,--...,1m7-.w ; .-TT -- --p-iTpr -frit Tin t r-"--" - a- - - , . . ... ,. 1J Tlir- n-B-L1m mmimirrruu jiirr" mli-uli. lit mtiiia.aujTLijLi ijm JUJiliiJiiiJiiMiiXiij-uiU-julliiiiuiuu..l4 n rnxxi-iJ w n i.r mmm an. iuti ran Poge 4 THe Doily Nebroskon Tuesdoy, Moy 5, 1959 Tie Neiv System Registration Worksheets Due 18 Juniors, Seniors May Registration worksheets for Juniors and seniors must be turned in by May 18. Sophomores' worksheets are due May 19 and freshman on May 20. Late worksheets may be handed in May 21. ine registrar's ofiice Is pulling cards for students this spring. Cards will be pulled according to hours earned as of Feb. 2, 1959, and the order in which worksheets are re ceived. Muaenis ar instructed to Bizad Council Elections Today Elections for Business Ad ministration Executive Coun cil will be held In conjunction with Student Council elections today. Candidates are: Seniors Areita Greenland, Don Hall Marvin Moes. Ron Lahm, Jimmie Laird, Wayne Saxon and Duane Batonhorst. Juniors Dick Newman, Jerome Dondlinger, Frank May, Larry Kilstrup and Frances Spoeneman. Sophomores Guy James and Al Williams. Tha Council is composed of three seniors (one a girl), three juniors (one a girl l and two sophomores. ISebraskan Want Ads No. Words! 1 da. a da. S da. 4da. I 0 I .85 .85 ; .SO .80 I 1.05 1.25 .60 .85 1.25 J1-D5 .70 1.10 1.45 2-30 50-38 ( .80 1.25 1.85 2.00 1 iwTj 1 25 1.85 2 00 list alternative courses on the worksheet for specific courses. Alternative sections are to be listed in multi-section courses, in order of pref erence. The bottom half of the worksheets must also b e filled out so that the Regis trar's Office can use it as a guide in pulling the cards when shifts are necessary in courses and sections. StudenLs who have a work schedule or practice time for intercollegiate athletics must j 0 1.40 1.85 2.2.1 3S-40 1.00 1.55 !05 2 50 These low-cost rate apply to Want Ads which are placed for ooncmlv. darn and arc paid for within 10 days after tr. ad cxpiraa or la canceled. WANTED: Will Buy any and all Cop ies of 1st edition Olausslus A riapev ron "RsiatMstlc Thsc-ry of Quantum Fl-trodynamic Pllaa.-' C. Skov. Brace Lan. PERSONEL Esther Loao. specialist tn Men' Women'a fltttnr. pronlema. Double breasted converted to tingle. 4445 So. th. 4-4211. Iv and eve. classes at the MIDWEST Hulrdressln ACADEMY accrdltd school of cosmetology. 202 Berkley R:i . 115 No. 12. 2-4938. Air ROTC Wives Get Orientation For the third year, wives and fiancees of Air Force ROTC Cadets who are sched uled to receive commissions at the University in June can ask about "what they're get ting into." The University Air Force ROTC detachment is holding the question and answer ses sions which include two more meetings in the Student Un ion A and B from 7-9 p.m. Meetings yet to come are: May 5 Air Force Living, conducted by Lt. Col. Rich ard Hamilton, Maj. Charles Arpke, Capt. Wayne Handshy and their wives. May 7 Flying Training. Temporary Duty Tours and Problems of the Flyer's Wife, conducted by Capt. Gordon Ware, Capt. Leslie Foster man and their wives. A '"graduation party" is scheduled May 8 at the Lin coln Air Force Base Officers Club. indicate this on their work sheets. Employer's name, address and telephone num ber should be given if they are known. If a student has followed the suggested procedures and cards cannot be pulled t o make a workable schedule, the Registrar's Office will contact the student and ask him to come in personally for consultation. Students prefering to pull their cards in person may do so for Summer Sessions June 8 and for fall on Sept. 9, 10, i 11. Fall semester cards will be claimed and fees paid as fol lows: A-G, Sept. 9; H-M, Sep. 10; N-Z, Sep. 11. They will be paid at the Men's P.E. Building. Mike Smith Takes Two Art Awards A January Graduate of the University, Michael Smith, was named winner of the 'grand prize and a purchase award at the annual Mid America art show last week. The Art show was held at the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery and Atking Museum in Kansas City, Mo. Muth Williams, a sopho more at the University, re ceived a purchase award for a pastel, "Flat Lands." Smith's entry was an oil painting, entitled "St. Fran cis and the Church of St. Da mian." Smith is now a grad uate student at the Univer sity of Minnesota. Larry Johnson, Nancy Hal lam, jerry Jacoby, Dick Moses and David Ryan, oth er University of Nebraska art students also had entries in the show. 12th and 0 to be Scene Of Outdoor 'Shrew' Statuette Seeks Moniker Masquers to Hold Naming Contest Nebraska Masquers is con ducting a contest to find a name for the golden stat uettes presented to out standing individuals in the University Theatre. The eight-inch gilded cer amic figure will be present- Gail Simon Elected Head Of Orchesis Gail Simon has been elect ed p r e s id e n t of Orchesis, modern dance group. Miss Simon, a sophomore in Arts and Sciences, is an AUF chairman, a Union chairman, a member of Al- pha Lambda Delta and Kap pa Alpha Theta. Vice president is Anne Nordquist, junior in Teach ers and a member of Kappa Delta. Anne Sowles, freshman 1 n Arts and Sciences and mem- By Sondra Whalen "Taming of the Shrew," the University Theatre's contribu tion to the Lincoln Centennial, will be presented tonight at 7:30 p.m. in an open air theatre at 12th and 0 Streets. No curtains or scenery will be used for the production. Blackouts will mark the time between scenes and charac ters will use properties to give the audience the feel of the play. "With such different sur roundings, this is going to be a lot of fun," Gerald Carlson, director of the show, said. Experienced "It should be very good too," he said, adding that the cast consisted of many people with University theatre ex perience. The audience will sit on the 12th street sides of the street on bleachers. The perform ance is free and seating ca pacity is approximately 500. "Our dress rehearsal Sun day night attracted almost 200 people," Carlson said. Costumes The costumes will be styl ized Elizabethan, with "more concentration on color and de sign than authenticity." They were designed by Mrs. Doris Quist, a '55 graduate of the University and a speech ma jor. She was assisted by Bonna Tebo Hays, who plays the leads. "Taming of the Shrew," one of Shakespeare's earliest comedies, is the story of two sisters. Bianca; who is popu lar, cannot marry until her older sister Katharine is mar ried. Katharine is a shrew and no man will have her; thus the problem developes. Bianca's suitors find Petru chio, who is able to tame the shrew for a sizable dowry. Cast Katharine will be played by Bonna Tebo Hays. Bianca is being interpreted by Sally Wengert. Lucentio, Vincentio's son, is played by Steve Schultz. Lucentio's servant is Roy Willey. Baptista, a rich gentleman, is John Gerber. Bianca's suit ors are Gremio and Horten sio, played by Zeff Bernstien and Howard Martin. Lucen tio's other servant, Biondello, is being played by Francis Hamer. Petruchio, a gentleman of Verona, will be acted out by James Baker. Grumio and Curtis, two servants of Pe truchio, are being played by John Erickson and James MacDonald. Other servants of Petruchio will be interpreted by John Turner, .and Dave Pretty. A&S Recount Will Be Asked Diane T i n a n, Arts and Science candidate for Student Cduncil, told the Daily Ne braskan late Monday that she would ask for a recount of the Arts & Sciences ballots. Miss Tinan lost by one vote 162 to 161 in the Art and Sciences election. Get WILDROOT CREAM-OIL Charlie! Met f JF C"k A, A I CARRIE Z. NATION, barmaid, levti "Smart man choott Wildroot, the non-alcoholic hair toeic!" BaT lift a lrK Special of the week .... HOT APPLE PIES . 39 Federal Bake Shop 1211 "0" St. a ti tw. ..;: ns aim .uuiaM am cu m mcauc uai m. luams m., . ni. r!o,mo 4o (V, the annual Awards Dinner ! UCI m "T" ' new setreiai y-ucdsuici . New publicity chairman is Pennie Sandritter, freshman in Arts and Sciences and member of Alpha Omicron Pi. Late Minutes May Bring Probation EMPLOYMENT Bie bm- for part time work. 12-2 Ap ply Employment Office. 7th floor Mil ler Paine. Bummer jnb opportunity for qualified rommerciat pslot inth an experienced apr-lirator. Previous experience in aprayinR and ducting desirable, 'out not rtereesary. Contact C. Bliaoad T M.C.A.. .veninsja. S-1251. Wanted Models for Centenn'al y.nrn while you I earn and be an Offi cial Hostess for Cemennlal Exposi tion. S. Bettv Bonn Ad In Harnera Bszaar Mairaim.. Call 2-2311. 13 Riuart B'dK. FOR SALE For al. w.beor tap. recorder, double track. Ilk. new, and pood selection progressive lasi records. Call 5-3404 after ft. For sale Bookcase. (Ilk, chest-of-d r a w r a , miscellaneous furniture. 3-S337. This space, remember classifieds pay. So whv don't 7011 put them to wora for you today. Attention Students Special on new and used Hl-Fi'i. plua a eotnp'.et. line of high quality port able radio for those spring per lee 4k picnics D1ETZ MUSIC HOt SB '6 8t. Two formal, fblu. alia 12. Saiga 10. Ttire. Cocktail Dresses (red . two wtalta T). Call -10 aftsr aim. Car HI-FI phonograph for sals. Mo-Par. Chrysler Product, 3-80TS. fet of Encyclopedia Americana. 20. tvorth S3T. txcslieot aondlttoa. T-S48. FOR RENT aVrpswrltars. adding machines for rant or sal. BLOOMS. 321 No. U. t-C2M. THESIS BINDING radmu. da, your thesis bound at H. H. Bindery b experienced book aindera at new low fiviess, any thick ness 13 00. Special custom binding at a sflghtiy higher rat.. Bibles. Teat books. Paiiodlcala bound and rebound ef Low Low prteas. Phoo. t-4436 IHytlm 2-a30a Evening. May 15. Anvone e x c e p t the mem- jbers and workers of Nebras jka Masquers is eligible to 'enter. Suggestions should be jsubmi'ted on a piece of pa per with the proposed name, a reason for the choice and the person's name and add ress. Explanation Each entry must have a sentence explaining the rea son for the selection to be used as a judging basis in case of duplication of names. The contest closes May 12. Entries may be deposited in the contest box in the hall way outside Room 108 of Patronize Nebraskan Advertisers COOL CREST GOLF an invitation to students to . . . MEET YOVR FRIENDS FOR RELAXATION & GOOD, CLEAN FUN 220 No. 48th . Phon 6-5058 SCIENTIFIC HAZARDS GET SATISFYING FLAVOP a A privilege probation for very severe offenders of the late minute rule was suggest ed at the AWS workshop ! Temple Building. last week. The winnine contestant will "The probation would mean that the girl would be required to be in her room at 6:30 p.m. every night for a minimum of a week," Pol ly Doering, AWS presi dent explained. "She would report to the president or some other officer." ' Of course this would be used only in very severe cases. The possibility of combin ing the offices of AWS rep representative and stand ards chairman was also sug gested. Miss Helen Snyder, assist ant dean of student affairs, spoke at the meeting. Miss Doering led a panel evaluat ing the AWS program. Smith to Speak Before Chemists Dr. Fred Smith, a professor of biochemistry at the Univer sity of Minnesota, will be a guest lecturer Monday at a meeting of the Nebraska sec tion of the American Chemi cal Society. He will discuss "Some Re cent Advances in Carbohy drate Chemistry" at a meet ing at 7:30 p.m. in the audi torium of the Biochemistry and Nutrition building on Ag campus. So friendly to your taste! AD UBS Lorry Hurb by "Wonder why do one'i answering our 'Heme for Sate' ad?" receive two season tickets for the 1959-60 University Theatre season and his selec tion for a name will be used thereafter. Judges Judging of the entries willj be done by the Executive' Council of Nebraska Masquers and the winning en try will be announced at the Masquers' "Curtain Calls of '59' " banquet. The banquet will be held at the Terrace Room of the Lincoln Hotel May 15. Tickets for the dinner may be pur chased from Masquers mem bers and workers. The statuettes to be named are on display on the first floor of Temple building. Omicron Nu Initiates 16 Women A mother and daughter was the unusual two-some initi ated with 16 other University women into Omicron Nu at the home economic honorary's spring banquet recently. The initiate two-some is Mrs. Grace Heldenbrand. a junior; and her daughter. Aria Mae Heldenbrand. a senior.' Both are from Lincoln. Mrs. Bernie Camp waf, the featured speaker wii 'The Anniversary Year" dur ing the after-dinner program. Other initiates included:' graduate students Mrs. Ella! Higgens, Mrs. Beverly Turn bul, Mrs. Francis Detmer; senior students Betty Burk land, Mrs. Vivian Elliott, Mrs. Beverly Friedman, Lucille Happel, Paty Kaufman, Deanna Nelson, Victoria O' Neal, Mary Lynn Stafford, and juniors Betty Mann, Faye Oeltjen, Jane Savener, Mary Vrba and Mary Walters. Doris Eby, senior in home economics, is chapter presi dent of Omicron Nu. Mrs. Fern Brown, assistant professor in home economics, is faculty advisor. ACE To Meet ACE will meet today In 200 Teachers College at 5 p.m. Ellen Mahoney Hoeppner will give a report on the ex periences of her first year of teaching. No flat ffitered-out "flavor ! No dry ''smoked-out'' taste I i j 'k.- See how Roll Moll's famous length of fine tobacco travels and gentles the smoke makes it mild but does not filter out that satisfying flavor! HERTS WHY SMOKE YRAVELED THROUGH FINE TOBACCO TASTES BIST v rrr f?k:'-$ Ga& IVbu get Poll Malt, ftmoua length of Q Poll Mollk fbmom length trtMria Q Wafclf ttvi finest tobocco. money con buy Cj om! pantta the emohe rahiraltK- O through t Outstanding, and they are Mild ! ojr.undir around oral through ft Mots fine tcbooooel HOWELL THEATRE XT .JUH Ml fc3 (C 8 P.M. I ft m m - jb . Lia Uzs IZza UX MAY 6, 7, 8 . & 9