Page 4 Greek Week Will Highlight Traditional Gaines, Banquet Panel discussions, a )lood- mobile, and the traditional games and awards banquet will highlight the 1959 Greek: chariot. Week festivities May 11 to 17. ; Dick stukev, Jr. 1FC presi- The IFC Ball, usually held ; dent isv in " charge of the in conjunction with Greek1 event. Rules for chariot con Week will be m'ssing this struction to protect the wom year as it was held earlier en passengers have been in the season. added to the contest. The panel discussions will j The Annual awards banquet cover four areas of fraternity j at the University Club May improvement, public rela-jl3 will feature awards to the tions, pledge training, schol-jtop three senior fraternity arship, and rushing. ! men scholastically. Last This year the discussions ! year's top honors went to will be held in fraternity j Dick Andrews, a member of houses, a departure from I Alpha Tau Omega, previous practice.. j Saturdayi May i6, is the The Douglas County Blood-j State Track Meet and most mobile will be on the campus May 12. 13 or 14, Joe Knoll, Greek Week chairman said Knoll indicated that a high percentage of greeks had agreed to give blood as part of the weeks activities. The Jr. IFC sponsored Greek Week competition will feature the usual chariot race with a few new rules. Instead of being pulled by two men as in the past, six men will pull the chariots. In the past the competition has decided, the greek week queen who reigned over the IFC Ball. The girl in the win ning chariot received the honor. This year exact rules and prizes for the winning fra ternity have not yet been an nounced. In the past each Nebraska. Want Ads No Worrii 1 d. 2 da. S da. rt, ' ' I 0 I .15 .&5 , Too 11-15 .50 .! 1.Q5 i.b 16-20 .60 .85 1 25 1.50 Jl-25 .70 1 10 1.45 1,75 ?-30 j .80 j 1.25 1.65 sTop l-35 .90 l.Q j i,S5 2.25 36-40 100 j 1.55 1 2.Q5 I 2 50 Thu low -cost rates apply to Want A 1 which ara placed for ronnemivt data aMl ara pi id for within 10 day ater tt-t ad expire or la canre!1. WANTED I" any price Fdnr o?rf for ROOK 1st Edition. W. Lane. Brae l--b. f an before Aealln with Lang. C. &3V. Brace Lab. PERSONEL Eftier Loao. oerta7iiit m lint A Womea'a fltunc problema. Double breaated converted to (Ingle. 4445 So. sth. t-42H. Vn-r and ere. dasre at te MIDWst Hairdrenics ACADEMY aT4it! ahooi of cosmetology. 2""2 Barkjey Bid., 115 No. 12. I-493SI. ' EMPLOYMENT Bummer Job opportunity for qunlified eommerciaj pilot wjtb. an experienced applicator. Previous experience Ic apravlnr aad dustir.? desiraoie. but not receaary. Contfltet C. B l e m o a d T.M.C.A.. avetunca. 2-1251. Wsisted Uodcla for Centeao'al Karn whne you learn and be an O'ft ciaj BosteM for Centennial Kxpoel tjoa. See Betty Bonn Ad m Uart- Bur Kault)(. Call 2-2311. t'a Stuart BMC FOR SALE f"r aala Book c see deck, ehejt-of-drawara, nuacdlaneoua f uroliure. Tbii epAoe. remember eJaepiffeda pay. eki why don't ou put tnetn to om Jar yen today. fir BaJe !' Continental 41 Foot, two bedroom trailer i4eal for etunenta. f:x-enezit eu3ditjon. Picaet ferjce. T 27T1 FOR RENT Typewriter. 'Jfllna; Tnachtoea for rent or aala. BLOOMS. 323 No. IX. 2-A2M. THESIS BINDING eWttdanu. hare your then bound at H. A H. Bindery by experienced book binder at new low prtoea. any thlc ea f3.0. Sper-ial cuatom binding at a a'Sawtly tuicner rate. Bibles. Text book. Pvnodlcale bound and rebound at Low Low plicae. Pnooa t-4Zt Daytiio -S) Xveninea. AD LIBS "Hey Pop! Aaj special -a , -'wil i1- 'io I lip Bloodmobile Added fraternity has pulled i candidate for greek queen as driver of their week their ; fraternities have planned i rushing weekends due to the fact that it is an open date, Knoll said The IFC earlier ruled that onlv certain weekends would be open to rushing of high school seniors Cadets Given Commissions Four University cadets have been selected for com missions as second lieuten ants in the regular Air Force after graduation. The cadets are Lewrence Fricke, Gary Jacobs, Howard Lange and Kenneth McKee. Selection requirements in clude ranking in the top third academically in their Uni versity class, in the AFROTC studies and at summer train ing unit and demonstration of outstanding qualities of leadership. NU Students Recognized By French Five University studonts have received awards from : the French government for excellence in scholarship in the ctnH f h rron.h ion guage. j Acting, he told speech stu- Karjl Rosenberger received !dents- is something in which the award for f i r s t v e a r'ou have to forSet J'ourseU French and Thelma Christian sen and Xancy Carroll tied for the award in second veari French. Carole Crate, in third vpar Frpnrh anH Frorl H M I Hiu in fourth year French received the other awards, The awards were presented i at the final meeting of Phi j Sigma Iota, romance language ' honorary. They are awarded through the French Consul-1 General Claude Batault. j Winners are chosen by the staff of the department of romance languages. Hiu received a medal and the other winners were given books as prizes. Cen term udDan ce To Be Tonight The Centennial Youth Dance will be held at the Col- ; iseum tonight at 7:30 p.m. Fabian, rock and roll sing-, ... . ' er, wilt perform at 10 pm.;fculuulul8"lc-'"u Admission is 50c for both dancers and spectators. ! Bill Albers Orchestra. Ter-I ry Mosier, pianist, and Mike i Breiner, guitarist, will also j be featured. j on fender repairs?" Its br larrv Hurb 1. .. . . i'-M'"l : 4 fj" .-; ; . . ' i kill X. :s5Wi - 17, c v. i mnttrt4 . ' . a " r f I . t:iWUmti it nlinini,,in,r,l,lii. ...nrmn.. ' Wr..r- n , r .,.n.,...,n... ,m.,MJ . . . . ' Outstanding Varsity Glee Members SELECTED as the four "outstanding members" of the University Varsity Glee Club for the past school year by a vote of the members were (left to right) Pro 'Go East' Is Only Advice TV Star Gives Students -Go East," Robert Culp, the Hoby Gilman of TV fame, advised career-conscious ac tors and actresses. The star of "Trackdown," Culp is in Lincoln to play in the Centennial pageant, "Tower of the Plains." cur rently running at Pershing Auditorium. Toe Hold The toe-hold to 'n acting al assets of a person are util career. according to Culp, is j ized in acting, Culp said, the stage in the East, not "To do a murder scene," he Hollywood. j commented, "you have to re- A product of five years in call and study your feelings three different universities,; for a time in vour life when tne actor looked more the col-1 "egiate man than me western ; hero, when he appeared at :ine iniversny mis week. or you won t do a good job. Show Off "If you ever find yourself " " u,c sl,SC vu. ouic nut j3 '' i ou re showing on. cant start a person IT f 1 IlllieniCll T , rlOtinrPil A para-0 jTV West se o speech I ell clUU jdenls m HoweU Thetre TueaJ The University Army ROTC! day and to a radio-TV class honored its too riflemen andiThursday. i the commanding officer of the Pershing Rifle company in a military ceremony yes terday. Robert Conrad, administra Live assistant to the Governor, presented Howard McXiff the 2 - ! annip a nATn t i lroPfny i nav- inS fired e hlShest 8at score ,n r,fle team com- . A , I co r ( . . u . i CdI- Richard Dwinell. top rank- mg junior ROTC student, was presented the Forty and Eight Award by Loren Cottrell in recognition of the high degree of leadership ability displayed in commanding the Pershing Rifle company and for his pro ficiency in ROTC. The Reserve Officers Asso ciation Medal for outstanding marksmanship was awarded to James Moore, Lop advanced course marksman, and to Howard McXiff, outstanding basic cojurse marksman. Major. J. Dresselhouse pre sented the awards for the Lin coln Chapter, Reserve Offi cers Association. Bizad Honorary Names Officers Ronald Morphew, junior in Business Administration, has been elected president of the University chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, honorary busi ness administration society. Robert Marks, also a junior in Business Administration, was chosen vice president. Prof. J. 0. Burnett was re elected secretary-treasurer. "Package Deal" Saturday ALL for The Doily Nebroskon Positions Open Filings for 12 cabinet positions on YWCA are open through Wednesday. . Applications are in Rosa Bouton. Interviews for the positions will be held Wednesday end Friday. Wlml- Sherman, in dramatics, he advised. lie must start himself through a terrific desire. He pointed out the neces sity of a college background for actors. He commented: "However, I have had to for get many of the acting ideals I acquired in school." Assets Both physical and emotion- you killed a bug or a Hy and then project these feelings to the scene." In addition to TV, personal appearances and writing oc cupy Culp's time. The actor also owns Shannon Produc tions, a TV company. Band Leader His first acting part . was the role of a band leader, Nutsy Miller, in "Live Ani mal" at the Oak Park Play house in Berkley, Calif. TV viewers first glimpse of Culp was in a 19.2 production of the "Death of Julius Cae sar," on Ed Murrow's "You ! Are There." It's GIRL-AND BOY JOY in the t FILMED ON LOCATION . . . IN A HAYSTACK! do 7 Weekend Hope for By Mary Anderson Let's hope the sun comes out bright and shinv this V if eAT i mil. ) Byron Dillow, Richard Tim- merman and Roger Hanke. They were pre sented Glee Club Keys as part of the award. Greek Meeting Planned Monday The first of a series of Greek Week conferences will be held Monday at the Delta Upsilon house. John Hoerner, IFC public re lations chairman and Larry Kilstrup will conduct a panel discussion on "Public Rela tions for the Fraternity Sys tem. All fraternity and sorority public relations chairmen and other interested members are invited to attend the 3 p.m. discussion. Officers Named By Apr Engineers Del Fangmeier will replace Dean Buwe as president of the student branch of the Ameri can Society of Agricultural Engineers. Other officers elected for the coming semester are: AI Dedrick, vice president: Matt Beiser, secretary, and Dan Linquist, treasurer. Kenneth Von Bargen was re-elected faculty advisor. EUROPE Dablaa re tne Iroa Carta la; Africa re Swede You're accompanied aot herded aroma. Calteaa aea aaly. Alia shaft trip. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 255 Wqaeia (Baa C), Patodene, Cat THE BOOK THAT ROLLICKED TWO CONTINENTS IS A ROMANTIC RIOT ON THE SCREEN! 9 tstf" LEARN HOW TO LIVE, LOVE AND NFVFR PAY TAYPQf Picnickers Sunshine ( weekend for all the picnics. There are several exchange dinners, date dinners, and formals. Friday, Beta Sigma Psi, pledge party, 9 p.m. Sigma Nu, formal, 6:30 p.m. Zeta Beta Tau, Bohemian House Party, 7:30 p.m. Ag Men, date picnic, 6 p.m. Cornhusker Co-op, spring dinner-dance, 7:30 p.m. Saturday ' Alpha Omicron Pi, Rose Formal, 7:30 p.m. Alpha Xi Delta, date din ner, 7 p.m. Delta Upsilon, "Casua 1' house party, 9 p.m. Theta Xi, date dinner, 6 p.m. i Zeta Beta Tau, dinner dance, 7:30 p.m. Pioneer House, spring for mal, 6:30 p.m. Selleck Quadrangle, semi - Sunday Towne Club, May Morning breakfast, 8 a.m. Acacia, Parents Day. formal, 9 p.m. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Par ents Day. Brighten NER day with.. NORCROSS Mother's Day Cards Say all the Things YOU want to say! GOLDENROD Stationery Store 215 North 14" s1 -sg ; v I ; Friday, Moy 8, 1959 ISA Will Give Foreign Show An International Night Pro gram sponsored by the Luth eran Student Association will be held May 10 at the Luth eran House, 535 N. 16th St. The program will feature a dinner, several musical num bers and a panel discussion, "In Search of Peace". Members of the panel are Del Fangmeier, Lucy Happel, Sally Markarian and "Randy". Satkunam. ft vv;?' i f W Janet Andenaa CAMPUS CHATTER A delight to dream In is this new Far East look in pajamas. The be nil u. da length Rants are set off by a coolie coat with a belted waist. It conies in prim rose pink and heaven blue on whitew The price ia only $3.98. This charming set is a joy to pack and wear. Sharon Anderton and Janet Uoeppner ANY NUMBER CAN PLAY BUT IT'S MORE FUN WITH TWO . . . ! Wf3W. i1ffeaaaaSLaW 1 IT"! K9 1 fl aS M E It Sft 11 eSk rf5??v 0Sk II f!9 m m n wmtm m im. mmm