The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1959, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesdoy, Moy 6, 1959
The Daily Nebraskon
Page 3
NU Takes
3-6 Record
To Kansas
Nebraska's' baseball team
moves to Lawrence Friday
and Saturday for a three-
game set against the Univer
sity of Kansas. The Huskers
are 3-6 in the conference, 7-10
The Cornhuskers, with
Harry Tolly at the pitching
controls, placed the first stain
on the record of league-leading
Oklahoma State last week
end. Dave Murakami, sophomore
shortstop, and LeRoy Zentic,
Junior outfielder, both im
proved their batting status
against Oklahoma State,
which possesses the stoutest
pitching corps in the league.
Coacb Tony Sharpe will
switch his batting order
slightly for the Jayhawkcr
games. Don Vogel will go to
third base and Doug Sieler
will be In centerfield.
The Huskers will lead off
with Sieler, followed by Mura
kami, Ken Ruisinger, ib; Zen
tic, If; Dick Nelson, rf; Gil
Dunne, 2b; Ely Churchich, c;
Vogel, 3b. Tolly will pitch the
opener Friday.
Nam III r b
Fisher it
tb rbl iv.
Harris IX t 9 t
4 2 .900
Glcason .,, 10
Zntic 47
Oilman 7
Ruinneer 59
Dunne 61
Churchich 49
Semln 17
Nelson 58
Tolly 14
Voeel 19
MuraKanu v u 10 21
1 S
14 21
1 15 19
15 17
8 12 16
14 4
I 1 20 It
Sieler 48 14
McKay IB
Hevner 19
Flock 7 0
Larson I I
Welch I 0
Bean 0 0
1 ip ir h
0 11 4 (
0 K I 1
1 35 14 19
1 24 H 10 24
1 24 29
I 26Vi 12 7
0 t 4 1
Tolly ....
Hevner ,
Flock ...
2 8
12 00
Larue a
Dunn 0
if i ,
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Youth Fitness Week:
Ike Proclaims May 3-9
As Youth Fitness Week
By Randall Lambert
"whereas the ongoing
sirengtn or our Nation de
pends upon the health of our
young people." That was how
it began. After three more
short phrases it ended. "Now.
therefore, I, Dwight D. Eisen-
nower, President of the
United States of America, do
hereby proclaim the week be
ginning May 3, 1959, as Na
tional Youth Fitness Week."
What is National Youth
Fitness week?
This week was set aside by
the President to promote a
national program of physical
fitness and test the fitness of
the youth of this nation.
Most of the work is and has
been done through the Ameri
can Association of Health,
Physical Education, and Rec
reation (AAHEER). Through
this organization a research
committee has set up a test
that can be given to elemen
tary and high school students.
It consists of push-ups, chin
ups, running and other activi
ties by which we may meas
ure our youth. The results of
these tests are compiled and
medians and norms are set
which individuals may seek to
achieve and surpass.
The results of these tests
can also be compared to sim
ilar tests given In other coun
tries. That way goals can be
set in order that United States
can take seat among the lead
ers in world physical educa-
13 Alumi
Noiv Coaching
13 University of Nebraska
alumni of the 47 who will go
against the Varsily in the an
nual All-Sports Day game
here Saturday are now high
school coaches.
Included in the list are Max
Kitzelman, Auburn; Jack Car
roll, Ogallala; Joe Ponsiego,
Ravenna: Dennis Korinek,
Ulysses; Frank Simon, York;
Andy Loehr and John Ed
wards, McCook; Cliff Dale,
Fairbury; Bill Hawkins,
Plattsmouth; Ralph Damkro
ger, Ralston; Verl Scott,
Seward; Art Bauer, Lincoln
Northeast; Bob Smith, Pue
blo, Colo.
Lemmerman Gets
Phys Eel Award
Barbara Lemmerman, Jun
ior in Teachers, received the
Mabel Lee Scholarship given
annually by the Women's
Physical Education Club.
The scholarship is given in
recognition of high potentiali
ty for teaching physical edu
cation and for high scholar
ship. Also honored at the Club's
banquet Monday were four
physical e d u c a tion majors
who had earned the highest
average in their class.
They were Lois Waser, sen
ior; Dorothy Dusek, junior;
Kathleen Becker, sophomore
and Mary Drishaus, freshman.
tion Instead of retaining Its
present mediocre position.
All the schools in Lincoln
have either administered or
will administer these tests.
The plight of physical fitness
has long been the concern of
physical educators in this
country. However, only lately
has it been brought to the pub
lic eye with such great force.
This has been somewhat due
to backing given by the Presi
dent. Youth fitness" doesn't lust
deal with the physical side of
fitness. It also includes men
tal, spiritual, emotional, and
social, along with the physi
cal aspect. However, in order
to completely secure the oth
er aspects, you should be
physically fit.
Fitness Defined
According to Dr. Carl Wear
of the Nebraska Physical Ed
ucation Department, "Fitness
is being able to perform
everyday activities adequate
ly and without tiring quickly,
and being able to recover in
a reasonable time." This ap
plies to anything from cutting
grass to washing dishes. This
doesn't mean that everyone
should have to be able to run
four miles in five minutes and
lift 200 pounds. You should,
however, be able to go through
a normal day with some vigor
ous activity and after a night s
sleep be able to partake in
another day's activities.
Here is a little test that a
person can make to see if he
or she is physically fit. After
doing some vigorous activity
check the following:
1. After ten minutes rest
Is your puise not greatly
accelerated. That is not
over 100 beats per minute.
2. Two hours after the ac
tivity you should not feel
tired and run down.
3. Yon should not toss and
turn in your sleep, but have
a normal sound sleep.
4. The next morning you
should feel no after effects,
but feel ready for another
active day.
Nebraska does not require
men to take physical educa
tion if they are in ROTC. At
other schools the picture is
different. Many schools re
quire physical education in
To Present
Ellis, Novak
Presentations at halftime at
the annual All-Sporls Day
football game will include the
annual Lincoln Elks award to
the most valuable basketball
player and the Tom Novak
trophy which goes to the out
standing Cornhusker senior
on the football team.
The basketball award goes
to the player named by oppos
ing Big Eight coaches.
The Novak award is donated
each year by J. Gordon Rob
erts of Omaha. Selection is
made by newspapermen who
follow the Cornhuskers in all
Alums Will
Alumni football players
who will go against
the varsity Saturday in
the annual All -Sports Day
game at the University of Ne
braska will report Friday for
one workout and a picture
taking session.
A dinner dance for the play
ers and wives will be held
Friday evening and a stag
dinner Saturday night at
which time movies of the
afternoon's game will be
shown the old timers.
addition to ROTC. The stu
dents all take one semester
of physical education. At the
end of the semester they are
given motor tests and if they
pass the test they -need not
take more. If they do not pass
they keep taking physical ed
ucation until they become pro
ficient or four semesters have
passed. These tests are based
on strength, force, power,
and other motor fitness fac
tors. Nebraska Test
The Men's Physical Educa
tion Department of Nebraska
has a six-part test that con
sists of pull-ups, sit-ups, 300-
yard dash, 50-yard dash, ver
tical jump and reach, and a
dodge run. This test has been
given for four years, but av
erages for each part have
been hard to compile because
most persons tested have been
physical education majors and
minors. .
However, the test is open
to anyone in the University
and the department is giving
the test to any persons inter
ested. They ask that any per
son or group interested
contact the department and
wey will arrange a time to
give it.
NU to Host
High School
High school, lettermen
will be the guests of the
Lincoln Promotional Council
at the All-Sports Day festivi
ties at the University of Ne
braska, Saturday. A box lunch
will be served the athletes.
They will enter Gate X at
the stadium and will be seat
ed in section 21. A letter
sweater must be worn for
identification, Alex Cochrane
of the Promotional Council
committee, said.
Officials For
Alumni Game
Five officials will be used
in the Alumni-Varsity game
game at the University of
Nebraska Saturday. It will
provide the fans with a pre
view of the five-man units
which will work Big Eight
games next fall.
Bill Jennings will be the
referee, Mathias Volz, um
pire; Ed Dosek, back judge;
Gary Rosenberger, judge and
Bob Reynolds, linesman.
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Forty-Seven Husker Alumni
Prepared For All-Sports Day
Harshman. Vacanti to Test NU Pass Defense
By Tom Davies
With a gleam in their eyes
and memories of past Husk
er glory, the Alums will meet
one of the most, highly tout
ed Cornhusker teams in many
years in the All-Sports Day
Classic, Saturday, May 9.
Since the inaugural of the
game in 1951, the Alumns
have been able to win only
once and that was in 1956
against a Pete Elliott team.
In 1954 and '55, the spring
game was played as an intra
squad contest.
47 Alums
Forty-Seven alumni have
signed for the game thus
far. Among these 47 is Ed
Husmann, star lineman for
the Chicago Cardinals.
Old timers that have
signed to participate in the
game are: Marlin Hilding,
Roy Stinnett, Max Kitzelman,
Bob (Moon) Mullins, Rex
Hoy, Carl Samuelson, Sam
Vacanti, Clarence Cook,
Jerry Peterson, Jack Carroll
Don Kampe, John Bordogna.
Joe Ponseigo, Dennis Kor
inek, Dr. Arden Means, Jerry
Brown, Larry Naviau, Frank
Simon, Don Glantz, Tom No
vak. Ed Hussman, Jerry
Minnick, John Edwards, Ted
Britt, Bill Halloran, Bob Wag
ner, Cliff Dale, Bill Scha
backer, Bill Hawkins, Gene
Sandage, Ralph Damkroger,
Larry Jones, Dennis Eman
uel, George Harshman, Verl
Scott, Bob Lyall, Ron Clark,
Sylvester Harris, on McWil
liams, Art Bauer, Rex Fish
Loeher, Dick McCashland,
and Larry Naviaux.
Boll Out
Don Boll, Washington Red
skins tackle, will not be able
to play in this year's game.
He suffered a dislocat
ed shoulder during the reg
ular season and wants to
give it full time to heal with
out aggravation.
Varsity Coach Bill Jennings
is looking forward to the
game as the first real test for
his squad. He said, "You
can't tell much when you
are playing among your
selves," With Harshman and
Vacanti available, the alums
will probably keep the ball
in the air a majority of the
time. Thus providing a test
for the Varsity defense.
An added incentive for the
players this year will be tro
phies given to the outstand
ing lineman and the outstand
ing back in the game. The
Lincoln Promotion Council
will make the presentation.
Jerry Jacupke, now a res!
Fred Lorenz
Named Coach
Fred Lorenz will serve as
honorary coach for the Ne
braska Alumni team in the
annual spring game with the
varsity here Saturday.
Lorenz is in Veterans Hos
pital at Grand Island. An air
plane equipped with a litter,
will bring him here. Lorenz
lettered as a guard in 1944-45-46-47.
He played in all of the
previous alumni contests.
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George Harshman
lettered as a guard at Ne
braska in 1944-47-48, offered
this little thought as he re
turned his card notifying that
he would play again in the
Youth Is gone
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But to see old friends
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Nebraska's football coach
(fill use a first unit of 22
Dick McCashland
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YARDLEY After Shaving Lotion
players, not all at once, end
then will have a relieving unit
of 11 players.
The first 22 will be mixed
and used as needed. They
are listed alphabetically and
not necessarily in tha order
they will be used. This unit
Left ends Bill Bohanan,
Mike Eger.
Left tackle Russ EdeaL
George Haney
Left guard Don Houser,
John Ponseigo
Center Darrell Cooper,
Jim Moore
Right guard Dick Ro
sier, Dale Siemer
Right tackle Joe Gacu-
sana, Roland McDole
Right end John Bond,
Max Martz
Quarterback Dean Co-
rine, Tom Kramer
Left halfback Dalls Dy
er, Pat Fischer
Right halfback Clay
White, Carroll Zaruba
Fullback Don Fricke,
Noel Martin
The relieving unit, which
will be used intact, has:
Left end Albert Long
Left tackle Jim Raschke
Left guard Warren Dobry
Center Mik Tinglehoff
Right guard Allan Fischer
Right tackle D u t n
Right end Don Purcell
Quarterback Ron Meade
Left halfback Dennis
Right halfback pat Clare
Fullback Dave Roberts
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