The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1959, Image 1
- Four Students Named To Tribunal Positions flPMM ivlliliiS)lili4iS Vol. 33, No. 95 Handy Criticizes Activities; 'Re-evaluation Is Needed9 "Believe me, students are sick and tired of having things continually stuck down their throats in the realm of activities," Bob Handy, ac tivities director, told approx imately 200 people at the Union's annual Awards Ban quet last night. Evidence of this, he noted, Grady, Hansen Honored The Distinguished Service Award for the City Union was presented to Eileen Hansen last night at the Union's an nual awards banquet. Miss Hansen, Chairman of the personnel committee, is a junior in Teachers and a Delta Delta Delta. , The Ag distinguished Serv ice Award went to Gil Grady, dance committee' chairman, aj member of Corn Cobs and Farm House. Named Most Outstanding Workers were Harvey Ahl for the City Union and Dorothy Shallenberger for Ag Union. Ahl is a member of the dance committee, Junior IFC, Theta Xi and a freshman in Pharmacy College. Miss Shallenberger is chair man of the publicity commit tee and a sophomore in Love Memorial Hall. Runner-up for the Ag Out standing Worker award was Ron Kohle, chairman of the dance committee, while run-ners-up for the city award were: Jane Mahoney, -Gail Gray, Karen Dempsey, Paul Johns and Laurie Abernathy. The new Union Boards were announced as follows": . President of the Cllr Vuln nurd: Karen Peterson. tilt Board memheri : Sally Downs, vice president; Jean Sell. John West. Dorothy Hall, Sue Carkoski, Pat Porter and Jackie Collins. . , At Board President: Judy Seller. AC Board Members: Roger Wehrbein. secretary; Morris Beerhohm and Archie Clerc. junior board members. (It j Union committee chairman are: Kay Hirschbach, hospitality; Sharon Janike, feneral entertainment; Sherry Turner, music; Paul Johns, arts and exhibits: Gail Simon, public relations; Dick Nelson, special activities; Gail Gray, films; Sylvia Bathe, talks and topics; Frances Spoeneman. personnel: Gary Lorentzen, bin dance; Harvey Ahl, small dances; John Schroerier, recreation; Henry "Barney" Bauermeister, games. ' Af lTnlon committee chairman are: Bon Kohle, dance committee; Hon Mc Keever. films; Kathy Snyder, general entertainment; Ssra Rhodes. Hospitality; Dorothy Shallenberger, publicity: Jerry Lamberson, Rag editor; Dan Wehrbein. assistant editor. Named outstanding commit tee workers were: Karen Dempsey, Mary Ann Castle, Eleanor Billinits, Jane Mahoney. Jerry Howerter. Harvey Ahl. Larry Schunler. Laurie Abernathy. Judy Hamilton, Kathy Relies. Tom Burkholder. Dick Nelson, Zella Long. Yvonne Wilier. Beverly Muvh. Sylvia Bathe, Janet Hoeppner. Jackie Polf, Gail Gray, Henry Bauermeister Jr.. Paul Johns. Ann Wilson. Sue Ham mond. Gail Simon. John Schroeder, Ginny Hubka. Sharon DeMars, Sallie Marko vitz, Julianne Kay, Joan Myhrens and haty Griffith. Assistant committee chair men for the City Union com mittees are: Laurie Abernathy, arts and exhibits; Karen Dempsey, big dances; Ginny Hub ka, small dances; Jane Mahoney, film; Tom Burkholder. games: Katy Griffith, general entertainment: Janet Hoeppner, hospitality; Julianne Kay. muski; Sallie Marknvit. personnel; Yvonne Willers, public relations; Sharon DeMari, recrea tion: Joan Myhrens. special actlvltlse; Beverly Bush, talks and topics. Up ' V "I ? - i:. . tr-. UP IN THE AIR is Millard McCormack Howell Theatre. Free tickets may be ob- surrounded by (from left) Myrna Ems,' tained at the Physical Education office, Karen Costin and Ingrhla Dzenis, all danc- Grant Memorial Hall, and will be honored ers in the Orchesis "Dance We Must" pre- until 7:45 tonight. , sentation to be held at 8 p.m. tonight at The Doily was the disbanding of events on the campus because of lack of attendance and en thusiasm. Change Remedy "I congratulate the stu dents and advisors who have finally realized that some changes must be made and have proceeded to remedy the problem," Handy said. Although he said he felt the basic Union program is sound, he feels the need for ereativeness, sensitivity and greater enthusiasm. "Isolation is stagnation," he commented, adding that if the Union or any other organ ization isolates itself from the rest of the campus, it fails to live up to its responsibility. The problem of adequate Student Council Filings Remain Partially Open Student Cduncil filings for Business Administration and Engineering College repre sentatives are still open. The filings will remain open until 5 p.m. today, according to Don Snick, chairman of the Council elections committee. Inadequate Number The inadequate number of candidates filing was the rea son for extending the filing in the two colleges, he said. According to Shick, he de- 'Z' Adorns Library's SC Letter The slashed "Z" of Zorro adorns a recently posted let ter from the Student Council in the Love Library study room. The Council placed the let ter in the study room in 're sponse to a request from the library administration that they investigate and stop card playing in the room. Thursday afternoon when the Nebraskan copied the let ter, a card game with ap proximately seven students participating was going on di rectly in front of the defaced sign. The letter said: "The library administration has asked your Student Coun cil to investigate and stop card playing in this room. The study room is designed to be an informal place where stu dents can rest, enjoy the re freshments and study in groups. "The playing of cards jeop ardizes these privileges exper ienced by the majority of the students. "Please give your full co operation to your fellow stu dents and your Student Coun cil in the matter." in the Air Nebraskan campus representation in Un ion activities has been reme died by forming the new ad visory board, Handy said. He suggested that all organiza tional leaders on campus should meet for a critical evaluation of the function of their group. The need for a good lead ership program is another need of the Union for train ing leaders is one of the basic concepts on which the Union was founded, he commented. "I hope you don't think I'm pessimistic, because I'm not," Handy said. "We will have one of the most functional facilities in the country today when con struction is completed in the summer." elded Monday to extend the filings. At this time present Council members from Engi neering and Biz Ad were asked to find suitable candi dates to run for the positions, Shick said. According to Shick, he and a Council advisor felt that publication of the filing ex tension would not be neces sary because of the lack of interest already shown in the filings. Valid Election George Porter, IFC presi dent, told the Nebraskan that when the IFC heard that the filings were still open that it asked certain candidates to run on the Engineering and Biz Ad tickets. Porter said that this was done in order to make a valid Council election and give these colleges adequate rep resentation. By Thursday afternoon only five students had filed for Business Administration and four students for Engineering. Engineering Engineering C o 1 1 e g e has three Council representatives. Therefore two ' more filings are needed to give them full college representation. Business Administration now has three representatives of which one must be a wom an. Five candidates have filed, only one of these... a woman. One additional woman can didate is therefore needed to give Business Administration their full representation on the 1960 Council. Filings Students who have filed as of 4 p.m. Thursday and their colleges are: Agriculture Mary Anne Weber, Clare Vrba, Larry Ott, Ronald Ka'hle, Don Epp, Elizabeth Condon, Rita Mullet. Engineering William Boggan, Don Gable, Winston Wade, Dennis Nel- ( Continued on Page 4) . . ft ' ? i Friday, April 17, 1959 Chambers Selected Yell King Five Frosh Join Squad Brent Chambers has been chosen next year's Yell King Chambers is a junior in Arts and Sciences and a member of Kappa Sigma. Assistant yell king is Al Krizelman, a sophomore in Arts and Sciences and a mem ber of Sigma Alpha Mu. New members added to the squad were: Dick Myers, freshman in Engineering. Dave Anstine, freshman in BizAd, Kappa Sigma. Gary McClanahan, Phi Kap pa Psi, freshman in Bizad. Sharon Anderson, freshman in Arts and Sciences, Kappa Alpha Theta. Sandra Johnson, freshman in Arts and Sciences, Pi Beta Phi. Old members of the squad returning for another year are Margaret Marshall, jun ior in Arts and Sciences, Gam ma Phi Beta, and Kay Hirsch bach, sophomore in Teachers, Kappa Alpha Theta. Showing Set For State Paintings Drawings and paintings of Nebraska's countryside and way of living will be dis played in Lincoln next week. The exhibit, consisting of 474 pieces selected from thou sands of entries across the state, is sponsored by the University art department and Extension Division. Ninety-six Nebraska towns are represented in this annual All-State Nebraska Elemen tary School Art Exhibit. From the Lincoln exhibit, 300 pieces will be selected to travel throughout the-state during 1959-60.' Also, four win ners will be chosen to receive an $80 scholarship to the Uni versity All-State Fine Arts Course. Mrs. M. E. Vance and Phil Rueschhoff, assistant profes sor or art, arranged the dis play. Judges are Mrs. Freda Spaudling, associate professor of art, Jane Andersen of the University of Omaha and Millicent S a v e r y, assistant professor of elementary edu cation. B&B Banquet Is Planned For Tonight An outstanding animal hus bandry student and an out standing Nebraska stockman will be honored at the annual Block and Bridle banquet to night in connection with Feed ers Day at the College of Ag riculture. James Kreycik, nationally recognized producer and judge of Aberdeen Angus cat tle from Wood Lake, will be the honored stockman. Kreycik, whose Angus calves have won international grand champion carlot honors seven years out of the.ast nine years, will have his por trait placed with those of other pioneer Nebraska stock men in Animal Husbandry Hall. The outstanding student will be revealed at the ban quet in the Union Ballroom at 6 p.m. This student will be chosen on the basis of super ior work in the animal husbandry- department, activi ties, scholarship and person ality. Tassd71rHold Tea Simdav The Tassels Tea for selec tion of new members will be held Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Alpha Phi house. Any Tassels applicant must have a 5.5 average. Independent girls both fresh men and sophomores are es pecially urged to sign up for Tassels, according to Judy Hanneman, Tassels publicity chairman. Independents may sign up for the tea at the Union both on Ag or city campus today. Judy Truell, Bob Paine, Don Hall and Dick Kelley are the senior tribunal judges for 1959-60. The Student Council made the announcement immedi ately following the senior judge interviews Wednesday. The council met in a special 3 p.m. session to pick the judges. Other Candidates Other candidates inter- Reporter Expelled In Judges Choice The Student Council went into "executive session Wednesday for the selection of the Senior Tribunal judges. This action caused the ex pulsion of the Daily Nebras kan reporter from the meet ing. Frenzel Introduces Council vice president Gary Frenzel introduced the action resulting in the "executive session." In explaining his reasons, Frenzel said that the Unannounced Candidate Interviewed The Student Council inter viewed one senior candidate for Tribunal .Wednesday who was not announced previous ly. " The candidate was Gary Rodgers. Rodgers is a pres ent junior Tribunal judge and as such is an automatic candidate for one of the sen ior posts. The Tribunal charter states: "Junior members of the Tribunal shall automatic ally become candidates for Senior positions." Rodgers, a freshman in Law College, was considered a University junior for Trib unal purposes. He is vice president of Young Republi cans and a member of Sigma Nu. Counselors Open Big Sister Filing Coed Counselor application's are available this week in Rosa Bouton Hall. Ninety big sister positions are open to any women stu dents with 5 averages or above. Coed Counselors sponsor the big sister program established to orient new women students ot the University. Each big sister contacts several new women students over the sum mer and in the fall. Applications are due Tuesday. Rosenlof Praised for The following Is a tribute to the re tiring forelm student advisor for the I'nlversilT. Dr. Georee W. Rosenlof. The article was written by Ken Ark baratl, president of the Cosmopolitan Club. At the end of the current school year, a professor will go into retirement. To many of us this will mean nothing and will be regard ed as the natural conclusion to a long and arduous ca reer. This man, however, is known to the foreign stu dents of this campus as both an efficient adminis tratorin which capacity he has devoted his energies and time to help foreign students and a kind and gentle person. It is with a deep sense of loss and good wishes that we anticipate the retirement of Dr. George W. Rosenlof, pro fessor of Secondary Educa tion and official advisor to Foreign Students. It has only been three years ago that Dr. Rosenlof was made the official ad visor by the University Administration. And pre vious to this time, he exer cised the duties of that of fice in his then official ca pacity of Dean of Admis sions and Inter-institutional Affairs. I am sure that those for eign students who have been here more than three years will appreciate the tremen dous problems Dr. Rosenlof faced in trying to maintain contact with the rising num bers of students from over seas. For several months be fore coming to study at this University, the only rela tionship that a prospective viwed by the Council were Caroll Novicki , and Gary Rodgers. Other Tribuanal judges, two juniors and a Law College representative, will be chos en by the Council at its next regular meeting. It takes a majority vote of the Council to elect a Tribun al judge. Council president Dwaine Rogge clarified the procedure Tribunal candidates were fa miliar with the Tribunal charter. This, Frenzel went on, might lead them to make statements in their interviews which would advocate a change or a certain procedure in the o p e r a t i o n of the Tribunal. Frenzel said if the Daily Nebraskan were to print these statements made in the inter views that the Nebraskan then might try to hold Tribu nal judges to statements they made when the Tribunal be gan operation in the fall. This would not be good, Frenzel said, as the judges might change their minds after conferring with other Tribunal members. The action of the Council followed the precedent estab lished last year when the Daily Nebraskan was not al lowed to attend the Tribunal judge interviews. Ten Students To Attend Dorm Meet Ten residents of the Uni versity's Residence Halls left Thursday for the annual convention of the Association of College and University Residence Halls. The , convention is being held at the University of Mis souri through Saturday. The purpose of the conven tion is to aid the member schools with their student government and resident management. The Association has a membership of 20 mid western colleges and univer sities. Delegates from the Univer sity are: Mari Lit Henning and Shar on Watson, Women's Resi dence Halls; Janet Peterson and Dave Melena, Fedde Burr Halls; John Flory, Bob Kuzelka, Lee Smith, Selleck Quadrangle; Accompanying the dele gates are Loren Betz, resident advisor of Selleck Quad rangle, and Olivia Hansen, counseling director of the Women's Residence Halls. Cosmopolitan Club Advisor student has with the insti tution and place that he will make his home for a few years, is through Dr. Rosen lof. Upon arrival here, it is Dr. Rosenlof whom one looks forward to meeting. And throughout the years, problems ranging from pro fessional or legal and per sonal or intimate are taken to him. Foreign students a r e no different from any other group of people in that they . make the same logical mis take of generalizing, espe cially when they have been hurt. Unfortunate incidents in the campus life of the foreign student occur quite often; and they have a se rious psychological impact. The absence of a home life added to a strange cultural environment make these "unfortunate incidents" more difficult to absorb and , tn j ?-: " : i ! v , i I " H Rosenlof from the floor of the Council in addition to those candidate! already chosen by the Council nominating committee. Majority Vote Rogge said that a majority vote of the Council would be required to accept a nomin ation from the floor. Council members . raised questions as to how they were to know whether a can didate they wished to nomin ate had already been nomin ated by the nominating com mittee. Rogge replied that the best procedure would be to have the candidates there at the next Council meeting ready for an interview in the event that they had not been selected by the Council com mittee. Junior Candidates No candidates for the office of Senior Judge were nomin ated from the floor in Wednes- . day's Council session. The names of the Junior candidates picked by the Council nominating commit tee will 1e revealed In the April 21 Nebraskan. Miss Truell is vice presi dent of Tassels, president of NUCWA, a Daily Nebraskan columnist, secretary of the present Tribunal and presi dent of Alpha Phi. Paine is president of Alpha Gamma Rho, a member of Student Council, Corn Cobs, IFC and the Spring Day Cen tral committee. He is treas urer of Ag Exec Board. Hall is Sigma Nu athletic chairman and a member of Young Republicans. Kelley is an AU F assistant, -intramurals chairman and rush chairman of Phi Delta Theta. The Council broke the , precedent they started last year in announcing the judges immediately following their selection. Last year announcement of the senior judges was with held until all judges were se lected. The reason given for last year's action was to "avoid politics." Campbell's Gives NV $2,000 Gift A $2,000 gift from the Camp bell Soup Co. has been given to the University, according to Chancellor Clifford Hardin. The gift is part of the Com pany's annual aid-to-education program, said W. L. Par vin of Omaha, manager of the Nebraska plants of Campbell Soup Co. Parvin presented the gift. Parvin said the company recognized some years ago the importance of education to free enterprise and indus trial growth in the U.S. "We hope that our program will be helpful in advancing the cause of education in the U.S." Services ignore. Disillusionment about Americans tends to set in and the student feels naturally hostile to Ameri cans in general. However, when these things happen and the , thought of Dr. Rosenlof flashes through one's mind, it is a relief to know that there is at least one Amer ican who has more than a superficial interest in the foreign student. He is sym pathetic and understands the problems and has a wealth of experience in deli cate situations that make in ternational relations be come better or worse. Though Dr. Rosenlof 's of ficial duties are over.the impression he made upon , the hundreds of internation- ' als who came under his jurisdiction will be a living memory that all the foreign students will take back with them to their own nations and governments. To honor Dr. Rosenlof, the Cosmopolitan Club is holding a dinner Satur day in the Student Union Ballroom. This is an occa sion that should not be missed by any foreign stu dent, faculty members as sociated with the guest of honor and American s t u dents who have shewn sus tained interest in interna tional relations on the cam pus. Come to this dinner and help us give Dr. Rosenlofabig sendoff. Tickets can be purchased 1 from Cosmopolitan Club members and the Student Union Ticket Office. Ken Ackbarali President, Cosmopolitan Club