The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 15, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Fridov, May 15, 1959
Page 2
The Daily Nebraskan
Editorial Comment:
( 11 HE TUHO His iS
ew Romans Charges
Have Familiar Proofs
1L MAtol
Same song, second verse.
That is the only thing that can be de
duced from new charges made by state
Senator Jack Romans implicating two
additional Law College professors in shady
- deals and organizations.
Earlier Senator Romans scourged Prof.
Merton Bernstein for belonging, at one
time, to the Americans for Democratic
Action. When it became apparent that
there was nothing really wrong with this,
Senator Romans withdrew a resolution to
investigate the hiring practices of the Lr-r
Wednesday Senator Romans was back
on the floor of the Unicameral at the same
old stand and still selling wormy apples.
He charged that Caleb Foote, a former
professor in the law school, had been twice
convicted of a felony. He charged that
Prof. Frederick Beutel, fcrmer dean of
the college had been a member of a Com
munist front organization.
Investigating the charges, the Daily Ne
brask&n has found the following:
1.) Caleb Foote was indeed twice con
victed of a felony. Foote was a conscien
tious objector during World War U and he
served time for violation of the Selective
Service Act In 1947, he was pardoned by
President Harry Truman.
Caleb Foote's mother was a Quaker.
His father, now retired, was a Unitarian
minister. Although he is not officially a
member of any church, he was strongly
influenced by his mother's teaching.
Quakers are pacifists. For them war and
Violence No Way
To Influence
University students nearly made a
tragic mistake Thursday morning.
Some of the hotheads, who remained
anonymous in their phone calls to us, tried
to stir up a mass march on the Legisla
ture. Their aim was a good one. They wanted
to protest the charges made by Senator
Jack Romans concerning the University
College of Law. They were behind the
University all the way.
Bat their method was faulty. We hope
that they won't resort to this method
We must realize that most of the mem
bers of the Legislature are behind the Uni
versity. But a protest march by an uncon
trolled mob would have alienated the sen
ators before the University's point could
be made.
There are other means than violent ones
by which to support an individual point of
view before an assembly representing the
people. Letters, telegrams, telephone calls
and visits to the representatives are the
proper channels for expressing public
And we urge you to use them, no matter
what your opinir n. They are the means
by which our senators are informed of the
temper of their cotrltuents. They are the
means which influence bis vote violence
never does.
physical violence of any kind are a sin.
That precludes even football, boxing and
wrestling among the strict members of the
sect. Many of them refused to serve in
the armed services during the war.
One can hardly condemn a man for fol
lowing the dictates of his conscience in a
religious matter. The constitution, we no
tice, has a clause covering this.
2. ) Frederick Beutel was indeed a mem
ber of the Committee for Medical Free
dom. This is the organization which Sen
ator Romans claims was a Communist
front group. To prove his point he quoted
from the American Mercury Magazine of
1953 which stated, "The Committee for
Medical Freedom is one of the newest
units of the Communist front apparatus."
Now the Committee might have rated
high on the American Mercury list of
Communist front organizations, but it ap
parently escaped the attention of the FBI.
The Daily Nebraskan has access to the list
of subversive organizations used as a
check by the Atomic Energy Commission,
one of the most security conscious agen
cies of the Federal Government. The
Committee is nowhere listed as either
Communist, Fascist or what-have-you by
the Atomic Energy Commission.
Furthermore, the author of the Mercury
article was dismissed from Senator Jo
seph McCarthy's staff soon after the ar
ticle appeared. The same author who
wrote this article wrote another indicting
100 churchmen as Communists.
3. ) There is nothing wrong with being a
liberal. Extensive research of the Con
stitution of the nation leads the Daily Ne
braskan to conclude that there is no pro
hibition therein as to political sympathies.
This is modified by the Smith act to pro
hibit membership in organizations advo
cating the forcible overthrow of the Con
stitution or the government of the nation.
The Smith Act says nothing about liberals.
This paper has never been noted for its
liberal sentiments on aid to education, .
federal spending, labor or government in
business. In view of these past senti
ments, we could be classified as conserv
atives. But we still think professors Beutel and
Bernstein should be allowed to be liberals
if they like. And both of these gentlemen
have told us that we can be as conserva
tive as we wish.
Now, if Sen. Romans could adopt the
same attitude things might get back to
Since he won't it might be a good idea
to let him investigate to his heart's con
tent. When he finds nothing wrong, he win
go away and not bother us again.
Good Book
In case nobody knows about it yet, the
Cornhuskers are here.
And our friends in the other office have
come up with another good product. Con
gratulations on a good book, kids.
And by the way, all you lost souls, the
Cornhusker office is to the right as you
come in the door of Room 20, Student Un
ion. Signs are posted to direct strangers
wishing to pick up their books.
So now we won't have to ask an those
pesky questions, wuT we?
Casual Observer
i '
5 .. - 4
With Just one small change like being
born somewhere else, all these senior-type
individuals ambling around campus both
ering busy people, might be beading for
a graduation ceremony of a slightly dif
ferent sort like instead
of moving a tassel across
a mortar board to having
a bone inserted through
their no set.
At least that's the latest
word on graduation?
around the world. A Re
searcher for Underwood
Corporation came up with
the following facts abot
the big days:
Eskimo get their "di
plomas' by paddling from some lost place
back home in a kayak. Bantu tribesmen
paint their faces with blobs of home-made
paint to designate Ms chosen profession
warrior, hunter, craftsman or priest.
Melanesian boys who succeed in living
la the wilderness for a week with no equip
ment but the clothes on their back and a
knife, really have it made when they get
back to the village.
The clan throws the biggest party of its
existence. The hero can do no wrong for
the following week. He may kiss any girl
be wishes, drop in for supper anywhere,
drink himself senseless anything he
XormaUj Sane
Somehow, I can't help but see a parallel
here. Something gets into normally sane
individual! about the time they hit the
midway point in the last, final, and fin
ishing semester, and suddenly they be
come different persons.
Former activity jocks start haunting
their former hangoutsbugging the young
sters who have taken over their desks.
This harassment takes the form of leaning
back in their chairs, puffing a cigarette
and discussing casually the wonders of be
ing out of it They sit around and com
plain about an the spare time they sud
denly have, but at the same time, men
tion pointedly having taken off six after
noons in the past week to hit Caseys.
And if my roommate is any indication
of what hits most seniors, it's a wonder
any graduates ever accept jobs. Never
have I seen any one individual less inter
ested in doing anything after graduation.
Work seems out of the question, also
school. From what I gather, the next sev
eral months win be spent by her either
sitting in a chair staring into space, or
else draped across a plot of sand on a
beach somewhere.
It's really rough being an underclass
man at this time of the year, because the
complete unconcern with things academic
on the part of these senior-type people is
one of the most contagious maladies ever
yet discovered.
Incidentally, many thanks to Bob Mar
teL who did a very nice job of filling in for
me. Also, thanks for the pack of Marl
boro's which is the only sign in my now
famous drawer that Bob occupied the
m.e.'s chair for a couple of days.
Daily Nebraskan
Ewntwwt AaMefated Collrr1te Pre
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Daily Nebraskan Letterips
But He Does!
To the Editor:
I see the Nebraskan is
still insisting there is such
a person as Melvin Eikle
berry. You may be inter
ested to know there are
more people than you think
who refuse to swallow this
story. If you had really
wanted us to believe you,
you should have: 1) picked
a less improbable name
and 2) expressed opinions
Li thfs column which were
a little less preposterous
and a little more consistent.
Del Johnson
Far Enough
To the Editor:
Sen. Romans' criticism of
the Nebraska Law College
has gone far enough! This
childish vendetta has taxed
the patience of .most of us.
First, we find Sen. Ro
mans declaring that Mer
ton Bernstein is unfit to
teach at the University, the
main reason being, I'm
sure, because Mr. Bern
stein's ideas are more lib
eral than are those of Sen.
Second, a former pro
fessor of law, Caleb Foote,
is referred to by Sen. Ro
mans as a "convicted fel
on." Here, reference is ap
parently made to the fact
that Foote was imprisoned
during World War II for
being a conscientious ob
jector. Th;s does not, I
think, constitute Mr. Foote
in the same class as a
"sneak thief," as Sen. Ro
mans reference to him
would have us believe, un
less having the courage to
stand by one's religious
convictions constitutes a
criminal personality.
Thirdly, Sen. Romans
has criticized law professor
Frederick Beutel as a per
son "with an affinity for
membership in organiza
tions of dubious character."
As a student of Mr. Beu
tel's for two years, I feel
I can vouch for his integri
ty and academic abilities
as being beyond reproach
from any demagogic at
tack. In fact, I feel that
this can be said for the en
tire Law College faculty.
Finally, reference has
been made to various politi
cal groups as being "sub
versive," etc. In fact, ma
jor criticism has been cen
tered around their mem
bership in these various or
ganization.. In checking
the U.S. Attorney General's
List of Subversive Organi
zations, I do not find the
Committee for Medical
Freedom listed; I do not
find the American Civil
Liberties Union listed.
It seems to me that what
ever information Sen. Ro
mans has as the subversive
activities of any of these
groups should be turned
over at once to the De
partment of Justice, since
the entire machinery of the
United States government
hasn't yet been able to turn
up any such evidence.
I feel it's time we faced
this issue squarely. Know
ing that education can sur
vive only in an atmosphere
of free thinking, we must
declare ourselves opposed
to any actions that would
infringe upon the principles
of academic freedom.
Butler D. Shaffer
The setting is Chicago, February of 1929. Spats Colom
bo (George Raft) and his "Doys." line up
and mow down members of a rival gang
in a desolate garage. Unfortunately, two
unemployed musicians, Joe and Jerry
(Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon, respec
tively) witness the slaughter and decide,
because Spats has seen them, to disappear
on their own alive before he prompts his
own approach to the idea. Penniless, and
fearing for their lives, Joe and Jerry dress
as women and join an all-girl orchestra
headed for Miami Beach. At this point the
fun begins in "Some Like It Hot."
Billy Wilder, a brilliant writer and director, with the
rare talent of periodically restoring real comedy to films
("Roman Holiday," "Stalag 17," "Love in the Alternoon"),
has taken a silly situation and made it not only hilarious,
but even believeable. His cast, assisted by such able stand
by as Pat O'Brien, Joe E. Brown and George Stone, con
tribute greatly to the farce. Marilyn Monroe appears
prominently (as one might expect), and warbles a few
songs of the day, including such hits as "I Wanna Be Loved
By You" and "Running Wild." But perhaps the real
troupers of the show are Curtis and Lemmon, who during
the film's production, must have learned that it's tough to
be a woman especially if you're a man. "Some Like It
Rot" is a Varsity attraction.
Six Oscars
The last of this year's Union Movie offerings is the six
time Academy Award winner, "The Bad and the Beauti
ful." Directed by "Gigi's" Vincente MinnellL the picture
presents the sordid account of a Hollywood producer (Kirk
Douglas) who sets out to win everything he ever wanted
at any cost. Complications, including assorted studio char
acters in the form of Lana Turner, Walter Pidgeon, Dick
Powell, Barry Sullivan, Gloria Grahame, Gilbert Roland
and Leo G. Carroll, make life difficult for a while and
these conflicts make the picture interesting. Showtime is
7;30 p.m. Sunday.
tern: l X J
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Fine imported fabric of
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