Mondoy, Moy 4, 1959 Poga 4 Nebraskon The Daily J i ; i 1' Godby Tackled First -v David Codbey was tack led Saturday as the new pres ident of Innocents Society for 1959-60. Dwaine Rogge, his prede cessor, tack led the Jun ior man dur ing Ivy Day c e r emon ies. The new p r e s i dent of the honor ary society for senior men is en- Godbey rolled in the College of Engineering and Architecture, is a member of the Student Council and the Engineering Executive board and a past member of the Publication Board and the American Institute of Archi tects and Builders. Vice president of Kosmet Klub, Godbey is also house mana ger of Theta Xi fraternity. He has held two Regents scholarships and the Donald Walters Miller scholarship. Elected vice president was John Nielsen, also a student in the College of Engineering and Architecture. Nielsen, a member of the Student Coun cil, the Interfraterhity Coun cil and the Engineering Ex ecutive board, has been di rector of the Kosmet Klub's spring show and a member of the American Society for Agricultural Engineers and the Saber Air Command. He lias held three Regents schol arships, is feature editor of the Blueprint, an engineering magazine and president of Delta Upsilon fraternity. Other members of the group include: Frederick Bllu secrtary. BHm. en rolled in the College oi Agriculture, it vice prextdent of Corn Coon end the All I'niversiiy Fund board. member of the All Executive board, Alpha Zeta, n cultural echolamic honorary fraternity, the Interfraternity Council and the Ag ronomy Club. He has held the following cholrtiipa: a Re?ente, a Forney Foun dation Knglneeruig, a Delta Tail Delta and a Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. He it rush chairman of Farm Houne. Oeorre Porter treasurer. Porter, en rolled in the College of Engineering and Architecture, la president of Sigma Nu fraternity, a member of the Student Council and the Engineering Executive board, president of the lnterfraternity Counoil and copy ditor of the Blueprint. He has been awarded the KROTC regu lar scholarship. Jack Mack aer(eani-at-arms. Muck, enrolled in the College of Business Ad ministration, is treasurer of the Student Council and chairman of Spring Day. He ia treasurer of the lnterfraternity Coun- Tele today Coed Injured During Parade Jo Jaspersen, a junior In Ag College, was released from the hospital this weekend aft er a car-pedestrian accident during the Spring Day Parade. She suffered bruises but was not seriously injured. Nebraska!. Want Ads PERSON EL Esther Loao. speoiallst In Men's A Women'i flttlnr problems. Double breasted converted to single. 4445 So. 48th, 4-4212. Iy and eve. classes at the MIDWEST Hslrdresslng ACADEMY, accredited school of cosmetology. 202 Barkley Bldg.. 115 No. 12. 3-4939. EMPLOYMENT Ens boy for part time work, 12-2. Ap ply Employment Office, 7th floor Mil ler Paine. FOR SALE for sale Bookcase, desk, cheat -of -dimri, miscellaneous furniture. .1-8337. This space, remember classifieds Pa v. 8o why don't you put them to work for you today. Attention Students Special on new and used Hi-Pi's, plug complete line of high quality port able radios for those spring parties picnics. D1ETZ MUSIC HOUSE 1208 O" 8t. Two formats (blue alia 12, beige 10). Three Cocktail Dresses (red , two white 7). Call 4-8103 after six. Car HI-FI phonograph for I Chrysler Product, 3-8074. ale. Mo-Par. B't of Encyclopedia Americana. S2S0. Worth $375. Excellent condition. T-H488. FOR RENT Typewriters, adding machines for rent or sale. BLOOMS. 82S No. 13. 2-5258. THESIS BINDING Students, have your thesis bound at H. H. Bindery by experienced book binders at new low prices, any thick ness $3.00. Special custom binding at a slightly higher rate. Bibles. Text books. Periodical bound and rebound at low low prices. Phone 6-435 Daytime 2-830$ Evenings. JOBS ON SHIPS Plan Now For Summer TRAVEL THE WORLD EARN HIGH PAT Men-Women . . . work oboord Lux ury Ocean Liners, freighters, tonk ers. An opportunity to see the world, travel to many foreign lands while earning high pay. (No ex perience needed on many jobs.) Work full time, season, or on one trip basis. For hi former iee Write (Dept. J4R UNIVERSAL SHIP INFORMATION 1020 Dread St. Newark, N. I. cil and Phi Delta Theia fraternity. Kos met Klub and a pt member of we All I'imersiiy Fund board. Rakert Blair enrolled In the Col leaf of Business Administration. Barn ia past preaident of Mama Alpha hpilun ira ternily. rexional president of the lnler fralernily Council and vice preaidenl of the lnterfraternity t imncil. He is a mem ber of the Student Council, a past m- i ber of Kapps Alpha Mu, photo-journaliKm honorary Irateiinly. and a former Cora hiiker yearbook photographer. He has held the i. Kenneth Coaler BuMnea Ad miniatration. the Delta Tau Delta and the J oka M. Spear Memorial scholar ahips. Veraea Tm enrolled In the College of AariruHure. reve la preaidenl ot Ki met Klub, vice president of r'arm Houae fraternity, a member of the As Kxeou tive board, the Aaronomy flub and the Lutheran Student Amuttadon and chair man ot an All University Fund and a Builders committee. He Is the Kosmet Klub representative to the Lincoln Cen tennial Committee and has been in the casts of "South Pacific' and "4.nnie Get Your Gun.' He Is a part member of the Vouns Kepuhticana and haa held the Knishts ot Ak-Sar-Ben scholarship for three yes'rs and ths Sears and Hoehuck scholarship. Carroll Noylrkt enrolled In the College of Knsineering and Architecture. He is the editor of the Blueprint, vice presi dent of Theta Xi fraternity and was E Week publicity chairman. He is a mem. ber of the Knslneera' Executive board, Sisma Tau, honorary ensineering aoci- ety, Kta Kappa Ku. electrical engineer. ins honorary society, the American ho ciety of Klertnral Kngineers, the 1'uhli catMita Board. Huildrra. the Nebraska University Council for World Allairs board, the lniei"fraternity Council and Newman Club. He haa held the omima Steel Works scholarship snd the Klki Club "Most Valuable Student" award. Robert Paine enrolled in the College of Agriculture Paine, a Student Tribunal Judge. Is president of Alpha Gamma Kho fraternity, treasurer of the Ag Executive board and publicity chairman of the Varsity Dairy Club and was Fa' ' Formal chairman. He ia a member of Corn Cobs, the lnterfrsternity Council. the Snnna Day Steering tnmmiuee. tne University Dairy Cattle Judging Team and the 1'nlversity 4-H Club. He has held the Regents and M. N. Lawritson scholarships. Norman Rehiring enrolled in the Col lege of Agriculture. President of Farm House fraternity, Rohlfing is secretary of the Agronomy Club, assistant husi ness manager of thf Daily Nebiaskan and a member of Alpha .els. Kosmet Klub and the Nebraska Human Reiwureea Re search Foundation. He ' . i past mem ber of the Phalanx Drill Squad and the Ag VMCA snd is s former Sprint; Day committee chairman. He haa held the Ak-Sar-Ben. Seam and Hoebnck and He- genta scholarships. Larry Romjue enrolled In the 'allege of Bustneus Administration. Homjue ia president of Bets Theta Pi traternity. business manager of Kosmet Klub and a member of the varsity golf team. V Club and Student Council. He was named an Eligible Bachelor in lfl.W and is a past member of Builders and the lnter fraternity Council and past treasurer of the All University Fund. He has held the American Loan scholarship snd the Stew art Award from Beta Theta Pi. Harry Tolly enrolled in Teachers Col lege. A member of the varsity football and baseball teams. Tolly is secretary, treasurer of the N-Club, historian ot Phi Epsilon Kappa, physical education pro fessional fraternity, and a member of the all University basketball intramural team. He received honorable mention on the Big 8 Scholastic Team and was co captain of the freshman football team. He won the Freshman Mathematics Award, and is a member of Mu F.psilnn Nu, teachers honorary society. Pi Mu Epsilon. mathematics honorary society, and Sisma Chi fraternity. He has held a football grant-in-aid scholarship. Charles Wilson enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. Wilson is former advertising manager of the Cornhusker. a member of Student Council and Theta Nu. honorary fraternity for pre-mcdical students, assistant pledge trainer of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and a former mem ber of the Nebraska Human Resources Research Foundation. He held the (ien eral Motors National scholarship for three years and won the Phi Delta Theta fresh man scholarship award. The choice of Dr. O. K. Bnuwsma. pro fessor of philosophy, and Lincoln busi nessman George Holmes as honorary in nocents was revealed. Dr. Bouwsma. known nationally snd Internationally for his work in the philo sophical field, was also named an hon orary member of Phi Beta Kappa, na tional scholastic honorary society, this year. A faculty member since 1928. Dr. Bnuwsma has received a number of in vitations to participate in philosophical gatherings, including the international Congress of Philosophers In Amsterdam In 1948. He has accepted visiting pro fessorships In this country and abroad, and has served as president of the West em Division of the American Philosoph ical Association. Holmes, a University alumnus, a found er of the University Foundation and a charter member of the former Univer sity athletic board of control, in 19fi7 received the University's hishest non academic honor, the Nebraska Builder Award. In 194(i he was made an honor ary member of the N-Club. and in 1940. received the Alumni Association's first Distinguished Service Award. "sSMenaSV 'V: : . ' Mfc :: 4& f i j .. E , irnrrrrmrni wmil Sacgcr Maxwell rrine Peterson Peterson to Lead Mortar Boards Nielsen Feye Blair i mm m Taine Novieki Romjue Rohlfing f ' f. e'di. I sjas 0 UhLM Wilson Tolly Toi today Typewriters For Rent Try Cur Rental-Purchase Plan Special Student Rotes NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. 11 h Phone 2-4284 Typewriter Ribbons Put On Spilker Sides ( lade I 1 N If I j lAf'lJ L-eJ ... Bliss Downs Schuster Hall ' -mm wmmmm UflZJli s?U ' I Porter Muck Schnabel Savener Karen Peterson, Lincoln, was tapped the new president of Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board, senior wom en's honorary. The new president succeeds Nancy Copeland. Miss Peterson Is enrolled In Teachers College and is the 1959 Ideal Nebraska Co ed. She is a member of the Student Union board of man agers and president of the Union Activities Committee. A past junior board member of Coed Counselors, she is also on the Associated Wom en's Students board, a mem ber of Pi Lambda Theta, hon orary society for- women in Teachers College and was an attendant in last year's Ivy Day court. She has worked on the Hungarian Student Project of the YVVCA and is activities chairman of Pi Beta Phi, so cial sorority. The new vice president is Polly Doering. Miss Doering is enrolled in Teachers Col lege, is president of Associ ated Women's Students, past treasurer of Coed Counsel ors, treasurer of YWCA, rush chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi, social sorority and a member of Pi Lambda Theta. Named to honorary mem bership was Miss Mary Jean Mulvaney, assistant professor of physical educa tion for women, who has served as a faculty adviser to the Mortar Boards. Miss Mulvaney, a 1948 University graduate, received her Mas ter's Degree from Wellesley College in 1951 and joined the University staff the same year. Other new members are: Mass Maswell secretary. KnrolIM In the College of Arta and Sciences, Miss Maxwell is managing editor of the Daily Nebraskaa. secretary of the Independent Women's Association, a Journalism Gold Key Award winner, vice president of Theta Sigma Phi, professional Journal Urn fraternity for women, and a mem ber of Alpha Lambda Delia, freihman women's scholastic honorary society and of the Residence Hslls for Women. Orefchea baeger treasurer. Enrolled In the College of Arts and Sciences and Teachers College. Miss Saeser la presi dent of Red Cross and treasurer of Build ers. She is a former memlier of All Uni versity Fund, was an attendant in the lDSe Ivy Day Court and la a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and of Gamma Phi Beta, social sorority. Oretrhee Sides publicity chairman. Miss Sides, enrolled in the Collese of Arta and Sciences, is head staff writer of ! the Daily Nebraskan, president of Coed Counselors and secretary of Theta sig ma Phi and Kappa Alpha Theta, social sorority. Darethy Glade. Miss Clade. enrolled In .Teachers College, is vice president of Towne Club, ia a Gold Key Award win ner in business administration, president of the Independent Women's Association and a member of the Coed Counselor Board, the Student Council and Pi Lambda Theta. Nancy Spilker. Enrolled hi the College of Arts and Sciences, Miss Spilker is president of the YWCA. secretary of Tas sels and Chi Omega, social sorority. Dorothy Hall. Enrolled in Teachers Cnl leae, Miss Hall Is vice president of Build ers, a member of the Student Union Ac tivities board. Pi Lambda Theta and Delta Gamma, social sorority. karea Krkaster. Enrolled In Teachers College, she la president of All Univer sity Fund, secretary of Builders, social chairman of Chi Omega, social somrily, and a member of the Dean's Advisory Board. PI Lambda Theta and ACE, ele mentary education orianlration. Sally Dawns. Miss Downs is enrolled in Teachers College, ia vice president in EUROPE Dublle to Hie Iran Certain; Africa to Sweden You're accompanied net aerae around. Colieaa efe only. Aha short trips. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 255 Wavaia (Box C), ratodana, Cel. charge of public relations for Builder and vice president of the Student Union Activities Bosrd. She Is a member of the Student Council, Red Cross, Phi Sli ms lota, romance languages honorary society. Pi Lambda Theta, and Alpha Phi. social sorority. Jane Saveaer. Enrolled In the College of Agriculture, she is president of the Ag YWCA and of Tassels, past preaidenl of Love Memorial Hall, was the IM Hello Girl and a Homecoming Queea finalist. She was an attendant In Ike 1R.S8 Ivy Day Court and is a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron. home economics honorary society, and the Home Econom ics Club. See A as Schaabel, Enrolled In Teach, ers College, she ia editor of the HHV) Cornhusker and past member of the Builders and AU University Fund boards. She is a member of PI Sigma Alpha, political science honorary society, Theta Sigma Phi, PI Lambda Theta and Kappa Kappa Gamma, social sorority. t. t !i .Cf ' V PMM-Bmr VJVEBSTER'S NEW fWORLDl DICTIONARY of the American language, College Edition merntris (142,000) irior. xomplas of togt mor Idiomatic expression! more and fuller tymolofjUi mor and fuller synonymies most vp-to-date Available of your coflag ttora IHI WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY Clevelond ond New York m w man if amm. eVBsWbsattlal ftaas&Bssaal FOR STUDENTS CULTY 2I e '"I r sswV'en U JLJUlv i itES1 'it 31 S JVr LIGHT UP AND LIVE IT UP! 3 great cigarettes offer you 627 chances to win! So pick your pack-save the six wrappers -and get going! It's crossword puzzle fun and real smoking pleasure all the way! ENTER OFTEN HAVE FUN-AND WIN! But think carefully! This puzzle is not as easy as it looks. At first the DOWN and ACROSS clues may appear simple. There may appear to be more than one "right" answer. For example, the clue might read: "Many a coed will be given her best date's P--N." EHher "I'" (PIN) or "E" (PEN) would seem to fit. But only one answer is apt and logical as decided by the judging staff, and therefore correct. Read the rules carefully. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH. Good luck! RULES-PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 1. The College Pu2zle Contest is open to college students and college faculty members except em ployees and their immediate families of Liggett & Myers and its advertising agencies. 2. Fill in all missing letters . . . print clearly. Use of obsolete, archaic, variant or foreign words prohibited. Afteryou have completed the puzzle, send it along with six empty package wrappers of the same brand from L&M, Chesterfield or Oasis cigarettes (or one reasonable hand-drawn facsimile of a complete package wrapper of any one of the three brands) to: Liggett & Myers. P. 0. Box 271, New York 46, N. Y. Enter as often as you wish, but be sure to enclose six package wrappers (or a facsimile) with each entry. Illegible entries will not be considered. 3. Entries must be postmarked by midnight, Friday, May 29, 1959 and received by midnight, Friday, June 5, 1959. 4. Entries will be judged by the Bruce-Richards Corporation, an independent judging organiza tion, on the basis of logic and aptness of thought of solutions. In the event of ties, contestants will be required to complete in 25 words or less the following statement: "My favorite cigarette is (Chesterfield) (L&M) or (Oasis) because Entries will be judged on originality, aptness of thought and interest by the Bruce-Richards Corporation. Duplicate prizes will be awarded in event "f final ties. Illegible entries will not be considered. By entering all entrants agree that the decision of the judges shall be final and binding. 5. Solutions must be the original work of the contestants submitting them. All entries become the property of Liggett & Myers and none will be returned. . Winners will be notified by mail as soon as possible after completion of the contest. 7. This contest Is subject to all Federal, Stats and local laws and regulations. j HURRY! ENTER KOW! CONTEST CLOSES MAY 29, 1959 - I I CLUES ACROSS: 1. These may indicate that a nation is prepared to wage war ia the air. 6. Some college students. 10. When at , Light up an Oasis. 11. Sinking ship deserter. 12. Plural pronoun. 13. One expects discussions in a sociology class. 16. A student's careless might annoy a short-story instructor. 17. Initials of Uruguay and Denmark; 18. Germanium (Chem.) 19. Nova Scotia (Abbr.) 21. It probably would count when you pick a horse to bet on. 22. Sometimes a girl on a date must into her pocketbook to help pay the tab. 23. The muscle-builder's may fascinate a poorly developed mail. 24. Chemical Engineer (Abbr.) 26. Campers will probably be by a forest fire. 29. When starting a trip, tourists usually look forward to the first 31. At home. 32. Literate in Arts (Abbr.) 33. Familiar for faculty member. 35. Associate in Arts (Abbr.) 86. One could appear quite harmless at times. 37. Reverse the first part of "L&M". 38. What will soon appear in a bombed-out city. CLUES DOWN: 1 . The beginning and end of pleasure. 2. A rural can be inviting to a vacationist. 3. Second and third letters of OASIS. 4. When one is packed, it could be exasperating to remember a few articles that should be included. 5. It would pay to be careful when glass is 6. Grounds to relax on with a mild CHESTERFIELD. 7. Author Ambler. 8. District Attorney Abbr.) 9. A from Paris should please the average woman. 12. An inveterate traveler will about distant lands. 14 are hard to study. 15. Stone, Bronze and Iron ......... 20. How Mexicans say, "Yes". 23. All L&M cigarettes are " liigV In smoking pleasure. 2.S. May be a decisive factor in winning a horse race. 27. Initials of Oglethorpe, Iona, Rutgers and Emerson. 28. United Nations Organization (Abbr.) 30. Golf mound. 32. Colloquial for place where the finest tobaccos re tested for L&M. 33. Poet Laureate (Abbr.) 34. Filter ends. 35. What A brer might be called. 86. Bachelor of Education degree. 1 ai i ps ft tor p ps T LOT ) TTfr r jongi " "1 I H I isiL-r PRINT CLEARLY! ENTER AS OFTEN AS V0U WISH Mail to Liccen ( Myart, f . 0 Bra 271, New York 46. New York. Bt sore to (Hack sii empty packagt wrtppers of tht umt blind (or acsimile) from Chettertiola. UM, or Cuts cifarrtus. Nat AaUraa. This entry mast bo postmarked befon midniiM. May 29, 1959, ani taceived at P. 0. Box J m York 44. Jiaa York, ay 111111011111, sunt 4,ia. O ta iki Ti ""!M"' iilWt;!!'?' ,lffl"tH'il''W , - i WW 4 "-.--,.