The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1959, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Tue UaiiylNebi'askQri
Intension Division:
Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrated
By University's 'Extension Arm9
The University Extension
Division celebrates its 50th an
niversary this year.
Ia addition, its high school
correspondence program, the
largest of its type in the
world, celebrates its 30th an
niversary. 'Not Separate'
"The Extension Division is
not a separate college, as is
often thought," Dr. Knute
Broady, Division director said.
"We are only an 'extension
arm of each college and de
partment and extend our serv
ices to those who cannot come
to the campus for full-time
study. .
The 'extension arm" of the
University serves more than
zu.wo students each year.
ItS Off-Camous rlaecec
have been in legislative news
tins year. The University dis
covered last spring that it had
no legal right to hold off-campus
classes and discontinued
them, temporarily. They have
resumed tnem, now, since a
law nas been passed author
izing the classes.
The high-school correspon
dence program is a world
wide one, twice as large as
any other similar program.
"We have students in more
than 60 foreign countries,"
Dr. Broady Related, "and it is
surprising how little difficul-
ty we have with high school
testing on these courses."
Among other services of
fered are: audio-visual aids;
education for citizenship appli
cants; dramatic loan library
which loans plays, free, to
high schools; medical exten
sion, clinics , at the Omaha
Medical School;
Trade related courses of
fered by night classes; travel
ing art galleries and a music
department which coordinates
orchestras throughout the
Future plans of the Divi
sion include an expansion of
Fraternity, Sorority, t Organization
L.ttrhodt . . . Uttw, . . .
Bulletins . . , looklati . . . frag rami
Ill North 12th Ms. 2-293T
Best Pizza In Town . . ,
. 8 Yorleties. of PIZZA
3 Sizes $2.00. 1.50. 75c
Dining Room Service
5 P.M.
-2 Stores -
889 No. 27
Ph. 2-4859
Ston 1
Open esw day except Tue.
4811 Holdrere n
Ph. 1-2304 on iff
Open avety day except Mon.
Boost AUF
Donations' are still coming
in from the All University
Fund Faculty Drive which
ended last Friday, according
to Chairman Betty Noerr
linger. Each faculty member was
sent a letter explaining AUF
and containing a donation en
velope to kick off the drive.
"In addition, we personally
talked to new faculty mem
bers during the two-week
drive," Miss Noerrlingor said.
"We apDreciate everyone's
support. Those who have lost
their envelopes or would still
like to contribute may send
donations to the AUF office
in the .Student Union," she
AUF also holds a student
drive in the fall of each year.
A poll of the faculty and stu
dent body is taken to deter
mine what charities the fund
will support during the next
The charities for this year
are Muscular Dystrophy As
sociations of America. World
University Service. American
Cancer Society, LARC School,
Lincoln Community Chest,
and Lancaster County Com
mittee for Retarded Children
StM Th Farmer in the Dell ,
5:43 Fignewton's Newspaper
Evening Prelude
:M TV Classroom
7 Marl Sandos Discusses Creative
7:30 One Upon Japanese Farmer
I Backyard Farmer
ft: 45 Industry on Parade
I Great Ideas
mb m i
A column of incidental intelligence
by JocktQ brand
nmm days hath
No need to recite further from
this bit of doggerel which has
Mrved us oil at a pony ever
tine grade ?c-jel. for thit
universal hondy reference we
are indebted to e mon named
Richard Grafton who wot nice
enough to compote the rhyme
way back m 1570.
Next to the Bible, Shake
spear it the richest source of
common quotet. He't respon
sible for thit one, too. See hit
"Merchant of Venice," Act II,
Scene 6:
"But love h blind, ond lov
ers cannot see
The petty follies thot them
telvet commit."
No, Sir Walter Raleigh didn't
originate thit smoker's chal
lenge. It wot R. H. Barhom, in
"The lay of St. Odille".
"For thit you've my word,
ond I never yet broke it.
So put that in your pipe.
My lord Otto, ond tmoke
docket! T-Shirrs
The moot reepecled, creative name in underwear it Jockey
brand. stand to reason, then, that Jockey brand T-shirti
are unmatched for quality at well at ttyling. You con choose
from standard T-shirt, "toper-tee" shirt, sleevelets 1-thir.t, ond
V-neck T-thirt models. Every man needt a drawer full of
T-shirH ond the label to lock for it Jockey brand, let it
guide you to the world'i finest underwear, f
fashioned by the home ef 7-rv
7 - W.j
J . - .:. I
; . ' i I
f ' i ' '
- ...... u.i
post-graduate courses for high
school students and of sum
mer high school courses plus
a general broadening of short
Kellogg Addition
The construction of the Kel
logg Regional Center for Con
tinuing Education should fa
cilitate teachers' conferences,
according to Broady.
The correspondence courses
offered allow a student to do
as much as one. half of his
college work away from cam
pus. The University requires
residency for the last year
of work on an undergraduate
degree, although each college
sets up its own specific resi
dency requirements.
An advisor is provided for
students taking correspond
ence courses and, with a few
exceptions, the stipulated pro
cedure of taking prerequisites
is followed.
Off-campus courses are
taught by the University facul
ty. The organizing and cost of
the courses depends on each
local community.
All the courses, whether off
campus or correspondence,
are graded by a University
faculty member.
Isolate Protein
Pi Sigma Alpha ! NU Biochemists
I1! . II 1
Five University students; A nswly-discovered protein
have been elected to m2mb?r- : has been isolated from egg
ship in Pi Sigma Alpha, politi-j whitss by three University bi-
cal science honorary society, jochemists, Dr. R. E. Fecney, '
They are: .
Undergraduates Tom Nai
man, Robert Grimit and Clar
is Robinson. Grad students
Martha Borgstadt and Joan
Wadlow. ,
Builders Needs
More Workers
Builders is sending out. a
call for new workers.
Students are especially
needed to sell advertising for
the Special Edition and Stu
dent Directory.
Other committees request
ing workers are the Husker
Handbook, Special Edition,
First Glance, Calendar, Par
ties and Conventions, Public
ity, Tours, Ag Sales, Ag
Tours, Ag Publicity and Ag
Public Relations.
Dublin to the Iron Curtain: Africa
to Sweden. You rs accompanied
not herded around. College e e e
only. Also short trips.
25S Sequoia (Box C) Pasadena, Cal.
Marvin Rhodes and Nell Ben
nett. The protein combined with
Vitamin B2 forms a flavopro
tein, Rhodes said, where as all
previously identified flavopro
tcins consist of a protein with
some modified form of B2.
Since certain bacteria re
quiring B2 are inhibited by
the new protein, it may de
fend against infection and
serve as a Vitamin B2 store
house for the embryo, Rhodes
The three biochemists have
conducted this research near
ly two years.
Open Bowling Saturday I Sunday
24 Lanes Automatic Pinsetters
Restaurant . . . Barber Shop
920 IV. Milt PHONE 6-1911
April 24
& Hit Orchestra
. . . featuring
Admission: $1.00 person
Committee Kills
Education Bill
The Legislature's Educa
tion Committee killed a mea
sure thr.t would have allowed
the University to supply teach
ers to junior colleges on a
contract basis.
L3 537 was ind?finitelv post
poned by a 4 to 1 vota Thursday.
j Foreign Students
Invited to LAFB
T!i2 Lincoln Air Force Base
h33 iivi.rd all of the ioreign
students at tha University to
cn open h:iz-i on May 1, ac
cording to G. V. Rssenlof, ad
visor to foroi-jn students.
j Rosenlof urged all the for
eign str.ients to take advan-
! tae of th3 opportunity to visit
' the air base.
. . . Like To Save Money
. . . Buy Records
Here's News For You!
Lincoln's First Record Discount House
With These Daily Low Prices
98c 45's for 87c
$3.98 albums for $3.17 "
$4.98 albums for $4.17
Open 12 Noon 9 P.M. Mon. thru Sat.
141 No. 13
Next to Varsity Theatre
?yp h mb mam
I tomb I "qmn
mmimi " 1 " 1
-aijrr u
(ff , if.
'i 'is I
LIGHT UP AND LIVE IT UP I 3 great cigarettes offeryou 627 chances to win!
So pick your pack-save the six wrappers-and get going! It's crossword puzzle fun and real
smoking pleasure ail the way!
ENTR OFTEN HAVE FUN AND WIN! But think carefully! This puzzle is not as easy as it looks. At
first the DOWN and ACROSS clues may appear simple. Thore may appear to be more than one "right"
answer. For example, the clu might read: "Many a coed will be civen her best date's P- -N." Either 'T'
(PIN) or "E" (PEN) would seem to fit. But only one answer is apt and logical as decided by the judging staff,
and therefore correct. Read the rules carefully. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH. Good luck!
1. The Collrze Puzzle Contc.;t is open to colkce
tudcntB and college (acuity mim( rs exi .it em
ployecu and their immediate farnilioa oi'tt
& Myem and iU advertisin; agencies.
2. Fill in all missinj lettew . . . print clearly.
of ohsolete, archaic, variant or foreign words
prohibited. AfUryou have compS'-fd the puzzle,
tnd it alone with six empty package wrapper
of the game brand Jrom LiM, Chraterfield or
Oasis cigarettes (or one reasonable hand-drawn
facsimile of a complete package wrapper of any
or.v of the three hi-nds) to: leeu & Myers,
P. O. Box 271, New York 4G, N. Y. Enter as
oftrn as you wish, but be Bure to enclose six
package wrappers (or a facsimile) with each
entry. Illegible entries will not be considered.
3. Entries must b postmarkfd by tnidniiht,
Kridsy, May 29, 19.r)9 and received by midnight,
Friday, June 5, 1959.
4. Entries will be judged by the Bruce-Richards
Corporation, an independent judging organiza
tion, on the basis of logic and aptness of thought
of solutions. In the event of ties, contestants will
be required to complete in 25 words or less the
following statement: "My favorite cigarette is
(Chesterfield) (L&M) or (Oasis) because ".
Entries will be judged on originality, aptness of
thought and interest by the Bruce-Richards
Corporation. Duplicate prizes will be awarded
in event of final ties. Illegible entries will not be
considered. By entering all entrants agree that
the decision of the judges shall be final and
5. Solutions must be the original work of the
contestants submitting thtm. All entries become
the property of Liggett & Mytw and none will
be returned.
C. Winners will be notified by mail as soon as
possible after completion of the contest.
7. This cont.-t is subject to all Federal, State
and local laws and regulation.
1. Thrte m.".y indent that a nation is prepared to wje war in th' sir.
6. Some coilfje stu'.rnt-..
10. When at tight up sn Oasis.
1 1. Sinking ship deserter.
12. Mural pronoun.
I. 't. One expects discussions in i sociology r!as:s,
Id. A stu'lent's carr-bas might annoy a short-story iiMf,
ii. Initials of Uruguay ana Denmark.
f. Orr,i:inium (Chern.)
II. Nova Scotia (Abbr.)
2!. It probably would count when you pick a horse to bet on.
22. Sometimes a girl on a date must into her pocketbook to help
pay the tab. r
23. The muscle-builder's . may fascinate a poorly developed man.
2t. Chemical Engineer (Abbr.)
20. Cnmperg will probably be by a forest fire.
'IX When starting a trip, tourists usually look forward to the first
51. At home.
32. Literate in Arts (Abbr.)
33. Familiar for (acuity member.
35. Associate in Arts (Abbr.) , .
3S. On could appear quite harmless at times.
37. Reverse the first part of "LAM". '
38. What will toon appear in a bombed-out. city,
1. The beginning and end of pleasure.
2. A rural can be invitinj to a vacationist.
3. Second and third letters o( OASIS.
4. When on is packed, it could be exasperating to r?r" 'Vr
a few articles that should be itwluded.
6. It would py to be careful when ls is
6. C rounds to relax on with a mild CHESTERFIELD.
7. Author Ambler.
8. District Attorney (Abbr.)
A from 1'sris should please the averse woman.
12. An inveterate traveler will about distant Und.
11 .are hard to study.
16. Stone, Bronze and Ir"n
20. How Mexicans say, "Yes".
ii. All L&M cigarettes are " high" in smoking plee"" '
25. May be a decisive factor in winning a hoise race.
27. Initials of Oglethorpe, lona, Rutgers and Emerson.
ii. United Nations Orgauizaiiua (Abbr.)
ill. Coif mound.
52. Coiioquiai for piace where the finest tobaccos are tested It,." LiM.
83. 1'oet Laureate (Abbr.)
84. Kilter ends.
35, What Abnr might b called.
30. Bach"Ior of Education degree.
ts tinetl 1 Mrtrt. f. 0 In 271, Nn York ti Ne York, at
tuts to HlKi til imptr pKkait rippnt ol tht urns Kml (or
Imimile) Iron ChtOtrlisId, Lit, or Oaui cirtttti
Tnis entry must be poitmartwl turfore m.dnt(M. M.y M 1959 (-
Tsswes. I
O t'nut I m tsn U