'J Peg V The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, Aprit 29, 1959 On the Social Side t Spring Calls for More Engagements, ffnnings by Mary Anderson me coming of Spring has revealed many pinnings and engagements Every week seems to bring more and more, inis week there are three engagements and eight pinnings. Suzy Sickle, a Kappa Kap pa Gamma sophomore in Teachers from Saratoga Calif., to Chuck Taylor, a Phi Brighten HER day with., NORCROOO Mother's Day Cards Say all the Things YOU want to say! GOLDENROD Stationery Store 215 North 14 Delta Theta junior in Engi neering from Falls City. Harriet Rogers, a Kappa Kappa Gamma freshman in Home Ec from York, to Quink Moore, a Phi Kappa Psi sophomore in Business Ad ministration from Omaha. Sondra Humphrey, a Sigma Kappa sophomore in Teachers from Giltner, to Jerry Twi bell, a Beta Sigma Psi fresh man in Engineering from Lin coln. Karen Winfrey, a Pi Phi sophomore in Arts and Sci-! ence from North Platte, to Jack Craft, a Beta Theta Pi sophomore in Arts and Sci ence from North Platte. Kay Ueling, an Alpha Phi sophomore in Arts and Sci ence from Oakland, to Dick Spaedt, a Phi Delta Theta sophomore in Engineering from Lincoln. CeCe Fishman. a S i g m s Delta Tau at me University of Missouri from Kansas City, to Gary Hill, a Sigma Alpha iwu sophomore ip Business Administration from Lincoln. Judy Prlborsky, a sopho more in Teachers from Oma ha, to Gary Olsen, a Sigma Nu junior i'i Business admin istration from Central City. Joyce Johnson, an Alpha Chi junior in Teachers from Rol- ston, to Bill Jameson, an Alpha Gamma Rho senior in Agriculture from Nahawka. Donna Mains, a Kappa Delta senior in Teachers from Villisca, la., to Larry Fleer, a Delta Sigma Phi senior in Pharmacy from Hooper. Kay Tfingston, a s r a d of Lincoln School of Commerce from Tobias, to Bill Fisher. a Theta Xi junior in Engi neering from Tobias. Donna Phillips, a Delta Delta Delta sophomore in Arts and Science from Nebras ka City, to Larry Ruff, a Theta Xi senior in Engineer ing from Fremont Geographer To Lecture A Swedish geographer, Prof. Gunnar Alexandersson of the Stockholm School of economics, wm speak on "Urban Geography" at the University Monday. The lecture which is open to the public will be given at 7:30 p.m. in 105 Geography Building. He will give a se ries of lectures in the depart ment of geography while on campus. Prof. Alexandersson, a t present visiting professor of geography at the University of Wisconsin, was at the Uni versity in 1953-54 when he compiled material for a book published by the University of Nebraska Press entitled "The Structure of American Cities." NU Bridge Team Tics For Second Nationally By Sylvia Rodehorst An NU bridge tea topped the 1959 District Eight Na tional Iu'ercollegiate Bridge Tournament and then went on to tie for rccond place na tionally. University teams captured five out of eight possible places in the district contest, Bob Handy, Union Activities Director, announced Tuesday. In the tournament, spon sored by the Union Recreation j Committee, Nebraska com peted with 1,740 students from 118 colleges and universities. Jim Gordon and Jerry Lee nerts, District Eight cham pions, were nosed out in the national race by a Columbia University team which scored Ivy Day Sing: AWS to Contact Houses With Ineligible Girls Jazz Festival KoaooeeoogoaeooaeM SHOP THURSDAY 10 to 8:30 ! i for K With your purchase of any jazz album in Columbia's huge Jazz Catalog . . . 3.17 each (4.17 in Stereo) you may purchase "Columbia Jazz Festival," a new 12" LP album featuring 10 of the jazz giants, only 87c each (1.27 in Stereo). TU1SE SHOP, THIRD FLOOR MILLER'S TVISE SHOP PRICES ALWAYS COMPETITIVE! ARE atne teOOOgOOQOOgOOOOOOgOOQQQOO soocl Typewriters For Rent Try tor Ktntal-twrtkaio Wo - Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. 11th Phont 2-4284 TypawrHtr Ribbons Put On "Only houses with ineligible girls will be contacted" in connection with the Ivy Day Sing Saturday, according to AWS president Polly Doering. Miss Doering explained that the ineligibility of any girl in a house does not mean that the house itself is inel igible. Houses are reminded of the two rule changes made this year. Outfits No group is to wear like! outfits especially purchased for the sing or have instru mental accompaniment. Any group not ready to go on at the exact scheduled time of performance will be disqualified from participa tion. Violation of either of these two rules will result in disqualification. Judges The judges for the sing are Jack Wells of Bellevue, Ro bert Van Voorhis of Albion and Randy McEwen of Nor folk. The groups, their songs and directors in the order in which they will appear are: Chi Omega: "We Sing of; Chi Omega;" director Susan Rhodes. Kappa Kappa Gamma: "Elijah Rock;" director, Wynn Smithberger. Zeta Tau Alpha: "Today I Will Live;" director, Sharon Owens. Gamma Phi Beta: "My uamma Phi Beta Sweet heart;" director, Marcia Weichel. Alpha Chi Omega: "May Morning;" director, Joyce Johnson. Love Memorial Hall: "Go Down, Moses;" director, Faye Oeltjen. Alpha Xi Delta: "Of Thee I Cherish;" director, Gretch en Blum. Kappa Alpha Theta: "A Hymn to Music;" director,; snaron ;smith. Alpha Phi: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat;" director, Shirley Reinek. Sigma Kappa: "The Road;" director, Paula Roehrkasse. Pi Beta Phi: "Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be;" director, Mary Ann Timmons. Delta Delta Delta: "Heath er on the Hill;" director, Glenda Klein. Alpha Omicron Pi: "Oh Rise, Shine;" director, San-i dra Reimer. " Delta Gamma: "Anchor in the Sky;" director, Nickie Christie. Residence Halls for Wom en: "Clap Yo' Hands;" di rector, Jeanne Whitwer. University School of Nurs ing: "I Hear a Song;" direc tor, Miriam Caldwell. FeddeHall: "It's a Big Wid Wonderful World;" director, Pat Kain. Terrace Hall: "Now Is the Month of Maying;" director Sylvia Steiner. a perfect 10 pars compared to the NU duo's 9. Placing third in District 8 was the team of Cobe Venner and Bob Hall. Ken Worley Jr., and Dick Sokol nabbed fifth prize, while Frank Isaac son and Roger Anderson were sixth and Howard Lange and Jim Risser seventh. ' Venner and Hall scored pars while Worley and Sokol had 64. The Isaacson-Andor son and Lange-Risser each had 6 pars. Iowa State, Missouri and Kansas State won the other three places. All winners will receive 1959 Championship Contract Bridge Team Certificates from the National Intercol legiate Bridge Tournament. Delta Phi Delta Initiates Seven Delta Phi Delta, art honor ary, initiated seven members last Thursday. The new initiates are Mary Lou Lucke, Karen Jacobs, Ken Pollard, Jerry Livings ton, Laura Pearlstein, Dar- lene Stilt and Thelma Christ enson. The honorary will hold a centernial art exhibit at Mil ler &, Paine on fifth floor nexl week. No admission will b charged. Cornhusker Interviews for Cornhusker staff positions will be Thurs day at 2 p.m. in the Faculty uninge of the Union Vote: RON KAHLE Ag Representative Student Council The Thinking Man's Choice .... For Arts & Science: x SANDIE JOHNSON (For Enthusiasm) X KAREN DEMPSEY (For Sense) For Teachers: X BUNNY AIKENS . (For Character) X) KAY McCORMICK (For Ability) Xj NORI YOST (For Responsibility) HOLLYWOOD BOWL Open Bowling Saturday t Sunday 24 Lanes Automatic Pinsetters Restaurant . . . Barber Shop 920 N. 48th PHONE 6-1911 LiriCGLfJ m May 2-9 . GOBEL lr If I I 1 i! srrL .m. V M , GEORGE in person at ths CENTENNIAL BALL, Sat., May 2, 8:30 p Pershina Municipal Auditorium Step Brothers Freedom Chorut All seats reserved: Dance seats $5, spectator seats $3 I HOBY GILMAN of the CBS TV show "Trockdown" heads a cast of hundreds in the giant Centennial Spectacular "TOWER ON THE PLAINS" ' Pershing Municipal Auditorium 8 p.m. Tues., May 5 thru May 9 All seats reserved: $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.25 Bring the Family to "WESTERN DAY" Saturday, May 9. Big Parade Quarfer-horse show Rodeo $1 adults, 50c children. (Boxes available for groups.) 'Buffalo Bar-B-Que Square dance festival $1.00 advance, $1.25 at door, spectators 50c. A FULL WEEK OF GREAT ENTERTAINMENT MAY 2 SATURDAY Opening Day . . . Gigantic porade and Centennial Boll MAY 3 SUNDAY RELIGIOUS HERITAGE DAY ; . . Dr. Walter Judd speaks at public meeting In the University Coliseum MAY 4 MONDAY COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY DAY . . . Luncheon honoring Lincoln businesses. Six-day Com mercial & Industrial Exposition opens. Oratorio "Elijah" In the evening, Coliseum. MAY 5 TUESDAY COMMUNITY DAY . . . 11 separate celebrations throughout the city. Centennial Spec tacular opens a 5-night run at the Auditorium. MAY 6 WEDNESDAY CULTURAL DAY Accent on the orts MAY 7 THURSDAY HISTORICAL AND RECOGNITION DAY . . . Luncheon to honor distinguished citizens MAY 8 FRIDAY YOUTH DAY. Big dance ot Univ. Col iseum with FABIAN, young recording artist, in person MAY 9 SATURDAY WESTERN DAY Write now for tickets to paid admission events to LINCOLN CENTENNIAL CORPORATION Pershing Municipal Auditorium Lincoln, Nebraska u Lai u uvi IAucXtl CANOE TRIPS Mfvlc tor wildcntm eofio trips into tb Quctlco-Supcrior wilder hm. Camping quipmnt, Grumman aluminum canoi and choke food tup pliM only $4.00 pr ptraon pr day. For complcto information, writ Bill Rom, CANOE COUNTRY OUTFITTERS ox 717 C, Ely, Minn. INDEPEN DENTS YOUR CANDIDATES WILL BE ELECTED MAY 4TH English: HILLTOP HASH HOUSE Thinklith itanalatlom This diner is perched on a mountain peak, which makes it a crestoumnt! The view is tops but from there on, things go downhill. A typical meal includes a puny melon (scantaloupe) and your choice of sand wiches (shamburgers or rankfurters). It's all served up, naturally, on 50-yr.-old dishes (crockery). Best course to take: light up a Lucky . . . enjoy the honest taste of fine tobacco. There's no tip AVER'ON TO COOKINd at the end! Tninkiish, P ANIMOSITY , ..'. Of fngisn: FEATHERED MUSICAL GROUP fngwri: HAG'S TIMEPIECE 3 U VI CLARE VRBA AGRICULTURE ROY NEIL TEACHERS RONALD KAHLE AGRICULTURE MIKE FLANNIGAN ARTS & SCIENCE RAM Publicity Committee ThiMsh: WITCHWATCH MARS 2B IhkMi STORKESTRA - Take a vordamplifier, for example. With it, you can make a wet microphone (damplifier), a torch singer's mike (vamplifier), a boxing-ring loudspeaker (champlifier) or a P.A. system in an army post (camplifier). That's Thinklish and it's that easy! We're paying $25 for the Thinklish words judged best your check is itching to go! Send your words to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mt Vernon, New York. Enclose your name, address, college or university and class. eolith: BU , i p mt, i mMu Hw8mVihBBnflaBVtnmV Get the genuine article sGt ftie nones- of a LUCKY STRBECE GARETTCS Product of jfmtiiean Jo&uxt-cryaip (Jutact is our middlf