The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1959, Image 1

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    .New Coimeil Giiosen
mg iieavier
One student was elected
on a total of nine votes and
another squeezed by on a
one-vote margin in Mon
day's Council elections.
Early voting was heavy
after a week or more of
Intensified campaigning, but
heavy rains beginning around
4 p.m. slowed voter turnout
to a mild trickle.
Some 1,988 students voted
in the election of college
representatives. This com
pares with 1,908 votes cast
in 1958.
An additional 275 votes
eber ,
were void, either because Mary A:
students had voted for too Rita'Mullet 60
few or too many candi-..-Void 24
The votes' tabulated
by IBM machines, thus
making the results avail
able two hours sooner tha!?
by the old method of count
ing by hand.
Election results are as
follows, (those elected are
in bold face):
Agriculture t
Don Epp Ml
Clare Vrba ..122
Betty Condon 118
Ron Kahla .....104
Larry Ott 99
Arts and Sciences:
Ken Tempero 231
Tom Frolik 188
Sandie Johnson 162
Diane Tinan 161
Mike Flannigan 112
Katy Griffith 86
Ann Muehlbeier 64
Karen Dempsey 63
Joan Graf 52
Void 100
Business Administration:
Larry Kilstrup 150
Dick Newman 127
Barbara Barker 115
Darrell Frenzel 86
Lowell Hansen 66
Jacqueline Collins 42
Void 40
Bob Theede 14
Bob Smith 5
Winston Wade 113
Don Gable 105
Dennis Nelson 104
Bill Boggan 78
Roy Cook 76
BUI Paxton 63
Dick Valder 62
Roland Rader 56
Void 47
James Founder 9
Neil Stillinger 3
Void 1
Dave Myers 243
Roy Neil 177
Kitzl Lee 85
Shirley Chab 75
Margaret Aikens 68
Carol Sue Vermaas .... 72
Patricia Johnson 69
Linda Lonsbrough 48
Maribeth Larson 46
Kay McCormick 37
Bonnie Beckman 5
Bonnie Bush 1
Skip Harris 11
Sue Hubka 7
Marcla Hall 14
Shirley Chab 13
Lorraine Hadley 10
Jerry Dondlinger 4
Paul Huebner 1
tical committee Bob Pain
stated that information was
not yet available on the per
centage of fraternity men
voting but that it was high,
Boggan was defeated by
Dennis Bruce Nelson.
IBM Cards
Speed Up
Coed Counselors
Barbara Miles 31 Francis Spoeneman ... 7 Cf1 171
Bonnie Spiegal 31 Carol Kucera 3 0j Lj liZLllU IV
juay woicott 32 vfq
John Hoerncr 22
Jim Cadwallader 1
Nori Yost 27
Carole Woodling 27
Sly Curtic " Strong Backing
Means Wins
Vol. 33, NO. 105
Tha Daily Nebraskan
Tuesday, May 5, 1959
Legislature Drops Resolution
To Study Law College Hiring
A resolution asking for an
investigation of hiring prac
tices at the University Law
College has been withdrawn
from the Legislature.
Sen. Jack Romans, who in
troduced the resolution, asked
unanimous consent of the Leg
islature to drop his resolu
tion, but Sea. Hans Jensen
Motion Carried
A motion td drop the reso
lution made by Romans car
ried 31-3.
The resolution was slated
for debate on May 11.
Romans said he was ask
ing that the resolution be
dropped because the Board
of Regents and Chancellor
Clifford Hardin advised him
the Board would conduct an
investigation of law college
hiring practices.
A letter sent to Romans)
Monday on behalf of the
Board of Regents made no sider this session."
specific mention of any in
vestigation planned by the
Board but the letter did say
Regents Employ
"Under state law the au
thority to employ staff mem
bers of the University is as
signed to the Board of Re
gents. We should like, there
fore, to invite you to present
to the Board any information
you may have pertaining to
its employment practices."
Adam Breckenridge, dean
of faculties, said that to his
knowledge the letter was the
only communication the Board
or the Chancellor had sent to
Romans said he was pleased
that the University decided
to look into this matter on
its own initiative since the
Legislature already has a rec
ord number of bills to con-
IWA Recognizes
Top Independents
Twenty Independent wom
en were honored last night at
the Independent "Women's
Association's annual Recog
nition Dessert
The Dessert is held to rec
ognize independent women
who have been active in cam
pus activities and have above
average scholarship.
Honored were
Steiner, junior in Terrace
Hall; Diana Maxwell, junior
in Residence Kails for Wom
en; Janet Jahlman, junior;
Ruth Roubal, senior in Res
idence Halls for Women;
Mary Stastny, sophomore in
Towne Club; Kay Stute, soph
omore in Love Hall; Mary
Vrba, junior in Love Memor
ial HalL
Betty Mann, junior in
Fedde Hall; Dorothy Schid
ler, senior; Darlene Stand
ley, sophomore in Residence
Halls for Women; Jane Sav
ener, junior in Love Memor
ial Hall; Doris Eby, senior
in Towne Club.
Patsy Kaufman, senior in
Love Memorial Hall; Mari
lyn Jenson, senior in Love
Memorial Hall; Sharon Stern
er, senior in Fedde Hall;
Carole Crate, junior in
Towne Club; Faye Oeltjen,
junior in Love Memor
ial Hall.
Joan Schultz, sophomore in
Town Club; Alma Heuermann
junior in Love Memorial Hall
i and Cleo Murphy, freshman
in the Residence Halls for
Candidates for the honor
are nominated by the heads
of the various campus organ
izations, church groups and
Sylvia honoraries.
The executive members of
IWA determine the final win
The trouble began after
questioning of Bernstein by
Romans at the public hear
ing of a legislative commit
tee. At that time Bernstein said
he had not been a member
of Americans for Democratic
Action, but later wrote that
he had been mistaken. He
also said that the group is
composed of "loyal Americans."
Prof Lauds
Students, NU
"The University's firm posi
tion is great reassurance that
the highest standards of aca
d e m I c freedom are to be
maintained," Merton Bern
stein told the Daily Nebras
kan. "As an individual I w a s
only part of the issue, but it
was difficult not to feel like
William Tell's son.
"The reaction of Nebras
kans was most heartening.
Particularly gratifying were
the stands taken by the Lin
coln Star and Journal, by the
Dally Nebraskan, and stu
dents, especially in the Col
lege of Law. Their actions
and statements demonstrate
that students today have all
the fibre of earlier generations.
"My wife and I are grate
ful for all the f r i e n d s we
learned we have. We want
I publicly to say "thank you."."
See Page 2
Independent Womens Assn,
Mary Stastny 6
Kay Stute 6
Inter Co-op Council
Clarence Wolfe 8
John Logan 4
Corn Cobs
Gil Grady 6
Dave McConahay 2
Howard Kooper 2
Ram Council
Bob Stlne 365
Bob Ray 278
Jackie Petersen 7
The Interfraternity Coun
cil was successful in elect
ing all but one of their
slated candidates to the
1959-60 Student Council.
The Independents elected
Voters in the Student Coun
cil election this year were
greeted by a new type of bal
lot, the familiar IBM card.
Formerly ballots were tabu
lated by Student Council mem
bers and the counting ran far
into the night in most cases.
Four IBM machines are re
quired for the counting.
First the ballots are rua
through a mark sensing ma
chine which transfers the pen
cil marks bv students into ap
propriate holes in the card
4wa et Via it frttii ctiitnnf
slate, Clare Vrba and Roy which can be read by other
Np Moil was nlsn n TFn iiwviunca.
backed candidate.
The IFC backed candi
date not elected was Bill
Chairman of the IFC poli-
Water Ballet
Aquaquettes' Splash-Off
Planned Thursday Night
Takes Five
Five new members were ini
tiated into the honorary jour
nalism fraternity, Kappa Tau
Alpha, Sunday.
Marilyn Coffey and Del
Hood, seniors in journalism,
and Diana Maxwell, Gretchen
Sides and Sondra Whalen, jun
iors, were the new initiates.
They represent the top 10 per
cent of both the junior and
senior classes, said John
Dooley, adviser of the Will
Owen Chapter.
R, Neale Copple, author of
the new "History of Lincoln"
and instructor in journalism,
told the group of the prob
lems - and rewards of writ
ing the book for Lincoln's Cen
tennial. Frank Rail, statehouse re
porter for the Lincoln Jour
nal, received the second an
nual Alumni Achievement
Award of Kappa Tau Alpha.
Ran is a 1950 graduate of the
University's school of journalism.
The annual water ballet
presented by Aquaquettes,
women's swim club, will be
Thursday and Friday at 7:45
p.m. in the Coliseum pool.
"Concepts of Time" is the
theme of the show, which is
being directed by Carmen
Kehtel, instructor of women's
physical education.
Officers of the group are
Rae Beerline, president; Car
ole Yerk, vice-president; Pat
D w y e r, secretary; Marnie
Gardner, treasurer and Mary
Patrick, publicity.
Other members include
Section Head
Due May 7
Applications for 17 section
editor positions on the 1960
Cornhusker staff will be avail
able until noon May 7.
Blanks may be obtained in
the Cornhusker office, Union
20. They are to be returned
when completed.
Interviews will be held Fri
day from 1 to 5 p.m. Appli
cants may sign up for inter
views when they return their
Section editors write copy
and supervise the taking of
pictures for their specific sec
tions. Sections include activities,
administration, men's varsity
athletics, royalty, colleges (6),
fraternities, sororities, men's
houses and halls, women's
houses and halls, military, stu
dent government and student
Interviews for panel editor
and art editor w i 1 1 be held
.later in May. ,
Laurie Abernathy, Marion
Brayton, Mary Erickson,
Marty Davey, Sue Fulkerson,
Judy Galley, Hjordis Fang
meyer, Linda Harm, Nancy
Hollingshead, Sandra John
son, Sharon Johnson, Karen
Anker, Marcia Hall, Letti
Barbara Ketelson. Linda
Lonsbrough, Mary Margaret
Holtmeir, Betty Jean Myers,
Lois Muhle, Kay McCor
mick, Suzie Stump, Faye
Oeltjen, Sharon Smith, Kay
Stewart, Dorothy Sellentin,
Mary Lou Valencia and Jill
Nat Miller
'Ah Wilderness
Comes to Theatre
Nat Miller, the All-Amer-cain
role originally created
by George Cohen in the ear
ly '30's on Broadway, will
be recreated by John Wen
strand tomorrow night in the
University Theatre produc
tion of "Ah Wilderness."
Wenstrand is assistant at
torney general of Nebraska.
The play written bv Eu
gene O'Neill will run May 6
through 9. Director of the
production is Dr. Joseph
Baldwin, assistant professor
of speech and dramatic art.
Set in a small New Eng
land town in 1906, the work is
termed an honest and realist
ic comedy by Dr. Baldwin.
Nat Miller is a newspaper-1
man ana tne genial, wise fa
ther who has his hands full
with his son, Richard, played
by Gary Parker.
Richard is a high school
senior who expresses an in
terest in women, the "mod
ern" books of Ibsen and
Shaw and life in general.
He is forbidden to see the
girl next door by her father
because he has been seen
reading Oscar Wilde's poetry
to her. '
From Oscar Wilde's poetry,
Richard goes to a saloon
where he picks up a prosti
tute. According to Dr. Baldwin
though, "It all works out."
One of a Kind Gift
Goes to Mrs. Miles
Blind Meet
Is Planned
Counselors to Take
Two-Day Course
Seven states will be repre
sented at a traineeship for
counselors of the blind to be
held May 13-14 at the Univer
sity College of Medicine in
The office of Vocational Re
habilitation of the U. S. De
partment of Health, Education
and Welfare is sponsoring the
The purpose of the two-day
institute is to aid vocational
and rehabilitational personnel
in their counseling work with
the blind.
Dr. J. H. Judd, professor
and chairman of the depart
ment of opthalmology at the
College of Medicine will act
as course coordinator.
Delegates from Minnesota,
South Dakota, North Dakota,
Iowa, Missouri Kansas and
Nebraska will attend.
Lightning Strikes
:Sig Alph House
The only damage to proper
ty on the campus during the
storm Sunday was reported
by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity house.
Lightning struck their chim
ney and tore the top half off.
Several members commented
tnat it sounded like a bomb
had been thrown into the
house. The amount of damage
was not immediately determined.
By Doug McCartney '
Banker, accountant, ad
visor, recorder and consult
ant. These are just a few
of the duties of Lucille
Miles of the Student Activi
ties Office.
Ivy Day, Mrs. Miles re
ceived an unprecedented
award "from the students
and campus organizations,"
which read "A Certificate
of Appreciation for your
unselfish use of time, work
and effort in working with
the student organizations
of the University of Ne
braska." The award was presented
to Mrs. Miles by Jerry
Sellentin, business manager
of the Daily Nebraskan.
This was a "one-of-a-kind'.'
award, never before
Mrs. Miles is the smiling
woman in the administra
tion office labeled "Student
Loans and Student Activi
ties." Along with the Certifi
cate of Appreciation, she
was awarded an $80 gift
"I don't know who was
responsible for it," she said,
"but I thank everybody and
all the organizations. It's
really the nicest thing that
ever happened to me!"
In her work with over
150 student accounts from
most of the campus clubs
and activities who use the
office like a bank, she
handles over $350,000 a year.
She has processed over
27,000 checks in six years
of working for the Univer
sity. But this is only part of
her service to the clubs.
Kessler Takes
Part of Mildred
"Since we have all the
money, we have to pay all
the bills," she laughed.
And pay them she does,
sometimes writing over $30,-
000 a month in checks.
The office also keeps a
permanent record of all
Advisor and Helper
She also acts as advisor
and helper to new treasur
ers. "The work Is so varied,
1 really get to know who's
doing what on campus."
Mrs. Miles is very famil
iar with the financial prob
lems of the organizations,
because she handles their
budgets. The proposed bud
gets must be submitted for
the office's approval, then
the actual budget checked
at the end of the year.
Student Loans
The office also handles
student loans and she often
talks over money problems
with the students.
"Sometimes it helps them
a lot just to talk their prob
lems over."
In her contacts with so
many students she said she
couldn't understand why so
many people "ran down"
the present generation. "I
think it should be the other
way around." Then glanc
ing around the office, she
added, "I enjoy working
with them very much."
Next the ballots are sorted
by college.
A third machine, an elec
tronic calculator adds the total
number of votes on sach bal
lot to be sure that the ballots
are filled out correctly.
This machine rejects all bal
lots which voted for the wrong
number of students.
The fourth machine, a sta
tistical sorter tabulate the
number of votes given each
candidate and prints the re
sults. Total time elapsed, Vk
Eleanor Kessler, production
i manager of "Ah Wilderness,"
the University Theatre pro
duction which starts tomorrow
night took over the role of Mil
dred, Nat Miller's daughter
when Sally Purviance, who
originally had the part had to
drop it because of illness.
Eleanor had parts in The
Merchant of Venice, Elijah,
and The Match maker this
year. Last year she was
named an Outstanding Fresh
man by Nebraska Masquers.
She is a masquer's worker
and a member of Delta Gamma.
Info Submitted
By 39 Candidates
Thirty-nine candidates for
council college representative
turned in platforms for the
Nebraskan Series "Know your
Council Candidate."
Two candidates submitted
their information too late for
inclusion in the series.
Dave Myers, Teachers Col
lege candidate, submitted his
information on time but it was
not included due to a typo
graphical error.
Tri-Delt Winners
Kathryn Burcham and Faye
Oetjen are the winners of
scholarships awarded by Del
ta Delta Delta.
Each year the chapter
awards scholarships to girls
selected from a list of applicants.
T. Eason
N ovale t Larsen
Hold Other Spots
Tom Eason has been elect
ed new President of RAM
Other officers are Monte
Novak, vice-president; Jim
Larsen, secretary; John
F 1 o r y, activities director;
Gordon Mankin, social direc
tor; Jim Linderholm, intra
mural director and Larry
Dodson, scholastic director.
Eason, sophomore in Arts
and Science, is RAM Student
Council representative and
member of University Men's
Glee Club.
Novak and Mankin are both
freshmen in Arts and Sci
ence. Dodson is a freshman
in Engineering.
Larsen, a junior in Arts and
Science, is a member of
Builders, past worker for
Kellogg Fund Drive and parti
cipates in Intramural Sports
for Selleck Quadrangle.
Flory, sophomore in Engi
neering, is a house president,
member of RAM Coun
cil, Commander of Arnold Air
Society, American Society of
Mechanical Engineers and
Newman Club.
Linderholm, junior in Arts
and Science, is a member of
ROTC Rifle Team and parti
cipates in Selleck Quadrangle
Intramural Sports
House Presidents for next
year are John Beibower, Tom
Canarsky, Jim Glathar, Ray
Kjar, Louis Lamberty, Jim
Laska, Kent Murray, Bob
Persons, Wilbur Reubsanum,
Fred Rickers, Ray Smith,
Dick Sokoi and Lyle Spence.
Urban Geography
On Tap Tonight
Prof. Gunnar Alexandersson
of the Stockholm School of
Economics w.ill lecture oa
"Urban Geography" tonight
at 7:30 p.m. in Room , 105,
Geography Building.
Spring Choral Fete to Feature Opera Singers
New York City Opera sing
ers will be featured at the
annual spring Choral Concert
May 10.
Professor Leon Lishner,
bass, will solo as will New
York Opera singers John Al
exander, tenor, and Sarah
Fleming, soprano. '
Lishner has also performed
with the New York Opera
and in other recitals on the
University campus and over
the country.
A chorus of 600 voices and
the University Symphony Or
chestra will perform.
The chorus is the amalga
mation of two sections of the
University Chorus directed by
Earl Jenkins and John Moran,
assistant professors of music;
the University Singers direct
ed by Jenkins; the Madrigal
Singers directed by Moran;
the Varsity Glee Club directed
by Dale Ganz, and the Agri
cultural College Chorus di-
s&nr ppi iScffSfiSl
i, mmrA u 4 ft
m J l mm w Pi
bmiiis-:Xsi :-i-,--Zi,.y,.it. mmmtiimmm hmniiii.irin mm if J.,,.,..
rected by Phyllis Wells.
Emanuel Wishnow, chair
man of the music department,
will direct "Sound and
Alarm" from v Judas Macca-
baeus" by Handel, sung by
Alexander and accompanied
by the Orchestra; "The Sea
sons," an oratorio by Haydn
and "Drum Taps" by Howard
Hanson on poetry by Walt
The program, which will bf
at the Coliseum at 8 pjn.,
will be free to the public. .