The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Poge 2
The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, October 7, 1959
Chancellor Speaks of College
Is college education a right or a privi
lege? The views of Chancellor Clifford Hardin
on this question recently were nationally
r2cognlzed. Dr. Hardin and other noted
personalities in the areas of education,
business, labor, politics and entertainment
were members of a panel organized by
"Ladies' Home Journal" magazine to con
template "who should go to college and
The story appeared In the October issue
of the "Journal."
In a preface to the panel discussion the
editors of the Journal pointed out that "In
our democracy we take it for granted that
aU young people have the right to the op
portunity for a high school education. Do
they have a similar right to the opportun
ity fot college education?
"More parents want to send their chil
dren to college, as much for social and
economic reasons as for intellectual rea
sons. In ten years, at the expected rate of
Increase, more than 6,000 youth twice the
number enrolled today will be applying
for admission to college. Will they find a
Several panel members . expressed the
belief that the value of a bachelor's de
gree has depreciated because so many are
getting them. To this Dr. Hardin raised
an emphatic objection saying he believed
standards behind baccalaureate degrees
were higher today than ever before.
On the subject "should the doors be open
wide" the general consensus was that
everyone has the right to pursue know
ledge, to realize individual potentialities
and to live a meaningful and satisfying
life and if a college education is needed
for this, then everyone has a right to such.
Dr. Hardin commented, "The basic hu
man right to pursue knowledge is valid
for life and our educational system exists
to encourage the exercise of it."
When asked, "Why do so many want
college?" a panel member suggested that
too many go to college thinking that it is
going to give them something that it isn't.
The disappointment that comes from fail
ure to succeed is worse than saying no at
the first.
To this Dr. Hardin agreed that "many
young people have abilities that could be
better developed outside a college," then
went on to say, "but I revolt at the notion
that any of us are Solomons enough to de
cide" who should go to college and who
What makes students work? Desire and
motivation, said the Chancellor. "Educa
tional opportunity has been too easy in
this country. It has been taken for
granted. We have not made learning
simply for the sake of knowing seem im
portant. We should prepare our students
as well as possible. The real problem is
The final problem taken up was "Will
there be room for all?" Parents and stu
dents with 'admission jitters' are worry
ing about the wrong things. They should
be concerned instead with discovering
their aptitudes, interests and talents and
then go after them.
In suggesting what can be done to ac
commodate the great influx of students,
Dr. Hardin pointed out that "the increas
ing number of junior colleges is a very
sound development. We find students
transferring from junior colleges to the
University of Nebraska have very good
staying power. They have sampled higher
education, found out they like it and can
take it."
In concluding the forum Dr. Hardin hit
upon an idea that pretty well summed up
all ideas that had been presented during
the forum. He said:
"We have sold the American public on
the fact that education is good for the pay
roll, good for national security, good for
our standard of living, but we have not
done a very good job of selling the notioa
that education is good for the individual,
for the self-satisfactions that he gets from
knowing and from learning. I don't deny
that more tangible rewards, though not
the prime objective, may also follow."
The opinions set forth here make It
clear that the world needs to be full of
people versed in that which they are cap
able of doing best. If this requires a col
lege education then it is a person's right
and privilege to attend college. If a per
son excels in something that does not re
quire a college degree then he should pur
sue that interest proudly.
Vanishing Lamps
Mention one thief and the comment
brings out reports of several others.
In Monday's paper we mentioned the
campus clepto who walked out of the Resi
dence Halls with a television set. Now
comes the report of the "loss" by the Stu
dent Union of several pieces of furniture
some large, some small.
Perhaps the thief thought that he should
be getting more for his $11 a semester.
Perhaps he just wanted a fancy new ash
tray. Nevertheless, a thief by any other
name is still a thief.
What one student removes to furnish his
apartment is denied to the students who
follow. What one removes, another must
pay to see replaced.
It is discouraging to see the superbly
equipped Union open its doors only to have
the furnishings immediately stage a sur
reptitious exodus.
M. E. Speaking
By Carroll Krans would yell and jump off my seat when
The campus dolly clubs sing their new Pat Fischer got rolling in the secondary
school spirit-type songs in the Union to- no matter what the people around me
night to attempt to win a trophy in the might think my maturity was.
latest boost-our-morale movement for old But it's possible to see how a guy or
NU. girl might keep tight-lipped and fast
Word Is that some of , seated at a game to impress their func
the melodies aren't too , tion dates how mature they were and how
bad and might even find f , ii ' all this ahroo was above them,
a niche in future Univers- L Pledges see upperclassmen doing this,
lty rah-rah song books. X , f follow tne example, and sections of stands
Although some people I are silent as tombs,
have commented that the . VTM , This may not be an entirely true state
S?iS fi ' h ment but its a god generalization. So
with a worthy purpose. - -
Along this same line, some chronic com-
plainers have been saying the Nebraskan Seems llke for the Pas few weeks,
is "harping" every time it mentions any- though, a lot of the singing and yelling
thing pertaining to morale. hasn't been for football teams, but for
My personal opinion is that the Rag's der old A1Pha Be,ta Gamma Delta-
comment has been fair and that its at- YeP. sentimental, traditional, old stand-
tackers at times haven't been. I personal- by serenades.
ly do not favor chastising students, facul- Maybe Greek houses really like 'em,
ty or alums for not cheering wildly at but I can't say the same for myself. It's
football games, whether we win or lose. kind of hard to concentrate on B. Frank
But I think it's worthy to raise so-called lin's autobiography when garbled melodies
spirit by rallies, contests and the like. of "not drinking beer with any man who
Isn't that the purpose f Tassels and doesn't drink beer with me" pierce the
Corn Cobs, two important campus or- still night air.
ganizations? I can't wait for winter.
There is a difference between "harping"
and helping. And the latter project, I feel, Still on the subject of songs, I think a
is what the Cobs, Tassels, Cheerleaders few among us could use a lesson in cour-
and Rag are trying to do. tesy and patriotism.
When people talk, laugh and smoke
The subject of dropping football func- when the National Anthem is being played
tions at one of the home games was prior to the football game, it's effrontery
brought iip during the Friday Rag lunch- ( to every citizen and every man who has
eon. " given his life for his country.
Again, at face value, the idea has merit. The heritage of the United States and
Not being noted for concealing my frus- all its glory is reflected in the Anthem,
trations or feelings, I, like a lot of others, We should give it a better audience.
Daily Nebraskaji
R T7TT V.VTVT"! YEARS OTT) the University. The member of the Dally Nebraska
siAii nuyu siMxita wuv gt(H 9ammltf whst they tar. or
Member: Associated Collegiate Press, Inter- do, r u i printed. February 8. 195s.
Collegiate Press Subscription rate are S3 per emester or 15 for th
Eepresentatlve: National Advertising- Serv- tXVS'" fim matter at th. pom .ffie
' Ice, Incorporated ,1 Lincoln, Nebraska. uvSkt the act of Anns , Kit.
PaMIshed at: Boom 20, Student Union Editor .fP"?..L..!'F...Dian. mw.ii
Lincoln, Nebraska ManarfnV Editor ','.'.'.'..'.'.'. .'.WW .7 .'.Carroll Krans
14th & R New Editor Soodra Whalea
Telephone 2-:631, ext. 4225, 4226. 4227 KVEettoEdiiorWWWK.tB
The Dally Nebraskan la published Monday. Tuesday, Copy Editors John Hoerner, Sandra Laaker,
Wednesday and Friday during the school year, emeept Herb Probaseo
diirlnc vacation! and exam period!, by tunnts of the Staff Write Jacqna Janeeek, Karen Long,
En'.renlty of rJehraska onder the authorization of th Done McCartney
Commute o Student Aflalrs a -an expression of (to- Jr. Staff Writer Mike Milroy, Ann Moyer
dent opinion. Publication under the jurisdiction of the BUSINESS STAFF
Subcommittee on Student Publication shall be free Business Manager Stan Kalraaa
from editorial censorship on the part of the Subrnrn- Assistant Business Manager Don Ferguson, GU
mlltee or on the part of any member of the faculty of Grady, Charlene Gross
to tJolversH.', or on the part ui any person outsld Circulation Manager Doug loungdahl
T Tljikji
us; r .j" j
Errant Thoughts
by caesar
dear di
im going to revolt i feel
in me a burning compul
sion to throw off the bonds
of oppression to being about
a new order to rid this
waste land of its curse
dont ask me what the
curse is because im no t s
eliot and havent got that
far yet but surely in the
ridding of different tilings
ill hit upon something
ill begin
ill start with the rote de
partments once in my con
trol ill then have the instru
ment of force i discount the
campus police because they
are merely an instrument
of the administration and of
course ill take that over too
then ill set myself up as
chairman of the tribunal
and thus obtain legal sanc
tion for all my subsequent
manipulations ill stop re
ferring things to dean Col
bert because obviously he
will have to be replaced by
one of my sympathizers.
ill hold all tribunal hear
ings in the stadium so that
the clamoring throngs de
siring open hearings can be
appeased if the weather
proves inclement ill rip the
doors off the coliseum and
move indoors this will cut
the capacity down to about
eight thousand but after
all first come first serve
move over
with the student body
now firmly on my side ill
seize control of the admin
istration itself chancellor
hardin has been wanting to
move on for some time now
anyway i will graciously al
low him to find a place
somewhere else before an
nouncing his resignation
actually he wont have any
choice but then adminy hall
was kind enough to give
the same treatment to a
former member of the
union staff this summer
and 1 feel that i owe every
one at least the same treat
ment i will pay .not a whit of
attention to any of the so
called student governing
bodies despite the fact that
there may be one or two
unenlighted souls among
ram council is ineffective
and most dorm residents
wouldnt care if a bomb was
dropped on campus as long
as it didnt disturb the quad
iwa is really pretty mean
ingless at best panehl will
still be discussing last
weeks coke dates etc .
ifc wrangling
and the ifc will be doing
nothing but wrangling over
good rush books that are
late and whether or not
there should be pledge
sneaks or what kind of
pledge training there
should be i would tell them
just to do away with pledge
ship and have a campus
wide initiation on the mon
day following rush week but
maybe thats too simple a
and the biggest mistake
on campus the student
council or maybe it should
be renamed the nebraska
council will as usual be
bogged down in senseless
detail doing lots of nothing
but accomplishing less
so boss you can easily
see that any opposition that
quickly be lost since every
one will sit and talk while
my defenders will rally to
rally rally
yes rally rally
and speaking of rallies 1
think ill hold one this friday
night in front of the union
to see how many supporters
i have so if you hear wild
cheering friday night youll
know my plans have met
with great acclaim
you wonder Vhat in the
world this is all about but
you would do better to won
der what i have been drink
ing casesar
There is nothing to compare with our
new Oval Cut diamonds for clarity,
radiance and brilliance ,
Only in limited supply. So please coma
early for your choice.
Priced From $185.00
"O" Street
. By George Haecker
. :- 1
From out the rumbling
animations of our prolific
environment there some
times emerges a thing of
notability. Between the
tee meet
ings and
the day to
day events
lurks a
c o n c e p-
tinn. With
in the mud there lies a
jewel. I speak of the new
SiiPldon Memorial Art Gal
lery. Wow I don't imply that
the student body had any
real influence on this posi
tive step toward a more
elegant campus. ,
The Same Time
For at the same time
hey are exposed to a ra
diant building they are
equally forced to put up
with the monstrosity that
Elgin left behind. I think,
however, that the Board of
Regents deserves a round
of applause for their some
what unhampered attitude
toward a work of art. It is
too often, I'm afraid, that
the practical and economi
cal purposal gains the favor
of the status quo mind.
And I am more than
pleased that the Regents
burned their budgets and
practical viewpoints in, or
der to achieve a building of
significance. I hear from
the architect, Philip John
son, that a beautiful build
ing is their emphasis of
concern. This, of course, is
more than an Important
It rarely occurs to the
average student of a uni
versity to reflect on the
basic values which govern
his existance. I should think
one of these values would
be the atmosphere in which
he lives.
Its Effect
A beautiful physical en
vironment is valuable only
in its effects on the mind.
If a building can provoke
pleasing and happy
thoughts, radiate a feeling
of life, and give an atmos.
Shere of culture to its in
abitants, then it serves a
double purpose, with tha
monlal benefits far more
important than its physical
I think the value of a
beautiful campus or build
ing can readily be seen in
thiJ light. This iswhy the
new art gallery is of con
siderable importance.
I wish the campus spirit
could be directed more to
ward the appreciation cf
these cultured values. I
should hope we coulf find
this a better object of con
rentratlon for a general
feeling of appreciation,
which we call spirit. I think
the new art gallery could
well provoke this feeling
... in time anyway.
To be in and around
esthetic objects is a stimu
lating experience. It broad
ens the mind and pleases
the eye. And whatever your
work may be, the atmos
phere of its operation can
be very essential to its suc
cess. More Perhaps
This is why I am pleased
to see a real effort being
made toward an elegant
building. I hops the student
body can show as much ap
preciation for this victory of
culture as they can for a
gridiron victory, much
more perhaps.
And I anticipate that
Idealistic day when we will
beauty above us,
beauty below us,
arid beauty all around us.
(AuUwr of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf" "The Many
Lorn of Dobie Gillis", efc.)
Next Saturday at the football game while you are sitting in youf
choice student's seat behind the end zone, won't you give a
thought to Alario Sigafoos?
Alaric Sigafoos (1868-1934) started life humbly on a farm
near Thud, Kansas. His mother and father, both named Ralph,
were bean-gleaners, and Alaric became a bean-gleaner too. Later
he moved to Oregon and found work with a logging firm as a
stump-thumper. Then he went to North Dakota where he
tended the furnace in a granary (wheat-heater). Then he drifted
to Texas where he tidied up oil fields (pipe-wiper). Then to
Arizona where he strung dried fruit (fig-rigger). Then to Ken
tucky where he fed horses at a breeding farm (oat-toter). Then
to Long Island where he dressed poultry (duck-plucker). Then .
to Alaska where he drove a delivery van for a bakery (bread
sledder). Then to Minnesota where he cut up frozen lakes (ice
slicer). Then to Nevada where he computed odds in a gambling
house (dice-pricer). Then to Milwaukee where he pasted camera
lenses together (Zeiss-splicer).
Finally he went to Omaha where he got a job in a tannery
beating pig hides until they were soft and supple (hog-flogger.)
Here he found happiness at last.
Why, you ask, did he find happiness at Inst? Light a firm and
fragrant Marlboro, taste those better makin's, enjoy that filter
that filters like no other filter filters, possess your souls in sweet
content, cross your little fat legs, and read on.
Next door to Alaric's hog-floggery was an almond grove owned
by a girl named Chimera Emrick. Chimera was pink and whita
and marvelously hinged, and Alaric was instantly in love. Each
day he came to the almond grove to woo Chimera, but she, alas,
stayed cool.
Then one day Alaric got a brilliant idea. It was the day be
fore the annual Omaha Almond Festival. On this day, aa every
one knows, ail the almond growers in Omaha enter floats in tha
big parade. These floats always consist of large cardboard al
monds hanging from large cardboard almond trees.
Alaric's inspiration was to stitch pieces of pigskin together
and inflate them until they looked like big, plump almonds.
"These sure beat skinny old cardboard almonds," said Alario
to himself. "Tomorrow they will surely take first prize for
Chimera and she will be mine I"
Early the next morning Alaric carried his lovely inflated pig
skin almonds over to Chimera, but she, alas, had run off during
the night with Walter T. Severidge, her broker. Alaric flew into
such a rage that he started kicking his pigskin almonds all over
the place. And who should be walking by that very insant but
Abner Doubleday!
, Mr. Doubleday had invented baseball the day before, and he
was now trying to invent football, but he was stymied because
he couldn't figure out what kind of ball to use. Now, seeing
Alaric kick the pigskin spheroids, his problem was suddenly
solved. "Eureka!" he cried and ran to his drawing board and
invented football, which was such a big success that he was in
spired to go on and invent lacrosse, Monopoly, run sheep run,
andny'0tl- l.NHa.s.a
When you go to next Sat urdny's game, take along the perfect
football companion-Marlboro Cigarettes or Philip Morri
SS:?,M ettes-all a aelight-Zll spon.