Friday, September 25. 1959 The Daily Nebroskon Page 3 Gophers Outweigh Nebraska As' Huskers Seek First Win Petersen and Castle Pace Sig Ep Win The daring running and passing of Ron Castle and the deft pass receiving of Gayle Petersen led the Sig Ep's to a 26-7 first-round victory over Delta Upsilon in intruamural action Wednesday night. Castle ran for one touch down and passed for three oth ers with Petersen on the re ceiving end of two of the pay off pitches. Chuck Koopman grabbed the other scoring strike. Delta Upsilon failed on two serious threats early in the game, and finally came back in the third period to score on a long pass from Tom Hooker to Don Smidt. Hook er added the PAT on a run. Haggard added the last two points for Sig Ep when he nailed Ken Pollard in the end zone for a safety. r is p" In hiiwiim jmi in mn'in NEBRASKA HEAD TRAINER Paul Schneid er is in his seventh year as head trainer at Nebras ka. Schneider was assist ant trainer for three years before taking over the du ties of head trainer. IM Football Scores Wednesday Games mu Brown Sports Signals By Hal Brown Seven of the eight teams in the Big Eight conference will be looking for their first win when they' take to the gridiron this weekend. Iowa State was the only Big Eight winner last week. Colo rado, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Kansas State and Oklahoma State lost their opening games while Oklahoma was idle. All Big Eight teams with the exception of Colorado are on the road this weekend. Colorado plays host to Baylor of the South west Conference. Nieht Games Kansas State and Iowa State will be play-1 ing night games with the Cyclones playing at Denver tonight and Kansas State traveling to Brookings, S.D., for a Saturday night encounter against South Dakota State. Other games find Okalhoma opening the season at North western, Missouri Journeying to Michigan, Kansas at Syra cuse, Nebraska at Minnesota and Oklahoma State at Arkan sas. Last week, my crystal ball picked five of the seven win ners for a .714 percentage. So, encouraged by the success (short-lived as it may be), here we go again. Nebraska 14, Minnesota W The Huskers will win their first of the season in a close and bruising game. Oklahoma 21, Northwestern 14 Sooner fullback Prentice Gautt should make the difference in this nationally televised game. Missouri 22, Michigan 20 Missouri will be seeking re venge for the 42-7 drubbing by Michigan the last time these two met, four years ago. . , Kansas State 28, South Dakota State 0 The Jackrabbits haven't scored yet in two ball games. Should be an easy one for Bus Mertes and his Wildcats. Iowa State 27, Denver 6-Iowa State continues to build Us record against second class opposition. Baylor 28, Colorado 13 Baylor to win this battle of aerial fireworks. Syracuse 21, Kansas 7 Syracuse is one of the top teams in the East. Arkansas 20, Oklahoma State 7 The Cowboys will have to wait at least another week to get their first win. Top Twenty Three of last week's Big Eight opponents are rated in the top twenty by both United Press International and As socicitccl JPress Texas is rated 8th by UPI and 15th by AP. Texas Chris tian is ranked 9th by AP and is tied for 15th according to the UPI poll. Penn State is 17th in the UPI ratings and 18th in the AP voting. - Midwestern World Series If Milwaukee wins the National League pennant, it will mark the first time since 1945 that two midwestern cities have been in the World Series. The Detroit Tigers defeated the Chicago Cubs four games By Hal Brown Coach Bill Jennings' Hus kers will be looking for their first win of the season when they take the field against Minnesota at 1:30 p.m. Satur day. ' Nebraska dropped a 20-0 de cision to Texas last Saturday while Minnesota was idle. Saturday's game is rated a tossup by the oddsmakers. "We don't know a t h i n g about them," said Jennings, "It's just another dark open er." Jennings has only seen a Minnesota team play once and that was in the early '50's when he scouted a Nebraska-Minnesota game for Oklahoma. Outweighed The Huskers will be out weighed by 18 pounds per man with Minnesota's aver age team weight listed at 217 and the Huskers at 199. The Gopher line averages Phi Kappa Psi 18 t0 three in that series Phi Delta Theta 2 Sigma Phi Epsilon 26 Delta Upsilon 7 Alpha Tau Omega 37 Theta Xi 0 i Sisma Chi 7 Kappa Sigma 6 Burnett 21 Gooding 0 OPEN BOWLING SATURDAY ALL DAY SUNDAY UNTIL 6:30 Week Doyi 9 til 6:30 Except Wednesday NORTHEAST LANES NORTH ON HIGHWAY 77 4111 No. 54 Ph. 0-927 The three contending teams each have three games re maining on the schedule. The schdule favors Milwaukee to a slight extent since the Braves' remaining games are at home against the cellar dwelling Philadelphia Phillies. Los Angeles, tied with Milwaukee for first, plays at Chi cago against the 5th place Cubs. San Francisco goes against the 7th place Cardinals at St. Louis. Although the Giants are two games behind with only threp games left, don't count them out yet. If you are a Dodger fan, I hope recalling the 1951 season doesn't upset you too much. Bobby Thomson The Giants overcame a 13V2 game deficit during the final two months of that season to tie the Dodgers on the last day. The Giants then won the playoff on a 9th-inmng home run by Bobby Thomson. The White Sox, having already clinched the American League flag, give the Chicago Southsiders their first pen nant since 1919. Cincinnati won that series five games to three as some members of the White Sox sold out to gamblers. Chuckle for The Week-A couple of kids, playing football in a vacant lot, kicked the pigskin into a nearby chicken yard The rooster, puzzled, sidled up to it. Firmly convinced of what he saw, he ran over to the hen house and stuck his head in the door. , , . , , , how vnn Pals." he crackled, "think you're pretty eh? Well, get a load of what they're turning next yard!" JAMES STEWART. LEE REMICK BEN GAZZARA ARTHUR O'CONNELL EVE AROEN KATHRYN GRANT. -I-xro coo .. -"" tut JOSEPH H. WELCH M Juttae Wm Not Recommended for Children out hot, in tne Burnett Defeats Gooding Behind Passing of Ray 1959 Intramural Football Leagues Fraternity 1-A Phi Delta Theta Phi Kappa Psi Sigma Chi Beta Theta Pi Fraternity 4-A Brown Palace Delta Sigma Pi Sigma Alpha Mu Beta Sigma Psi AgMen Resident Hall 7-A Seaton I Bessey MacLean Kiesselbach Van Es Fraternity B-10 Phi Delta Theta-B Beta Theta Pi-B Phi Kappa Psi-B Sigma Phi Epsilon-B Sigma Chi-B . Fraternity .2-A Sigma Phi Epsi!on Delta Upsilon Theta Xi Alpha Tau Omega Sigma Nu Fraternity 5-A Alpha Gamma Sigma Pi Kappa Phi Acacia Pioneer Theta Chi Resident Hall 8-A t Burnett ; Gooding Smith Seaton II Selleck Fraternity 11 Alpha Tau Omsga-B Delta Tau Delta-B Sigma Nu-B Farmhouse-B Sigma Alpha Epsilon-B Fraternity 3-A Sigma Alpha Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Farm House Alpha Gamma Rho Phi Gamma Delta Resident Hall 6-A Gus I Gus II Hitchcock Canfield Manatt Benton Independent 9 Dental College Navy, ROTC Wesley House Phi Delta Phi Geologists r Burnett defeated Gooding, 21-0, in an intramural foot ball game played Wednesday night. All the scoring came in the first two periods. The passing of Jim Ray ac counted for all the Burnett scoring. The first touchdown came on a 20 yard pass play from Ray to Lyle Spence. Dennis Boesiger caught a five yard pass from Ray for the second TD and a 35 yard pass from Ray to Boesiger Marlboro filter cigarette Get .your free Marlboro fooboll guides at the fol lowing locations: Student Union Russ' Snack Bar 'R' Street Superette Swedes Coffee Shop Peden's Book and Supply Store gave Burnett their final touchdown. All three extra points were scored on passes from Ray Cm the receiving end ot tne extra point passes were Bruce Sebek. Bob Anderson and Bernie Rohrig. The second half was a de fensive battle with neither team being able to penetrate past the others goal line. Main Feature Clock Stuart: "It Started With A Kiss," 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:25, 9:30. Lincoln: "Elephant G u n," 1:10, 2:50, 4;35, 6:15, 8:02, 9:40. Nebraska: "Not as a Stran ger," 1:00, 5:08, 9:14. "Separate Tables," 3:29, 7:35. Joyo: "The Gunfight At Dodge City; 7:00 only. "The Diary Of Anne Frank," 8:30 only. Varsity: "Anatomy Of A Murder," 1:00, 3:47, 6:34, 9:21. State: "Love Is My Profes sion," 1:10, 3:12, 5:14, 7:16, 9:18. 84th & O: Cartoons, 7:00. "Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow," 7:15. "Dairy of a High School Bride," 8:30. "Young Captives," 10:00. Starvlew: Cartoon 7:15.. "Lone Texan," 7:30. "The Mysterians," 9:00. "Rally Round The Flag, Boys," 10:30. , . West O: "Cartoon", 7:15. "Warlock," 7:25. "Kathy O," 9:30. "I'll Cry Tomorrow," 11:25. DANCING Saturday Nite, Sept 26 JIMMY HAY ORCHESTRA Couplet Only Adm. $1.00 la. M iJ For 70 & Sumner R.i. Ph. 4-282S 218, tackle-to-tackle 223 and! backs 192. Nebraska's line averages 203, tackle-to-tackle 215 and backs 185. Minnesota, which lost six of seven starting linemen plus their number one quarter back, will probably start this way: Left end, Dick Johnson; left tackle, Mike Wright; left guard, Gerry Shetler; center, Greg Larson; right guard, Tom Brown; right tackle, Arnie Osmundson; right end, Tom Moe; quarter back, Sandy Stelphens; left halfback, Arlie Bomstad; right halfback, Bill Kauth and fullback, Tom Bobbins. Bill Bohanan is becoming the Huskers most versatile player. In the latest move, he is running as the number three fullback. Jennings moved Bohanan to the fullback post when Steve Olsen suffered a face injury. Olsen will miss the Gopher trip. Co-Captains Nebraska co-captains for the Minnesota game are sen iors LeRoy Zentic and Roger Brede. Brede has earned one football letter and performed as a hurdler on Frank Se vigne's track squad last year. Zentic is a two-letter winner from Rock Island, Illinois. He doubles as an outfielder on Tony Sharpe's baseball team in the spring. Nebraska held a light, one hour workout Thursday after noon and will hold another practice session after arriv ing in Minneapolis. The team is due in Minneapolis at about 3 p.m. Friday. Jennings named 38 players to the traveling squad. They are: Left End; Roger Brede, John Bond. Jim Huge, Pat Salerno. Left Tackle; George Haney, Duane Mongerson, Russ Edeal. Left Guard; Don Olson John Ponseigo, Dale Siemer. Center; Darrell Cooper, Jim Moore, Mick Tingelhoff, Bob Kitchen. Right Guard; LeRoy Zen tic, Dick Rosier, Don Houser, Al Fischer. Right Tackle; Roland Mc Dole, Joe Gacusana, Al Well man. Right End; Don Purcell, Max Martz, Dick McDaniel. Quarterback; Tom Kramer, Harry Tolly, Ron Meade, Joe Rutigliano. Left Halfback; Pat Fischer, Dallas Dyer, Warren Powers. Right Halfback; Pat Clare, Clay White, Carroll Zaruba. Fullback; Don Fricke, Noel Martin, Bill Bohanan. Gene Ward, right halfback, will make the trip if he re covers from the flu. He was . MenmaMHaraMeMnMeaae noi mmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmm -ffl svmjaa : i I (life- YliT , if lh- i - ; - - 1 a. - " , . I , ,y . f -? . r iifwMwiHfllJ 4, v? ','f. fen-it mmutkrrtft ti r- k few ,' i Roger Brede . . admitted to Student Health Thursday. Salerno will be ready to go at either end slot if the need arises. Nebraska is far behind in the won-lost standing of the series. The Huskers have won five, lost 28 with two tie games. The last Husker vic tory over Minnesota came in 1950 by the score of 32-26. Minnesota won the last game 19-7 in 1954, the year Nebraska went to the Orange Bowl. Husker left end Turnpike TONITE The Fabuloui JIMMY DORSEY ORCHESTRA Under the Direction of LEE CASTLE Cordial Welcome jL I Stemfesa Awails ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH I' our Church Home Away from Home Two Morning Worship Services in the Sanctuary 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sermon subject September 27, 1959 "NEIGHBORLY LIVING IN A SPACE AGE" Minister: Or. Frank A. Court Associate: Rev. Norman Smitharem Music: Mr. Dale B. Ganz Worthip where the people of Lincoln, faculty and ttutlrntt may join in praising our God. BRIGITTE "R A if J "1 X E ' 'Mi v.,' " m ;7U , ADULTS ONLY R D O This is certainly the best Bardot picture to be seen lb the U. S. . t Daily Herald r When things get too close for comfort your best friends worth tell you... but your opponents will! - Old Spice Stick Deodorant brings you safe, sure, all-day protection. Better than roll-ons that skip. Better than sprays that drip. Better man wresmng w!in creum iui NEW pusTiC. CASE are greasy and messy. m&t FOR INSTANT USE IMrkH CM6 llCe STICK DEODORANT ComJ lb fMCut f '. f .. ) i. ; 5.