The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, Moy 1, 1959
( I HAVE TStP feelings')
Editorial Comment:
1 1
' .1
. i
Mayor Hopefuls Have
Disappointing Planks
"Why don't yoa do something on the
mayor's race," our friend said to us the
other day.
"Why?", was our reply, "What 'interest
has 'that for University students."
"Oh, I don't know, but why don't you
check up and find out how many Univer
sity students are eligible to vote .in the
municipal elections?" replied our friend.
So we did, and came away a little sur
prised. According to figures in the registrar's
office, there aire 500 married students on
the campus. Add that to 2,000 Lincoln stu
dents and approximately 600 faculty men
and their wives and that's quite a batch
of votes.
Of cofirse not all of these people have
reached the voting age. But enough have
the voting rights to make 1500 a fairly
conservative estimate of the number of
people who have a direct electoral inter
est in the May 5 elections.
Therefore, we decided to do a two part
series on the two candidates for mayor,
Bennett Martin and Pat Boyles.
So we hustled around and got the two
platforms supported by the contestants.
And that's about when disappointment
et in.
Because neither of the two seemed to
come to grips realistically with the prob
lems of Lincoln.
As we see it, these problems are:
1.) The loss of industry from Lincoln.
This is the most pressing problem the city
faces in our opinion. The Western Electric
plant cut down operations drastically this
summer, releasing 800 employees out of a
work force of approximately 1200. The
' Elgin watch works pulled out last spring,
leaving about 460 more unemployed.
Both candidates skirt the issue. Martin
supporters say he has aided industrial de
velopment by completing, the Lincoln
water system and asking for the creation
of an airport authority. Boyles wants to
lure industry with an up to date tax assess
ment system, whatever that entails.
But neither has suggested the creation
of a Lincoln industrial site developed by
the city, the appointment of a municipal
committee to lure industry here or favor
able tax adjustments for new industry on
a long term basis. These devices have
been used with notable success in other
cities in the nation, and Columbus, Neb.,
follows a program along these lines with
outstanding results.
To many Lincolnites, these may sound
like drastic measures, but they were not
too drastic to work elsewhere. All they
need for success is some imaginative
planning and hard work.
2.) The condition of Lincoln's streets.
Some good work has been accomplished
along these lines recently. But as traffic
continues to pound outmoded brick pave
ments and hastily constructed stopgap
blacktop, the problem will be a continued
On this issue, Martin takes his strongest
stand. He plans an 11 year improvement
program with funds from the new wheel
tax supplementing normal property tax
But Martin says nothing about city snow
removal practices, which were a bit shod
dy during last winter's storms. (Anybody
with a Volkswagon had a hard time cross
ing O Street for a couple of days after
each new heavy fall.)
Boyles counters with a request for a re
appraisal of the street situation. He also
wants "qualified" personnel in city ad
ministrative offices so that outside experts
won't have to be hired to review city
Neither of these suggestions offer any
thing concrete but it may be argued that
nothing concrete can be done until the
effectiveness of the present program has
been appraised.
With property taxes what they are, an
increase for street needs seems to us un
wise at the present. The wheel tax is as
good a solution as there is for the pres
ent, but it may take some time to ease
the problem in this fashion. As for snow
removal, the city presently has enough
equipment to handle the problem well if
it can be efficiently utilized.
There are many side issues involved in
cluding a couple that could be classed as
major. These are sewers and parks.
Neither side has anything likely to offer
on these two questions.
Boyles says that new subdivisions ought
to set aside land for parks and money for
sewers. There is little likelihood that this
could be done, but it is at least an idea. .
These are the issues and our opinions of
them. One further thing needs to be
Vote May 5.
Before the Letteripers in the Poly Scl
department unlimber their typewriters,
we'll say it ourselves.
Yes, Hubert Humphrie Is a senator from
Minnesota and not the former Secretary of
the Treasury as we stated.
But George Humphrey was. Confusing,
isn't it?
from the
Shades of Joe McCarthy!
Turn in your I-Go-Lenin buttons, boys
and hide your last issue of Pravda. We
may have a name-calling, issue-raising in
vestigation designed to protect Democ
racy, Mother, and all Innocent little stu
dents. I am referring, of course, to the resolu
tion introduced in the State Legislature to
investigate the hiring of the members of
our law college. The resolution was intro
duced presumably because professor Mer
ton Bernstein admitted once belonging to
the Americans for Democratic Action.
Other ambiguous statements also men
tioned the participation of University pro
fessors In the Grandsinger and Fugate
Said our Senators
Tor the benefit of the youth of Ne
braska and to prepare their pureness in
thinking, we mast eliminate these left-wing-thinking
Noticeably lacking is proof that there
are left-wing-thinking educators in the
University. For that matter, what Is a
left-wuig-thlnking educator? Let's come
right out with it gentlemen, do you mean
a communist educator? Or if not that ex
treme, Just how far to the left are these
educators you propose to investigate?
After all, this Is partly a relative thing.
Extreme conservatives are still fighting
Social Security and would condemn as
leftist any person who claimed it wasn't
a bad Idea.
These same questions can apply to the
ADA. If it is leftist, what does that mean
that it is a communist-front organization
or merely is liberal in its views? And
By Gretchen Sides
does the mere membership of a man in
that organization, a membership appar
ently so insignificant that he forgot it
when first asked about the group, signify
that he is automatically associated with
its views whatever they are.
And evidently it's not only that one man
no, there have been black doings (or per
haps we should say red) in the whole
darned law college. Quote, "Bernstein is
not the only one."
The charges reduce themselves to such
monuments to ambiguity, that it is diffi
cult to discuss the whole affair without
getting lost in a mish-mosh of words and
innuendos. A definition of leftist would
quite clearly help the whole matter. And
then proof that these professors or Bern
stein in particular did meet this definition
and that he was in some way harming
some poor little minds over in Law Col
lege might give more reasonable appear
ance to the affair. Perhaps something
will come out at the hearing on the reso
lution. Say, Beatnlque you've raised quite a
bit of interest on the campus. I'll be
waiting any old time to do a story on your
philosophies, hatreds, complexes, any
thing you want to tell me about the group.
Either Just come down to the Rag office
or if you'd prefer we could hold a rendez
vous in some more secluded spot like the
Union boiler room or any other place that
has some of that old atmosphere.
Actually I do hope that Beatnique is still
on campus. I received that letter some
time ago and misplaced it in the pile of
old Rags, copy paper, paste bottles and
hot tips that masquerades as my desk.
Daily Nebraskan
BTXTT-KIOHT TEAB3 OLD WW? wtin thrr nr. r
Member: Associated Collegiate Press "'' " p is tor tt
, . intereoUesiato Press tJ2xr Pt .frtM
BepressniKtive: National Adrerttafnt Serrio.. "MOta- ""iSgS&L waVf4"""4 Ult"
mcorporated EES- mt
Published at: Boon 20. Student Colon g-nior m writer ..7.V ohsid,
lilH A Copy Editor Carroll Krns, Sandra Knlli Freed.
- . - Cindy Zicbau.
. Tto DaO !nraka to paMUhea Monday, Tneatay. Jr. Copt ftfltora Pat D-sn Torn Dmm
ataTa. nd., Writer "I; .Mirny, cVMTioIS" wSSS.
ftwta. aoMtoM ana1 mvtm ported. tndenta of thr John Hwrrwr.
Kwewlty Nfoi-n.k mdr th aatlxirlzatloa of too ataff Photographer Mlaotto Taylor
Coo.rn.t1M M atoovot Affair, a. g- , BUSINESS STAFF
ont optiloa Faollrotlno nndet tbe Inrltdlottoa of ia Bnalncm Manator tmr ttrllrntln
SnMonunlttw o HIv nt Pu Miration" ahall lh free- from Ai.Htant Boslncu Manage! Stan Salman.
ertnrtai otaonrabln n too part of Mnbooirunlttr at ( hitrlrnr flro. Norm RolilNm.
a an- part of any mnnbor of tor faculty of ttaa Vat- CKtflt Mannwr uH nrnrt
anU naanMta at Uw Mattraakaa Haft Bra b Circulation Mauacer D0u Yooncdaiil
I pjicMiATRlC
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Mayor's Race :
Boyles Is Storybook Candidate
By George Moyer
This is the second in a
series dealing with L i n -coin's
candidates for
mayor. The first was print
ed Wednesday.
B o yles
is a 52 year
old attor
ney for tho
First Fed
eral Sav
ings and
Loan Com
p a n y of
He is a
g r a dil
ate of the
University Law School and
his previous political expe
rience includes service as
Lancaster County deputy
election commissioner.
Boyles candidacy for
mayor is a storybook af
fair that is a hallmark of
the democratic principle
that a citizen has a right to
run for any elective office
in spite of previous expe
rience or absence of back
ing by any organized group.
Boyles was nominated by
write-in vote in the city pri
mary April 7. The day be
fore, April 6, he had an
nounced he would run if
nominated by the write-in
route. Although this left
him no time to campaign
for the nomination, he still
polled approximately
1500 votes and actually car
ried two of the city's wards.
The campaign fact sheet
distributed by Boyles sup
porters holds that Lincoln-
Student Council:
Teachers, Law, Dent
Candidates Reviewed
(Editor's note In an effort
to encourage intelligent vot
ing the Nebraskan has run a
series of articles explaining
the background of the Stu
dent Council candidates their
views on important issues
and election platforms. State
ments of more than 50 words
turned in by candidates have
been condensed with the
meaning retained.)
I nr
The following candidate's
platform was left out of the
sense appearing in Wednes
day's Nebraskan through our
error. His platform was sub
mitted on time.
Dennis Nelson, a soph-
more, plays intramural foot
ball, basketball and swim
Today is known as college
Jitter day. The reason is
that every eligible Junior is
worrying about the Satur
day selections of the Mortar
Boards and Innocents. ,
The columnist Is going to
break precedent by naming
the crystal ball Blue Sheet
specials for this dubious
honor. The Mortar Board
selections include president,
Nancy Spilker, vice-president,
Karen Petersen, sec
retary, Gretchen Sides,
treasurer, Sondra Whalen,
historian, Polly Doering,
publicity chairman, Diana
Maxwell, Gretchen Saeger,
Angie Holbert, Sally Downs,
Karen Schuster, S u e-ann
Schnabel, M a r c I a Boden,
Dorothy Glade, Elizabeth
Smith, Marilyn Pickett,
Dorothy Hall, Linda Walt,
and Helen Hockabout.
The Yellow Sheet Special
picks the Innocents as
David Godby, president
Robert Blair, vice presi
dent, George Porter, secre
tary, Vern Feye, treasurer,
Robert Paine, sergeant at
arms, Larry Romjue, Jack
Muck, Carroll Novickl,
Robert Theede, Fred Bliss,
Norman Rohlfing, Harry
Tolly, and Jack Nielsen.
A crystal ball special Is
Sandy Kully Freed as the
May Queen. All in all selec
tions could have Jbeen much
different in both organiza
tions but the list is compiled
from a great deal of politi
cal pull and strong leader
ship on the part of a few
within the organizations.
Oh for the mask of Zorro.
Cumulative Average 8.2.
Nelson feels that the whole
student body should know
what the Council is doing and
that there should be no execu
tive sessions of the Council.
He will work to find an ef
fective method of polling stu
dent opinion.
Teachers College
Two representatives, at
least one a woman.
Margaret Aikens; No infor
mation submitted.
Shirley Chab, a sophomore,
is a member of Alpha Xi
Delta, Tassels, University
Singers and is secretary of
Cumulative average 6.5.
Miss Chab favors Daily Ne
braskan representation on
the Council to improve the
effectiveness of Council pub
licity. She believes changes
are necessary in campus or
ganizations to keep student
Patricia Johnson: No infor
mation submitted.
Kitzi Lee, a sophomore, is
a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma. She is a Builders
assistant, AUF chairman and
a member of French Club.
Cumulative average 7.3.
Miss Lee favors a reading
period before final exams,
annual revision of the Council
constitution, correction of ill
defined social regulations and
longer library hours. She is
a former member of the Mills
College governing board.
Kay McCormlck: No infor
mation submitted.
Barbara Kay Miles: No in
formation submitted.
Roy Nell, a sophomore, is
a member of Delta Tau Del
ta, Union Advisory Board and
is a past gymnastics team
Cumulative average, 6.4.
Neil is running because he
thinks the Council fails to tell
students what's going on. He
thinks students should know
before, not after, what the
Council intends to do. After
soliciting student opinion he
intends to present it to the
faculty and administration
so they will have it when
formulating policy.
Norl Yost, freshman, is a
member of Pi Beta Phi and
Red Cross.
Cumulative average, 5.6.
Miss Yost definitely be
lieves in students governing
their school, so she wishes to
represent her school. Describ-
(Continued on Page 4)
Arts t Science Ses:
Student Council
for ,
ites shouldn't spend money
for additional services un
less the funds come from
other than the property tax;
citizens should make sure
the wheel tax money is be
ing used for what it was
intended; citizens should
get prompt and impartial
hearings from city officials
on any matter; and respon
sible city department heads
should be qualified to solve
their problems without call
ing in highpriced outside
The fact sheet does not
mention Lincoln problems
involving new sewage facil
ities, the street lighting pro
gram, new park and recre
ational facilities in the city
and the loss of industry
from the Lincoln area.
However, it is apparent
that some thought has been
given them.
Boyles wants an up to
date tax assessment in Lin
coln to attract new indus
try. He maintains that new
subdivisions should donate
land for new parks in their
area and contribute more
heavily tax wise to the in
stallation of sewage facili
ties. This, he claims would
free city funds for impiove
ments in existing sewers.
Boyles also wants a reap
praisal of the street repair
and development system.
The st r e e t lighting p r o
gram, he claims is two
years behind schedule.
. He also attacks the prao
tice of having closed city
council meetings beginning
at 1 p.m. with the open
sessions beginning at 1:30
p.m. All city business
should be transacted in the
open, according to Boyles.
The final piank in the
Boyles platform is an ap
peal to Lincoln voters to
elect a mayor who has not
been hand picked by the
city council.
This is a reference to the
fact that the last four Lin
coln mayors have first been
named by the city council
to fill a vacancy and then
have run for reelection at
the end of the term they
are filling.
The first of these mayors
was Clarence Miles. He
was followed by Victor An
derson, Clark Geary and
the incumbent, Bennett
Teachers sez:
Student Council
Business Administration
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