The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1959, Image 1

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    Priceless Sign Wins Trophy
V 5
Vol. 34, No.
Tuesday, October 6, 1959
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TOP SIGN Pledge Ron Cougill proudly holds the trophy Theta Xi won for having the best
sign at last Friday's rally. ,
Karl Shapiro Opens
Faculty Round Table
Karl Shapiro, English pro
fessor and Pulitzer-Prize win
ning poet, opened the Univer
sity's Faculty Round Table
last night.
The .Round Table was
formed last year to promote
intellectual exchanges among
the faculty.
Peace Preservation
Talking on the failure of
governments to preserve
peace, Shapiro examined the
alternatives from "states
manship," including a consid
eration of William James
theory of "moral equivalent
of war," the effects of Ghan
di's theories in America, and
of the development of the
idea of "Non-Participation"
in the affairs of mod
ern industrial and scientific
The title, of his speech was
"The Idea of Peace".
MB's Plan
An activities orientation
program for freshmen wom
en. "Activities NU!," will be
held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in
the Student Union Ballroom.
The program, sponsored by
Mortar Board, senior women's
honorary, will be held prior
to the AWS Activities Mart
which will be held Oct. 14.
The purpose of the pro
gram is to acquaint fresh
men women with the functions
and activities of campus or
ganizations. It was started last year on
the assumption that students
often become involved in or
ganizations which they do not
1 1
like because they know noth
ing about them before they
sign up.
After the program, presi
dents of the organizations will
be present to answer any
questions that might be
Activities represented will
be Student Union. Builders,
Red Cross, Aquaquettes, re
ligious groups, Orchesis, Tas
sels, NUCWA, Student Coun
cil YWCA, Cornhusker, Daily
Nebraskan, AUF, Yell Squad,
AWS, Coed Counselors, Cos
mopolitan Club, IWA and
Hall Joins
Dr. William E. Hall; direc
tor of the School pf Journal
ism, was recently selected to
serve on a panel of judges to
select the winners of the
Catherine L. O'Brien Award
to the authors of newspaper
stories of "greatest interest
and significance to the Amer
ican woman."
First prize winner will re
ceive a $500 cash award plus
the opportunity to give a $1,
000 Journalism Scholarship to
any student he or she selects
from the community. Two
other cash awards will be
given. )
Practice Session Planned
For Modern Dance Club
Orchesis, the University
modern dance club, will hold
a practice session Oct. 14,
prior to tryouts for the group
on Oct. 21.
Anyone interested in trying
out for the organization is
urged to attend the practice
session at 7 p.m. in the girls'
gym in Grant Memorial Hall,
according to Penny Sandrlt
ter, publicity chairman of
No previous dancing expe
rience is neceary, but a
basic feeling of rhythm is de
sirable, Miss Sandritter said.
Men and women are en
couraged to try out, she add
The validity of these alter
natives as instruments toward
achievement of some kind of
peace then femed a subject
of discussion by those attend
ing the Round Table.
Faculty, graduate students
and their wives attend the
"We feel that a faculty,
properly, is not simply
a subdivision of the total uni
versity organization," Dr.
Robert Dewey, chairman of
the Round Table, explained
A faculty constitutes an !
intellectual community and
such through some sort of for
mal organization, he said.
"When scholarly work is in
progress here at the Univer
sity, it should get a hearing
on this campus and not only
at professional meetings in
Chicago or New York. Hence
the need for a faculty round
Other meetings during the
year and their speakers are
Nov. 2, Peter Worth, profes
sor of art, "False Clarity and
William James' Reinstate
ment of the Vague"; Dec. 7,
forum on the subject "Should
We Train an Intellectual
Elite?"; Jan. 4, Dr. Charles
Patterson, professor of philos
ophy, "The Influence of Dar
win on Ethical Theory."
Feb. 1, forum on "Science
and Morality"; March 7, Dr.
AlanBates, "Another Look at
Conformity and Deviation";
April 4, Dr. Oets Bouwsma,
professor of philosophy, "Witt
genstein"; and May 2, Sam
uel K. Eddy, assistant profes
sor of history, "How to .be a
Forum participants will be
announced at a later date.
Shapiro Writes
Opera Libretto
Pulitzer Prize-winning poet
Karl Shapiro, University Eng
lish professor, was announced
as the author of the libretto
for a one-act opera, "The Ten
or," recently released by the
Westminster Hi-Fi Recording
Hugo Wcisgall of Baltimore
composed music for the op
era, which is based on "Der
Kammersaenger" by Frank
Wedekind. The Vienna State
Opera Orchestra is perform
ing the opera. y '
-Women's News Stories
O'Brien Aivard Panel
The purpose of the award
is to encourage a better pres
entation of women's pages in
newspapers throughout this
According to Dr. Hall, the
women's pages are the weak
est areas of American jour
nalism. The American wom
an is interested in mofe than
tea and engagements. She 'is
not getting this news in the
women's pages, he said.
"Women are taking an in
creasing role in America for
she is in every profession. I
feel that it is time that wom-
ed. Presently the member
ship is between 20 and 25,
with only three men on the
The activities of the club in
clude an annual Spring Show,
the television appearances in
January on KUON-TV and a
program for the Newcomers
The regular meeting times
are spent practicing various
routines to be used in shows,
discussing new ideas and lis
tening to music to be used
in newly developed dances.
Time is also devoted to learn
ing basic techniques and exercises.
, , , i ii k--- ,
All Gals
Will Sing
For Cup
Old, New Songs
Will Be Heard
Tryouts for the Tassel-Corn
Cobs song contest are
Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m. in the Student Union
All women's organized
houses' will be participating in
the contest. Groups may
either think up new words to
an old tune, invent both a new
u'ne nd wo,ds si"S an ol(J
school song with the most
Six .to 10 members of a
house are to present the song.
Each group also is instructed
to bring thrne copies of the
song to the tryouts.
Three songs will be selected
for presentation at the rally
Friday. Judging will be based
on originality, suitability for
use at rallies, games, etc.,
audience appeal and presen
tation. A trophy wil be awarded at
the rally to the group with the
best song. All persons are
welcome to attend the tryouts,
according to Howard Kooper,
chairman of the committee.
Tryont Schedule
1:S Alpha Chi Omura
1-M Alpha Omlcron Pf
7:40 AlDha Phi
1:45 Alpha XI Delta
?:M Chi Omrfa
:55 Delia Delta Delta
I:(K1 Delta Gamma
11:05 Gamma Phi Hr z
1:10 Kappa Alpha Theta
:I5 Kappa Delta
:2 Kappa Kappa Gamma
11:25 Pt Beta Phi
1:30 Sigma Kappa
:,15 Zeta Tan Alpha
11:40 SMraia Dalta Taa
:45 Lave Memorial Hall
1:50 Tawne Clota
11:55 Terrace Hall
1:00 Fedde Hall
:05 Piper Hall
:10 Raymond Hall
:15 Heppner Hall
1:10 Love Hall
Demos To Have
Noon Session
Young Democrats will hold
a combination luncheon-business
meeting Wednesday
noon in HOB Student Union.
The meeting will be held to
discuss the constitution, meet
ing agendas and a mem
bership drive. All those
interested are invited to at
tend. The next regular meeting
will be Oct. 14 in 322 Union
at 8 p.m. The new constitu
tion will be discussed and
committee chairmen will be
selected. en's pages began to take this
new role into consideration."
Upon his selection .to his
panel Dr. Hall said he felt it
was a "recognition of the
stature of the School of Jour
nalism for this shows that our
school is among tire top jour
nalism schools in the coun
try." Also serving on the panel
of judges with Dr. Hall are
Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest, Treas
urer of the United States;
Miss Amy Vanderbilt, author
of Amy Vanderbilt's Com
plete Book of Etiquette; and
Dr. Margaret Mead, Associ
ate Curator of Ethnology,
American Museum of Natural
Other panel members are
Dr. Robert L. Jones, Direc
tor, School of Journalism,
University of Minnesota; Dr.
George J. Kienzle, Director,
School of Journalism, Ohio
State University; Dr. Inabel
B. Lindsay, Dean, School of
Social Work, Howard Univer
sity. Dr. Jeremiah L. O'Sullivan,
Dean, School of Journalism,
Marquette University; Dr.
Ruth E. S m a 1 1 e y, Dean,
School of Social Work, Uni
versity of Pennsylvania; and
Dr. Rae O. Weimer, Director,
School of Journalism and
Communications, University
of Florida.
ohnson Calls Art Gallery
By Mike Milroy
"This is, by far, the best
building I have ever de-
This statement was made
by Philip Johnson, famous
New York architect, who has
been employed to design the
new Sheldon Art Gallery.
Discuss Plans
Johnson was in town Mon
day to discuss present ideas j
for the future plans with
Chancellor Clifford M. liar-1
FIRST SHOWING Philip Johnson, architect for the Shel
don Art Gallery, shows a model of part of the proposed
building to interested designers-to-be.
Homecoming Display
Entries Due Monday
. . . Expense Limit Set at
House display entries for
Homecoming are due next
Monday noon.
Entries may be placed in
the Innocents Society mailbox
in the Student Union base
ment and must include a de-
tailed sketch and explanation
of the display along with a
$15 entry fee. In case of du
plication, the entry submitted
first will be accepted.
The expense limit is set at
$150. Houses must check the
current retail value of all ma
terial used.
Equipment owned, bor
rowed, rented or obtained in
any other fashion must list
a rental value. All materials
will be assessed by an ap
praisal team of men in the
fields of sound, electric, light
ing, lumber and scaffolding
on Oct. 31.
.AH material must be out
side on the lawn by 3 p.m.
Organizations surpassing the
limit will be disqualified.
By 6:30 p.m. all decorations
are to be completed and will
operate from 6:30 to 10 p.m.
For the benefit of visitors,
houses are asked to keep their
decoration intact until after
the game and operate the dis
plays Saturday from 11 a.m.
to 1 p.m.
The displays will be judged
on originality, stlractiveness,
construction and general re
lationship to or identification
with opponents. A reference
to Homecoming and alums
must be incorporated.
Gain Shown
In English 3
There are some surprising
results in freshman English
enrollment this year com
pared with last year, accord
ing to Dudley Bailey, associ
ate professor of English.
A big increase came in the
freshman composition course,
English 3, with an increase
of more than 300 students over
last year's enrollment.
At the same time, the fresh
man English course having
the largest enrollment in pre
vious years, English B, shows
a decreased enrollment of
more than 100 students.
' English A, English 1, Eng
lish 2 and English 4 show only
slight enrollment increases or
Better high school prepara
tion or just more good stu
dents are given as reasons for
the biff change in Lr.glish 3
I and other courses, Bailey
said. '
I've Ever Designed'
din and other officials. He
also presented a lecture on
architecture and his ideals to
a large audience made up
mostly of American Institute
of Architects members.
Johnson said he designed
the Sheldon Art Gallery to
eliminate all the prejudices
he has against museum archi
tecture. He began with a
prejudice he called
This fatigue
First, second and third
place plaques will be awarded
in the women's division, men
large house division, and
men's small house division.
Traveling trophies will be
awarded to winners in t h e
; men's and women's divisions.
Russ Series
Terry Mitchem, who spent
40 hours in the Soviet Un
ion this summer relates
her experiences in the third
of a series of articles as
told to staff member Herb
See Page 4
is present
Vending Casinos:
Silver-Eatiim Machines
Small change artists have
struck cair.pus.
Better known as silver
eating vending machines, a
number of them are found
in the new Student Union.
Seven are in the basement
and the third floor claims
Four in Lunch Room
The commuter's lunch
room in the Union basement
has four vending machines.
One of these is the hot drink
machine which offers two,
kinds of soup, hot choco
late and three combinations
each of coffee and tea.
Several small buttons that
allow extra portions are an
added feature.
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LUNCH TIME Lincoln students make the
most of vending facilities at lunch hour
in the Student Union commuter's lunch
museums where the public
feels it is lost in a catacomb
of rooms, he explained.
Reference Point
His design proposes a two
story center through the
building which will divide all
the galleries into small gal
leries. This will eliminate the
feeling of being lost by pro
viding a quick reference point
in the huge center, Johnson
said. This reference point
will be in view most of the
time from any gallery, he
Johnson is presently work
ing on five museums. One of
the major problems in de
signing museums, he stated,
is the problem of placing fire
escapes where people who
use them will not walk
through a picture in doing so,
yet will not have access to
the fire escape to use as a
means to steal valuable paint
ings and other pieces of art.
This problem is thought to be
very minor, however, John
son" said.
One of Johnson's personal
goals in designing the gallery
was to attract people into the
building by "having the mu
seum say 'art museum' to the
passer-by without words."
Two Stories
The building will be con
structed on a podium and will
have a height of approxi
mately 55 feet. It is to be a
two-story edifice constructed
of concrete covered with a
light stone called traventine.
Johnson manifests his "own
architectural desires" in the
design of this building, he
said. He included the factor
of "historical simplicity" into
his design, commenting that
"originality is dangerous."
Beauty is one of the key
notes of the design, he said,
in accordance with his belief
that it is our (architects) duty
to change our surroundings
from dull to magnificent."
Plans Not Completed
The building is to be built
on the corner of 12 and R
Streets where the old Phar
macy building used to stand.
It will be situated so that it
faces both the old and the
new campuses, and it will
be possible to look through
the lobby from east to west.
Completed plans for the
building are not yet available.
They are still tentative pend
ing approval by the Board of
The budget of the building
Teenage Project
Teenage Project, of the Ne
braska Resources Foundation,
will meet tonight at 7 p.m. in
the Student Union.
Other machines in the
room include a candy ma
chine offering six kinds of
candy, a cold drink machine
and fin ice-cream vendor
offering ice-cream bars,
"drumstic ks and ice
cream sandwiches.
An investigation of the
mechanics of the machines
reveals that all but the can
dy machines are electrical
ly operated. They keep con
tents cold or hot by means
- of cooling and heating units.
Union in Charge
Walter Stockton, opera
tions manager of the Union,
reported that the Union is
in charge of the vendors
there and also most of the
alaimw'Witiw' ' ' - f ti ir -" aiwi a i i - mm i
. allows approximately two and
one-half million dollars to be
spent upon construction.
Rough drafts for the art gal
lery have taken almost two
years, and the completed
plans are not expected to be
available for a few months
Money for the building was
donated by the Sheldon es
tate. "Most ExpensIveH
The gallery has been al
'uded to as "the most ex
pensive building ever con
structed in this part of the
country" by qualified people.
Johnson is famous as one
of the foremost architects in
America and has designed
such famous buildings as the
Museum of Modern Art An
nex and Sculpture Court and
the Glass House in New York
He served as Director of
the Department of Architec
ture and Design at the Mu
seum of Modern Art in New
York from 1946 to 1950. He
was a student of art until he
reached the age of 35. He
then became an architect. He
has also written several
books on design, architecture
and an architectural history.
Play Tryouts
This Week
Any university student in
terested in acting is eligible to
try out for roles in three one
act plays to be presented by
Laboratory Theatre, it was
announced Monday by Dr.
Joseph Baldwin, associate
professor of speech and dra
matic art.
Tryouts are scheduled Wed
nesday from 3 to 5 p.m., Room
201 Temple and Thursday aft
ernoon, 3 to 5 p.m., R om
301B Temple.
Directed by students en
rolled in the advanced direct
ing course, the plays will be
presented in the Studio The
tre, Temple, Nov. 12 and 13.
"Bo," an original script
written by Charles Weather
ford, graduate of the Univer
sity, will be directed by Bill
Milldyke, assisted by Karen
Walker as production man
ager. "Hello out There," by Wil
liam Saroyan, will be directed
by Leanne Jensen. Production
manager is Luther Frost.
Anton Chekhov's comedy,
"The Boor," will be directed
by John Wilson, with Richard
Marrs serving as production
Hit NU Land
other vending machines
found in other buildings on
The money from the ma
chines goes into general op
eration funds of the Union
and is used in various ways
to maintain Union services.
The average return for a
vending machine is usually
between $50 and $100 a
month, according to Stock
ton. The drink machines
seem to be most popular
among the students, he said.
The 24 machines located
on campus are serviced
daily by the Kwik Kate Co.,
one of the largest vendor
servicing agents in the .
country, Stockton said.
room. Ice cream, hot and cold drinks and
a candy machine are featured.