The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 18, 1959, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    Far East Institute
Presents Movies
Teenagers Turn Politicians
Six programs of films and
slides on the Far East will be
presented during the remri-i-ing
weeks of the summer ses
sion, in conjunction with the
Far Eastern Institute.
All programs will be pre
sented at 3 p.m. on Wednes
days. The public is invited
and there is no admission
According to the Far East
ern Institute director, Dr.
Robert Sakai, the films are
"of general interest to all
The programs, which will
te given in Love Library
Auditorium, are as follows:
June 24Color slides and
lecture on Ceylon presented
by a University graduate stu
dent who has lived in Cey
lon, Mrs. Martha D. Ivaldy
of Omaha.
July 1 "Understanding the
Chinese," an explanation of
cultural patterns which have
functioned throughout China's
past and continue today; and
"The Story of Chinese Art,"
a short survey describing
sources of Chinese inspiration
and the extent of China's cul
tural influence.
July 8 "Peiping Family,"
describing middle-class Chi
nese family customs and at
titudes; and "Sampan Fam
ily," the story of families who
live aboard small river boats.
July 15 "Mahatma Gand
hi," documentary of Gandi's
life taken from newsreels of
the past 40 years; and "Ja
waharlal Nehru."
July 22 "Mooti Child of
New India," concerning an
Indian boy observing small
, changes in ' his environment
signifying a new India and
views of village life: and
"Siam," picture of present-
day Thailand including scenes
of religious festivals and of
life on the sampans of Bang
July 29 "Out of This
World," a record of the trip
Lowell Thomas and his son
took to Tibet about 10 years
V of N Speech Professors
Publish Therapy Textbook
Showing a teacher when
and how she can help a
child's speech development
and giving the beginning
speech therapist a back-
Dr. Forward
Probably many of the
teachers and school adminis-(
trators back on the campus,
this summer remember a
soft s p o k e n , white-haired j
gentleman who has probably j
taught more University of(
Nebraska - students than any j
other faculty member still ac-!
live in the institution. i
Last month one of the guid
ing lights of the present fresh-'
man English program, Ken-i
neth Forward was honored. I
The son of a Baptist minis-'
ter, born in New York state,
lived his boyhood in Colorado,
was educated in New England
and spent his teaching career
in Nebraska will retire July 1.
Dr. Forward commented on
the remarkable change in the
appearance of the University,
but as English goes he has
seen little change in the enter
ing freshman students.
During his career, the use
of placement tests was begun
in the University to place stu
dents in various levels- of Eng
lish instruction. Prior to this,
students were grouped ac
cording to the amount of
English they had in high
school. But then it was found,
according to Dr. Forward,
that high schools were glvirf,
students English credit for;
being business managers of
their high school newspapers.
Dr. Forward served as di-'
rector of the Freshman Eng
lish program from 1946 to 1956 j
and it was during this period,
according to his colleagues,
that order was brought out of
ground text for correction
work are the two major ob
jectives of a new book writ
ten by three University of
Nebraska professors.
"Speech Development, Im
provement, and Correction,"
"by Profs. Lucile Cypreansen,
John H. Wiley and LeRoy T.
Laase, is a non-technical,
though well documented,
work designed to fulfill both
purposes. It is the outgrowth
of many years of practical
experience by Dr. Cyprean
son in the Unversity's speech
and hearing laboratories.
Duo Purpose
With its publication, a text
is available for the first time
both for the student planning,
to teach in elementary
grades and the, student who
may become a speech ther
apist. The book does not intend to
make therapists out of teach
ers, the authors explain, but
rather to enable them to
play a greater part in a
child's speech development. I
uui io qo mis, iney aaa, me
teacher must know when to
use the development methods
and how. Most books on
speech development and
correction, they explain, are
too technical for the average
elementary teacher.
Dr. Cypreansen is super
visor of the University's
Speech and Hearing labora
tories and associate profes
sor of speech and speech cor
rection. Dr. Wiley, associate
professor of speech patholo
gy, is director of the labora
tories, and Dr. Laase, pro
fessor of speech and speech
pathology, is chairman of the
department of speech.
The book was published by
the Ronald Press Co. of New
York City.
Advertiser i
r i
-i-frnmmTriat'n-ja irr ' w l'lfrWiiii nj niinwi
Staters conduct a pre-election rally in front of Love Library.
A blue or yellow beanie or
a tee shirt paper pencil
and most of all a very in
quisitive mind are the
marks of the 627 high school
Prof's Album
Receives Honor
"On Wings of Song"-a
record album recorded b y
juniors attending Boys' andiyric soprano Dorothy War
urns- Maw on uie university enskjold and Jack Crossan,
campus this week. Both are t assistant professor of piano,
Judy Brumm
v I-
sponsored bv the American
Legion and the American Le
gion Auxiliary.
After frenzied politicing
and campaigning, . Judy
Brumm of Lincoln and John
C. Smith of Omaha were
' elected as governors of their
respective states.
During their week's stay
on the campus the high
school politicians nominated
and. elected a complete set
of officers for their states
and had practice in running
their governments.
In addition, the " teenagers
have heard speeches by
state and other government
al officers.
was featured last month as
Capitol Records' "Album of
the Month."
J. C. Smith
Smitty s Little America
Join Your Friends for an Evening of
Relaxation and Good Clean Fun.
24 Blocks North on 27th
Brr-rzft through term papers,
report, these with thia port
able by Royal. Weighs only S
pounds, yet hat a standard key
board, aulck-set margins, single
and double spacing. Complete
with leather carrying ease.
GOLD'S Stationery
Street Floor
We Cite S&II
Green Statu pi