The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1959, Image 1
Spectators May Number 10,000 Engineer Open House Display To Feature Solid Fuel Rocket A two-stage fuel rocket will be one of the displays to be exhibited Thursday at the annual Engineer's Open House. The College of Engineering and Architecture will put on the display for an expected 5,000 to 10,000 spectators from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. High school science classes from through out Nebraska are expected to attend. 24-Mile Range The rocket carrying a trans mitter in its nose and cap able of traveling 25 miles into the atmosphere, was de-! signed by Leroy Krzycki of Columbus. Launching date for the rocket is set some time this summer. Both stages are fired elec trically, the second stage about 3 seconds after the rock et leaves the ground and reaches an altitude of 2,000 feet. The transmitter, design ed by Richard Eklund of Fre mont, will transmit back to earth the temperature and altitude. v Dust Explosion The mechanical engineering show of which the rocket is one part also will cause a College Rodeo To Be 'Roughest' Ropin', Ridin' Planned By Elwin Ranney ' The Nebraska Collegiate Rodeo, scheduled "rain or shine" May 9 at the indoor Nebraska State Fair Colise um, promises to be the largest and roughest rodeo ever spon- dust explosion to show the hazirds of open motors or flames while working around dust-filled air. Other displays include: Architecture Nebraska architecture of the past, pres ent and future, with a display of the future redevelopment of Lincoln. Agricultural a radio-con trolled tractor and an 8,000 pound tractor cut lengthwise down the middle to expose the internal mechanism. Civil bar-joist construction; such as is used in the Gov ernor's mansion, models of the new interstate highway system and an explanation of Nebraska's sufficiency rat ing system for highways. Electrical. high fidelity and stereophonic sound, op eration of police radar sys tem, a closed circuit televi-, sion system and high frequen cy cooking. Engineering mechanics Vol. 33, No. 95 The Daily Nebroskon . . .. , . .r. .. f D nos Dav to Fete 550: ea Cleveland to Speak archives Faculty Stipends Will Be Awarded ' Boucher Anard Winner: Just 8's and 9's For Scholar Hass A University senior with an j a textbook or spoken by Youngster To Reign At Rodeo Little Miss Rodeo Centen- unbelievable" average and a love for books" will be hon- t(Stin(X fit Ynnfol flirnloriAC tn iored Tuesday as the top stu- r (ho linn -Arifn'r , . . I Jnn 4- a.:- .... f"';u V'c "j snow tne theory of flight. Rodeo Association. Chemical - development The performances, begin- and production of rayon and ning at 1 p.m. and 8 p.m., a chemical oddities room for mark the wuidup of Lincoln si performing seemingly magi- Centennial celebration. aj J B Cowboys Invited six buildings will be used Student cowboys and cow- to hold the displays. The pub-1 dent in bis class. Wilbur Hass will receive the C. W. Boucher Award in rec ognition of his 8.867 average for 3Vi years in the College of Arts and Sciences. 'Unbelievable' It's unbelievable," Regis flial nf T.inonln irill rpitm at ; Tiding. the Nebraska C o 1 1 e i a t e I Between regular events, the , girls from colleges throughout , lie is asked to enter at 11th the state have been invited to 1 and R Sts. compete. Girls' contests will! include barrel racing, p 0 1 e j bending and goat tying. Cow-! boys' events are bareback j and saddle bronc riding, calf! roping, bulldogging and bull ! trar Floyd Hoover said. Hass's average is believed to be the j age of two books and nine professor doesn't make it au tomatically a fact," he re marked. "I attempt to reason out each new idea placed be fore me. I think this has helped me." Hass has been employed by the University library since he was a junior at Lincoln High school. Besides his daily studies, he takes advantage of his work by reading an aver- Independent I w 1 I hi SC Slate the Nebraska C 0 1 1 e g i a t e . r , r?""" c ' rc A 1 Championship Rodeo May 9. traditional wild cow milking Jfii t . T . .t ' . 'Contest for men's orgamza- UUvtU highest average for a senior since the Boucher awards ere originated in 1945. Hass, a psychology major,' magazines a week. Self-Financed With scholarships ranging from $150 to $350 each year, The contest for the title is! ' tfinm Anil Iwk AAitil rtrf - I 1 ! ai'M irv vvtu vast v. mvn- , . . ... open to young girL. between j nr p0n(es(s Wiu p r 0 v i d e ' An "Pendent selection the age of 3 to 6 who are the ; hirarions aclion. j board again has announced a uaugruers ui Limersuy iacui- uj ,f i- has never received a grade j and school and summer em below an eight. He has re- ployment, Hass has financed ceived 37 nines. Of the total j his own education. of 40,500 individual grades the faculty gives out each semes ter, there are about 1,400 nines. The recent winner of a $1,500 plus tuition Woodrow Wilson fellowship, he will continue his psychology studies at the Uni versity ty members and students. Entries are due Tuesday j and should be sent to Ethel Rodeo stock, fresh after a Student Council slate for the 1959 elections. Representatives from Inde- winter's rest on South Da kota's Rosebud Indian Reser- Hass's courses have includ- i versitv of Michigan ed seven in psychology, six I He is a member of Phi Beta jeach in German, history and Kappa and Palladian Society, English, three each in mathe matics and sociology as well as two each in Russian, biol- ouu jmuum k acm iu uici vatio .houid eive the cow- ttepreseniauves irom mae-aa .... Oeltjen, contest chairman, at ;.. S, g'5 nendent Wmw Aa.!ogy and anthropology 3420 Holdrege. phone 6-9946. Son, Ram Council, cZpl Averaging from two to three dav tS2T?sW? mC SftEpTh Soft oS Ty CouncU and Delta Sigma Pi j tL!mJn$ K?l nJt Parmelee Saddle Club and ! comprised the selection board, "fff fSnAl! ' niit iiuuia aiuui uifc' wluchonthebi-r poise and personality. I me,ee- f Judges for the event will be Highlander Bulls Dorot!..-- Glade, IWA presi dent announced the slate which was picked Thursday. Villetta Leite. assistant pro- Notorious for rugged stock,' The candidates and their fessor of home economics; I the Parmelee string features colleges are: Diana Maxwell, Daily Nebras-i Scottish Highlander bulls! Agriculture: Claire Vrba, Kan managing eaiior; a n a known for tneir long norns, ' Love Memorial Hall fresh studying. Just because it's printed in Roger Langenheim of the Lin coin Journal. Ag Campus To Entertain Prep Cornhusker Positions Available Trophy buckles, Eift certin- James Bloh &grJJ cates, spurs and other prizes' p- 6 location will conduct inter- wfll be awarded event wh-'nT2KSTi. v.n n. J views for. P'i staff Iners. Correspondence tin " T7 : ' r . positions, Apru w, ai z p.m., long and shaggy hair and wild ; man, and Ronald Kahle, Beta spinning penormances uuiuigj si?ma Psi sophomore. we duii naing evem. Bnsines Administration He and a University January graduate. Donna Stohs, plan to be married this summer. Approximately 550 mem-1 ive studies under a Carnegio bers of the cream of the 'grant in training of Ameri- scholastic crop will be pre sented at the annual Honors Day ceremonies at the Uni versity Tuesday. A foreign affairs special ist, educator and administra tor, Dean Harlan Cleveland of the Maxwell , Graduate School at Syracuse Univers ity, will be the main speaker. Profs' Honors Two professors also will be honored at the ceremonies which begin at 10:15 a.m. in trie Coliseum "Our Overseas Americans" will be the title of Dean Cleveland's speech. A. Rhodes Scholar, he has made extens- Ttan Cleveland Rolls, Coffee Sales Boom After Air Alert Sounds Friday morning's air raid alert provided a respite for students from part of their 10 o'clock's, booming business for campus coffee shops and probably a little consternation from Civil Defense authori ties. The sirens, which were scheduled to sound at 10:30 a.m., went off a few minutes late as students fidgeted and rs The second annual confer !Mrin h oll.ornnnH rhatn. i Ta" Delt Sophomore. Neil IS in the FacultV Lounee Of the tt-ith bHnc pionship award is underway.! siaie;c . , , Judses wffl be weU-quali-l Arts & Sc': Michael ified. They are: Neil Samuels, j Flannigan, Burr Hall fresh- professors joked or went on - iem Snack Bar was out of sweet rolls only minutes after the crowd moved in. Result of the air raid test: probably not too encouraging in the eyes of CD authorities. Departures from some build ings were quite slow, it seems, since students attempting to pick up Daily Nebraskans from boxes near the doors worsened the congestion prob- ! current Rodeo Cow boys Asso-! man Big 8 IFG Union. one class in Burnett Hall Any full time undergrad- iumDed the eun as several uate student with a weighted men went out the first floor i : ciation. Warren Advises B. Warren, assistant ior. has been elected r average of at least 5 may ap ply for any of the ten posi tions open. These positions and the monthly salaries that go with them are editor, S85; two as sociate editors, $50; four man aging editors, $40; business manager, $85; two assistant managing editors, $40. I Applications may be ob- Bob Blair, Lniversity jun-! Journalism ofnce 309 Bur. '-m nett. April 24 at 5 p.m. is window. Minutes after the buildings were cleared, cafes and the crib were bulging. Russ' Brayton Named Miss Lincoln Marian Brayton was named Miss Lincoln in the annual Miss Lincoln pag aent last night. Mils Brayton is an Alpha Phi sophomore In Teachers. Kohlmeier Ag Work Honored RnnaM Knhlmpipr. animal 1 their respective Class. . .. , i Boucher Winners c: : : i iu .....- d ti professional and for-; ture' is expected to draw ap-j N , Intercolleeiate proximately 400 Nebraska , Rod Associalion competit0r i hih school senior boys to the from Colorado a & Ma n d v . ;' r u' ,,J Jim Svoboda of Burwell, Ti 1 ni sional opportunities in agr-;and curfent sJet of N . fi!lLUr!fr ?!HS '"i!1,6? braska Amateur Rodeo Asso- PlAClfIOrit 1:1 M.iem.c, saw ur. r i a uiiiin i . - M. 1 VaJIUVIIIi Eldridge, associate director of j resident instruction at the Col- j lcic. . Jr. Dr. H. B. Tukey, chairman professor of animal hus- o( Bi- Ejght inter-Fra-; the dead'ine for submitting of the department of horticul-j bandrj', is advisor to the Um- . .. r H " aonlications. ture at Michigan State Um- versi'y s Rodeo Association, v , Sharon MCD0nald, this versity in East Lansing, ' and w. coach members for Blair was elected at the Big vears f-ornnusker editor, said ' .Mien, win De me guest speaK-tne ro-'o. warren is a iorr Eight Conference held Fn- that forecasts for next year's er lie will talk on "A Scien-; mer RCA professional and d3 and Saturday in BouIder( book are being made by the .VttS' and?St;t.,r0,n KanMS Coo. All Big Eight Schools, .ifmal Bridle Club will prepare a D. C. ('lan!on, assistant pro- were represented. ' ouj s.jgdestions from the new noon luncheon for the boys, fessor of animal husbandry, Blair, Sigma Alpha Epsilon ftaff,"' she 'added. Dr. Elvin Frolik, associate di-! is co-advisor and assistant president, is in Business Ad-! rector of the Agricultural Ex- coach. ministration. He is vice presi- j ' Mothers' A ttetul periment Station at the Col-j More than 1.200 tickets for den- 0f the University IPC, tr n i p lege, will preside at the lunch- j the Rodeo have been sold, ac-j mcmber of Student Council IOft "rue ' arty eon. ! cording to Gccrge Gaylord, ! anA Kanna .Irih, nhftfA. Thirty-four house mothers The program will include a ticket sa'es manager. j hnftrflrw ' 'attended the Union-sponsored r s-m report on "Your A? College" Adult and children tickets r z"y m"m- ! House Mother's Bridge Party VIJII fT (All3 bv member of Alnha Zcta ' ar tl anrf Sfl vent a nfrfnrm. Other University students i. ,anu - UUIIZ- JVs M. honorary fraternity and selec- ance. respectively, available ; attending the Colorado meet) Edna Bun)f Terrace j Rod EUerbusch has been ill "l. J1 l," " 1" tions by the A? College chorus si Lincoln Centennial Head-ire Jack Muck, Marty ! HaU house mother, and Mrs. 1 elected - president of the Uni- i fiL? ' under the direction of Mrs Phyllis Weeis, music instruc tor at the College. cans for overseas work. His program will go into opera tion this summer at MaxwelL He became a writer for the information division of Farm Security Administration in 1939. Other phases in his ca reer include serving as act ing vice president in charge of the economics section of Allied Commission in Rome; department chief of the mis sion of UNRRA Italian Mis sion in Rome; director of UNRRA China Office, Shang hai; director of China pro gram of Economic Coopera tion Administration in Wash ington, and assistant director for Europe, Mutual Security Agency. Magazine Work He was executive director of The Reporter magazine from 1949-51 and was pub lisher of the periodical dur ing the following year. Awarded the Medal of Free dom by the U.S. Army in 1946, he also has been pre sented with the Grand Knight Officer, Order of Crown of Italy, by the Italian govern ment, and in 1948, the Gold Star in Order of Brilliant Star, hv th Phlnpc VaMnn. alists. A. Stuart Hall, chairman of the economics department and of the Honors Convoca tion Committee, will preside at the convocation. Chancel lor Clifford Hardin and John Selleck, president of Univers ity Foundation, will present the Distinguished Teaching Awards. Chaplain, Music Chaplain will be the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Charles Kee nan, chaplain of Newman I Center. The University Sym- phony Orchestra, directed by Prof. Emanuel- Wlshnow, will k furnish the music. Students being honored si. we convocation include 71 seniors ranking in the npper three per cent of their class or who have appeared on the honors list since their fresh man year. More than 480 students will then be honored for ranking in the upper 10 per cent of Recipients of the C. W. Boucher Memorial Award al so will be presented. This award goes to the senior wita the highest scholastic aver age and to the senior athlete and senior ROTC cadet with the highest averages. The University Foundation's received the Merit of Award honor Friday night at the an nual Block and Bridle Ban quet. The award was given by the animal husbandry depart ment to a student accomplish- . - r- , j J ing superior worn in mat nem Distinguished Teaching and in seholarshiD. activities i ...;n v. z RUnner-uP were Sandra j and Dersonalitv. " iVZJZ? Whalen, junior in Arts and ( Kohlmeier. a Phi Camma : , .Z I Delta, has been the fratern- and one in physical ,ity corresponding secretary, j and technological sciences. presiaeni ana an ir mem- Eacn award included a $1,000 ber. This year he was chosen I stipend and a medal, the "outstanding senior" in i , the fraternity. Livestock Judging Among his winnings with the University livestock judg ing team were being highest individual at the Midwest Judging Clinic, Manhattan, Kan., and sixth high at the Sciences and Yvonne Young, Teachers junior. Both are Alpha Omicron Pi's. EUerbusch To Head 5. .quarters, 1329. St.; Lawlor's. Sophir. Gary Cadwallader, ! Hird Stryker, Phi Kanpa Psi versity Young Republicans. 1 1118 O St.; and the National; Jack Nielsen, Bob Paine, Joe house mother, tied for first New vice president is Jan Sorenson Presented Air Trophy Dr. Frank Sorenson of sition, Chicago. , Teachers College has been Formerly the scribe and i awarded the W. A. Wheatley IBank of Commerce. !Kn '! and Morris Beerbohm.ipl!ice in bridge competition. VTA i censor for Alpha Zeta honor-! T rophy. Teach-! j ru iini Siple Describes the Antartic ary, his college record has been submitted for a National 'Snow Moves Like Sand Dunes in the Dessert' e the sun', radiation, seis-ja great force which dJj SolaSt'Si u3S2 graphs, antenna to send1 pull the earth out of line," he "? tnare 01 programs, Karen i Rhoda, sophomore in ers. !Arts nl Sdcncei is secre-! A,"ha M raduate cho,ar- ItlZ vJ w!l a!lah niP- member tary. Eoo Jensen, also a soph- , ' , , . .more in Arts and Sciences, .Gan,"If J? a"d has been re-elected treasurer. I Sima Pgl """"raries. I- Other newly chosen officers! The four-year honor roll i arc muuuiii uas i ctcivcu nn-.-iai- ity. Scholarship He was validictorian of his graduating class at Oakland High School and was awarded a Hado-Johnson trophy for seniors highest in scholarship, athletics and character. His first year at the Uni versity in 1954 was in P.usl- Rusiness Administration, said ness Administration. He re- that state party leaders will ceived the "Gold Key" for be on hand for future Young j high scholarship. Republicans meetings. ' The Kohlmeier family lives "We're planning an exten-on a dairy farm and have sive program for the coming; about 100. cattle. Says Ron of year to encourage youn the dairy, "Sometimes it's al adults to affiliate with a poll- most a day and night opera- ey Larry ung to rise from the summer sure anil Mite Milrnv Icnniv ar nnira1 illiicinni mnfran How much can a person caused bv the sun. iTadio sienals into the atmos- commented iDempsey, vice presiaeni in find in nothing," Dr. Paul! Natural Vapors Iphere to measure the ioniza-t irreciilar Shane ?harge f p- relations; Slple asked the Nebraska! Natural vapors accumulate tion in the ionisphe're. p J B ihn JZV. , sMny Kilstrup, vice president Academy of Sciences Friday; on wires, snow and other ob-i A snow mine built 90 feet JS SL Si i. chage f rnfmbersPi night. SjecU. A running moving ve-'deep was used to study the ! 5r "htf ' ' I rfV,v,an Rc,?.pefct' -fgtant Then he used colored slides, hlcle forms so much vapor history of accumulation of " S ,tosurerl!.!""JSmitllberf to show what he had found in ! that it looks as if it were on snow. ! f Phere- a rf i . f " of and Tom Gilliiand representa- nothing-the Antartic. ;fire. ,The doctor at the station! f5fcSdS ve8;at"large on 11,6 eJtecuUve Dr CinU ic 9 e.iontifii ait Tho T'nio1 C5ifo Antarti. ha1 nl .n raol fiooc tn' lne eann jniO SUCH a iuror 01 board. visortotheOfi'iceof the Chief stations were built after the:treat-a troDical disease. He!rotation " .Wu!d bre.aki EUerbusch, a sophomore in m ma 1 rvr k. DUin rf t n n of Research and Develop-, Soviet Union volunteered to spent much time experiment-'"'rT 'LIV ment, U.S. Army, and an au-i!et a station in the South ing with fungus growths. Ialea' tne scientisl aaaea Uiorily on climatology. Pole. ! American Flag I But the eah Is sufficiently Snow Everjwhere j The American post caul an- i The American flag is placed ' plastic that it re adjusts qulck- A sea of snow laid over ! proximately $! million person the south pole give orjly an extraneous weight, sandstone mountains and the 'man for IS men, r $1 mil-i take a 100 fei-t. The, pole "In the early 19.j0's, the polar plateau this is the An- ' lion. j moves during tie year. distance between mi'in, he ssid. j A Nebraikan flag flies be-j The cause of such move-, the two axes was attained The sssw waves mutfe as i side Uie United Slate' flag at j ment gives way to much spec-1 and this was followed by an domes f sand in a desert. In ; the Antartic post. It was erect- ulation. exceptionally large earth- the lammer the surface is ed bv Herbert Hansen, a Ne- The assumDlIon that hue rina'-o an the earLh 'shook' it- smooth a wonderful afrttrip. ' braskan and. former Univcr- j forces from the "outside" helf back into regular shape," ! Among the st'Sgestions tour of duty in the armed The winter surface is rjueh sity student. ihave been su'";dent to move SidI- said. ' ; turned in at the Student Conn- services, and then hoocs to with small waves of snowi Weather Instruments ; poles is not "unreasonable,": The data was not finc,cil Library Poll was the fol- return to tne university tor Air Patrol and is chairman mating constantly. ' The station is supplied with! Dr. Siple said. 'enough to serve as the basis flowing: 'graduate work in ruminant of the Air Force Association The beads of color seeming j weather instruments, to mcas-i "There is no such thing as 'for a postulate, he added, j An exam file for non-Greeks. nutrition. ' Aerospace Education Council. licai party, Exam file he said. tion As for the future, Kohl meier intends a six-month The University Aviation As sociation presented the award in cooperation with the World Congress of Flight meeting in Las Vegas. Ray Mcrtes of United Air Lines, who p r e s e n ted the award, pointed out that Dr. Sorenson. who is chairman of the University's department of educational services, has worked continuously in avia tion education development since 1940. In 1946 Dr. Sorenson re ceived the Brewer Aviation Award for his outstanding contribution to the national aviation education effort. Last year the Nebraska De partment of Aeronautics pre sented him the Flying Corn husker Award and named him Dean of Nebraska Air Ape Education. The U. S. Air F o r c e has twice cited Dr. Sorenson for his contribution to the under' landing and development cf airpower. Dr. Sorenson is a member of the Air Training Command Advisory Board, the National Eduction Committee of Civil