The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1959, Image 1

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Weekend Over: Honors
Love Memorial-Farmhouse
Sweep Spring Day Firsts
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THE QUEEN Sandra Kully
of two weeks, beams happily
the May by Phyllis Bonner,
Vol. 33, No, 104
May Queen Sandra Freed
Bride of Only Two Weeks
Sandra Kully Freed, senior
in Teachers, was revealed as
the 1959 May Queen at Ivy
Day festivities Saturday.
Maid of Honor was Phyllis
Recent Bride
Mrs. Freed, a bride of two
weeks whose husband is a
freshman in Law College, is
a copy editor of the Daily
Nebraskan. She is past pres
ident of Sigma Delta Tau,
corresponding secretary of
Pi Lambda Theta, honorary
society for women in Teach
ers College, and a past mem
ber of the Coed Counselor
She is also a member of
Theta Sigma Phi and Hilel.
Miss Bonner, a senior in
Arts and Sciences, was also
awarded the Mortar Board
2 itrJ Sr f"
here! A rose-scattering court member squints narrowly
as photographers snap pictures of the Ivy Day court.
Jr.-Sr. Coeds Lead
Ivy, Daisy Court Chains
Kiv luninr arm ciy cpninriwiin ine Hungarian aiuaenc rrujeci.
&ix junior ana six senior Pl,rlcl. Te, ,, enroled ta Teacher.
University coeds were hon
ored as leaders of the tradi
tional Ivy and Daisy Chains
in the Ivy Day May Court.
Res Marie Tondl la enrolled in the
College of Agriculture. Miss Tondl Is
past president of Love Memorial Hall,
vice president of tbe Ag Executive Board,
general chairman of Hospitality Day and
a member of Newman Club, the Home
Economisa Club and Phi Upsilon Omic
ron. Glend lane Klein Is enrolled in Teach
ers Collage. Miss Klein is a member of
Pi Lambda Theta, Sigma Tau Delta and
Delta Delta Delta.
Mary McKnight is enrolled In the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences. Miss McKnight
is vice president of Delta Gamma, a
member of the All University Fund
Board, the Student Council fhd the
KNUS staff. '
Rae Beerline la enrolled In Teachers
College. Miss Beerlin is a member of
the Women's Athletic Association board,
the Physical Education Club, the Dean's
Advisory Board, Aquaciuettes, Student
Council and Alpha Chi Omega.
Sandra Snoop is enrolled in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences. Miss Shoup is
past president of Alpha Phi.
Ruth Koubal is enrolled in the College
ef Agriculture. Miss Boubal resides in
the Residence Halls for Women and is
past officer.
Fare Oeltlen is enrolled in the College
of Agriculture. Miss Oeltjen is a past
member of the Ag Executive Board, a
member of the Home Economica Club,
the Lutheran Student Association, Alpha
Lambda Delta. Phi Upsilon Omicron and
Love Memorial Hall.
Marcla Boden is enrolled In Teachers
College. Miss Boden is secretary of the
VWCA. president of Alpha XI Delta, a
member of the Student Council and Pi
bmbda Theta. end bag been associated
s ft- , ., . 1 4 Si " , j
Freed, a brown eyed bride
as she is crowned Queen of
her maid of honor. The two
,11 IV
U Us
The Daily
scholarship award for the
senior woman with the high
est four year cumulative av
erage Saturday.
Named Miss Army at the
1958 Military Ball, she is also
a member of Phi Beta
Kappa, was a finalist for' Ne
braska Sweetheart, and is
secretary of Alpha Omicron
She is also a past board
member of AWS, secretary
of Gamma Alpha Chi, sec
retary of Theta Sigma Phi,
president of Alpha Epsilon
Rho, radio-TV honorary soci
ety, secretary of YWCA,
Kappa Tau Alpha, journal
ism scholastic honorary soci
ety, and Phi Sigma Iota, ro
mance languages honrorary
She was also a Journalism
hard to see from back
College. Misi Teur la aecretary of Alpha
Omicron PI, vice-president of the Wom
en's Alhletic association, and a member
of PI Lambda Theta and the YWCA.
Jolalne Loseke is enrolled in the Col
lege of Agriculture. She is member of
the Home Economics Club, Tassels, Phi
Upsilon Omicron and Alpha Chi Omega,
secretary of the Student Council and was
a Homecoming Queen finalist.
Margaret Marshall la enrolled In the
College of Arts and Sciences. Miss Marsh
all, a cheerleader, is past secretary of
the Associated Women's Student board,
la Nebraska Sweetheart and la a member
of flamma Phi Beta.
Eileen Santin is enrolled in Teachers
Colltie. Miss Santin is treasurer of Kap
pa Delta, secretary of Red Cross, and
member of the VWCA cabinet and ACE.
Vote today
Annual Sing
Trophies Given
Alpha Xi Delta and Sigma
Chi won the first place tro
phies in the annual Ivy Day
sing competition.
Residence Halls for wom
en and Kappa Kappa Gamma
were second and third respec
tively in the women's division
sponsored by AWS.
Phi Kappa Psi and Beta
Sigma Psi were second and
third in the Kosmet Klub
sponsored men's sing.
senior coeds were honored at the traditional Ivy Day
ceremonies Saturday morning.
Gold Key winner.
Mrs. Freed is believed to
be the first married coed to
ever reign over the tradition
al ceremonies. She and Miss
Bonner were elected to their
positions in a secret vote
last March by junior and
senior women.
As well as being a house
wife, Mrs. Freed, who has
majored in English and mi
nored in journalism and
French, hopes to teach in a
secondary school.
18 Attendants
Six sophomore, nine junior
and three senior women,
identically attired in dresses
of pale aqua nylon organza
street length dress, attended
the Queen. Two fresman co
eds acted as pages.
Donald Olson, professor of
speech, was master of cere
monies. The court proces
sional followed a concert by
the University Band under
the direction of Prof. Donald
Lentz. Carolyn Boesigner
Leigh was senior soloist.
Court members were:
Lynn Wright. Enrolled in the College
of Arts and Sciences, Miss Wright is a
member of Alpha Lambda Delta, an
AUF and Builders assistant and a mem
ber of Kappa Alpha Theta.
Linda Sawvrll. Enrolled in. the College
of Arts and Sciences, she is a member
of AWS board, a worker in the Student
Union, a Builders assistant and librarian
of Delta Delta Delta.
Sue Carkoskl. Enrolled in Teachers Col
lege, she waa 1958 Activities Uueen, was
named an outstanding All University
Fund worker, ia a member of AUF,
Union and the Coed Counselor boards and
of Newman Club and Masquers. She is a
Panheilenic delegate and activities chair
man of Kappa Alpha Theta.
Janet Hansen. Enrolled in the College
of Agriculture, Miss Hansen is a member
of AWS and Coed Counselor boards, the
YWCA cabinet and social chairman of
Delta Delta Delia.
Mary Loo Valencia. Enrolled in the
College of Arts and Sciences, she is a
member of AWS and WA boards, Aqua
iuettes, Newman Club and Piper Hall.
Pat Porter. Enrolled in Teachers Col
lege, Miss Porter is a member of Union
and AUF boards, Alpha Lambda Delta,
was a Spring Day chairman and second
vice president of Alpha Chi Omega.
Kay Stute. Enrolled in the College of
Agriculture, Miss Stute has been named
an Outstanding Tassel and Coed Counsel
or and Is a member of the Home Eco
nomics Club and Love Memorial Hall.
Beverly Heyne. Enrolled in the Collese
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SQUISH ! Eighty-two persons piled out of the Burr Hall car as it was named winner of the Car Cramming Contest at
Spring Day Saturday. Riders of most cars arrived at tbe judging stand mildly doused alter a ride past the bucket
brigade on 16th St.
!f l l I'
Monday, May 4, 1959
of Agriculture, Miss Heyne Is treasurer
of Red Cross, a Panheilenic delegate,
rusn chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi and
I a member of the YWCA, Union and the
Lutheran Student Association.
Linda Walt. Enrolled in Teachers Col
lege, she is vice president of AUF, a
member of AWS board, president of Pi
Lambda Theta and rush chairman of
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.
Mary Ann Vrba. Enrolled In the Col
lege of Agriculture, Miss Vrba is vice
president of Home Economics Cluh. a
member of AWS and Coed Counselors
bnards. Student Council. Newman Club,
Phi Upsiion Omicron and Love Memorial
Hall. She was a finalist for Honorary Co
mandant. Betty Mann. Enrolled in the Collese of
Agriculture, she is president of Phi Up
sjlos Omicron and a member af IWA
and WAA boards, the Home Genomics
Club, VHKA, the Square Dancer Club and
Howard Hall.
Kaymarie Swarts. A student in Teach
ers College, she is a member of the Coed
Counselors board. Tassels, Pi Lambda
Theta and Kappa Phi, Methodist wom
en's service organization, and vice presi
dent of Sigma Kappa.
Helen Hockabout. Enrolled In the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences, she was
Homecoming Queen, is past director of
the Youth Employment Service, a Build
ers' assistant and a member of Alpha
Lambda Delta. Tassels, AUF board and
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.
Judith Truell. Enrolled in the College
of Arts and Sciences and Teachers Col
lege, she is president of NUCWA, presi
dent of Alpha Phi and a member of
Alpha Lambda Delta. Union and Phi
Alpha Theta.
Sandra Whalen. Enrolled in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences, she is presi
dent of Alpha Omicron Pi. Red Cross
publicity chairman, a Journalism Gold
Key winner, was a Homecoming Queen
attendant, is a staff writer for the Daily
Nebraskan and a member of Tassels,
Theta Sigma Phi and Gamma Alpha Chi.
Barbara Bible. Enrolled In the College
of Arts and Sciences, she is president of
Alpha Chi Omega, managing editor of
the Cornhusker and a member of the
AUF board, ThcU Sigma Phi and Gam
ma Alpha Chi.
Marilyn Pickett. Enrolled In the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences, she is presi
dent of Pi Beta Phi, past president of
Alpha Lambda Delta, vice president of
Panheilenic and Delta Phi Delta, art fra
ternity, and a member of the AWS board
and the Student Council.
Pat Arbuthnot. Enrolled In Teachers
College, she is vice president of WAA,
president of the Women's Physical Edu
cation Club and the Athletics and Rec
reation Federation of College Women,
and a member of Newman Club, Pi
Lambda Theta and Delta Delta Delta.
Billie Prest. Enrolled in Teachers Col
lege, she is secretary of Tassels and past
Pledge trainer of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Sonia Slevers. Enrolled in the College
of Business Administration, she is a mem
ber of the Business Administration Ex-
I ecuiive ooaro, Aipna umuua ucw., oa
liarnma aiKIlia, uu&meas miiuiiuatiaiivu
honorary fraternity, and Kappa Delta,
and vice president of Phi Chi Theta, hon
orary for women in business administra
tion. Children In the Court
Flower Girls Kathy Butt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard W. Butt of Omaha
(Mrs. Butt was also May Queen at the
University); and Sally Holtzclaw. daugh
ter of Prof, and Mrs. Henry HolUclaw
of Lincoln.
Crown Bearer Brian Schwab, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Schwab of Lincoln.
Love Memorial Hall and
Alpha Gamma Sigma shared
the. limelight Friday after
noon as they walked off with
first place honors in the 1959
Spring Day competition.
Fedde Hall and Gamma
Phi Beta won the women's
and Cornhusker Co-op and
Farm House won the men's
second and third places re
spectively. Pushball Contest
The pushball contest saw
Alpha Gamma Sigma in first
place with Sigma Alpha Ep
silon and Sigma Chi in sec
ond and third.
Love Memorial Hall was
first in the women's tug of
war followed closelv bv Al
pha Omicron Pi second, and
Zeta Tau Alpha third.
men's tug of war honors
went to Cornhusker Co-od
with Kiesselbach house and
j STRETCH strain and dig
didn't seem to work for the Alpha Phi's as Love Memor
ial Hall won the Spring Day Tug-O-War.
SC Polls Are Opened;
Vote Procedure Important
Polls opened at 9 a.m. to
day in Love Library, Union,
and Ag Union to '-elect the
1959-60 Student Council col
lege representatives.
Voters are reminded by the
Council to follow instructions
printed on the ballots exactly.
Any failure to follow these
instructions will invalidate
the ballot.
No Write-ins
There can be no write-in
votes because of the fact that
all candidates' eligibility
must be checked.
Students must vote for the
exact number of representa
tives indicated on the ballot.
All candidates for Council
are reminded that their post
ers must be taken down to
day. Council rules forbid
campaigning on election day.
Any violation of these rules
will cause a candidate to be
eliminated from the election.
The candidates and their colleges are:
Agriculture: Two representatives, at
least one must be a woman.
Mary Anne Weber, Elizabeth (Betty)
Condon. Rita Mullet, Donald Epp. Claire
Vrba, Ronald Kahle and Iarry Ott.
Arts Sciences: Three representatives,
at least one must be a woman.
Diane Tinan, Ann Muehlbcier. Sandie
(Kay) Johnson. Katherine (Katy) Grif
fifth, Joan Graf. Karen Dempsey. Mich
ael Flannigan, Thomas Frolik and Ken
neth Tempero.
Business Administration: Two repre
sentatives. Barbara Barker. Jacqueline Collins,
Lowell Hansen, Richard Newman. Larry
Kilstrup and Darrell Frenzel.
Engineering: Three representatives.
Roy Cook, William Paxton. Roland
Racier, Richard Valdex, Dennis Nelson,
Winston Wade. Don Gable and William
Dentistry: One representative.
Robert Smith and Robert Theede.
Teachers: Three representatives, at
least one woman and one man.
Ann Walker. Bonnie Spiegal, Elinor
Alpha Gamma Sigma in sec
ond and third place respect
ively. The Mystery event, rules
unannounced until immed
iately before its start was
won by Sharon Rogers, Kap
pa Delta and Virgil Kubert,
Delta Upsilon.
Wheel Barrel
It was a wheel barrel race
with, you guessed it, the
women student frantical
ly acting as the wheelbar
row. Carol Horky, Fedde Hall,
and Bill Crist, Cornhusker
Co-op, won second place in
the event while third was tak
en by Marg Riddel also of
Fedde Hall and Marsh Kurr
of Farm House.
The first pig was caught
by Bob Danner of Farm
House with Charlie Olsen of
Delta Tau Delta close be-
your heels into the turf. But it
Yost. Carole Woodllng, Pennle Sandrlt
ter. Carol Vermaas, Judith Wolcott, Bar
bara Miles, Kay McCormtck, Linda Lons
brough, Carolyn Lee, Maribelh Larson.
Patricia Johnson, Shirley Chab, Margar
et Aikens, Roy Neil and David Myers,
Law: One representative.
Niel Stillings and James Fournler,
IFC-backed candidates are Epp, Ten
pero, Frolick, Newman. Kilstrup, Neil
Myers, Theede. Fournler, Bog an. Wade
and Gable.
Neil also appears on the slate sup
ported by an independent selection board
composed of representatives from Inde
pendent Women's Association, Ram Coun
cil. Co-Op Council and Delta Sigma Pi.
Other Independent-backed candidates
are Miss Vrba, Kahle, Blohm and flan,
Smith Files
For Council
Dent Race,
Robert Smith, a dentistry
freshman and a member of
Sigma Phi Epsilon, has filed
to oppose Robert Theede for
the position of Dentistry Col
lege Student Council repre
sentative. The Student Council kept
the filings open for the posi
tion until 5 p.m. Friday.
Theede and Smith are the
only two men running for the
position. The Council constitu
tion states that each man
must be opposed to make a
valid election.
The Council ruled Wednes
day that there would be no
Pharmacy College represen
tation on the Council for
1959-60 because of a lack of
eligible candidates.
Vote today
hind. Norm Shafer, Sigma
Nu, sacked the third porker
after a considerable scrap
both with the pig and other
Push Up Contest
Much to the surprise of
fraternity pledges an inde
pendent, Dennis Hasmussen,
walked off with the first
place title in the push up con
test. Ron Sabodka. AGR, and
Ben Gadd, ATO, took second
and third respectively. 1
Feddc's Sharon Russel
chalked up the longest throw
In the women's shot put con
test with Phyllis Buell, Sig
ma Kappa, and Lew Peter
son, Piper Hall, taking sec
ond and third.
The sack race finish line
saw Rojean Stich, Love Hall,
across first with Joan
Reeves, Alpha Chi, and
Rock Jorgensen, Delta Gam
ma, close behind.
Balancing Race
The Chi Omega's Marty
Hansen demonstrated consid
erable skill in winning the
balancing race with Kolleen
Kerr, Delta Delta Delta, and
Ginny Hubka, Gamma Phi
Beta, taking second and
riper Hall and Alpha Gam
ma Sigma copped first place
in the couples' three legged
race with Kappa Alpha Theta
and Delta Tau Delta in sec
ond spot. Third place honors
went to Delta Gamma and
Alpha Gamma Rho.
The men's egg catching
was won by Phi Kappa Psi
with Beta Theta Pi and Van
Ess coming in 2nd and third.
Egg Catching
First place in the women's
egg catching went to Terrace
Hall's Karen Hoge and Lou
Ann Ostdiek. Zeta Tau Al
pha with Margo Von Bergen
and Laurie Aberbathy were
in second spot.
Third place was a tie be
tween Fedde Hall represent
ed by Marily Ringland and
Virginia Sagehorn, Kappa Al
pha Theta' s Sylvia Rigg, and
Barb Anderson and Love Me
morial's Mary Vrba and Col
een Christensen all tied up.
Burr, Love Win
Car Piling Event
Nebraska claimed a
world's record for Car
Cramming Friday as 82
men students rode the ft
mile parade course in or on
the Burr Hall Buick.
A 1946 Buick Sedan with
huge dent in the top the
Burr Hall wonder rode on
rock bottom all the way.
Love Memorial hall cop
ped first place in the worn
men's division car cram
ming with 56 girls packed
into a 1954 Chevrolet sedan.
Several houses purchased
cars especially for the
Vote today
Love Hall
Win Cups
Farmhouse fraternity and
Love Memorial Hall were
named winners of the Scho
named winners of the Scholarship-Activities
awarded by Mortar Boards
and Innocents societies for the
second consecutive year.
The trophies are awarded
on Ivy Day to the organized
women's and men's houses
on the basis of their perform
ance in scholarship, house
and individual activities and
Kappa Alpha Theta won
second, Delta Gamma won
third, Alpha Phi was fourth
and Delta Delta Delta was
The other nine places in the
men's division are (in order
of placement) Theta Xi, Delta
Upsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Kappa Sigma,
Alpha Gamma Sigma, Beta
Sigma Psi, Sigma Alpha Mu
and Boucher House.
Scholarship Cups were also
awarded to the senior man
and woman with the top scho
lastic averages.
Wilbur Haas won the men's
award, presented by the In
nocents Society. Haas, who
is studying psycnoiogy, re
cently won the C. W. Boucher
Award for being the top sen
ior "scholastically. He has an
8.867 average.
Phyllis Bonner won the
women's award, presented by
the Mortar Board society. She
was revealed earlier as maid
of honor to the May Queen,
Her average was 8.15.
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity
won the Interfraternity Coun
cil Scholarship Improvement
Trophy for its record oi
scholastic improvement dur
ing the year.