The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1959, Image 1

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    Mill h&fy Increase
Hurdles -General File
A bill which would bring an
additional $650,000 to the Uni-
versity and Ag College passed
a malor hurdle on the floor of
the Unicameral yesterday.
LB 583, a measure to in
crease the state institution
al building levy from .75 to
.l mills and to reallot the
funds, was advanced from
general file by a 34 to 0 vote.
The bill, as ammended,
would allot 31 per cent of the
estimated $3,329,014 to be col
lected annually to the Univer
sity. An additional 20 per cent
would go to the Agriculture
One half of the money that
Ag College would receive
would go for agricultural re
search. As the measure now stands
the building levy pie would
be divided in this fashioi:
University, 31 per cent,
" - 1 --' .i -.
.. . . . ..
AQUAQUETTES members practice for
their annual water show, opening tomor
row night in the Coliseum pool. "Concepts
of Time" is the theme of the water ballet.
In the front row is Rae Becrline, Aqua-
Six Selleck Quad Men
Honored With Awards
Selleck Quad presented
awards to six men last night
at its awards banquet.
Bob Grimmit, outgoing
president, presented the
James Wees was recognized
for upperclass scholarship
with a 8.789 average.
Larry Dornhoff was recog
nized for freshman scholar
ship with a 8.765 average.
Outstanding indi V i d u a 1 s
awards went to:
(John Flory president of
Seaton I, 1959-60 activities di
rector for RAM, Arnold Air
Society commander, member
Friend, Father, Elder Statesman:
Aiding Foreign Students Rewarding
To Retiring Adviser, Dr. Rosenlof
By Sondra Whalen 1
Friend, father and elder
statesman to the University's
international students,
George Rosenlof will com
plete 38 years with the Uni
versity in August.
"I think one of my most re
warding experiences has been
the satisfaction of helping our
overseas students see the es
sence of the American way of
life," Dr. Rosenlof said.
NU Benefits
"The University has bene
fitted from these students,"
he explained. "We now have
alumni all over the world,
and in responsible positions in
their home countries, too."
Dr. Rosenlof has been the
foreign student adviser since
1945, immediately following
World War II. He was not
officially recognized by the
Board of Regents with the ti
tle until he retired as Dean
of Admissions three years
Gifts from various, coun
tries decorate the top of his
, bookcase in his office and he
reports, that "I have many
pther beautiful things a t
"I first became interested
in a foreign student program
while I was a student at Co
lumbia University," he said.
"They have a huge Interna
tional House that serves three
schools and holds mora than
500 students."
He explained that the
bouse was divided into two
I $1,031,995, $19,495 increase,
Ag College, 20 per cent,
i s $632,513, all new funds.
Normal Schools, 25 per
cent, $832,254, $382,254 In
crease. Board of Control, 14 per
cent, $466,062, $16,062 in
crease. State, (5 per cent, $199,
740, $5,260 decrease.
Trade Schools, 3 per cent
$99,870, $33,187 increase.
Military, 1 per cent, $33,
290, $11,712 decrease.
Jr. Colleges
Junior colleges would re
ceive no allotments. The so
lons Monday knocked out the
1 per cent allotment that Sen.
Don Thompson of McCook
suggested should go to the
states' four junior colleges.
An increase in tuition for
University students as well
as normal school students
was suggested during Mon
of ASME, Phalanx Drill
Squad and Newman Club.
Arlie Thayer BAM Council
social chairman, member of
Pi Tau Sicfma, Sigma Tau and
Tandy Allen Blue Print
business manager, a mem
ber of Engineering Exec
Board and a counselor.
Robert Kuzelka past publi
city chairman for RAM, mem
ber of Sigma Theta Epsilon,
the campus beautification
committee and a counselor.
Seaton I was given the out
standing house award.
wings, one for the
and I
another for women, with
common dining and social
areas. The students also were
divided Into nationality
'I was made a member of
the House," Dr. Rosenlof
said, "and because my par
ents came from Sweden, I
was made an honorary mem
ber of the Swedish group."
'Greatest Institution
He called the House the
greatest institution "f o r in
ternational understanding
built anywhere."
"My most regrettable expe
rience was when the Interna
tional House here was dis
banded for a Faculty Club,"
he explained. "It resulted in
the defeat of n international
center on the campus."
Dr. Rosenlof received his
Masters' Degree from the
University in 1922. Then, in
1945, as Dean of Admissions,
he began to receive letters
from students in other coun
tries who wanted to attend
the University. .
Personal Letters
"There were practically no
international students here
then," he said. "I wrote to
"each one personally, telling
him about the University."
The University now has ap
proximately 250 foreign stu
dents from 57 countries. More
than4G0 students have been
graduated from the Univer
sity since 1945.
The largest number of stu
y' If-, jr y
day's debate on the bill.
"Students using the schools
should Lclp pay for them,"
Sen. Harold Stryker of Ris
ing City said, defending his
suggestion that tuitions be in
creased. An objection to using mon
ey from the building fund
levy for Agricultural re
search was raised by Sen.
George Syas of Omaha, who
said the state would be get
ting into a new field if it did.
"It should have entered the
field a long time ago," Sen.
Hans Jensen of Aurora replied.
Ag Meeting
The student branch of
Agricultural Engineering
ciety will meet tonight in the
Ag Engineering building at 7.
Election of officers will be
qucttes president. Second row Mary
Patrick and Mamie Gardner. Third row
Linda Lonsbrough, Suzie Stump, Mary Lou
Valencia, and Carole Yerk.
Revision of1
SC Charter
The Student Council judici
ary committee recommended
Wednesday that the Council
constitution be revised and
brought up to date by next
year's Council.
Gary Frenzel, in present
ing the committees report,
stated that the constitution
was disorganized because of
so many amendments tacked
on the end and that provision
for representation should be
changed. due to the fact that
two colleges have switched
to 4 and 5 year curriculums.
The Council adopted the re
port with one dissenting vote.
dents come from Iran, with
many from Turkey, China
and India.
Dr. Rosenlof praised the
"growing interest in the
citizens of this community
and state in these young
However, he saiu he was
disappointed that not more
U.S. students were interested
in foreign students.
"Why don't some of the or
ganized houses invite some
of these students over for
dinner on Monday night?" he
asked. "They could ask them
to tell about their countries,
and the house members could
tell about America. It would
be a rich experience for
Dr. Rosenlof also expressed
the thought that some of the
international students might
be invited to live in an or
ganized house for a semes
ter. Visits Desired
"One of Mrs. RosenloFs
and my strongest desires is
to visit the. home countries
of some of these young peo
ple," Dr. Rosenlof said.
He added that the Rosen
lofs would be living in Lin
coln after his retirement and
would continue their Interest
in the foreign student pro
gram, although not ca the
Dr. Rosenlof -will ba hon
ored at a banquet given by
the foreign students on cam
pus Friday night.
Vol. 33, No. 106
The problem of a recount
of Student Council election
ballots in the Arts and Sci
Law College Hassle
Dodge County Bar
Asks Investigation
A resolution has been
passed requesting the Ne
braska Bar Association to in
vestigate employment prac
tices of the University's Law
The Dodge County Bar As
sociation's executive commit
tee passed the resolution, ac
cording to Fremont attorney
Arthur Sidner.
No Meeting
The measure was passed
"after consultation with a
majority of the members of
the County Bar Association,"
Sidner said, but without a
meeting of the association.
The group planned to mail
! a copy to the president of the
Nebraska Bar Association,
Joseph Tye of Kearney.
George Turner of Lincoln,
secretary-treasurer of the
State Bar, said any action
taken by the Bar would be
by direction of the executive
! council. The council is em
powered to act in the interim
between the Bar's annual
Resolution Withdrawn
The resolution calling for
legislative investigation of
the College was withdrawn
by its introducer, Sen. Jack
Romans of Ord. The senator
said he withdrew the resolu-
To Tourney
Nancy Copeland. and Sara
Jones Gadeken, women's de
bate team, will go to the Na
tional Forensic Tournament
of Delta Sigma Rho, honor
ary forensics society, in
Cleveland, Ohio.
The subject to be debated
is whether American Aid to
Latin America should be
given only to countries with
democratic governments.
The coeds are also to dis
cuss "How to Improve Our
Relations with Latin Ameri
ca." Miss Copeland will enter
the oratory contest and Mrs.
Gadeken, the extemporaneous
Dr. LeRoy Laase, chairman
of the speech department and
national' vice president of Del
ta Sigma Rho, will accompany
the team. He is director of
the national tournament.
March Too
ROTC, Others in
Centennial Parade
Four hundred fifty ROTC
students and three other Uni
versity groups were part of
Lincoln's three-hour Centen
nial parade Saturday.
The 250-member Air Force
brigade was led by Robert
Aden, cadet wing command
er. Army and Navy units of
100 members each were led
by Carl Jett, army cadet
brigadier general, and L y 1 e
Hansen, navy battalion com
Phi Gamma Delta Frater
nity entered a float with their
Miss Universe entrant, Judy
Lang, ,and the Extra Point
Club had a scholarship float
Members of the University
4-H Club and about 25 stu
dents riding horses also took
Rushing Allowed
All Sports Day-
Many of the high school
senior boys visiting the cam
pus this weekend for Aa
Sports.Day will be the guests
of several fraternities.
The Saturday event is one
which the IFC has left open
for rushing of high school sen
iors under the new rushing
The State High School track
meet May 17 is the only re
maining open weekend for
rushing of high school seniors.
The Daily
ences College was solved yes
terday Dy an informal, unpe
titioned recount by the Uni-
tion because the Board of Re
gents had advised him that
they were going to investi
gate the College. However, a
copy of the letter the regents
sent to Romans failed to re
veal any intent to investigate.
Still Not Cleared
Nate Holman Jr., a member
of the University Alumni As
sociation, indicated that he did
not tell Sen. Jack Romans of
Ord that the Board of Regents
would investigate the school's
College of Law.
Romans had said, after
withdrawing his resolution for
a legislative investigation of
the college, tfiat he had under
stood from talks with Holman
and a letter from John Sel
leck, board secretary, that
the Regents would investigate.
The letter from Selleck
failed to verify this.
Holman said that he told
Romans only that the senator
should make any information
about University hiring poli
cies available to the Regents.
"If the evidence is suffi
ciently strong they (the Re
gents) would have to investi
gate," Holman said he told
A group of a half-a-dozen
legislators may try to talk in
formally with Chancellor Clif
ford Hardin concerning the
hiring problem.
The letter from Selleck to
Romans said that the Board
of Regents has the legal au
thority to hire staff members.
"We should like, therefore,"
the letter continued, "to in
vite you to present to the
Board any information you
may have pertaining to its
employment practices."
George Round, director of
public relations, said this let
ter was the only official action
of the Board, as far as he
Meets Here
The University will host the
Nebraska Federation of Wom
en's Clubs second annual
Leadership Institute Thursday
and Friday.
Sessions begin at 12:45 p.m.
Thursday in the Union Ball
room. Robert Bogue and Mrs.
Shirley Bogue, publisher and
editor of the Oakland Inde
pendent; Mrs. A. F. Deland,
first vice president of the Lin
coln United Church Women,
and Mrs. J. F. Moell, regis
tered parliamentarian, will
appear on the program.
Others participating in the
events will be O. J. Sandin,
manager of the Lincoln Bet
ter Business Bureau; Mrs.
P. O. Marvel, president of the
Nebraska Federation of Wom
en's Clubs, and Dr. Jack
Rodgers, assistant professor
of political science at the Uni
versity. He is also chairman
of the Legislative Council for
The Institute is co-sponsored
by the Nebraska Fed
eration of Women's Clubs and
and the Extension Division of
the University.
Home Ec Tea
To Fete Seniors
A Home Ec senior tea will
be held Thursday at 4 p.m. in
the Home Economics Build
The tea is an annual Induc
tion tea held for senior wom
en who have joined the Ameri
can Home Economics Associa
tion during the year.
versity IBM Department
Don Schick, chairman of
the Council Elections Com
mittee, and Diane Tinan, stu
dent for whom the recount
was conducted, and the IBM
Department made a recheck
of the Arts and Science bal
lots with the results remain
ing the same.
Miss Tlnan, who was de
feated for one of three A&S
Council posts by one vote, had
brought up the question of pe
titioning for a recount after
the results were published in
the May 4 edition of the Daily
Schick told the Nebraskan
that an informal request for
Awards Go
To 5 Cadets
Five Air Force ROTC Cad
ets received awards during
parade ceremonies last week.
Cadet 1st Lt. James San
din, a junior in the Air Force
ROTC program, received the
Military Order of World
Wars award.
Cadet 1st Lt. Robb Stein
heider and Donald Nelson re
ceived the Chicago Tribune
Gold Awards, presented t o
juniors showing outstanding
qualities of military leader
ship. The Reserve Officers Asso
ciation award went to Cadet
John Flory. The award is
given annually to the out
standing sophomore who has'
applied for the advanced Air
Force ROTC program in pre
paration for flight training.
Cadet Dennis Nelson re
ceived a Convair award, pre
sented to the sophomore cad
et with the highest academic
average among the appli
cants for the advanced Air
Force ROTC program.
Rosenlof Dinner
Set 6:30 Friday
A dinner honoring the re
tiring Dr. Rosenlof will be
held at 6:30 p.m. Friday at the
Tickets for the dinner,
which is open to all students,
should be bought in advance
from members of Cosmopoli
tan Club or the Union ticket
Dr. Rosenlof will be pre
sented a citation for services
performed as official advisor
to foreign students.
Lincoln to Have
New Mayor j
Write-in candidate Pat
Boyles emerged the winner in
the race for Lincoln mayor.
Boyles led Bennett Martin,
incumbent candidate, 11,787
to 7,799 votes.
Of the 104 voting precincts
in Lincoln, Martin carried 19.
Choice Schedule Bits Fly
12 Hour Plans Prevail
"But 111 never be able to get up that early every day
"Why you're nuts to take a course from that guy."
"Imagine that no morning classes free for coffee oa
Monday, Wednesday and Friday."
The above have been typical comments of campus stu
dents as that time of year for arranging class schedules
rolls around once more.
And the perfection which everyone wishes to attain la
their schedules once again seems to be missing, judging
from the frantic searching of class schedule books, the de
cisions to take only a dozen hours of classes and the smash
ing of pictures of the Administration Building.
Some specific comments below give cross-section of the
feelings about the schedules most people have pulled. Tha
names are psuedonyms to protect the interviewed and
especially to protect the writer:
Etaoin Furd, grad student in cuisine (his name always
seems to pop up) :
"It is disappointing that a man of my caliber must ba
destined to the dark despair of the schedule that I must
take. It is with a deep regret that I announce that I have
five 8 o'clocks, three noon classes, two afternoon labs, a
four-hour lab on Saturday morning and one evening semt
Everett Klautze, sophomore in knife-sharpening:
"Like, man my schedule is bad. I gotta get outta the
pad to hit my classes real "early next semester like, and tha
profs I have, well, you know, they're kinda like way out"
Wanna Betta, junior in Alaskan forestry:
"Im just going to have a really keen schedule. Why it's
so peachy. I'm in Alaskan forestry you know, and 14 of the
15 flours I'm taking I'll get to earn when we gi to Juneau,
you know. And we only have to stay one day."
Y. Not, senior in agreement:
"It is just, fitting and proper that I have arrived at such
a suitable schedule. Despite the fact that I have two four,
hour labs and 8 o'clock lectures every day in this one
hour course, insect dissection, I'm very satisfied. You know
why, because I've been accepted into Cal Tech. I'm leav
ing." Orang Utang, freshman in beak banding:
"So why sweat class schedules. I'm flunking out of
Wednesday, May 6, 1959
a recount of the IBM results
is permitted and a similar re
quest would be valid by any
student involved in the eleo
E. Moses, head of the IBM
Department, enumerated tha
two chief causes of ballot re
jections and voidments.
Haste a Factor
Haste on the part of. the stu
dents when voting, thus failing
to read or not following the
directions rei rring to the spe
cific number and-or sex of
candidates to be elected, was
cited as one reason.
The other is the failure ef
the students to fill in the bal
lot in the correct manner.
Ballots which were marked
reasonably close to the pre
scribed manner were counted
by hand by a committee,
Moses stated.
Recounts Possible
Students who desire re
counts are welcome to do so,
according to Schick and
Moses. Moses said that the
"devices used to count the
ballots are mechanical and
are not above erring.
The ballots were counted
with one faculty member
present and the ballots will
be kept by the senior Student
Council advisor for a period
of thirty days after the elec
tion for the purpose of re
counts, as is stipulated in the
Council Constitution.
To Swap
A teaching exchange will
bring a professor of economics
to Nebraska from California
and will allow a University
professor to spend his. sum
mer there.
Dr. Edward Schmidt pro
fessor of economics, will
teach at the University of
Southern California during the
summer session.
In return, Dr. E. Bryant
Phillips, associate professor
of economics at the California
school, will teach here.
Dr. Phillips will teach not
only principles of economics
but also a course in home eco
nomics. His text is currently
used here in the home eco
nomics course.
Last year, Dr. Phillips was
one of 50 winners of a national
contest sponsored by the
Committee for Economic De
velopment New York City.
Each entry wrote a 2,000-word
paper on the question, "What
is the most important eco
nomic problem to be faced by
the U. S. In the next 20
Dr. Phillips Is a graduate of
the University. He has taught
at Southern California since