The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 15, 1959, Image 1
o Mir in Romans In Panel Idea Out Students To Talk With Chancellor A student convcation star ring state Senator Jack Ro mans was considered, then later dropped by a group of Interested students. Yesterday, shortly after the semi-schedued mass protest died down to a very mild roar, a student delegation met with assistant to the tudy !ue Sni Editorial Comment Page 2 chancelor, J i m Pittenger, bout the possibilities of scheduling a convocation in which a student panel would have the opportunity to ques tion Romans on charges made against various Univer sity law professors. Charles Keyes said after the meeting with Pittenger that if sufficient student sup port could be generated, such a convocation might be scheduled for Tuesday or Wednesday. A larger student group composed of Keyes, George Moyer, past Kebraskan edi tors Sam Jensen, Dick Shu grue and Dick Fellman and Steve Schutz agreed that such a convocation would ac tually do little to clarify the issue. The consensus of the group present at the Thursday night meeting was that the Board of Regents definitely ougt to take a stand on the issue, and that a study should be made, of hiring practices in order that no charges of whitewashing be leveled against the University ad ministration. A delegation of students composed of Pete Anderson, senior in law school, Jensen, Mover, Phi Sorensen and B J. Holcomb, law student, is scheduled to meet with Chan cellor Clifford Hardin today, By Marilyn Coffey Sen. Marvin Lautenschla ger of Grand Island indi cated he would participate in an "objective study" of the hiring methods of the University, if one were held. Lautenschlager was one of several senators inter viewed by the Daily Ne braskan after Sen. Jack Romans commented yester day that there was "some talk" among senators of "creating an investigation." Romans told the Nebras kan that he planned no further individual action. "Without question Senator Romans has sufficient amount of evidence to justi fy further study," Lauten schlager said. Such a study should be conducted by in terested legislators, work ing "objectively" with the chancellor and the Board of Regents, according to the Grand Island senator. Romans' evidence was re cently compiled in letter form to be sent to the Board of Regents. He read the let ter to the Legislators Wednesday morning. As evidence that the hir ing policies of the Law Col lege should be scrutinized, Romans cited cases of two current professois, Merton Berstein and Frederick Beu tel and past professor of law, Caleb Foote. Berstein, according to Romans' letter, admittedly belonged to the American Veteran's Committee at Co lumbia University when "it was subversive or at least full of Communists;" had been a member of the Civil Liberties Union; denied be longing to the Americans for Democratic Action and later retracted his denial. Romans quoted the ADA World, which listed Berstein as members of several na tional committees of ADA in 1956, 1957 and 1958. After questioning whether the dean of Law College or Sen. Wayne Morse or someone else was Berstein's boss, the senator from Ord continued: "His dishonesty to the Committee, coupled with the fact that he left a $14,003 per year position to accept an associate professorship at $9,000 give reason to at least question Mr. Berstein's motives Beutel, wrote Romans, "Shows an affinity for mem bership in organizations of dubious character." American Mercury maga zine in 1953 carried an ar ticle on "Communism and the Colleges," which includ ed Beutel as one of 42 pro fessors who sponsored the committee for Medical Freedom, one of the "units of the Communist front ap paratus." The article was written by J. B. Matthews, wh also wrote an article about Com munism in the churches about the same time and was subsequently dismissed from McCarthy's investiga tion staff. Beutel said Romans ac cusations tend to degrade the whole Legislature." The Mercury article, ac cording to the profes sor, was an attempt by Matthews to attack some 100 leaders of American ed ucation. "Sea. Romans has been taken in by material that even McCarthy c o u 1 d n't stomach," Beutel com mented. The U.S. Attorney Gen eral's office in Washington said Thursday that the Com mittee for Medical Free dom had never been listed among subversive organiza tions by the officer. Foote, a professor at the University from 1954-56, has an FBI record showing that he was a convicted felon, indicted on three occasions and convicted twice, accord ing to Romans. Chancellor Clifford Har din said, later, that Foote's "record contained informa tion on his status as a con scientious objector during WW II which resulted in two convictions which were sub sequently cleared by full presidential pardon from the federal government some seven years before he came to Nebraska." olders Quiet Crowd Protests Attack on Three Profs Vol. 33, No. Ill The Daily Nebraskan Friday, May 15, 1959 Hoeraciy Lee and Epp Picked Council Officers The Student Council Wednesday elected three new officers for 1959-60. John Hoerner was elected treasurer, Kitzi Lee was chos en recording secretary and Sigma Xi Takes 60 At Banquet Forty-four University grad uate students in science were named to associate member ship and 16 to full member ship in Sigma Xi, national science honorary society, at the annual initiation banquet Elected to associate mem bership were: Herbert BalL John Barton, Billy Best, Harry Blacker, Martyn Bowden, William Carlson, Climaco Cassalet, Mitchell Doty, Martin Dum ler, Donald EngeL Mildred Gross, Ronald Heathcote, Morris Hemstron Josh Herzog, James Huf ham, Wayne Lang, William McCrady, Juan Munoz, An drew Nagy, Gary Oakeson, Gerald Olson, Francis Ost diek, Merlin Parsons, Law rence Rakestraw, Agaram Rao, Raymond Real James Rooney, Dudley Saville, Jer ome Schnell Ronald Schreiber, Donald Signor, Jerry Sinor, Larrie Stone, Evelyn Strathman, James Swanson, James Thompson, Fahrettin Tosun, Edward Travnicek, Thomas Wallace, Gordon W7arner, Patrick Wells, Leland Wilson, Arvel Witte and Kenneth Pa pa. Graduate students elected to full membership were: Charles Anderson, Stanley Augenstein, Marvin Bichel, Waldeon Buss, Hilda Lei Ching, Steward Ensign, Jean Marsh, James Petersen, Ar- vin Quist, Benjamin Kicha son Jr., Paul Sand, Himansu Sen, Marvin Schneider, John Turnbull, David Wrilliamson and Frank Wokoun. IFC Dinner Attended By Ninety Young, Eagleton, Ireland Honored Some ninety fraternity offi cers met Wednesday night to honor the four graduating fraternity men with the high est averages and the past IFC president Thurston Phelps, Phi Kap pa Psi alum, spoke to the University Club gathering on scholarship and rushing. Highest Averages Dave Young, Theta XL walked off with the top scho lastic award, a watch, with his 8.018 average in Arts and Sciences. George Eagleton, also member of I beta XI came second with a 7.937 average in Arts and Sciences. Bob Ireland was third high est with a 7.827 average is Arts and Sciences. Raise Average Phelps, a former Innocent and three year football letter- man, told the fraternity lead ers that they must bring the aD-fraternity average still further above the all-mens. ' He advised keeping a rec ord of freshmen's high school records and governing their first year's activities accord ing to their academic ability. In regard to rushing," Pehlps suggested that frater nity men rush their university first and formost. He encouraged fraternities to take advantage of the many occasions when out state high school seniors visit the city for clinics, sports events and festivals. New Masquers To Be Tapped Nebraska Masquers will be tapped at their annual dinner to be held in the Terrace Room of the Lincoln Hotel at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. The Best Actor and Best Actress of the year will be presented at the "Curtain Calls of '59" dinner. Dancing wil follow dinner and the presentation of awards. Tickets for the dinner are $3 and may be obtained in 108 Temple Building. Former IFC president Gary Cadwallader was presented an inscribed gaveL In pre senting the gavel, his succes sor George Porter cited Cad wallader for the 6teps taken by the IFC under his leadership. Block and Brjdle Elects Wehrbein Roger Wehrbein has been elected president of Block and Bridle Club. Dr. E. R. Peo Jr., assistant professor of animal husban dry, was selected club ad visor. Other new officers are Ted Klug, vice-president; George O'Neal, secretary; Ralph Hazen, treasurer; Larry Wil liams, Agricultural Executive Board representative; Tom Kreager, historian; John Zau ha, co-historian; and Frank Reece, marshal. Don Epp was elected corres ponding secretary. Hoerner is the Interfrater nity Council representative. Miss Lee represents Teach ers College and Epp is an Ag College representative, Nielsen Sworn In Jack Nielsen, Junior in En gineering and Architecture, was sworn in as Council president by outgoing presi dent Dwaine Kogge, Nielsen in turn adminis tered the oath of office to the newly elected Council members. Nominated for the treasur er's post were Hoerner, Larry Kilstrup, Don Epp and Ken Tempero. Miss Lee and Frances Spo eneman were the nominees for recording secretary. Corresponding Secretary Corresponding secretary nominations included Epp, Tempero, Janet Hansen, Dick Newman and Kilstrup. After the election, new council members, holdover members and the Council ad visors were introduced. io runner business was transacted by the new Coun cil Hoerner is a sophomore is Business Administration. H e is a Daily Nebraskan staff writer, public relations chair man of the IFC, a member of the 1959 Spring Day Com mittee and Rush Chairman of Delta Upsilon. Miss Lee is a sophomore in Teachers. She is a Build ers assistant, an AUF chair man, a member of French Club and Kappa Kappa Gam ma. Epp, a sophomore in Agri culture, is a Kosmet Klub worker, Builders chairman, vice president of Ag Econom ics Club, a member of Ag ronomy Club and Faraliouse. 4 " M s rr- 1 S ....c, r . ''' T i l f Tinii ' Til ' .SfcjMMWii3, Mir milff if " - r-T Some 100 University stu dents gathered in front of the State Historical Society build ing yesterday to protest Sen ator Jack Roman s charges against certain University law professors but a rumored pro test march failed to material ize. Peter Anderson, senior law student told the group, "We are here to protest we at tack on Bernstein." This is the only way students have to protest, he added. Spontaneous Meeting Law students said the meet ing was planned rather spon taneously to protest Senator Roman's actions in calling for an investigation of the luring methods of the Law College. They said no protest march had ever been planned. At the meeting, James Pit tenger, assistant to the Chan cellor, suggested that a com mittee be formed to meet with the Chancellor about the mat ter. A meeting was scheduled for 3 pjn. today. Houses Called As announcement of the meeting was made at the Union Foreign Film showing Wednesday night and some campus organized houses "THE NORTH wind doth blow" through campus scatter ing skirts, hair-dos, papers and pleasant dispositions, in some eases. These two NU coeds, Diane Yeck and Pat Johnson, don's seem to mind the minor gale however. Twenty-Six Frosh Women Initiated into Alpha Lam Twpfltv-SIT frPsTimfln WOm- " Prng, Karyl Kosenberaer, Vii AWemy SIX Iiesnman WOm-, Saiiorn. Lind. Sctelbiuk.. Kari- lyi Swell. Cliirr Vrba, Ann W hiker. Sharya Mutton, Celenui Keue wul Lynn Cornliusker Beauties Revealed Six coeds were revealed as Cornhusker Beauty Queens in the Cornhusker which came out this week. They are: Bunny Aikens, a freshman in Teachers College and mem ber of Pi Beta Phi. Carol Frey, a freshman in Teachers College and a mem ber of Alpha Phi. Sherry Johnson, a sopho more in Arts and Sciences and a member of Alpha Phi. Linda Oakeson a sophomore in Arts and Sciences and a member of Pi Beta Phi Joanne Simkins, a sopho more in Teachers College and a member of Chi Omega. Yvonne Young, a junior in Teachers College and a mem ber of Alpha Omicron Pi. ; The six Beauty Queens were chosen by Steve Allen, tele vision personality, from photo graphs sent to him by the Cornhusker staff. Finalists for the title were Judy Berry, Lois Muhle, Pat Rutt, Margene Goettsch, Lucy Webster and Sylvia Bathe, i en won averages of 7.5 or above were initiated into Al pha Lambda Delta. Miss Maxine Trauernicht, faculty advisor of the scho lastic honorary, was made an honorary member. Senior Awards Dean Marjorie Johnston, national Alpha Lambda Delta president announced nine winners of senior certificates; Phyllis Bonner, Nancy Cope- land, Ardis Deichmann, Doris Eby, Ardyce Raring, Lois LaRue, Terry Mitchum, Sonia Sievers and Phyllis William son. These awards are given to all members having an ac cumulative 7.5 average for seven semesters. Phyllis Bonner received a book as the Alpha Lambda Delta member having the highest accumulative four- year average, pnyuis also has the highest average of all senior women. New Officers Officers of Alpha Lambda Delta for the coming year in stalled Tuesday are Lynn Wright president; Judy Davis, vice president; Celesta Weise, secretary; Mary Kemp, treasurer; and Karen Boesiger, historian. The initiates: Kiren BoeniKer, Nencr Carroll, Ruby Daffer, Jud Davis, lutuat Ih-hu, Brea ds Enduri. Shiriejr Catva. Elaine Ciltba. Barbara Huffman, Julianne Kay. Mary Kemp, Ajusela ljn. Susan Lytle. Shult-y MuCwa, Siiirlty Parker, Mary Fuliock. Maj. Harper To Address ROTC Meet Major General Joseph Harper, Deputy Commanding General, Fifth U.S. Army, will be the principal speaker at the spring Army and Air Ftrce ROTC commissioning exercises June 6. The exercises will be held at Love Memorial Auditor ium at 8:15 a.m. General Harper was award ed the Legion of Merit for service as commander of the 327th Glider Infantry and the Silver Star for gallantry in action during World WTar IL He Is a ROTC graduate from the University of Dela water. Sixty-three Army and Air Force cadets will be commis sioned second lieutenants n the traditional pre-com-mencement ceremonies. Newman Club To Hold Picnic were called Thursday mora ing and requested to partici pate in the meeting. Law student Ken Freed said the idea of the meeting origi nated among law students about the accusations, par ticularly Roman's accusa tions, that some of the signa tures on two protests petitions presented to the legislature by law students were false. Thirty-three law students signed petitions protesting an earlier resolution calling for an investigation by the legis lature. Romans presented tha resolution and later withdrew it saying he understood th University would handle tha matter. Freed said he had no idea where the rumor of a protest march started. He also said he did not know who was re sponsible for calling the or ganized houses. Sen. Cooper 'Satisfied' With Matter Sen. John Cooper of Hum- bolt after a meeting with Chancellor Clifford Hardin, said that he is "personally satisfied that the law school matter will be looked into." Any investigation will have to be accomplished by a slow process Cooper said. "It requires time and is not a shotgun matter." He commended the Chan cellor's stand on Romans charges defending the pro fessors and their rights gen erally, but not individually. Cooper was not accompan ied by any other senators during his visit with Hardin. Earlier, several had indicat ed they might go along. lCH 11 Hail TJA WHi m. annual spring picnic Sunday leave the Newman Center at 2 p.m. The picnic is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. A 50 cent supper will be served at 5:30. A dance will Nebraskan Interviews Next Week Interviews for the first se mester staff of the 1959-60 Daily Nebraskan wil be held Saturday, May 23. Appliiations for paid posi tions may be picked up in the office of advisor Dr. Rob ert Cranford in 309 Burnett. Edicrial staff members to be chosen and their salaries are editor, $85; managing ed itor, $65; news editor, $55; copy editors and staff writ- ana spons eaiior. Business staff positions to be filled include business manager, $55 plus iommis sions, and business assist- No experience Is necessary follow at the Student Union. to apply for the positions, New Union Terrace to Have 'Outdoor Look', Commuters Offered Club Room Square Dancers Meet Tonight The All University Square Dance Club will meet tonight at 8 in the Ag Union. Lessons in round dancing will be given at 7:30 p.m. Election of officers also will be held. Admission is 25c for mem bers and 35c for non-members. (Note: This is the fifth in a series of ar ticles about the New Student Union which will open this falL Today's story features these special areas: Terrace, Art Gallery, Commuters Clubroom, Crafts Room, Bar ber Shop and Auditorium.) By Doug McCartney For lounging under the sun or dancing under the stars, the Union terrace brings the outdoor look to the building. The 24-foot-wide concrete area winds around the north and west ends of the building. Stairs from the front entrance and doors from the lounge and Pan-American room lead onto the terrace. Lawn furniture will adorn the patio when the weather permits. Art Gallery To the left of the main entrance of the new Union lies the Art Gallery. The wood paneled room is separated from the main hall by a modernistic screen, and will be a display case for exhibits of art and sculpture, photography and special or ganizations. One of its purposes is to serve as a reception lounge in connection with the Pan-American Room Shifting to the basement one Finds the "Commuter's Club Room". It is designed to provide a place to eat lunches and study for commuters. The lunch area win have various-sized tables, chairs and vending machines. The rest of the room is a study area. Beige and yellow tile rises to seven feet on the walls. Music will be piped in from the control booth. SLewers Offered Across the halL the "Commuter's Lounge" will contain clothes lockers and showers. Adjoining quiet rooms with cots . will provide for quick naps. In the same southeast corner, the new craft shop will contain work tables, benches, sinks and other facilities plus storage room for organizational displays. Here campus organizations and commit tees can check out paper, paint and other supplies to make banners and signs. The Union will sponsor a crafts program and offer a non-credit class each se mester. Next door a poster shop will take or ders from organizations for signs and post ers. Orders can be filled in 24 hours with the use of the Morgan Line-O-Scribe ma chine. A ditto machine will be available to organizations. All orders will be placed with the Activities Office. Barber Shop Another new feature in the basement is a campus barber shop. Barbers will be especially talented at collegiate haircuts. Five chairs and modern equipment win be included as wen as a study nook and lounge. Shoes can be polished on a do-it-yourself shoe shining machine. Prices win be the same as in other Lin coln shops and the shop win probably op erate six days a week. Probably one of the most popular rooms of the new Union wUl be the "little audi torium". Located just off the party rooms la the west end of the basement, the room features a sloping concrete floor and pre ce ilium stage. Sliding panels on the stage convert it into a bulletin borad, blackboard or movie screen. There is a small dressing room to the left of the stage and a projection booth at the back. The nearby servery can be utilized to serve food if desired. The auditorium has permanert sealing for 172. Seats are soft and have ashtrays. This room can be used for movies, art films, conferences, large group meetings, lectures, book reviews, recitals, small concerts and a variety of other things. , ...