The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 11, 1959, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
T : I 'r JUNE n, 1959 SUMMER NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Hardin Tells Regents Staff Turnover Average Turnover on the University j of Nebraska facuty has aver aged about 23 in Iwo years, Chancellor Clifford Hardin told the Board of Regents Saturday. Hardin pointed out that more than 145 persons had re signed in the last two years and that "money was the most common reason for the resignation. Also at the Regents meet ing Dr. Robert M. Koch was elevated to professor and chairman of the University department of animal hus bandry effective Sept. 1. He will succeed Prof. William J Loeffel as chairman. Resignations were accepted from the following: John F. Steinman, resident In psychia try. College of Medicine; Russell O. Sx vik, lecturer in neurology Ml psychia try. College of Medicine; Lnia M. Pfister, hex) nurse and instructor in hospital nursine; Martui A. Hairstone, research associate in adontics; Cal vin C. Lepp, county agricultural exten cia agent; Alton S. Hetaiit, arwtacer elirector, ia -school television. Betty Lou Parks, assistant county home extension agent i Dawn Barter, lecturer nt speech therapy i Mel vis E. McKnigM, research associate in ento mology; Roberta Henderson, county home extension agent; Douglas R. Me tine, assistant extension economist; Beu lak M McBride, amMant professor of institutional gaana.-ann a seel sere Ice manager at fce Collage f ACrieal ture; Jack C Scatritc. veteran aasbrac- at Curtis School of Agriculture. Charles L. Stonecipher, assistant roanty extension agent; Dennis L. Cole man, Instructor tn inechanicnl engineer ing; Irvin L. Reis. associate professor of mechanical engineering; Paul weigel, architect. University staff in Turkey ; Leattrice I. Smith, county home ex tension agent; Frieda V Bailey, county home extension agent; Merle L. John son, associate com my agricaltaral exten sion agent. Jsxob R. Lowenberg assistant plant pathologist; Paul D Federsou, instruc tor is preventive medicine and rubiic health; Raymond V. Real, ntstmctor in engineering mechanics. The Regents approved the following appointments: fames R. Chapraan. assistant county agricultural extension agent; Don i. Ku wk, assistant cotftrty agricultural agent; Donnie D. Miner, assistant coanty agri cottural extension agent; Keith D. Rel inbaugh. assistant county agricultural extension agent; Morland D. Rucker, assistant county agricultural extension Kent; Lyle W. Vawser. assistant county agricultural evtension agent; Rnssrt E. Weiss, extension assistant in agron omy; John W. Wilmes. assistant acounty agricultural extension agent; Wolfgang Kemof. research associate in nieeheia- tBtry. Wallace E. LaBerge, associate profes sor of entomology and associate ento mologist; Loren L. Braun, research asso ciate in cehmistry; Burhan Perkin, re search associate hi chemistry; Goran Norstrowi, mstmctor in eeography: Con rad R. Hill, assistant professor of iour nalism; Gary H. Meisters. assistant pro fessor of methematics; Claude Edmonde Magny. visiting professor of Romance Languages; Jeronimo Mallo. visiting professor of Romance Languages; Nich olas Babrhak, associate professor of so cilogy; William R. Morgan, assistant professor of speech and dramatic art; John W. Roll, associate professor of mechanical engineering; ioha F. Ekli eberger, assistant professor of social work; Thomas D. Hunt, assistant jwo fessor of social work; Ruth E. Den kinger, head nurse and mstmctor In pe diatric nursing : Kenneth W. veJward, assistant oawfessor t pediatrics and rardiovancnlar research; Tally J Speaker, rasxiatoh associate. CeUece t Pharmacy. T All Male Student The I. ft. Wnrkini Company hat tmwvMef a Whalenhip Award pvwejtwvn shtcfc wnH wore? ctcvoei ra $100. Anna with the scholar, hip award it the oppoctanirT af Jl stowlsrf sjiwt(asaytlssasrsf s PnWuW schedule permit, d u r i a a the lima vocvrton periods, with, above av er enrainai t a expected. The fype af work will provide en npporrnwlrv ta eaveiop the knock of dealiaa with human neinee tB 4941 IVnraaJ'lasv nwl erfMP QMwVVaratMA Fear full ienmU H S-3&S0. 1036 Somtk SfreW. RUSS' SNACK BAR Wecomes You.' Homemade Rolls, Pies Soups Sandwiches 1227 R St. Patronize Ncbraskan Advertisers "LARGEST BOOK STORE WEST OF MISSISSIPPI" GET ACQUAINTED WITH SAVINGS TO YOU . New & Used Text Books Study Lamps Fountain Pens Zipper Notebooks Miscellaneous Supplies '&aB00K STORE. mIT? aar Permaitents as Uw . . . . .$4.95 1 !? Shampoo and Fingerwavc $ 7S l jSk Jw CM 2-1492 or ttop in for mppoimlnutl jj 31 f REECE & ' SYBIL Mewa& 2J3 " I 'TO MAKE THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE YOUR BANKING HEADQUARTERS WHILE YOU ARE AWAY hKUM nUMt. if wt in BE HELPFUL IN CASHING YOUR CHECKS, PLEASE STOP IN THE MAIN LOBBY AT 13TH& O STREET. "CORNHUSKER THRIFTI -CHECK-CHECKING ACCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA STUDENTS ONLY. ONLY TWO BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Mambor f adaral DapasH Iwuronc Carpooion inm..,,.y sjt f fi is:" I I. . hi - i