . : M-:-mm mzM wmm mm e:t& - fit' '.:' y:tWi&MW v .( W'?p S?: i if '- ' ' ''s : ! ? ff:- V il,iSf :4iX i ,:!?S!;,:.i3Jif: . WM Don Purcell . . . Star of The Week Doii Purcell Is Named Daily Nebraskan Star braska," said the red-haired Purcell who had offers from 11 schools. Hes had scholar ships offered from Iowa, Kansas, Kansas State, Mis souri, Montana, Iowa State, Arizona State, U.C.L.A. and western Michigan in both football and baseball. Due to spring practice last year, Purcell had little time for baseball but he hopes to play this year. He is a catch er. When asked about he team spirit, Don had this to say, "It is real good, but the bad breaks are hurting us more than anything else. We got bad breaks in both of our last two games, Missouri and Indiana." "We should win our last three games," said Purcell. "With any luck we could beat Oklahoma. I think we are up for them. If we beat Okla homa that would make our season complete," he added. Purcell named Indiana" as the toughest team the Corn huskers have played." The single-wing made the differ ence," said Purcell. "With a few breaks we can still make this season a good one," said Don and added, "Just watch us next year." This week's star stands in a good position to become one of the best players ever to wear the Scarlet and Cream. He is sophomore end Don Purcell. The 205-pounder earned a starting position on the first unit early in the season and as the Huskers go Into their geventh game, the sturdy Pur cell has proven his worthi ness beyond any doubt. Purcell sparked the Husker deepest penetration in last Saturday's game with a spec tacular catch late in the fourth quarter. This, with his usual admirable defensive job, earned him this week's honor. "I'm glad I came to Ne- fltat PIfty ln Plctura F 5 y A Gnt ! N0WF P A NOVAK 6f1 FREDRIC jfll MARCH 11,1 I lit ' J iQoagoopQeoooggwooopoooccaocoj introduces the revolutionary new form of lipstick! M t t lit 1 "sW J jjowsse. i'1' 'l II A v : Outline lips in 3 ttrokes! Preii lips together! First roll-on lip color "LIP QUICK" takes the place of lipstick, lip liner and lip brush! Smart, new "Lip Quick" in a slim golden case, rolls on flow ing color automatically. It out lines, shapes and colors lips perfectly, cleanly, quickly. Flowing color is stored inside the case, released only as the rounded tip is pressed gently against lips. "Lip Quick" is greaseless can't smudge or smear. Easy to apply. Stays on beautiful Unlike ordinary lipsticks, 'Lip Quick" can't break off or melt, can' be used to the very last drop. Lasts twice as long as ordinary lipstick. Choose from eight creamy, exciting shades designed ty Richard Hudnut to satisfy every beauty want . . . and need. Say "Lip Quick" not lipstick! COSMETICS, FIRST FLOOR' Shop doily 930 to 5:30 and on Thursdays 10 to 9! Sporis Signals By Hal Brown Don't look now, but after three Big Eight games, "po' little Iowa State is tied for second place in the confer ence race and with a second place finish goes a trip to the Orange Bowl. The Cyclones have been nicknamed . the "Dirty Thir ty" because of their limited number and although th e y have some tough games re maining on the schedule, their record to date is impresive. Head coach Clay Stapleton's hardnosed squad has scored a total of 163 points while holding their opponents to 32 points in winning five of six games. Iowa State's only loss was a 140 shutout suffered at the hands of Missouri. The Cyclones have not al lowed a point to be scored against them in their last two encounters against Colorado and Kansas State. The "Dirty Thirty" defeated Colo rado, 270 and Kansas State, 260. The Cyclones face the toughest part of their sched ule in the next four weeks when they , take on Kansas, Nebraska, San Jose State and Oklahoma. But, even if they don't win another game, it will be considered a success ful season at Iowa State. Last year, the C y c 1 o n e s failed to win a conference Cross Country Runners Travel To Colorado Coach Frank Sevigne will send his undefeated cross country runners against Colo rado at Boulder, Saturday. It will be the final test for the Huskers before the Big Eight championships at Law rence, the following weekend. Joe Mullins and Joe Ameri can Horse have led the Husk ers to a triangular win over Kansas State and Colorado and dual victories over Towa I State and Missouri. Nebraska Riflers Defeat Missouri For Second Win The Nebraska rifle team defeated Missouri, I486 to 1478, at Columbia Saturday. It was the Huskers second consecutive Big Eight victory as Conley Cleaveland led the shooters with a 286. Other members of the Nebraska team were Dick Seaman, Andrjs Staklis, Dick Christen sen and Mike Flannigan. The Husker riflemen will take their 2-1 record to Oma ha Saturday for a match with Creighton University at 9 a.m. Feeders Day Set Feeders Day will be held on Ag Campus, April 22. Dr. Robert M. Koch, new chairman of the department of animal husbandry, said the annual event will include spe cial programs for both men and women. Rigid Laiv Kyoto, Japan Japanese policemen are noted for their rigid interpretation of the law. Five vegetable peddlers flipping coins to see who would pay an 83 cent res taurant check were arrest ed on gambling charges and kept overnight in jail. i I plus tax " I I (refilloble) J j Nebraskan Want Ads No.Worri Ida. 2 da, 3 da. da. 1-10 .0 .66 .85 1.00 11-15 .SO .80 1.04 1.25 16-20 .60 .86 1.25 1.50 21-25 .70 1.10 , 1.45 1.75 26-30 .80 1.25 1.65 2.00 31-5 ( - .00 1.40 1.85 2.25 36-40 I 1.00 I 1.55 2.05 2.60 ThM low-cost rates apply to Want Ads which art placed (or eonsecutlv oay and art paid (or within 10 day after th ad expireg or la canceled. PERSONAL: Sam, On What????? He hain't received . It yet. What did you write him about? H. WE WRITE PAPERS, reports, edl tlons, rewrite articles, books, these. Research Library of Congress, U. S. Agencies. WRITERS BUREAU, Box 1759. Washington 13, D.C. GOOD THINGS TO EAT PERRY'S PLACE Grocery and Dairy. Open seven days a week. Bread and milk fresh dally. For those forgot ten Items visit Perry'a Place, 3501 Holdrege. 6-9665. LOST: Crotln wrist watch on ag campus. Call 7-8535. Reward. Man's Elgin watch with black leather band. Lost on P. E. field Mon. evening. Call Melvin Riley or Jim Cawthra. Phone 2-3777. REWARD. TAILORING Custom Tailors Finest woolen. Spe cialists In men's and women's fitting pioblems. Double breasted converted to single, tuxedos to shawl colKr. College Tailors. Kstli-r Loso, 4446 So. 48th. Phone 4-4212. FOR SALE Hi-Fi four way speaker system 20 20,000 C.p.s. Phone 3-5306. by hal brown game and they have already surpassed that mark this year. Iowa State's early season success could be partially ac pmintprl for hv their schedule. While other conference teams are facing big bruising teams Kvrar.use. Texas, Michigan, Indiana and others, the Cyclones take it easy against Drake,' Denver and Rv nnt. tilavinff such a bruis- ine- sphedule. Iowa State is in better physical shape than teams such as iNeDrasna ana Missouri when Big Eight play rolls around. Another exolanation may be that Stapleton has nar rowed his team down to those boys who have a sincere de sire to play football lor lowa State and give that little ex tra for the school. StaDleton is a firm believ er in physical conditioning and undoubtedly loses some boys through his strenuous fall camps but the players re maining are in peaK condi tion. Before making a final de cision on the "Dirtv Thirty". let's wait and see what hap pens at Lawrence, Kansas, this weekend when the Cy clones take on the Jayhawks in a vital conterence game lor doth schools. Frosh Harriers Score Second Shutout Victory Nebraska freshman cross country runners posted their second shutout victory of the season with a 15-40 romp over Colorado's frosh in a postal meet. Irwin Frawley finished first with a time of 9:46 over the two-mile course as the Husk ers swept the first five posi tions. The Husker frosh will go against a strong Kansas squad in a postal meet this weekend. The order of Finish: Time 1. Irwin Frawley (Neb.) 9:46 2. Ray Stevens (Neb.) 9:48 3. Clarence Scott (Neb.) 9:58 4. Bill Kenny (Neb) 10:12 5. Joe Scott (Neb.) 10:18 6. Don Sanchez (Colo.) 10:21 7. Bob Barrowa (Colo.) 10:31 8. Dick Faust (Colo.) 10:40 9. John Patterson (Colo.) 10:49 10. Tom Proven (Colo.) 10:51 Linemen Zentic and Moore Will Be Co-Captains Saturday Seniors LeRoy Zentic and Jim Moore will share the cap tain duties Saturday when Nebraska plays host to the Sooners of Oklahoma in the Homecoming game. Coach Bill Jennings an nounced three changes in the first two line-ups effective Tuesday. Sophomore Pat Clare was switched from right halfback to left halfback, Bob Kitchen replaced Bill Bohanan as sec ond unit fullback and Joe Ga- cusana replaced the injured Roland McDole at right tackle. Going into Tuesday's light workout, the first 22 stood as follows: left end, McDaniel and Bond; left tackles, Haney and Mongerson; left guards, Olson and Ponsiego; centers, Moore and Tingelhoff. Right guards, Zentic and Rosier; right tackles, Gacu sana and Wellman; right ends Martz and Purcell. Quarterbacks, Tolly and Meade; left halfbacks, Fisch er and Dyer; left halfbacks, Zaruba and Ward and full backs, Fricke and Kitchen. Center Darrell Cooper i slated to see defensive dutr and halfback Clay White will be u s e d frequently against Oklahoma, according to Jen nings. "Noel Martin, sophomore fullback is doubtful," said Jennings. "He is coming around pretty fast, though," he added. THE SHIRT THAT LOVES TO TRAVEL . . . Great for a weekend travel light with an Arrow Wash and Wear "Time-Saver" shirt just wash, drip-dry, and you're ready to go. Lasting fit in wrinkle-resisting 100 cotton oxford, broadcloth, or Dacroncotton blend all with the famous soft roll buttondown collar. $5.00 up. ' -ARROW- XY-l fach Saturday tee the NCAA football "Game of th k t lislk Week NBC TV-sponsored by ARROW. L g vfllt Never too weak. IliiJlt-.' 'Always )S - - L.., f! 3 You can light eithM- ndl Get satisfying friendly to your taste! Hl-n Taoe recorder, 30-15.U00 c.p.s. Like new 7E. Phone i-63u. See how Pall Mall's famous length of fine, rich. tasting tobacco travels and gentles the smoke makes it mild but does not filter out that satisfying flavor ! r NO FLAT ( 'FILTERED-OUT" ) ( 'SMOKED -OUT" ) " I M .'; ' i "71" " ' j , Outstanding... and they are Mild! HERE'S WHY SMOKE "TRAVELED THROUGH FINE TOBACCO TASTES BEST 1 You get Pall Mall's ft Pal! Mall's famous f Travels it over. unde4 famous length of the O length travels and J around an d through finest tobaccos gentles the smoke J Pall I Mall j i f im tobacco money can buy. naturally... ... anC makes it rnHdl C a. T. Co. Product of 3& J&nutuiam Su&Becr&yH -S&e " WH :cooooqocc - ft f " r n "