Poge 4 77)'s Win Foot of Sod; Extra Point Club Grows . . . Campus Collects More r,,han S600 By Ann Mover The Kappa Deltas will be the proud pos sesrors of one square foot of sod taken from the football field at the end of the season. The sod Is the prize offered by the Ne braska Extra Point Club to the organiza tion on campus which sold the most Extra Point pins. The KD's sold $103 worth, while Delta Tau Delta placed second collecting $100 and Farmhouse sold 76 pins for third place. The total collected on campuc was more than $600, well above last years sales total. To Draw Planter Kappa Delta will draw from among the groups who did not sell any pins to de termine the planter of the sod. The Extra Point Club idea was origin ated over coffee cups by a group of Lin coln businessmen headed by Joe Yetman. The idea was approved by "the University and the Chib was incorporated in 1957. The purpose of the Club is to allow per sons to contribute to the University grant-in-aid athletic program. Membership in the Club costs $1 annually. Supporters who felt they were not finan cially able to belong to such organizations as the Touchdown Club welcomed the ad vantage to contribute in smaller amounts through the Extra Point Club. The club also makes it possible for people of all ages to participate, Club officials added. The name of the group evolved from the dollar membership solicitation. When par alleled with football jargon it led .to the name Extra Point Club. Coordinate Activities A five-member Board of Directors co ordinates the activities of the club. Presi dent of the board is Lou Roper, Lincoln businessman and former University foot ball player. Roper reported that in the first year of operation, 1957, the club contributed $4,500 to the athletic scholarship fund. The amount increased in 1938 to $6,000. Mandel Play In Verse Being Cast "The Monk Who Wouldn't," a short play in verse, will be this year's Art Gallery read ing selection. The play was written by Oscar Mandel, assistant pro fessor of English, and is di rected by John Hall. Mandel said the play is based on "attitudes toward sex" and might be termed a "lyricalynical comedy." He added he wrote it sev eral years ago using an idea from a Japanese play he saw m Tokyo. Casting is now underway. Mandel said he would like men "who can read poetry." Anyone interested should call Dr. Louis Crompton or John Hall at University extension 3146 or call Dr. Crompton at 3-1378. The cast includes four peo plea hunter, a peddler, a monk and a woman. Dairy Judgers Compete Today The University varsity dairy judging team will com pete In the National Intercol legiate Dairy Judging Contest fci Waterloo, Iowa, today. The team, accompanied by faculty coach Jack Juiken, will compete with a number of dairy judging teams from throughout the nation. The Judging contest is being held in conjunction with, the Na tional Dairy Cattle Congress. Members of the team, all dairy husbandry majors at Ag College, are Robert Paine, Marshall Kuhr and Don Kavan. T USED REFRIGERATORS start 24.00 and up GOODYEAR STORES 1918 "O" St. SPEEDWAY MOTORS 171 9 N St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Speed Equipment, Hollywood Mufflers Typewriters For Ren! Royal Underwood Smith Remington Try Our Rental-Purchase Plan Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. US No. 11th Phon 2-4284 Typewriter Ribbons Put On This year's goal has been set at $18,000. According to Roper, $4,500 already has been turned in and $7,500 more collected clubs throughout the stale. The eventual goal of the Club is to col lect $50,000 annually. Roper explained he felt the growing in terest in Nebraska sports, especially foot ball, was becoming more evident. He cited the expanding size of the Point Club and the growing crowds at the games as evidence. When asked his opinion of the import ance of the University's grant-in-aid pro ' gram, he replied, "If the University wants to compete in athletics with major col leges, money for athletic scholarships is a necessity. Without it, Nebraska will be forced to compete with smaller schools." Jenning's Praised In regard to the University's athletic de partment. Roper commented that he felt Coach Bill Jennings had done a "wonder ful job." He said Jennings had initiated a positive attitude among the team members, not only toward scholastic ratings. Roper also cited Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin's en thusiasm for sports as an important fac tor in the improvement of the department. When questioned about the part school spirit played in the performance of the team Roper said, "Although the players do not actually hear the cheering, they can feel the excitement and enthusiasm of the crowd. If this feeling is present a team can almost do the impossible." i Disappointment Roper was a varsity player at "the Uni versity from 1947-1951. He said he had been greatly disappoint ed by the team's reception at the airport after their Minnesota win last week. He estimated only two hundred persons were present and said he recalled the team's return from a similar victory in 1951. They were greeted by a crowd of 4 000 and the University band. Opportunities Arc Open In Foreign Service Foreign Service Officer ex ams to select senior and grad uate students for work in the Foreign Service Corps will be administered by the State De partment on Dec. 5. Eligibility for the exam re quires that the applicant be at least 21 and under 32 years of age as of Oct. 19. Persons 20 years of age may apply only if they hold a bachelor's Three-Week Meter Total Hits $154.58 First financial reports for the newly installed campus parking meters have been an nounced by the head of the University police, Capt. Eu gene Masters. A total of $96.38 was col lected Sept. 23 for a two-week period. Total for the follow ing week was $58.20. Masters reminded students that only those with parking stickers can use the new me ter area east of the Student Union. Hours are from 7 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and 7 a.m. until noon on Saturdays. Students can obtain the $1 parking stickers from 3 until 5 p.m. at the campus police office in the Geography Build ing. Tickets for overparking are $1 if paid within five days, $2 after five days and $4 after 10 days, according to Masters. He said collections will be made weekly from the 33 two hour, 33 four-hour and six 12 minute meters. Credits Course To Be Offered Basic knowledge of credits and collections will be given in a certificate course in Credit and Financial Manage ment which starts Wednesday in Administration Hall. Dr. Keith Broman, asso ciate professor of business or ganization and management, will instruct the course. The College of Business Ad ministration and the Univer sity Extension Division are sponsoring the course in co operation with the Lincoln Association of Credit Men. Classes will be held at 7 p.m. for eight eonsecutive i Wednesdays. degree or are seniors. U.S. Citizens Applicants must be Ameri can citizens or at least nine years' standing and a candi date's wife must attain citi zenship before time of ap pointment. The exam consults of a one day test of the candidate's fa cility in English expression, general .ability and back ground and foreign language proficiency. Those successful will be given, within nine months, an oral examination by panels throughout the United States. Candidates recommended by oral examining panels wiil then be given a physical ex am and a background investi gation. Broad Backgrounds In recruiting officers, the Foreign Services seeks men and women with broad and general backgrounds. Xew positions now also are being filled with persons with spe cialized training. John Earry, who has been with the Foreign Service since 1951, will be in ,212 Social Sci ences today to talk to students interested in Foreign Service opportunities. lfllWf! Soltm's amaiini new HIGH POROSITY papw "oir-offnt" ivsry puff. t k T t n n ii n rx - jj' c .ootfiinij . .. iiiri',, n'lilff -'aafc rnrrrilhrtfiiri! The Daily Nebroskon Painted Headpin Gives Free Line Beginning today, persons who roll a strike at the Student Union bowling al leys while a headpin paint ed the opposing teams' col or is in the headpin posi tion will receive a free game. One headpin will be paint ed each week. When the colored pin drops into po sition, the bowler notifies the controller at the games desk. If a strike is, rolled, the bowler earns a ,free game. There are no limits as to the number of free games. The offer is good duriijg open bowling from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Out-of-Staters Soon Need Licenses Out-of-state students who have not obtained a Ne braska driver's license are reminded that they should do so on or before Oct. 14, ac cording to J. B. Fournier of the St'ulent Council parking board. Fournier pointed out that Gov. Ralph G. Brooks has re cently declared a crack-down on motorists in an attempt to build better safety hab its. State safety patrolmen are, for this reason, stopping motorists without warning to examine their operator's per mit. Nebraska licenses must be renewed by Nov. 1, but out-of-state licensed drivers have only 30 days following the time they establish con tinuous residence in Nebras ka. Since classes began Sept. 14, this means most students will need a Nebraska license on or before Oct. 14. Any stu dent arrested after this date he will be required to com ply with all laws pertaining to the residents of the state. AWS Rules For Visitors Are Clarified "Men are allowed to wait for their dates during AWS quiet hours, although they are not allowed to stay any length of time," Polly Doering. pres ident of AWS, explained. She added that boys call ing for dates at the Women's Residence Halls were asked to wait in the Pine Room. Men are allowed to remain in houses during visiting hours which are 12 noon to 1 p.m.; 4 to 7 p.m. and 9:30 to 10:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, men may be in the house from 12 noon to 12:30 a.m. j Saturday's hours are 12 noon to 1 a.m. and Sunday's are 12 noon to 11 p.m. Members of women stu dents' families may be in houses at any time. ' -'If.'fllt.: mi V,i r--.-Z3 . . ,j - - a-sj. i New cigarette paper "air-softens" every puff! Wow vn th paper sddls aieirt's springtime InvitibU porous openinot blond just tHt right amount of air with ooch puff to givo you a softse, froshor, von men ooef ul smoko. Shannon Voices Views On Religion in Politics By Harv Perlman "The fact that there are a number of prominent Catho lics, including Sen. John Ken nedy in particular, that are mentioned for the presidency, brings ,to our attention the role of religion in America's politics," says Dr. Jasper Shannon, chairman of the po litical science department. Since the defeat of Catholic Al Smith in his try for the presidency in 1929, religion has been a major issue in any political platform, Dr. Shan non said. Now the religion .' c tor comes to the spotlight again in the political future of Sen. Kennedy, he added. Not As Prominent Religion will not be as prominent a factor in the coming election as it was 32 years ago, Dr. Shannon said. The difference, Dr. Shan non said, is the difference be tween the two men, Smith and Kennedy. Smith personi fied characteristics that ur ban people didn't like, he said. "Smith was somewhat un couth and had a lack of cul ture and education while Ken nedy is a member of a wealthy and cultivated fam ily," Dr. Shannon comment ed. More Sophistication Another reason he gave for the difference of feeling to wards religion and the presi dency was "more sophistica tion on the part of the Catho lic Church with regard fo pol itics." By bringing the problem to the Midwest, Shannon said he felt that perhaps the religion question will affect the vote more in this region. Looser party ties will influ ence this area. "The farmer," said Dr. Shannon, "is inclined to vote Democratic because of the Republican farm policy, but the religion factor may let ' , . . the right more n In the winning fathion of Arrow knit sfcrl you f I sport championship style. The flattering collar V s f feature the bultondown in front ond center bark. ir r ' 'J Built-in comfort, enduring fit in 100 cotton knit. Vq jff Interesting patterns in long or short sleeves. Jfr l'; lj 15.00 up. t -ARROW- TN 7f 0 loch Saturday sm th NCAA toV tj 2-. P boll "Own ( m WMk"-NBC TV fc ' - .fe -SfMiworntl by ARROW. i I IL t V " 3 An important break-through in Salem's research laboratories brings you this special new High Porosity paper which breathes new freshness into the flavor. Each puff on a Salem draws just enough menthol fresh tip the scales one way or the ether." Another reason for the Mid - west being religiously influ enced is the fact that this part of the country was settled more by Protestant groups, hence, historical memories of clashes is more evident, he noted. A more rational and less emotional approach to this question is expected by Dr. Shannon on evidence that sev eral Catholic governors have come out against Kennedy and other prominent Catho lic politicians are supporting non-Catholic candidates. Dr. Shannon also said that if Kennedy does not obtain the nomination for the presi dency he may accept the nom ination for the vice-presidency. "In this fashion," said Dr. Shannon, "religion will play a prominent part in under cover consideration of both parties. It doesn't appear now that the same bitterness will be aroused as in 1928." Travel Program Starts Tuesday Passport, a KUON-TV pro gram designed for those in terested in travel, starts Tues day at 8:30 p.m. on Channel 12. Miss B. J. Holeomb, who led the University Student Un ion's first annual European tour this summer, Js the co ordinator for the series. A graduate of the Univer sity, Miss Holeomb has trav eled in Europe extensively and was civilian chief of TV newsreel for the' U.S. Army headquarters there. Members of the University staff who have lived in var ious foreign countries will lecture. iTiiv' ii pjatifiiii'i iir'-"iMu-iirn freshness! V, Attn , ? ,frffi?A..-... T..l..r3rv' ifttt-. .-nerf" -ftrtnim m rn,nil)iiwii"iiiiMifc fresh air in through the paper to make the fpoke taste even softer, fresher, more flavor ful'U you've enjoyed Salem's spring time freshness before, you'll be even more pleased now.Smoke refreshed, smoke Salem ! rich tobacco taste modern filter, too Monday, October 5, 1959 Band Day Will Feature 64 Schools The University's annual Band Day Oct. 17 will see 1 3,417 musicians and twirlcrs invade the campus. Sixty-four Nebraska high, school bands have been se lected to participate. The bands will parade through downtown Lincoln in the morning and perform at the half-time intermission of th' N e b r a s k a-Indiana football game. The bands and their direc tors are: Arcadia. Mrs. Kermlt Erlcsnnt Beaver Vallev, G. W. Baisinsert Beemer, Naidn Watson: Boelus, Mn. Grace Ferris: Bovi Town. Ira C.eorse: Brarishux. Sam Haynes: Brady, Keith Lysinger: Coleridge. Boralee Wood: Cook, Mim Maxine Hahn: Dorchester. Carol Eber spacher: Klwood, Mrs. Ed Giffordt Eus tis, Garrett Kritien, Exeter, Pelmar Bohlmeyer. Falrnury. Kenneth Fanstt Fairmont. Floyd RiimuiMDt Franklin. E. Ionell Harti Fremont, W. K. Olseii Oenot. Robert Grerni Oothenburi, Richard Manchkai Grand liland. Or. Panl Sell: Harvard. John Minjhalll llattinfi, F.d Testmeleri Hebron, Michael Kaibat Hoi brook, Mrt. Delaine Alcorn: Homer. Blaine Spronli Howella, Jonenh Van Arkerioni Kearney. Ralph Kponfberf. Laurel, Kusene Wataoni Loomia. Gavle Riweerans: Madison, Donald Raymer. Milford. C, Daryle Hunt! Minden. B.ll Larson: Mullen, Norbert Schuerman: Murdork. Walter Hutchison: Nebraska Citv, M. D. McKenneyj NeliKh, Rolien Nohaver; Nelaon, Mrs. Mildred Leigh; Newman Grove, Paul Doris; Norfolk. Merlon V. Welch: Lincoln Norlheasu. Dunne Schultr; North LoupScotia, Lj an Novy: Oakland. L. D. Schuleiu Udell. Harold Chatelin Osallala, Dave Kinsman: O'NflN. Duane Miller: Onreoln, Anneile Mnr Joriant Oshkiwh, Godfrey Marhal, Jr.: Oxford, l.alrd McCormirki Palmer. Ell worth Mumma: Papllllon, J. P. Hinds: Pawnee City, H. A. Srhreneli Pender. Larry Maehenstadt: Polk, Norman Mr lntonhi Ponea, Jo Ann Hoecki Kaliton. Jerry Chalupa. Randolph, Ray Friday; Ravenna, t. Dwlttht Oilman; Red Cloud, Virslnie. Brown; Roikville, Frovin Ratmussen; Mikkley, Bill Jenkins; Stapieton. Har old Sheley; Superior, Roger Brendlc; Wayne, Harold Osboin and Wisner, J. L. Herweg. Ak Engineers Meet Wednesday SV Summer employment will be discussed at the Agricul tural Engineering Associa tion's meeting Wednesday evening. The meeting will be held in 206 Ag Engineering Hall at 7 p.m. A group picture for the Cornhusker also will be taken. -o(ptS' nwwuas to im. $3 Created b B. J. Ktrnoidi Tooaeea Compano refreshes your taste NOW MORE WAN EVER