r, , rn l m mmmmmmmmmmmm :- . ..... . U"VCRSFTY OP NEBK C-( class Jtlour Arrives sfP 15 1959 Vol. 34, No. 1 The Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, September 15, 1959 . . v.. . ....... V " I .ap,:h:ves- , - .... .-..-. . . v. f : - fH Ml' if W I) tY-M , ? RUSH HOUR 14th and S was a teeming mass of students and autos .when this photo was taken just before the beginning of the ecw year's classes at 7:50 a.m. Monday. Parking lots seemed unusually NU's Budget Increase Is Near $1.8 Million The University budget was ; creases are determined on a ; pense and equipment, includ- stepped down to second Women Step Down j tnaj we nave had." increased by nearly $1.8 mil-' merit basis and not on an ing social security, $3,140,022, ! and made room for new title- Tne anfemaie score was a jn a note 0f weicome, Har lion for the coming 1959-60 across-the-board scale. up $177,629. j holder, Theta Xi. 5 914 compared to a 5.976 the din said the new 1,800-mem- fiscal year. ; ine Duagei will loiai it, - - will total $16,- 066.129. Increased legislative aporoDriations were credited as the primary reason for the budget hike over last year, More than 90 per cent of the increase will eo into higher salaries for University personnel, according to Comp- troller Joseph Soshnik. Of the increase, 75 per cent will go 1 into academic salaries, 19 per cent into classified, hourly professors, $7,700 to $11,000; tural extension and College average from a 5.Z40 to a aid graduate assistant salar- associate professors, $6,000 to of Medicine, $191,000. ; 5.553. ies, and 6 per cent into execu- $9,200; assistant professors. No new activities at the1 Although their averages re tive salaries, including deans, $5,000 to $7,800, and instruc- University are proposed byjmained higher than the directors and superintendents, tors, $4,500 to $6,600. the budget, Dr. Soshnik said, men's women took a slight Hardin Gets Hike i Dr. Soshnik said the general Tuition income is exacted to Chancellor Clifford Hardin's salarj' was increased from $20,000 to $22,500. He explained that these in- - Rag Has Female Editor J -School Majors Dominate Staff r . ! For the first time in years, a. feminine hand will handle the reins of the Daily Nebraskan staff. Diana Maxwell, senior in Arts and Sciences, will be the first woman editor since Sally Hall held the post second se mester in 1954. Chain of Command Next in command is Car roll Kraus, senior in Arts and Sciences, who will be man aging editor. Sandra Whalen. another Arts and Sciences Sfnior, is news editor Copy editors include Herb I'robasco, Sandra Laaker and John HoeniT. Jari"! Jane cek. Karen Long and I)oula ?: "z" " !n if.-i a 4 writers. Pa! Brown, and Sciences, junior in Arts will be sports editor. I'j.siui's Side Heading the business staff is Stan Kaiman, junior in me chanical engineering. Assis tant business managers are Charlene Cross, Gil Grady and Don Ferguson. Seven members of the paid editorial staff are majorip in journalism, including the editor, managing editor and news editor. Miss Maxwell, who has worked on the paper for three j. -.i-- ' . ears, IS also Secret arv ui 1 . .' . . jkiortar ioaru ana a memDci of Alnha Lambda Delta, fresh-' man women's scholastic hen- ir t.. a i u ,.rSY"Z- juuiudiiBiu .mirnmui ary and vice-presiaent ot Theta Sigma Phi, professional women's journalism fratern ity. SDX President Kraus, in his fourth semes ter of Dady Nbraskan work, Is president of Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity and serves as sec retary and IFC representative of Kappa Sigma. Miss Whalen, president of Alpha Omicron PI Sorority, is a member of Ka.ipa Tau Alpha and is secretary of Theta Sigma Phi. She has been a member of the Daily Nebraskan staff for t b r e e. semesters. Brown, a former sports writer, is a member of Sigma Delta Chi. President of Sigma Alpha Mu fraterni'v. Hainan B'rd as assistant business manager i lr .I.i i.ir1(arr as portions were changed and sale of agricultural commodi-jthe present year with a $40, 'lovr ening as tumor Man r , , . " : . 'i-, o' oiinmnf lur four semesters. Chancellor Hardin, com- menting that he was pleased: menung inai ne was uieasea with the budget, said that "the salary increases will place the Nebraska faculty at about mid-point in the aver- age salaries paid faculties of principal comDetine institu- tions." Salary ranges for Nebraska faculty members of under- graduate colleges on academ- ic year appointments are: i current funds budget, with an, increase of $1,797,871, c o n- sists of: academic and ad- ministrative salaries, $8,906,- 401 UD n x 401, up $1,322,155; classified ; salaries and hourly wages, $3,500,386. uo $191,827: erad- i uate assistants, $519,320, up $106,260; and operating ex- j Open House For Union On Friday Although formal dedication ceremonies are scheduled fori Friday afternoon, the . Union : k.. ..-r::!i.. i ; - jidj uiiviih-hju.v 1US doors to the student body. j The Crib, bowling, p i n g- pong, party rooms and billiard tables have been in use since j New Student Week. Meals are ! Rug Plans Edition For Union Opening The Union's three day opening celebration Friday through Sunday will be com memorated by a special edi tion of the Daily Nebraskan. being served in the Round jp student bookstore; revolving room and activities prepared accounts, such ai payroll de lo move into new offices. ductions and storeroni and Construction continued in service departments. various Darts of the old Union remodeled. - The formal dedication cere- ity testing services and Ex- First installments in the monies will be at 4:30 p.m. on tension Division services. program arrived last March ihe terrace, sparking off a Each of these activities according to Harper, and an gala weekend crammed with must produce receipts to other arrived in May. A total tours, exhibitions, rallies, match any disbursements i of 45 requests for $11,739 was dancing and all facilities going ! which are made, he explained. I granted then, and so far 158 at high gear. I Cash auxiliary funds are not requests have been granted The Four Aces will be fea-' used to finance the regular j for the first semester of this tured in the ballroom both1 Friday and Saturday nights, New Parking Meters Installed Near Union Parkine meters, an expert- ment in University parking, have been installed in the, Mx meters nave a lz-minute rn. o thii'llmil 11 havo a lun-hmir limit uiiiuii ummij wi mi ujjc una ,., T laii. ThP ra.rar arPa has been black-topped and provides . . - : ?arJ:-,.nZi; time irom u. minuics iu sum hours. Jamec S. Pittenger, assist ant to the Chancellor, aid I the new rrea is designed to prm ide centrally located close-in parking space for; .Another Story Page 5 those who need it when the i occasion demands. ' A different type than those used by the city, the meters, have a flag marked "legal j time" to indicate that park- ing time still remains, instead of having an arrow showing the minutes of time remain ing. Nickel an Hour , Instructions for using the meters are marked on each' one. Based on a rate of five , cents aa hour, the meters will packed, indicating few were cutting their first classes or that the number of com muting students has taken a big jump this year. Revenue Sources j Revenue Sources aix auierem sources 01 rev- Six different sources of rev enue will support the general; current funds budget. These include state general f u n d, $12,250,000; tuition income, Sl.971.371; federal funds, $l,-j 456.757: endowment income. income, .$40,000; county levies, for pa-1 tient-care at university nos-1 pital, $152,000: and cost reim- bursements in such areas as vocational education, agricul- continue at its present rate.j If enrollment is increased, the j increased tuition wfll be used1 to hire additional teachers, if needed. The general current funds budget is for teaching, re- search and public service pro- grams in the nine colleges at the City and Agricultural campuses in jncoin, tne Aiea- ical Center in Omaha includ ,ing the College of Medicine, School of Nursing and Uni versity Hospital Concluding the list are the: Agricultural Extension Serv-j ice m 93 counties; tne Agrt cultural Experiment Stations at Lincoln, Mitchell, Alliance, North Platte, Fort Robinson 4 1 . u ol 1 ,.r dllU V,UJJJU1U, U1C OCI1UU1 VI Agriculture at Curtis and the Division of Conservation and Survey, Activity Funds Dr. Soshnik estimated $7,- 711,928 in addition for the fis leal year in cash auxiliary l funds. These are essentially l - -: . r I t :..:: revolving iujius lur acuviues I which are nancially. ac"',Uiua""s -,.Hi;,..,;jni; r. 1 These are auxiliary enter prise activities such as dor mitories, dining halls, student health services. Union and Others are purchase and ties, equipment and commod- instructional or academic ac-1 tivities of the University. all accept coins from a penny to a quarter. ........ . ....... J tt III, o tn.,w.t,n.,r llmlf ' bum - . :Pwto of meters with f- minute and two-hour limits nnlntiil vellnw and hln - '") ' n. ' ' ' ' pf I - : - si . -... " - ' , . ' ''' a1M ' NEW METERS The newly completed 72 car parking lot east of the Union on S St., pictured above, features four-hour meters in the center section. Twelve-minute me- H oo ver Terms Registration An "Incredulous Success'9 Registrar Floyd H o o V e r called this fall's registration "an incredulous success,, as students left card pulling wor ries to the administration for the first time. Further praising the plan suggested by a Student Coun f cil committee last February, Hoover said long waiting' Crade Averages: Theta Xi Cops Title From Farmllouse Sixteen semesters afterjstep downward, according to taking first place on the figures released from the Of- " - 1 1 i : 1 n.. nil " fi nf Pnnlrtvntlnn T nr. mat KiMwuc liuuui FarmHouse fraternity The successors to tM non-; orea ursi piace iur mm o i- ganized houses won 5.975 compared to " i di Hi- j House's winning 6.225 i semester last year. Love Hall Stays first Love Memonal Hau mam - Love Memonal Hall mam tamed the ; first place women,, position, out aroppea irom a j 6.485 to a 6.333 ! University students gether raised their overall c Chnirmvn OULUll KjllUiriUCIl i j rViff Tfn oIlOlllU, Cull ""5 Social chairmen of organ ized houses should contact Pat Dean at the Daily Ne braskan office to report pin ningg and engagements. The social column will be ran in Wednesday's paper. All pinning! and engage ments must be called in by Tuesday at 1 p.m. I r liriH Of 8168,000 Available One-third of the state's Na tional Defense Student Loans total will be available to Uni versity students during the; present fiscal vear. accord- md to the U.S. Office of Edu- cation. j w p Harnpr T'nivprsit v" ... . , , - administrator of the loan pro gram, said $ll3,84o has beenjPhi allocated and the University s mnfr-hint sharp will 1w ; , , . approximately $12,700. The total state allotment is J'317' . ...u ,t Harper noted the University will have a total of $H.330 for lUciiliiig JiiijJUbcs uuiuig last year s allotment. school year at a total ot sv 030. The lot will be checked for violations by campus police from 8 a.m. 10 a p.m. .Monuay Ihrnnuh Frirlav and from 8 ""o- o m nrvm nn Katnrrlav Overtime penaUy is a $1 fine. the 1 mitir area most register their! ll It. ( '. lines were eliminated and class sections wound up in better balance Freshmen Freshmen who hadn't pre registered, transfer studenis and others who for some rea son hadn't registered in the spring were the only ones pulling cards during New Stu- WB- -u v- ords. previous semester and sor- or tv women dronned from a o.9o4 to a 5.887. i(t. .. i J l J erases, moving from a 5.375 ' for the overall to a 5.407 and ' a 5.410 in the fraternities, - mn. . nro.C 5 ' ct. n amnna .-'"ZL ,6 .""3t llic uiganiicu nuiucu s 'houses- Love Memorial Hall Kappa Alpha Theta 236 Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omens 6192 Terrace Hall l'-9 Kappa Kappa Gamma 6.110 ! Delta Delta Delta 6.108 Alpha Xi Delia 6.0M i Alpha Omicon Pi 6.012 1 Delia Gamma 5.9i Kappa Delia 5.949 j ?lriM Is Hammond Hau s .wi Bine Ford piper Haii ::::::'.'.::::::5 Sf.5j "In adding up all of these j Hoover said he plans to dis u.ThTiIu TaB "I". lm factors," the Chancellor con-j cuss the entire registration zeu Tau Alpha III""""'"'"' 55 eluded, "you can see that the process with Student Council HetpoerHaHaii . 5M5 potential for an outstanding president Jack Nielsen soon. suwia Kapp. ... ... s 179 education is before you. To; The Council, objecting to al- oM? SfnIw-laSUC averageSigain full measure of this op- phabetical card 'pulling for are aioiiowa. 5 portunity will depend, of glasses at each registration, FajmHoa , 5sr7 C0UrSe, on you. the student. s offered the following com- sfJma p?.'..:::::::'.:'.:'.::::::.52lt requires hard work ahead, plaints when proposing the SLiloa :;:::::::::::::::1$:And i hope that each and ;new plan. sma Alpha Mu srso every one of you will make Seniors had trouble "attAEp.iJoa'::::::.":::::::l?" the most of your opportun-; getting courses necessary for Sigma unj j.on, Maclean House 5 6ai Hitrfacork Rouse 5i Delia I ptilon 6i5 Andrewf House 5.571 ' rinif.iam Hmtf rf 5 54? Ail Men'f Club 5 519 Kowiier House 5.5U Burnett House 5.4!' Kappa Sutma 5.4461 Brown Palace $.441 Kieaselbarh House 5 4.', Avery Hise .5.40' Alpha Gamma Slkma 5.30 i Cornhwtker Co-op 5.3W Alpha Gamma Rho 5 .32 Bessey House . 5.309 ? Phi Kappa Psi 5 J4 Beta TDeta Pi S.336 i rIU Sima Phi 5 3 9 1 DelU Tau Delta 5.JII i Alpha Tau Omega 5-3ii FairlieM House $.273 Selletk House 5 .2SS ! Tnela Chi 5 2!i Sima .Vu 5.210 ' sJ T1 Aa ,? 1 Pi Kappa I'hi , $14 mun .v.u ICanheld House 5 ' Sraliifi I4ue I i.UUt Uenvm He 5(113 u.miir. i'u ............... d Va b. nous. 4.w 2a Meu Tau 4 847 Seaton Htmst II gmik h. 4 ICS i.va 1 'Seniors Em . ay j ns prize A Law College senior, Law rence Murphy, was awarded first place for his essay in the 1959 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation essay con test. The topic oi his essay was "Partition of Mineral Estates". He received $400 as the prize. cars with the University and display the standard Under Darkin2 DerTriit 0n the J " b v I ,:i..i.i0ii WMCIsnieiCl "If premium parking proves successful, we n be in a posi tion to use more of It next year." Pitienger said. - - rj x 'i 4 lert are to the extreme left and not visible. The remainder of the meters are for two hour parking. dent Week, last week. Just paying fees was the main ac - tivity for most students.' A staff of six pulled cards this summer, working from worksheets compiled by . stu dents in the spring. Seniors with at least 95 hours had their cards pulled first. i Hoover said first choices 1 Chancellor Praises Students Chancellor Clifford Hardin M d caUed present . th h t ber freshman class "has the' nntpntial nf heini? one of the best classes that has entered ' U I Tnitrai-citu in raonf years." j "The beginning of another srhnnl vear is now imnn us. , .i , tha ctAant bod back to the camnus. I - m fidPnt that the future - is extremely bright and that the coming year should be a profitable one for you." Hardin stressed that the faculty is composed of "top flight, conscientious men of ;arnin& He also commented that the university facilities are con- j tinuallv improving. i ity." Law School Fight Brings Resignation Bernstein Quits; Belsheim Stays Merton Bernstein, associate! professor of law, resigned i lTOm irom tne university L.awi College July 3. j Bernstein was involved in .... ... . . . th lpfri.iatl.r la.t SCH001 and ttie legislature last spnng. Alter a Din araitea by Bernstein for Gov. Brooks was defeated in the legisla ture, the law school hiring procedures were attacked by Sen. Jack Romans of Ord and Sen. Ray Simmons of Fre mont. The executive committee ofi31"? were set P the the Board of Regents June 16 held that Bernstein "was and is educationally qualified for the position he holds, notwith standing that fact that his po litical views and past polit ical affiliations may be at variance witii those of the people of Nebraska." In his letter of resignation, Bernstein said his role in the Nebraska legislature "was to serve as immobile political punching bag. I decline to ?erye further in this capac ity Srwn( Knmmpr in N'nrwav He also stated his decision1 to resign was made final by "the demonstration in recent weeks that attacks upon the College of Law and me would continue indefinitely , c-- Romans tinon on Himani utvin nfin u Jim vu nil, vi vi bvvi v avo ignation, stated, "1 didn't I think much of Bernstein be I cause he didn't tell the tmth 4 1 . . I . t - At . laooui ine asitui'iatitins ui i which he belonged. I k n o w nothing about his resigning from the University." Bernstein spent the sum mer in Norway with his fam - 'ly' Belsheim Gets Raise Law school Dean E. 0. Belsheim said July 6 that he 'had no intention of resigning. !Jle had been convalescing from a heart attack during the affair. ! Shortly after Belsheim re ceived a $1,000 sahry increase from the University. When asked about his views on the Bernstein affair by the Daily Nebraskan, l-LMekn replied that he had nothing to say. I were most often granted, but 1 some seconds and thirds wera ! also necessary. Students wera i contacted before the alterna tive cards were pulled. Comments Favorable The registrar pointed out, It is impossible to assure all students all the courses they want when they want, but comments after contacting students who were obliged to take alternatives seemed favorable." He noted the speed and ease with which his staff was able to fill sections and said it was much easier to compile classes with all the work sheets in a group at once. Enrollment in different sec- Student Comment- Tomorroic's Rag tions of one course had often rantwH fmm mo ovtr-o t another, but this has been 1 IimaI., 1 1 . . I I 1 : J - "Now students are not only , served better at the actual : registration bv avoiding stand- i nft s ; hut. thv or. served better in classes with this new method." according . CT to Hoover. "It's not good for classes to be too large," he added. Opening new sections made easier with the was new 1 method, Hoover commented. 1 since it was simple to con- tact professors as soon as classes were filled. Discussion Planned graduation. Students didn't get what courses they wanted when they wanted them. Standing in lines was a waste of time. "Running around" fo'r signatures was a bother. Returning just to pay fees was inconvenient. Girls Dorm At Capacity This Year "If there were any more girls seeking residence I don't know what we would have done," said Helen Sny der, dan of women, as all houses reached full capacity last week. Corridor parlors were con verted into rooms and tempor- recreation rooms ot tne itesi- dence Halls for women as it exceeded its 500 bed capacity. A total of 548 girls and three graduate counselors r e gi s istered in the Residence Halls on city campus. Terrace Hall with 34 was also full to capaci ty as were Fedde with 70 and Love with 49 on Ag campus. Graduate and International students are being housed in the Sigma Delta Tau sorority house. When graduate regis tration closes next week, it no doubt will also be filled to ca pacity with 32 women. Rooms are being rented on the month' lv basis and residents obtain meals in the Student Union. Sigma Delta Tau girls are residing in the Residence i Halls this year since the Na tional Chapter decided the chapter was too small to op erate a house. A future meet ing of the Panhellenic will de termine whether the chapter will continue to meet as a so rority. FoolbH Ticket 1 JJcatllinC 1 Ollay All fraternities, sororities or j ! UP" wishing ticket; tor ine tooiuau seasun suouiu have their orders in before 4 p.m. today, according to A. J. Lewandowski, athletic business manager. Groups wanting tickets should present all I.D. cards and money with one order. Tickets wjll also be avail able in the Coliseum lohby Wednesday between 9 and 4. The p ri c e - for six home games is $7.00.