The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1959, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Peg 4
The Doily Nebraskon
Tuesdoy, April 28, 1959
Fraternities Elect Officers
Eighteen fraternities have
elected new officers for the
coming term. The houses and
their officers are:
J aras?ni. and pledge trainer. J m
Hunter: resti caairmaa. Vtwtj Wains;
Alaka flamu Kk: president. Baa
P,1?VK r, R Wehrbem!
rasa chairman. Max Wakxu I . d . .
Duma Johnson.
Alpha Gamma Sigma: president Eli
Tkimueia; vice preudnrt Alien Jaoob
sea; rasa caaimua, Uaytard Songster;
aad pledge trainer. Alke Jacobsre.
Alpha Taa Umrca: president Click
Husloa; vm president Char Carim:
rasa chairman. Muutaa Wade; pledge
trainer, Bill Kuester.
Tarta M: president, Larry
Homjoe; vw Prendent. Carjr Aksamtt: I Gillilaad
rut chairaaaa. Fnrra Irn...!.. 1J
pledge trainer. Jack OMersea.
Drtta srat Pal: president. Traak
Rolub: vice president Dob GaUe: rash
chairman. Doug Lowe; pledge trainer,
Larry Steara.
Delta Taa Delta i praaident. Harold
Sturaey: wee president. Bud Bodies;
rash chairman. Pk-k Sinckey; pledge
trainer. Bob Harry.
Delta Vatilea: president Jack Nielsen;
vx-e president. Jack Koberg; rush chair
naa, Jobs Hoerner; pledge trainer, boa
Farm Haaaa: president. Norm Rohir
ini; vice president. Vera fry: rash
chairman, m Grady: pledge trainer,
dry Kudar.
Kappa Mama: president. Sam Gnnv
PI Kappa Phi: president. Bui Barr;
rush chairman. Bob Calfery; pledge
trainer. Lee Forbes.
Sigma Alpha Ma: president, S t a a
Kaiman: vn-e-presidenU Howard K e n
yon: rash chairman, Marty Soptiir;
pledge trainer, Jerry Rosen.
Sigma Na: president. George Porter;
vice president. Wally Wilson: rush chair
man. Rod EUerbusch; pledge trainer.
Bill Boggan.
Sigma PM Epsilea: president, fJaurie
Kowley; vice president, Terry Higeaas;
rush chairman. Don Vandeicek; pledge
uainer. 11m acnuw.
Tketa XI: president, Fred Howiett
vie president, Carroll Novicla; pledge
To Honor.
Last Audubon Talk Is Friday
- uii-atuT-iii, til u i hi, , . , .
minger; vae president. Gib Sprout; rush
chirman. Dick Masters, pledge train-! seta Beta Taa: president,
er Gib Sr-roat. ! Cooper; vice president, Stuart
rat ueiia Taeta: rush chairman, Dick pieage trainer. Allen Noodle.
Kelley; pledge trainer. Roger Rankin. ! Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Sigma Psi and
pal Gamma Delia: president, Tom: Sutma Chi have not held elections. Phi
vice president. Bob Kiekea- Delta Theu change presidents each
I semester, rather than once a year.
'Ah, Wilderness9 Cast
To Have 7 New Faces
Seven of the fifteen mem
bers of University Theatre's
forth-coming production of
O'Neill's comedy "Ah, Wilder
ness!" are making their first
appearances in the major
University production series.
Phil Boroff, who plays th
college boy, Wint Selbv. is a
freshman in Teachers major-
Kanel to Teach
Lit Punjab U,
Dr. Don Kanel, associate
iiiK tit opcecu auu joui iiaubm. ...(... r ,
He is from Grand Island nornics wiU trach , lT .
where he received Best Actor," , ,n(lj ' ac,P ai' VY"1"
rA ntr; ti..;. ersity in India for one year,
a n d Outstanding Thespian
Previous EiDerience .Hf wU1 mstruct graduate
rmious experience students in agricultural eco-
ixuy ing, who piays me nornics with special emphasis
Between 10 and 20 independ
ent women will be honored for
outstanding scholarship and
activities at the IWA Recog
nition Dessert Monday in the
Union Ballroom at 7:30 p.m.
The Independent Women's
Association (until this year
called BABW) holds the rec
ognition dessert annually.
Candidates for the honor
are nominated by the heads
of the various campus organ
izations, church groups and
IWA sends letters to all the
presidents asking the names
of independent women who
have been active in the group j will be presented Friday
and have above a ve r a g e iTove Library Auditorium.
V ,i 7
I .s, at.- a f,
'"l"1 1 mi aaaainaeii SJ
"Adventures in Africa,"
the last program in the 1958-
59 Audubon' Screen
Want Ad
Ko Word' 1 da. i da. 1 da- I 4da.
-0 I I .85
1 00
SO J 1.05 I 1.25
J I 5 I 1.25 I 1.50
.TO I 1.10 1.45 1.T5
80 1 25 1.65 ) 2 00
I .80 t 1.55 i 1.85 I 2.00
I .90 j 1.40 1.85 ! 2.25
I 1.00 1.5 I 2.05 I 2.50
Tnesa low-cost ratea apply to Want
Ads Yhtch ar placed for consecutive
day and are paid for within 10 days
ater the ad expire or ta cancel eT
tost gtertrns; it-r ring; around An
drew! Halt Wednesday. Return ta
Bonla Copenhaver. 5-2961, or Nebras
kaa Office.
Esther Imo. speclanst m kfra'i
Woman 'a ftttlng: problems. IVwb!
breasted coirraned to sing la. 4445 So.
Sth. 4-42U.
A free sain analrslg and make-up by
a qualified Beauty Counselor for you.
JSta Anniversary Sales Brochure now
available. Fnone your Counselor or
bartender, is a sophomore
majoring m radio and televi
on research methods at the
University of Punjab at Chan-
sion. He is an announcer for dighar, India. -
thA r t? J 8 "nr firam in agricultural econo
Fact Vi k Dr; mics and rural sociology in
Faustus."Heisamemberof six uniwrsiUel throughout
Phi Kappa Psi. j India is one of many g S o n
Gary Parker makes his: sored by the Ford Founda
debut in University Theatre ! tion.
! . t as I
xt ii k u. The University of Punjab is
Richard Miller, the b i s h located in northern India.
school senior around whom:
most of the events in the plav rn
revolve. Gary is a freshman! I irn AttPllfl
mqinn-ff 1 Tfi-w A A a1a. I
uiajviuig iu 111. ;u. Bales
manager for KMS and an
announcer for KUON-TV. He
is a member of Delta Tan j m r
Delta. j J ft llaOaOf
Judy Pokorny. who is mak- j ,
I Tsn CA11.av: i - r -1
ni hpr first snnearnnrp nn cnv oeueiiun ana .uaruvn
the Howell stage in the r0le Anidson' two University se
of Essie Miller, is an English mors- are attending an ad
major and a member of Gam- j jertising conference in St.
ma Hni KPta She is fromi-"1"
St. Louis
Day and eve classes at the MIDWEST
Hairdrasslns ACaDEMT. accredsted
school of eosmetoioey. 202 BarkJey
B'ds. 11S No. 12. 2-4939.
Wanted Bug hoys to wot at frater
nity noue for remainder of school
term. Please can 2-3434 or S-730S.
Schuyler and is a transfer
student from Duchesne Col
Transfer Student
Fred Spearman, a transfer
from Northwest State College
in Louisiana, is cast in the
role of Arthur. He is a junior
The St. Louis Advertising
Club invited the two to attend
the College Award Days.
This is the first time Uni
versity of Nebraska students
have been invited to attend
the Award Days since they
were started by the St. Louis
in Arts and Sciences. rnaior.!club 13 'ears afi-
ing in government and his-! Sellentin, advertising man-
torv. He is from Ainsworth. ager for the Daily Nebras- turn their worksheets in to
Jovce Weir who plavi Lilv kan for tbe secnl year, will j the registrar's office between
! is a freshman psvcbologv ma- Sr1 from leachers Col-1 the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
ior from Hartington. She is- i juuc. May 18; sopnomores, Aiay i;
The executive members of
IWA determine the final win
ners. Presidents and house moth
ers of campus sororities are
also invited to attend the des
sert. The $.50 tickets are on sale
in all independent houses and
dorms and may be purchased
at the door.
Schedules j
Out Soon j
Registrar's Office
Will Pull Cards
Schedule books for first,
semester classes 1959 will be
available in the Administra-I
tion Building May 1, accord-;
ing to Mrs. Irma Laase, as- !
sistant registrar. j
Students are to see their j
adi:rrs between May 4 and;
May 15. Following advisor ap- j
pointments, students will take ;
their worksheets to the Reg-
istrar's office, room 208 Ad-j
ministration. j
The registrar's office will,1
pull cards for all students on!
the basis of class priority and j
the order in which worksheets i
are handed in first.
Seniors and juniors should
The noted naturalist and
cinematographer, Murl Deus
ing of Milwaukee, will nar
rate two performances at
4 and 8 p.m.
An entire wildlife commun
ity was filmed while moving
in search of water in the color
motion picture. Among the
birds and big game are the
wildebeeste, gazelle, ostrich,
baboon, impalla and lion.
Tickets may be obtained
from the Bureau of Audio
visual Instruction, Extension
Division, or the State Museum
in Morrill Hall for 75c.
Wheat Found
Good Fattener
A three-year study of wheat
feeding disclosed that wheat
is w o r t h 15 to 23 per cent
more on a bushel basis than
corn for fattening steers.
The studv "was conducted
at the North Platte Experi
ment Station. It involved 300
steers and was conducted in
cooperation with the Nebras
ka Wheat Commission and
The University Agricultural
Experiment Station.
To Sponsor
Beauty Test
Fraternities will sponsor
University coeds as candi
dates for the Miss Univers
contest this year.
Each house has been asked
to submit a candidate for the
contest and to provide her
with an escort for the even
The contest will be held at
East Hills Ballroom June 20.
A dance will precede the
Judging will be on the basis
of beauty only, with appear
ances in a bathing suit and
evening gown. No talent is
The winner of the contest
will be Nebraska's entrant in
the Miss Universe contest
which will be held in Long
Beach, Calif., later this summer.
Wanted Models for Centennial
Earn while you learn and be an Offi
cial Hostess for Centennial Expos;-
Barraranrcau VSil TS also acthe in University J Miss Arvidson. who Willi freshmen, May 20.
Ftuart Bldg. ' ci- i ...!: i. j s" ' crraluvia -;k . .4 4 ! U'rL-crtfpf anrl rarrls
Wanted student to work for month of
ay on an outstate surrey. rul!tf!ne.
Apply Personnel Office. 113 Adnuoi
tr; 'on Bldg.
BCRETART PpMndld opoortuntry for
luwueu person. Most oe neat ap
pearing; and have Rood typing; and
eoonnaiHi aouity. 5a dae meek.
Good starting salary Apply PKR
eversj skirts, blouses, mats, pedal
pushers, and formats, ftiz 12 These
are all In excellent condition and will
sacrifice. Call 1-5456 or see at 24
No. Mia.
Thts space, remember classifieds pay.
wny aon I 70a put tHem ta
tor yon today.
Attention Stodetn
pedal on new and used Hl-PI'g. plus
a complete Una of nigti quality port
able radios for those spring parties aV
P"-ntea. DIETZ lll'SiC HOLfeE 120S
-O" 8t-
for ale
Black 'St Ford Convertible ta good
condition. 3250 "T" 8t. ar contact
Dally Nebraska Office.
Two formals bh elza 13. bait lol.
Three Cocktail Dresses trad t. tm
srbita T). Call 4-6 lbs after ctx.
For saia Bookcaaa.
iristti. jBiaeaDaosoiis
T'paaiima. addfn mactitnas for root
ar sale. B LOO MA. ZZZ No. 12. 2-25a.
Sino-pn anrl Marlriiraic anrl u ! craduate with a deffrpp in . Worksheets and cards for
a member of Kappa Alpha business administration and! summer school can be han-
Theta. a. journalism certificate is died at the same time as those
Julie Williams cast as carr'ng 3 credit hours this for the fall semester, or they
Belle, is a freshman in Teach- semester and working full-; can be arranged June 8. .
ers and is from Wood River. jiPe m 0010 Aavertismg!
She is a speech and dramatic 1 Department. j
art major. The Award Days are held
"Ah, Wilderness!" will be to encourage above-average
seen in Howell Theatre May students to enter advertising.
6-9 and will be directed by Twelve colleges in nine states
Dr. Joseph Baldwin, assistant send 2 delegates apiece,
professor of speech and dra-.
" Sliefil Takes
Mu Phi EpSiiojTo) Homn
IllltiatCS ISlX Tim StipM tnnhnmnrs
To Undergo
NU Study
Approximately 300 farmers
in eastern rsebrasKa are pe
ine interviewed in a farm
' credit study by the University
! department of agricultural
Tim Stiefil. sophomore in economics.
c. . ' animal husbandry, won grand j Information being gathered
Six : coeds iwere .initiated Sun-! champion honors at the an- includes the size of farms,
,a7? Alu Ftil LPsuon, na- nuaI Block and Bridle Gub farm' operators sources of
tional honorary and profes- showmanship c o n t e s t last capital and attitudes toward
sional music fraternity . !week. borrowing money.
,ew initiates are Nickie; tw i .;c f iv. nmioM
T-.j e . - ikkiic liuiiuia Weill lu uu jtr-ti;o v t" j -
Si SrWiMar' Urry Langemeier who are to improve farmers'
lJXeT' showed a hoi. Langemeier is ; knowledge of credit sources
a junior in animal husbandry. and terms and to provide
Stiefil won top honors by credit agencies witn lniorma-
by Lorry Hurfa
Grace Middleswart and San
dra Waldo
New officers are Cynthia . t,.:.tJ ...v.C.1, nii .naWo ihum
u,...n nmeiJnwit. .i CAiuuiuug a iicicioi u steer. 1 uuu mum
isntr! sbow-! rve the credit
S'X ifmi n; t Stiefil. Angus Garey won! The project also will at
bandra Keimer, corresponding u ? J Aomine ihp inipr-
tudenta have your theeis hormd at I cgcretarv Kavc fTiamhprlain ..u...a. .
B"H,'r7 ry "perienced ok t ' ; Injrjl fcTe Langemeier was high man relationship wmcn exists ue-
bmders st new low pneas. ny Oik- treasurer, Judy Gardner, hlS- . J:. . , 4K t and
s 12 mi. special custom bin nn at fnrian. Ma.Hc n,,.i,. t, lil uic auie Ul 151UI1 luiwwcu iccu nic "
- ...w . T.i ... . dv dp an Lana. iarm DUbuiesacs, piu
- books, renooicais ooum ana irowra tujii . juvce Julilison cnfinsTPr . , , .
at Low Low prices. Pbooa -3 l re X""1 "'n.i,ler' In thr- shppn rlivicinn Ijirrv 'which moneV aS obtamed
DayUBM Z-tOn tvamncs. I ana AHlLd U KeiJ V, Warden. , 1 V . j n-T j , . . . hi.h it
rus-. a. .Ijjnpp look first anrl Rirharrl and the terms OU WtUCn U
i Eberspacher took second was borrowed.
Judges of various divisions
included Wilber Drybread,
beef; Warren Cerny, swine
and D. V. Spohn, sheep.
chairman of tbe contest while rfU riit a ed
WendeU Mousel was in charge ' economics horary, initiated
of the beef division; John mb Sunday-
Jones, swine and Dave Al- ... ru: ' th,.
silver candl estick award,
eiven on tiie basis of improve
ment in semester scholastic j
Initiated were:
a r- im. vai ian DCUUSi. ajwuoun.
a vrerman movie, ues , , . , ,, vina
Teufels General" (The Deva's ; JaTn!l
.iiutryu nuVh J
Phi Up Ups
lington, sheep.
German Movie
To Be Shoicn
General), will be
Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
Love Library Auditorium
KuhL Mary Luke, Joan Nis-
The film stars Curt Jurgens. , m amtttut Mflrria Rav. La-
i WU 4M'UMV r
Jur7;ns won the award for
the best actor at tbe Venice
Film Festival in 1955 for his
"Doubt if jouH
need cbax bouae in Australia,
vonne Rogers, Joan
hake, Kay Stute and
Ann Weber.
The German Gub will pre-; CIf ninnr T.fitfpr
sent the movie. The film is 3"" P"r
open to the public and there r KnnAoA
is no admission charge. Lamers iMecaea
en inviration to students to . . .
220 Ho. 48th fMion. 6-5058
I The Lincoln Nebraska Post
; Office is looking for men to
deliver mail during the sum
; mer months.
I Applications are now being
' accepted for the position of
; city letter carrier for employ
' ment from May to Septem
I ber. Applicants must be Lin
1 coin resident who are at
least 18 years old.
Further information and;
! application forms may be ob- j
tained from Gerald W. Val-j
1 lery. Civil Service Examiner, i
I Lincoln Pest Office.
! I WT -sA&r I tin I
k -ySffl RING ;
i f iTSatvv GETS
i III I l m 'r I
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1 ' I tirnr tarirar Ik. 1 0t?'
i 'jl . 1 H combing aa efficient pure white cuter
: j 5 t$ Z. with I unique inner filter tt CTivateo Sl,SNt
f CH'K0t . . . which has been definitely SSW
IJ ftfc..-.,, ,ri proved to make the smoke of a cigarette
I milder and smoother.
New Dual Filter Tareytons are fast becoming a big smoke on U.S.
campuscsl Just take a look. You'll see. And why are they so popular?
Just take a puff. You'll see.
dual filter TdTevlon
&akmrmiilimim W P