i Poas I The Daily Nebroskan Friday. April 17, 1959 Editorial Comment: Democratic Council? Not By a Long Shot This Is one editorial we really hate to write. We dislike it for two reasons: 1. ) Because we hat to admit that such warped thinking as is revealed herein can penetrate so deeply into student govern ment. 2. ) Our relations with Student Council this year have been very cordial until now the Council seemed to show a great deal of good sense in the matters it has had to consider. But three recent events have caused us to drastically alter our opinion ef the Coun cil. The first of these was the way the Coun cil nominating committee went about se lecting candidates for the Student Tri bunal. The committee adopted the attitude, ac cording to one committee member,' that any person advocating any change in the Tribunal charter or in the procedure of the student court(was automatically unfit for membership on that court. This is an obvious denial of the very basis of democratic government. The ad vantage of democratic government is that It is supposed to give the electorate a chance to express its opinions, through its elected representatives. , But when these elected representatives deny that the electorate has a right to change its institutions for the better once it has established them, they are crossing the line once crossed in Germany, Italy and Russia. Expulsion The second event which has caused us much consternation is the expulsion of a Daily Nebraskan reporter from the Wednesday Council meeting. The Coun cil voted to go into executive session to accomplish this feat. Now we are willing to overlook the fact that the Student Council constitution (or at least the one we have if there is a later one the Council has not yet supplied us with it) makes no mention of their right to go into executive session. We are willing to overlook this because we realize that the Council might occasion ally wish to discuss matters which they do not, at the time, feel that it would be in good taste to make generally known. But Wednesday's expulsion was a rather remarkable about face. In the past the Daily Nebraskan reporter has been allowed to remain in the meet ings with the understanding that he is not to print what goes on. This has been a very satisfactory arrangement which has resulted in better reporting when the story finally does break. This time, however, the reporter was told that the next order of business was the interviewing of candidates for Tribunal judges. The reporter was told to go because the Council feared that the candidates might make promises about the Tribunal which the Daily Nebraskan might attempt to hold the candidates to after they were elected! Now, everyone knows about "campaign promises" in national politics. But we weren't aware that the political scene on the University campus had sunk that low. We presumed that any promises candi dates for the Tribunal made were sincere and not conceived with the mere object of getting elected. If that is the state of affairs presently, the Council ought to be thoroughly revamped. Irresponsibility The third event which has elicited this editorial is the obvious irresponsibility of the Council where filings for the upcoming elections are concerned. Filings were supposed to close last Sat urday noon. But the slate wasn't filled by then so the chairman of the council elec tions committee decided to extend the fil ing deadline to Thursday noon. No public notification of this extension was an nounced either to the Daily Nebraskan or to KN'US, the recognized news organs on the campus. As a result, those "in the know" went ahead and filed. Students who lacked this information were excluded from filing, obviously. If the Council made an honqst mistake here, the only fair thing to do is extend the filings again until next Wednesday noon. t And if ever there were grounds for a student filing to run on a reform ticket, there are this year. We hope a full slate of reform candidates are available. Beware Gardners Spring is the time for gardening, the Readers Digest reports, so the Digest comes up with some helpful hints to would be gardeners. If the urge to garden really smacks you hard, remember it is strictly transient it usually doesn't survive the first hot sum mer day. So, if you must, spade and plant in the spring, pick a very shady, well graveled area where nothing will grow. That way, there is nothing to hoe in the summer. Also, be sure to outfit yourself with spade, trowel, hoe, comfortable, loose fit ting clothing and a cooling drink. Move the hammock near the garden area and then give the neighbor's kids a quarter apiece to take your orders while you relax. And break out the liniment 'ma! Casual Observer Diana Remember the teddy bear in Winnie the Pooh who was being dragged down the stairs by one leg? On the way down, Win nie's head went "bump, bump, bump." It seemed, the story went, that he thought there might be a better way of coming down the stairs, but he never had enough time to stop bump ing long enough to figure any way out. Well, now, despite a Council member's protest that if recent Rag criti cism is valid, the Council can't be bumping down the stairs since it has no where to go but up, I see a distinct resemblance here. Consider the filing snafu as one small example. In at least two colleges, not enough candidates had filed by the official Saturday deadline to constitute a slate. Reportedly, only three Engineering stu dents threw their 25-name petition into the political arena. Six were needed to con stitute a slate. The same is said to be true of Business Administration. So . . . what was the solution to this problem? Pretty simple, Council leaders figured. Re-open filings. So far, so good. Now, if you'll recall, no announcement appeared in the" Daily Ne braskan about filings being opened. It's not that we were so crammed for space that we couldn't squeeze in such an an nouncement The whole business was be ing kept noticeably silent. However, se ated individuals were notified of the can didate deficit, so that subsequent filings could be made. So, now the Student Council has a full slate. A check of filings showed that it was impossible to determine which candidates had filed after the legal deadline and which had not. The Council's apparent reason for keep ing the lack of candidates secret was to keep this manifestation of the Big A (apathy) from becoming public. Now it's public. And it looks pretty bad for every body. It looks bad that the student body is so disinterested in the only group we have which can serve as its spokesman. It looks pretty bad that the Council took the "quiet" method it did to fill the slate. After chatting with a couple of Council members, it seems as though there might be another group which emerges in a not-so-white light. These Council members are frankly and rather justifiably discouraged in their attempts to represent the student body to the administration. As one mem ber said, every time the Council has ap proached the administration with a pro posal, the response has either been a re fusal, or "Take a Poll." . These representatives have a good point in mentioning that the Council is already supposed to be a representative body, and thus when the Council must take a poll, it is an admission that it does not know the desires of the students. Okay, so the powers of the Council are weak. The student body is perhaps dis couraged and not many students care to enter the group when it appears that a year of head batting against brick walls is inevitable. Just acknowledging these weaknesses is not enough. If the Council is so weak that people aren't interested in running for it, let's con sider the organization of the Council itself, and see if a more effective, dynamic system could not be worked out. Daily Nebraskan fiECTT -EIGHT TEARS OLD Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press BaprsseataUre: National Advertising Service, Incorporated TabUaiisS at: S.o 20, Student Vuluu LIB coin, Nebraska 14th it R flat IMtDy NetnkB la rtuhhulwo Monday, Tttmutav, Wadnaatlay ana rrtrtat during aa araooi year. nfMK nrtna thMM and mare fMrtnda, by atndanta of ha tlraltj at KMiMta wider the authoriMttao ni tha Cammltww aa Strnlant Afralra mm aa cxnmnton of atit wnt oninMa. saIMtfan anriffr tha nrtadlttoa of tin uhaommKtwi n Hlmiwit fubllratlnin. ahall he In. mini ad!tnrtal eanannhlp on In aart nf Iten ftiihmmmlttar r aa taw part af any awmltar nf th faralty of tin llat- Va) aaamaara ai aaa ntomHua atau ara ar- Rntarad aa aammd olaaa matter at tlw Mat offlm i Uneola. Jiel.ra.ka. amiar th, art "f aww , IBU. " dtarte Muswr -nlHnr- Maxwell . . flrc.tchf n Slilca Randall Lamhrrt V-""--- Pat Itean .Carmn Kra, Sandra Kuliy Rriltn UMmsing Rdltor . . Hanlnr Rtnff Writer porta Kultor Wlirht New, Editor . Copy Editor Cindy Ztrtmii. Jr. Iflny Kriltora ... Staff Writers John Hmirm Staff Photographer Mlnatt. r..t . , BUSINESS STAFF TW',,' rinainraa Manarrr Jam a.n.u AaalMant Bi.nr Mawurer. 7.7.7,: KalnSE," Charlrne liroaa. Norm Houltlns. Claaalfled Mana.Br Paa faoaaai m.-, W . .Marilyn Colfey, Bondm WbtUtm lrT.WrO1 (PANT too ?' 113 Wiflu) THAI IM f, (BEHIND WAIL THE THF SUCXKS OF A TFAW DEPENDS (JfflN THE PLAYERS D0IN6 JUST WHAT THE MANA6R SANOIWTPOTDMUMAT-, cVcR VJ A5KMC, CHAKLfc rKJWN! TUAT'C CiWC fiUJV f'VT MX) stAst BY CHASinS a feu Jilts IN IHt UUiHtlU, AIMU. UTFIELI D? Daily Nebraskan Letterips Individualism To the Editor: E?ch time 1 resist the temptation to express seme thoughts about your "Indi vidualismWhere?" editor ial in Wednesday's Ne braskan some insistent core of rebelliousness within me demsnds expression. So I've convinced myself I'm obligated. A good jumping-off place is the sentiment, "the in creasing paternalism of . . , college adminstrators leads to . , . the average Amer ican's lack of confidence in himself and his ability to survive when cut off trom the group." But you should reread the entire editorial, since this is only the point of departure. There are a few assump tions which deserve exam ination : 1. ) College administrat ors are paternalistic (This would be very difficult to demonstrate; for my mon ey, I'll bet on the exact opposite.) 2. ) There is something of a cause-and-effect na ture operating here. (Any body who believes anything causes anything else has the burden of proof to show that no other con tributing conditions are op erating concurrently.) 3. ) Counselors, etc., (are seen) on the average of once a week." (Not in my book my appointment book I mean.) 4. ) Counselors discourage individualism, (the kind of counseling I know about not only encourages individual ism it demands it if coun seling of the sort we do is mear'ngful.) 5. ) unselors are inter ested solving students' problems for them. (The aim of the counselor is to understand various types of situations and to increase the likelihood that students can understand themselves. The "help" a student re ceives is a by-product of these sorts or understand ing, not a goal sought di rectly.) I like very much the last two sentences of your edi torial. Whatever else you say, you save the punch lines until the end. That's fine. C. d' A. Gerkcn an has taken such a dy namic part in this noble task. Svdncy L. Jackson Understanding The recent publicity of foreign and American stu dent relations has been a very widely discussed sub ject among many Univer sity students and faculty members. Arising from this, many groups associated with the university have entered upon a very positive pro . gram. I feel quite certain that all the foreign students would join me in express ing our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the unbiased co-operation the editor and the staff have given us. The freedom of expression allowed, (even in our conflicting prob lems) has been a very im pressive demonstration of the democratic way. The existent problems can be obliterated and our barriers removed only as we possess a medium through which we can know and understand each oth er's view points. A greater understanding will dimin ish conflict, increase har mony and foster greater toleration of our differ ences. To promote these ideals in our university and community cannot but have the positive effects of friendship and brotherhood in our society. If we can be successful in doing this here, there is a greater possibility that we can later project this upon our chaotic world scene. This could only bear the fruits of peace and pro mote the mutual respect and dignity between Amer cans and the many other nations represented here. We feel proud and grate ful that the Daily Nebrask- Subversive? To the Editor: Interpretation of the edi torials and columns in the Daily Nebraskan is some times rather difficult. One must read between the lines and this often requires con centrated effort in order that one might extract the jew els (paste or real) therein. For example, consider Bob Prokop's column in Wednesday's Rag. He makes the statements: "A cheater cheats not only himself but society. He does not cheat the , instructor or the rest of the class." Without con sideration to the accuracy of the above statement, let us consider what he is say ing. By his statements, he is excluding instructors and classes from society. This clearly indicates that he is in favor of a class-less so ciety, which is obviously a subversive idea. We must constantly be on our guard in order that we be not led astray. Remem ber friends, reading between the lines costs nothing and often prompts you to write a letter to the editor. As poor Richard so aptly put it, "A stich in time saves nine" and in this case, I be lieve I have stalled Mr. Prokop's drive to "liberate" the campus and will earn the undying gratitude of thou sands of University stu dents, present and future. If asked for quotes, I, with characteristic modesty, will merely say, "Shucks, I just did my duty." Sigismundl fF YOU . . . Like To Save Money . . . Buy Records Here's News For You! OPENING MONDAY, APRIL 20 Lincoln's First Record Discount House With These Daily Low Prices 98c 45's for 87c $3.98 albums for $3.17 $4.98 albums for $4.17 Open 12 Noon 9 FJIt. Kon. thru Sat. 141 No. 13 Next to Varsity Theatre Tf JL AY 11 English: CAMPUS TOUCH GUY Thinkiith translation This character belongs to the beat generation, as any black-and-blue freshman can testify. When he cracks a book, it ends up in two pieces. His favorite subject: fistory. Favorite sport: throwing his weight around. Favorite cigarette? Luckies, what else? Puffing on the honest taste of fine tobacco, he's pleased as Punch. If you call this muscle bounder a schooligan, bully for you! r English: UNHAPPY MARRIAGE English n8,itH:SCR.TCHtN3O03 , 1.1 Thinklish: FLEAGLE ROBR7 O IHIEH. WISCONSIN STATE COlX. jnkith: SPATR IHINITH C0LLE61 : Th jngUsh: ILL TYRANT 1 Thinklish: SiCKTATOR "UMNON..,aNLreNlMIfMu fTaaappaaaaa r-."n:rraMaM I s . r . v 1 fc fc s i a Wt3 J Cigarettes Get the genuine article Get the honest -f aste oi a LtJCECY STRIKE 1 .os; Take a word celebration, far example. With it, you -can have a football rally (yellebration), e goasdpy bridge party idle bration), or a clambake (ahellebration). That's Thinklish and it's that easy! We're paying $25 for the Thinkliah word judged bfirt .your check is itching to gol Send your words to Lucky Strike, Bex 67A. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Fuclose your name, address, university and class. C'-T-Oa, mum