The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 25, 1959, Image 1

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    High School Students Have Opportunity to Use University Facilities
AH Staters Finish Fine Arts Courses
Three hundred Nebraska
All Staters will wind up their
annual summer session on the
University of Nebraska cam
pus this Saturday.
According to John Moran,
General Director of All State,
the course has fulfilled its
purpose of giving outstanding
art, speech and music stu
dents the opportunity to furth
er their talents at NU, mak
ing full use of all facilities
The students attend seven
to eight hours of classes
Lincoln, Nebraska
Dr. Ralph
At Round
"The National Interest In
Guidance and Counseling,"
will be the topic for discus
sion at the second Superin
tendents' Round Table Lunch
con. Featured speaker at the
July 2 meeting will be Dr.
Ralph Bedell of the U.S. De
partment of Education and
formerly on the University of
Nebraska faculty.
Dr. Bedell's speech will re
late the provisions of the Na
tional Defense Act to educa
tional guidance.
In addition there will be a
Mrs. Bedell
Visiting Professor
Basic Knowledge of Economics Essential Says Calif ornian
A full professor at the Uni
versity of Southern California
is teaching a Home Econom
ics course at Nebraska this
summer. He that's right, he
is Prof. E. Byrant Phil
Hps, formerly of Lincoln.
The professor will teach
three eight week courses
here, including a joint Econ
omics Seminar with Prof.
Willis D. Moreland.
daily In flieir respective
fields. The "art students d o
painting and sculpture work
at NU's Morrill Hall.
Those in the field of music
participate in band concerts,
operettas and the chorus.
The speech students have a
chance to participate in three
3-act plays as well as classes
in original and interpretive
"The students work hard
and they play hard," said
Moran, "their recreational
fctivities are well planned."
Is" P M Pf M F
M U iiniiii UUu U So,? U U U U U l
Bedell to Speak
Table Luncheon
luncheon for the wives of
the superintendents, featur
ing Mrs. Bedell, who has
traveled extensively in the
Orient and the South Pacific.
She will give an illustrated
presentation on "Lasting Im
pressions of the South Pacif
ic." Presently Dr. Bedell is a
specialist for Higher Educa
tional Programs in the U.S.
Office of Education in Wash
ington. . Previous to this he
served in the South Pacific
for about three years as Secretary-General
of the South
Dr. BedeU talks with
Since 1947 he has taught
full time in the Home Econ
omics department at USC and
has written a book entitled
"Consumer Economic Prob
lems," and several disserta
tions on the subject.
Gullible Public
According to the professor,
"the public as a whole is gul
lible and ill-informed, and a
good economic education is
Recitals and concerts are
Included in the activities as
well as parties, picnics and
dances, he said.
According to Moran, one of
the objects of the course is
to acquaint the students wiUi
life on a college camous.
"They become familiar
with typical college activities
and are responsible to the
Dean of Student Affairs," he
The students may receive
5 high school credit hours for
attending the course which
JUNE 25, 1959
Pacific TJommission.
From 1938 to 1950, Dr. Be
dell was Associate Professor
and Professor of Educational
Psychology and Measure
ments at the University of
Any superintendent or su
perintendent s wife may at
tend the luncheons by mak
ing reservations by June 29
with Dale K. Hayes, 406 Ad
ministration Building. The
price of the luncheon, to be
held at 12 noon in Parlors
XYZ of the Student Union, is
Mrs. Walter Beggs
needed to put them on an
even keel with the products
and prices we deal with to
day. "The people here," he said,
"seem quite interested in
this, which shows their reali
zation of it's importance."
Born in Lincoln, Prof. Phil
lips has taught at the pub
lic schools here and was su
perintendent of schools at
costs $80. Some organizations,
however, award scholarships
to outstanding students from
their own communities.
Moran said that a recent
poll taken among approxi
mately 1,500 past All Staters
shows that the course is
The University theater's
annual summer production is
a two-part effort this year
according to Dr. J. B. Bald
win, acting director of the
The two plays are "Tam
ing of the Shrew" (which has
already been presented) and
"Laura," a sophisticated mys
tery that has appeared on
Broadway, TV, and in the
The auditioning of players
for "Laura" will be held at
Howell Memorial Theater on
June 29 and 30 from 2-5 p.m.,
Dr. Baldwin said. .
Dr. Baldwin, who is Asso
ciate Professor of Speech
and Dramatic Art, is acting
director in the absence of Dr.
Dallas Williams who is re
covering from an illness.
According to Dr. Baldwin,
any regularly enrolled stu
dent at the University can
audition for a roll in the play
which is scheduled for July
24 and 25.
To Be Seen
A series of concerts by the
Boston Symphony Orchestra
will be seen this summer on
the University TV station,
KUON-TV. The one and a half
hour programs will be seen on
Fridays at 8 p.m.
In the first concert on July
17, noted music director
Charles Munch conducts a
program of music by Bach,
Debussy and Beethoven.
Appearing as guest conduc
tors during later programs
are Sir John Barbirolli, Pierre
Monteaux and Richard Bur
gin. .
The concerts originate from
the stage of Sanders Theater
in Memorial Hall at Harvard
Hallam. He received h i s
Masters and Ph. D. at Ne
braska. After spending three and a
half years in the Air and Sig
nal Corps during World War
II, he and his family moved
to California where he taught
at Los Angeles Jr. College,
and part time at USC.
Impressed With Campus
Phillips said that he was
very well liked.
Some comment from three
students attending this year's
Dean Hawthorne, 15 o
Trumbull: "I think it's well
worth the money. I like tha
campus here and I think it's
well organized. I'd very much
like to attend the Universi
ty." Connnie Diggs, 17, of Platts
mouth: "It's a wonderful op
portunity, I think the campus
is just beautiful, and would
like to go to school here some
Jeanne Shaffer, 15, of
York: "I think the course is
very worthwhile. The campus
is nice, but I think the build
ings are spread out too much.
I've thought quite a bit about
going to the University, but I
haven't made up my mind
Sally Adams
Accepts Post
Of Editor
Sally Adams, editor of tha
"Nebraska Alumnus," has re
signed to accept a similar
post at Washington State Col
lege, Pullman, Wash. Her
resignation, effective July 3,
was announced this week by
Arnold Magnuson, executive
secretary of the University ot
Nebraska Alumni Associa
tion. At Washington State, Miss
Adams will serve as editor
of the "Review," a quarterly
magazine published by the
college, and "Powwow," a
quarterly news letter for
WSC alumni. She will take
over her new position in late
Miss Adams, a University
of Nebraska graduate, for
merly was an assistant in the
University's Department of
Public Relations and staff
writer for the Lincoln Star.
She currently is serving as
president of the Cornhusker
Editors Association, board
member and program editor
of the Lincoln Community
Playhouse and the Broadway
Theater League of Lincoln,
and vice president of Chap
ter FX, PEO.
Tour Scheduled
Sign up now in the Union
Activities Office for the tour
of the Nebraska State Peni
tentiary next Thursday at
4:30 p.m. The cost of the tour,
which includes dinner and en
tertainment by the inmates,
is $1 plus bus fare.
"especially impressed with
the number of buildings and
the size of the campus here."
He a d d e Ct "everyone
seems so congenial."
When asked how he com
pared the students at NU to
those at USC, he said that he
couldn't see much difference,
but, he added, "I'll have to
wait until I give a few tests
before I" can tell for sure."