JULY 23, 1959 SUMMER NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Nebraskans' Composition Selected As U.S. Entry A choral and orchestra composition, composed and performed by University of Nebraska personnel, has been selected as one of two U.S. radio entries for the Italia Prize, an international radio and TV. program competition to be held in September in Sorrento, Italy. The Broadcasting Founda tion of America informed Lincoln Station KFMQ, who submitted the entry, that "Elegy for a Dead Soldier" was chosen to represent the U.S.A. ' The composition was com posed by Robert Beadell, 34-year-old assistant professor of music. The text is the Pulitzer-Prize winning poem, written by Karl Shapiro, pro fessor of English at the Uni versity. Professor Beadell composed the work originally for per formance by the University music department before the Tegional meeting of the Music Educators National Confer ence, held in Omaha in 1957. The piece was also per formed later at the Univer sity's Lincoln campus by the University Singers and Orch estra, with Prof. Leon Lish ner as bass soloist. The Lin coln performance was re corded and later presented by Station KFMQ to its listeners. Prof. Emanuel Wishnow, chairman of the music depart ment, made the original sug gestion that the poem would I I t" i ' Shapiro Beadell be an excellent text for a composition. The Italia Prize consists of a cash award varying from $2,000 to $6,000 for the best 1959 radio program of a musi cal composition with words. The U.S. is represented by the Broadcasting Foundation of America, which acts as the coordinating agency to re ceive and process entries from American radio and television stations. Twenty-two countries will be represented in the 1959 international competition. The composer of the U.S. entry, Professor Beadell, joined the University faculty in 1954, and since that time has written numerous pieces for performance on the Uni versity campus. He is now in the process of writing an op era. Earlier this year, he was one of a few young American composers selected to spend two weeks with the New York City Opera Company to ob serve rehearsals of the com pany. Professor Shapiro has been a member of the University faculty since 1956. During his army service, 1941-45, he wrote "V-Letter and Other Poems," which brought him the Pulitzer prize. He is the author of 10 books, the most recent of which is "Poems of a Jew." University Receives Money To Hold Guidance Institute The head of the University' of Nebraska's department of education psychology and measurements announced last week that the University has been granted $116,863 to conduct an eight-state coun seling and guidance training institute next year. Dr. Charles O. Neidt, speak ing before the University's two-day All-Teachers College conference, said the institute, to be held Febr. 1 to June 3, 1960, is one of six of its type to be conducted in the na tion. Money for the program, which must yet be formally accepted by the Board of Re gents, was granted under the National Defense Education Act of 1958. Dr. Neidt, who will direct the program, esplained that approximately 45 persons will be selected from Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming to participate. Each, he said, will receive stipends of $75 a week plus allowance of $15 a week for each dependent. "The general purpose of the Institute is to improve the qualifications of school coua-v selors for providing guidance to secondary school students who are capable of profiting from advanced education," he said. . Among the specific aims of the Institute, he outlined, were: Assembling and 'evaluat ing pertinent personal infor mation regarding students Employing appropriate techniques for counseling in dividual students. Conducting conferences with parents and professional personnel. Developing educational and vocational plans for col lege-bound, secondary school students. Evaluating the effective ness of counseling expe riences. Dr. Neidt said that to be considered for enrollment in the Institute each teacher must show that he will be employed at least half time as a school counselor for the academic year of 1960-61. A total of seven institute seminars and courses will be taught by University profes sors. Grad Returns From Job In Afghanistan A 195Q graduate of the Uni versity of Nebraska School of Journalism returned to campus this week on the last leg of a trip around the world. Peter Bielak, a native of Connecticut, has served As sistant Information offi cer for the U.S. Information Service in Afghanistan. He is in the United States on a 30 day leave after which he will go to the Information Service Department in Ethi opia. Bielak said that their greatest job in Afghanistan was counteracting the prop aganda put out by the Soviet Union and Red China, both bordering countries. To do this, he explained, they showed films, prepared ex hibits and put out a daily news bulletin among other things. In addition they main tained a very extensive li brary. He explained that although he had no real trouble with the Communists, there was constant U.S.-Russian compe tition over telling and show ing the latest developments in their home countries. Bie lak said that in spite of this, Afghanistan had been able to keep her neutrality. College YW Names Exec. Miss Jacklyn Wilkes of Portland, Ore., will be the new executive secretary of the University of Nebraska YWCA, beginning in Septem ber, it was announced today. Miss Wilkes has been on the staff of Bethany Episcopalian Home in Glendale, O. She is former assistant program di rector and camp director of the Portland, Ore., YWCA. In 1953, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Oregon, where she was president of the YWCA and ctive in re gional YWCA activities. Visiting Professor Educator Stresses Good Pay "If we are to have the best kind of teachers in out schools it is extremely im portant that we continue in our attempts to raise their salaries," states Professor Lucille Lindberg, visiting pro fessor from Queens Cc'Jege in Flushing, N.Y. "It is also very important that teachers of elementary education have at least four years of c o 1 1 e g e education and I'm very glad to see the progress Nebraska is making in this direction," she noted "Elementary education is my specialty," states Miss Lindberg who is also vice president of the Association for Childhood Education In ternational, a member of the board of directors of the Na tional Kindergarten Assoc., and a member of the educa tion board of Childhood Edu cation magazine. "The way in which a child starts, makes a big difference in later life," she noted. "There is a great deal of talk these days about chil dren not reading and writing as well as they used to," she said, "on the contrary, rec ords show that children throughout the country N are doing much better than chil dren of 20 years ago." "I am very much impressed with the extra curricular pro gram offered summer, stu dents by the University of Nebraska," professor L i n d berg noted, "you'd have to go a long way to find a better one.", "I urge all my students to take advantage of these ac tivities, for 1 feel that they are a wonderful way to broaden ourselves culturally," she added- Music School Given Grant The University of Nebras ka's music department has received a $2,000 grant from a former music student to be used to aid music education. Prof. Emanuel Wishnow, chairman, announced today. The former student is Cur tiss C. Grove, a member of the University School of Music class of 1919 and vice president of Chase Manhat ten Bank, New York. In ac cordance with its fund pro gram, the Chase Bank matched Mr. Grove's gift of $1,000 making the total grant $2,000. The grant can be used as the department sees fit, Pro fessor Wishnow said. He added that the money probab ly would be used to aid out standing students who are in financial need. He said this is one of three recent gifts which are in tended to aid in support of the' University's music edu cation program. nnoei li m you ;i RPfD IT u khwi fit i WATCH SICK?? ninrfif Dick's Watch Service 1245 R 3 doors east of Rust They slept by day and fl struck by mght...in a desperate battle of hide and kill! H Ira B2!?2 CORHHUSKERS ALL! Congregate at the HOTEL LANDMARK TEE PEE POW WOW TEE PEE Open 'til 1 A.M. weekdays and 'til 2 A.M. Fridays and Saturdays ENJOY SUNDAY BRUNCH . . . Served from 1 1 :30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults $200 Children $100