The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1959, Image 1

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    Half 'Hello' Finalists Picked
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Vol. 34, No
Friday, October 2, 1959
'Non-Profit' Concessions
0 X
Pay Own Way in Union
Bennett Answers Fees Question
girls vrere selected Wednesday night as
finalists for Hello Girl. Standing left to
Stute, Wells,
Are Selected
Five independent girls have
been selected as finalists for
the title of Hello Girl.
The winner will be elected
at the Hello Girl-Hello Boy
dance Oct. 10 along with the
Hello Boy. Finalists for Hello
Boy will be announced Mon
day. The finalists are Kay Stute,
Gaylean Wells, Sheryl Knapp,
Kay Green and Vivian Rep
pert. Miss Stute, a junior in
Short of Applicants.
SC Discusses Shorts
Bermuda shorts and
lack of Pub Board applicants
made up the business of the
day for the Student Council
meeting held Wednesday.
Chuck Wilson, Chairman of
the nominating committee,
told the Council that there
hadn't -been a single applica
tion lor Pub Board positions
Applications were made
available Monday morning
and the deadline for filing is
noon today.
If there is still a lack of
suitable applicants by Fri
day noon, Wilson stated the
nominating committee will
he required to extend the
The Council nominating
committee will select at least
two finalists for each of the
three positions available.
Mud Sales Up;
Refill a Nickel
The price of mud is going
down today.
Because of the heavy vol
ume of coffee sales in the
Union since the opening of
the new addition, the sec
ond cup can now be sold
for a nickel, according to
Allen Bennett, managing di
rector. Bennett said the dime for
the first cup covers the ex
penses of dishwashing, jan
itorial help and so forth.
Play To Be
" 'Henry IV, Part One' will
be a lighting spectacular,"
Bernard Skalka, technical di
rector stated.
Skalka has charge of the
technical crews of the com
ing production including pro
NU Clinic To Resume
Children's Hearing Tests
Th University speech and
hearing clinic will give hear
ing tests for school children
in six Nebraska counties
again this year.
Saline, York, Clay, Fill
more, Saunders and Hamilton
counties- will participate.
First Phase
The tests represent the first
phase of a program aimed at
discovering and aiding stu
dents with a hearing loss, ac
cording to Robert Gillespie,
University extension audiolo
gist. Students found to have a
possible hearing loss will be
tested further to deter
mine the exact extent of the
right are: Sheryl Knapp, Kay Stute and
Kay Green. Seated left to right are, Gay
lean Wells and Vivian Reppert.
Kiiapp, Green, Reppert
Hello Girl Finalists
Home Ec, lives in Love Me
morial Hall. She is secretary
of IWA, notifications chair
man of Tassels, j member of
Student Council, I H o m e Ec
Club, Phi Upsilon Omicron,
Lutheran Choir and a cabinet
member of the Lutheran Stu
dent Assn.
Miss Wells, a sophomore in
Home Ec, is a member of
Tassels, Coed Counselors, sec
retary of Ag YWCA, member
of Home Ec Club, IWA board
These finalists in turn will
be interviewed by the Coun
cil. Paid Staff
There is one senior, one
junior, and one sophomore
position open. Paid staff
members of the Daily Nebras
kan and the Cornhusker are
not eligible to apply, Wilson
Skip Harris brought a ques
tion before the Council con
cerning any past rulings on
the policy of girls wearing
Bermuda shorts and slacks
on the campus. The question
about any previous ruling or
iginated at AWS. Jack Nlel
son, Council President, said
that "to the chair's know
ledge, there has never been
such a ruling." Minutes from
meetings in the past are be
ing checked, however, for any
ruling on the Bermuda short
Nielsen reported that a
number of Council members
would sit on faculty commit
tees. Those named were:
Bob Krohn and Dave Godbey,
Sub-Committee on General
Organization; and Ken Tem
pera and Kitzi Lee, Sub-Committee
on Social Affairs.
Members sitting on sub
committees of the Committee
on Student Affairs are: Niel
sen, Commencement Commit
tee; Don Gable and Sandy
Johnson, Final Exams Com
mittee; Marilyn Curtis and
Roy Neil, Honor Convocations
Committee; Dennis Nelson
and Marcia Hall, Calender
'Lighting Spectacular'
IV9 Is Historical Drama
perties, scenery, costumes,
lighting and sounds.
Base Areas
"This show relies on two
base areas properties and
lights," he added, "It is a
historical drama and will be
loss, he explained. A report
is then made on the student's
condition for referral to a
Correction Possible
Gillespie said that studies
have shown that approximate
ly one of every 10 students
has some type of hearing loss,
but that most can be correct
ed by medical attention.
Although the program was
discontinued, last year be:
cause of a lack of personnel,
it is being offered this year
on a full time basis. The Ex
tension Division sponsors the
program in connection with
the Nebraska Society for Crip
pled Children.
member pnd social chairman
of Fedde Hall.
Miss Knapp, a junior in
Home Ec, is a member of
Phi Upsilon Omicron, Ag
Exec Board, Home Ec Club,
Vocational Home Economics
Assn., secretary of the Uni
versity 4-H Club and Fedde
Hall historian.
Miss Green, a junior in
Teachers, is music director of
Sigma Alpha Iota, University
singers accompanist, Ag
Chorus and a counselor in
Love Hall at the girls' dorm.
Miss Reppert, a junior in
Arts and Sciences, lives in the
girls' dorm and is member
ship chairman of Young Re
publicans, AWS representa
tive and freshman counselor.
The girls were judged on
personality, poise, appear
ance, activities and grades.
Judges for the interviews
were Dorothy Glade, repre
senting the Independent Wom
en's Association, Fred Bliss of
Innocents, Jane Savener of
Mortar Board, Herb Probasco
of the Daily Nebraskan, Tom
Eason, president of RAM
Council, and Miss Janet
Schmidt, faculty adviser of
Honors 12
Twelve senior members of
the University of Nebraska
Army ROTC were designated
Distinguished Military Stu
dents in a ceremony in the
Military and Naval Science
I Building Monday.
I Senior cadets enrolled in
the Army ROTC Advanced
course who possess outstand
ing qualities are designated
as Distinguished Military Stu
dents each year. The DMS en
titles them to apply for a
regular Army commission.
The following students were
awarded Distinguished Mili
tary Student Badges: Robert
Blair, Gary Burger, Richard
Dwinell, Stanley F o n k e n,
Gene Kobza, Roy Meierhen
ry, James Moore, Jack Muck,
Larry Novicki, Richard
Rouse, Frank Tomson and
Roger Wehrbein.
as close as we can make it
to history though extensive
setting simplifications will be
Through the use of lights,
distorted shapes and colors
will help create feelings to
the audience, he stated.
The costume crew will
make many of the clothes,
although some will be rented,
he continued.
Members of the property
crew are Kathryn Carling,
Phyllis Jones, Penny Snd
ritter, Judy Grazier, Samuel
Ogle and chairman Phil Bor
off. Scenery Team
Scenery will be constructed
by a committee including
chairman Julie Williams,
Jean Allyn, Sharon Pur
baugh, Bob Gambs, Earl
Waltz, John Turner and Car
olyn Lee.
The costume crew is headed
by Myrna Ems, and includes
Kathy Burkhart, Mary
Thompson, Louise Shadley
and Karen Dempsey.
On the lighting and sound
crew are De R. Hughes, Jud
ith .Ress, Elise Kendall, Joice
Weir and Carol Kucera.
By Jacque Janecek
Student fees do not subsi
dize income-producing areas
in the Student Union, Allen
Bennett; director, said Thurs
day. They operate on a strict
profit and loss basis, he add
ed. Bennett told the Daily Ne
braskan he would like to clear
up "misconceptions among
student and faculty" about
the use of the fees to operate
the Union.
He said many students
seem to believe the Union can
offer food services and serv
ices from other income pro
ducing areas at lower prices
since they had already paid
for them in fees.
Kosmet Klub Will Hire
Pro Director for Show
By Mike Milroy
Participation in the Kos
met Klub Fall Show this year
is expected to be much
greater than that of a year
ago due to the favorable
changes instituted by the
One of the most dynamic
changes for the fall show this
year will be the presence of
a professional director hired
by the Kosmet Klub to help
Candidates Announced
For Homecoming Title
Twenty-eight coeds have
been selected by organized
houses and the Independent
Women's Association to com
pete for the title of Home
coming Queen.
The girls and the organiza
tion they represent are Sher
ry Turner, Alpha Chi Omega;
Beverly Heyne, Alpha Omi
cron Pi; Sueleal Thompson,
Alpha Phi; Mary Anne Web
er, Alpha Xi Delta; Judie
Williams, Chi Omega; Judy
Hanneman, Delta Delta Del
ta. Lois Muhle, Delta Gamma;
Donette Keys, Gamma Phi
Beta; Kay Stute, Mary Stast
ny, Kathy Deubelbelss, Nina
Herndon, Sheryll Knapp, Jan
Osterloh, M a r g Haumont,
Carol Brening, Donna Lee
Krug, Independent Women's
Kaye Chamberlain, Piper
Mall; Joan N is sen, Fedde
Hall; Loraine Hadley, Love
Memorial Hall; Heather Wil
helm, Terrace Hall; Joan
Schultz, Towne Club; Kay
Hirschbach, Kappa Alpha
Carolyn .Whitney, Kappa
Delta; Kitzi Lee, Kappa Kap
pa Gamma; Mary Ann Har
ris, Pi Beta Phi; Frances
Spoeneman, Sigma Kappa;
Lexy Lou Bell, Zeta Tau
Ten of these will be selected
by a board after interviews
Tuesday night. The board is
made up of N-Club president
Harry Tolly, football team
representative Don Fricke,
Corn Cobs president Don Bin
der, Yell King Brent Cham
bers, Tassels president and
vice-president Jane Savener
and Judy Truell, and faculty
member Rosalie Giffhorn.
Exception Made
A meeting between four
graduate assistants and Uni
versity rnmntroller Dr. Jos
eph Soshnik on the subject
oi recent cnanges in me sys
tem of paying assistants has
resulted in .the following ac
tion: The comptroller's office
"has made exceptions to the
policy for the four students
in question," Dr. Soshnik said.
Sociology Assistants
The students who had
voiced the complaint are
Jerry Behringer, Laurence
Falk, Phil Hayes and Ken
neth Kinman, all graduate as
sistants in the department of
They complained that since
they were not notified of the
change before they renewed
"This is not true," Bennett
"No student fees are in
vested in these departments
other than to purchase orig
inal equipment," He noted
that of the $11 fee per semes
ter, $6.50 is paid per semes
ter to finish the $1.3 million
bond for the new addition.
Bennett estimated this could
be paid in 16 to 20 years,
depending on enrollment.
Bennett said the remaining
$4.50 of the $11 fees goes into
the Union Enterprise Account
and this totals roughly $75,000
per year.
Finances Upkeep
Bennett said this "contribu
tion by the students" finances
I maintenance and upkeep of
fraternities iron out script
problems. The director will
also advise on construction of
sets for the five finalists.
TV. Theme
The director will act sep
arately from the Kosmet
Klub and will be concerned
with directing a show based!
on the theme of original or
imaginary television shows.
Kosmet Klub active members
The 10 will be announced
at a pep rally Oct. 16. On
Monday, Oct. 19, the student
body will vote on the finalists
to select the queen and two
The board will base its de
cisions by using a point sys
tem. There will be 10 possible
points each for scholarship,
leadership, service to the Uni
versity, campus loyalty,
school spirit, poise and gen
eral appearance and personal
ity. Announcement of the queen
and her attendants will be
made at the pep rally Oct.
29, rather than at the game
as has been done in the past.
The queen then will be hon
ored at a luncheon, the Nebraska-Oklahoma
game and the annual Home
coming Dance.
Geis Heads
Members of the Young
Democrats association elect
ed Don Geis as chairman for
the coming year at their
Wednesday meeting.
Other elected officers were
John Kerwin, first vice chair
man; Renny Ashleman, sec
ond vice chairman; Barbara
Langhouser, recording secre
tary; John Schroeder, corres
ponding secretary; and Bob
Schrepf, treasurer.
The Young Democrats is a
service organization which
promotes its members to
meet their political leaders
and discuss the latest topics
of local and national import
ance. or accepted their assistant
ship, that the University
should not have altered the
system of. the graduate stu
dent payroll.
"While such a schedule cre
ates obvious hardships for the
married student with a fam
ily, even the single person
is burdened with unnecessary
financial problems," they
Summer Change
The change was made this
past summer. It consisted of
revising the method of pay
ments of a graduate stipend
so that one-half of the stipend
will be paid to the student
each semester.
Since there are five months
In the first semester, this
means that monthly payments
the first semester will be
the building, furnishing, staff
salaries, janitorial supplies,
utilities, public liability insur
ance, replacement and repair
of furniture, office supplies
and free public-service areas.
"It pays for dance band
wages, convocations, Sunday
night movies, art displays,
and the general cultural as
pects of both the city and Ag
Unions," the director added.
He also noted that the en
tire student activities budget
comes from this fund $8,900
for city campus activities and
$2,900 for agriculture campus
Income producing areas
must prove themselves self
sustaining, according to the
will assist the director, who
has yet to be named.
Clark Nelson, Chairman of
the Fall Show, said that
"fraternities have somewhat
of a free hand in writing their
skits, although they will have
to keep them clean. Pro
priety and continuity will also
enter into the selection of
Rough drafts of the en
trants skits have to be sub
mitted by Oct. 6 and the final
drafts must be in by Oct.
20. Tryouts will be Nov. 24.
Tryouts this year are sched
uled to take place six weeks
after Homecoming festivities
to avoid the conflicts and
complications encountered by
close scheduling last year.
Judges for the Fall show
will consist of men connected
with television, men con
nected with the theatre and
the regular Administration
New Labor
Another innovation by the
Kosmet Klub will come in the
form of new labor for the
workers of the club. These
workers will construct the
sets of the five finalists for
this years' show. In the past,
individual houses had to con
struct their sets.
Kosmet Klub members said
they feel the offer of ready
made sets will induce more
houses to participate and be
conducive to skits of h i g-h
quality since members of the
skits may use all their time
to practice.
The winners will receive a
trophy and publicity in the
IFC Rush Book and they also
will have a page in the Corn
husker. In addition, there will
be the publicity by and for
the Kosmet Klub and their
A committee on the selec
tion of the Prince Kosmet
and the Nebraska Sweetheart
is studying changes in con
nection with these selections,
which will also add to the
Fall Revue.
A Spring Kosmet Klub
show has been scheduled this
year and the dates have been
tentatively set. The show has
not been chosen yet, but will
be a Broadway production
which was a hit or a near
hit. A - professional director
will also be hired to act in a
similar capacity as the direc
tor of the Fall Revue.
in Assistant Pay
lower than in the four-months
second semester.
Previously, the student was
paid an equal amount of the
stipend each month. This
meant that a student would
have been paid more than
half of his stipend after com
pleting only half of the year's
If he left at the end of the
first semester, he would have
been overpaid. Dr. Soshnik
pointed out, and the comp
troller's 'office would have to
locate him and get the over
payment back from him.
the four students in ques
tion said the new plan was
vide an 'incentive' to encour
age students to return for
the second semester."
Soshnik denied that the
Union constitution. Bennett
says this means "non-profit."
They purchase all raw prod
ucts, pay for all the labor in
volved in their departments,
pay their own share of heat,
lights, gas and finance their
own insurance. They also pro
vide workmen's compensa
tion, social security, sick
leave and depreciate all
equipment on the usual tax
Bennett said after all this
is done, they must use any
profit to provide a reserve
to replace all present operat
ing equipment.
In effect, the only differ
ence between these income
producing areas and down
town businesses is that the
Union pays no taxes as a
branch of the state institu
tion, he said.
Price Scale
"The Union could not in
good conscience undersell
downtown businesses," Ben
nett explained. He added the
Unioa Board of Managers
thought they had arrived at
a "suitable price scale to
help all departments to ac
complish their purposes."
From 1954 until the spring
of 1958, food services re
turned one half of one per
cent of its profits back into
the Union reinvestment fund,
the auditor's books show. Ca
tering alone has advanced
$34,075.41 to the fund in the
past 21 years.
Speaking for the Board of
Managers, Bennett ex
plained, after considerable
consultation, they have direct
ed management that its prime
obligation in operation of the
Nebraska Union is to provide
facilities desired by the stu
dent, to operate them effec
tively and efficiently, and to
discharge services request
ed. "But more important is that
the investment in furniture
and fixtures be maintained so
that the current' utility to
present student can be kept
Equipment replacement
"We also intend to' provide
funds against ultimate re
replacement of heavy
equipment in the future," he
Apologizing for some recent
criticism of services he add
ed, "Our staff would like to
apologize to some groups
who have been unhappy with
our service the past three
"We are (stepping into a
new operation, doubling our
services, and training a near
ly complete new staff," he
continued. "We can't ask for
giveness, but will ask toler
ance until the new building
and facilities are in complete
NU-Oregon Slate
Ticket Sales Lag
Ticket sales for the NU
Oregon State football game
here Saturday are lagging
somewhat due to the recent
rainy weather, according to
A. J. Lewandowski, Athletic
Business Manager.
A sell-out crowd is not ex
pected, but Thursday esti
mates set the expected at
tendance at 30,000. Lewan
dowski said that there still
is ample seating accommo
dations for the remaining
games, but these seats are
located around the edges.
comptroller's office had any
ulterior motive in mind
when they revised the pay
roll schedule.
He added that he was sorry
if the students had not re
ceived notice of the change.
Communication Problem
"I certainly can't blame
them for being disturbed over
the problem of communica
tion with them, but we quar
rel with their decision as to
what our motives were," h
Dr. Soshnik said Thursday,
"Apparently these students
had no prior information con
cerning the change and have
encountered personal hard
ships. Arrangements have
been agreed upon to avoid
; the problem of over-
i 1 -
X JC. .