UNIVERSITY OP NEB UVARY Brooks 'Biidget Policies Gov. Ralph Brooks's an nouncement to the legisla ture Tuesday has beenlhe cause for criticism and speculation. ' The governor told the solons that he would veto bills calling for additional tax expenditures "above and beyond those called for in my budgetary message" of Jan. 23. Two days later, Sen. Ter X "... . t-f? . ' . --v- - . - v. . S v :- ) rprJf . I N ( J J " ., ' O Mwiffl-itt im iim mi n nm HULA HOOPS AND BATON'S provide the base for a firey display by University coed Dixie Teebken, as she practices for an appearance on the national television Flaming Act Miss Teebken .A flaming coed, whose act features firey batons and a rniia uwp, w leave ror uos l i i ;ii i r . . For Los Angeles and the ' ou Asked For It! TV show next Sun- fv.- TAdKi'An TT,wc;.;:n it's filmed Tuesday," shejadded tne noop aoout a monm:wm spea av a mau " , freshman, disclojethatjhe . t " NUFaculiyuS Art Show Is Opened 0f works by University art fac-! She added that she had nev ulty opened yesterday at the been seriously burned. " -. ii' x.J function with the? a special one-man of works by Miss AIM VVijUJlV-HVU " show is Seanne Richardsf eweVt Sat she Wd bienloVd letters , vocaUon, to be held April each college This has cut faculty member in the art de- came from Seattle, Wash, and Mrs. Irma Lasse, assistant rWur ? ' compare2 parmenT : Los Angeles. Calif, as well as registrar, commenting on the j J f Miss Richards, who joined Nebraska communities asking preparaUons, said that mostj Howeer, she added, de the faculty in 1937 as instrnc-i for her. of the time was consumed termination of the top three we .' , , . ... V,,.;T 4i, wk;h and ten oercents of the class tor Of ETapniC ans IS Uispiay-l i- . i.i.Hin 111 w rv wvi ..- r pnnts, WaterCOlorS anu OU naintmirc She studied at the State her blacksmith father, con University of Iowa from 1952- sists of eight short bars ex 54 where she earned her tending from the hoop. The Master of Fine Arts degree.; bars are wrapped with gasol The following year she studied line-soaked rags and lighted. in Paris under a Fulbrightj grant. Miss Richards prints are in the permanent collections of the Mellon Gallery of Art and Corcoran Gallery of Art, both in Washington, D.C., in the Society of American Graphic Artists, Inc. and oth ers. She has displayed her works; in more than 35 national ; House has been cancelled be juried print competitions, a! riliSe 0f lack of interest one-man show at Washington,! among high school principals. D.C. and in Paris. Jack Nielsen, co-chairman Other faculty members 0r the event, told the Student whose works are being dis-i Council Wednesday that the played include: Peter Worth, uau Buns, iticnara incney, rfceruas Sheffield, David Sey- r mi Thomas Schmidt The show will continue through May 10. Pi Lambda The la Picks Linda Walt Linda Walt is the new presi dent of Pi Lambda Theta, teachers honorary. Other officers are Dorothy Hall, vice president; Marcia Boden, secretary; and Pat Arnold, corresponding secre tary. State YR's Pick Smitliberger Wynn Smithberger, Univer sity junior and member of Kappa Kappa Gamma soror ity, was elected correspond ing secretary of the Nebras ka Young Republican Feder ation at that group's recent convention in Ogallala She is vice president of the campus YR s. J ry Carpenter of Scottsbluff said that it appeared. little inconsistent" for Gov. Brooks to recommend an additional $2 million for the University only 48 hours after telling the legislature "I'll veto your increases." Brooks had recommend ed in a letter to the Budget Committee that his origin al budget boost ef $2 mil lion for, the school be hiked Hoops anil Batons Nets Coed TV Chance; on 'Yon Ashed For Jt' had been contacted by show, officials to present her act for a nation-wide audience. i a nauon-wiae auaience. Dafe Not Kn0W11 ..We practice Moay and said, "DUi i aoni mow ine -t WeVised yeU j .Miss Teebken j n g g 1 e s a flaming baton in each hand aha in hor mnnin keeping an aluminum hula hoop, also on fire, w hirling I "TL'dVwe mv Convocation Requires long," Miss Teebken said pat- j 51 TJTJcWBehind-Scenes Work had to cut it." rio;n;nr that nni write Explaining mat people write in and request ads for the program. Miss Teebken said f tj I u uc w s f- ; fpsinnallv. but von need a lot " - vl urciiu, c uu. Her hula hoop, designed Dy Open House Cancelled; No Interest The Student Council spon- sored All University Open Open House committee' nao; received "complete coop- eration" from the University administration. According to Nielsen, the University helped the commit tee send letters explaining the planned open house to all high school principals in the state. The open house was origin ally scheduled for April 13 but was later changed to April 23 to coincide with E-week open house and Science in Agricul ture Day. Only four high school prin cipals answered the letter, Nielsen said, and most of these were mainly interested in E-week. The Council passed a mo tion to drop the Open House this year but to continue plans for an Open House in I960. Reading Postponed The Poetry program sched uled for Tuesday has been postponed to May 12. Fea tured on the program for this date will be Karl Shapiro, professor of Jtngustt. another $2 million. The letter, dated a week ago Friday, was released the following Wednesday. Brooks's announcement caused John Lynch, report er for Nebraska Education News, to speculate on its possible effects on pending school legislation. Lynch pointed out that tie governor urged the sol production "Yon Asked For It!" Miss Teebken was selected for the show by let ters from residents of Nebraska and other states. "I started twirling with flamms? batons when I was!i.L rn : " T. " -v, :J :-. Twhkpn said add ing she had reg. ularly for six years. "We just ago. "r preuous appearances mciude the AU University Tal- ent Show, KOLN-TV and fairs j I Three weeks to prepare for three hours. This is how long . it took three full-time work- ers at the Administration 3 ai w.c nUiuUUu.uu , office to prepare data for the 31st annual Honors Day Con-! g. wnu iucv.mus uic ;i'-6'-"'tiV i for suDerior students, deter- i . ' siuuuiig nuitu uigaiuiaiiuua shall be honored, and venfy- Rush Week Frills Seen By Legacies Th latest in fpmaip frffla for wear during sorority rush ' an armed forces commission, week were "oh'd" and "ah'd" j and highest senior sciol by about 330 high school and ! ar participating in intercolleg- college women at the Legacy Weekend style show at Uni versity High Saturday. The clothes, which included outfits for coffee hours, open houses, afternoon and even ing parties, were owned and modeled by members of the sororities on campus. Refreshments and conver sation in the activities area of the high school followed the show. Beverly Heyne was chair man for the show. Marti Han sen narrated and Phil Bon ner provided piano back ground for the models. Previous to, and following the show, the individual so rorities entertained their own guests. Models for the style show were: Donnie.Keys, Gamma Phi Beta; Jan Peterson, Pi Beta Phi; Judy Humann, Tri Delt, Judy Adams, Kappa Alpha Theta; Pat Betts, Al pha Chi Omega; Breanna Johnson, Alpha Xi Delta; Jean Garner, Delta Gamma; Mary Patrick, Alpha Phi; Marty Mount, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Kay Strauss, Chi Omega; Kathy Fisk, Alpha Omicroa Pi; Judy Freed, Sigma Delta Tau; Marcia McCallam, Zeta Tau Alpha; Sandra Humphrey, Sigma Kappa, ons not to pass measures that would cause funds to be raised by the "imposi tion fit an additional pro perty tax." Possible repercussions from this statement could' be, Lynch wrote, that the normal schools might have to raise their tuition to meet the difference between Vol. 33, No. 92 Cadets To Conflicts By Marilyn Coffey Centennials come but once a century and when they coincide with the Univer- sity's Ivy Day, some conflict ; part of the franternity sings and some misunderstanding will not be able to partici seems inevitable. jpate in the parade; the ca- The University ROTC de- j dets w ho will be a warming partment will be participat- their feet on Lincoln's pave ing in the Centennial Parade ' ment will miss part of the Wesley Student Center Foundation to Bid For 16 and R Lot The lot at 16th and R sts., will probably be "perfectly acceptable" for the location of the new Wesley Student ; Center, according to Frank Hallgren. chairman of the Wesley Foundation Board of . Trustees. Hallgren said that he was "sure the building committee would negotiate for purchase i of the lot". I Jlitlu vu4uiui Hubert Schneider, assistant professor of mathematics, rAilomiinm. 3 tJ.m. Tuesday. in Hom m Burnett HaU. His subject will be "On Con- gruence Relations in Certain, A1a)ifo a Cvclomi " ing these results with other university records, "One big aid," Mrs. Lasse sighed, "is the IBM machine, , , which automatically prepares a listing of the top students . . , . mn done DV person- nel. This year for seniors,' this top three and ten per cent averages were respectively: Ag-7.421, 6.991; ASS-3.018, 7.417; BA-7.322, 6.544; Eng 7.651, 7.012 and Teh-7.578, 7.073. Three c. w. boucher awards, presented at the Con vocation, will go to the high est senior scholar, the high- est scnoiar graduating wun wjf sPr To be eligible for an honors day awad, seniors must nave 2"ftSS 22 104 hoars; juniors, 68; sopho mores 42 and freshmen, 14. Each must also be in the up per ten percent of his class. This years' Honors Day Committee is beaded by Dr. Stuart Hall, associate profes sor of economics. " i ' -f V"'' ' Wyr,V " r" :;" r-j , ; I ' U - f I LEGACIES MEET ACTIVES over legacy weekend. Ac tive Sue CarkosU, center, chats with two legacies be fore the traditional style show. Left is Madalyn Miroff, and at right is Becky Boyer. Draw their budget and the gover nor's recommended budget. The bills providing for an increase from .75 mills for the state institutional build ing fund levy and the bill asking for $30,000 for a study of the mentally gifted children's program might also be affected, Lynch said. The Daily during the noon hour of Ivy Day. What's Missed Those cadets who will be Four buildings are situated on the lot, including Rosa Bouton Hall, Home Manage- ment House, Wilson Hall and : 'a cooperative house for spe- cial education in Teachers College. The buildings will go with purchase ol trie lot, ac-: cording to John Stewart, treasurer of the Board of Trustees, "We won't be able to use the buddings for our pur pose," he said. "They'll have to be either moved or torn down." He added that the I'niver- (sitv wouldn't release the baildiBM immediately, but . . T. . SSeS TV,,Ucnn KsinA . "f Th" 'rnivpritv ....... . 1 . said some of the activities might go into the new Union. Building on the project will not start before the summer of 1960, Sttewart said. Wesley House will either remain in its present location or move into one of the houses at 16th and R until that time. Spring Day Chairmen Meet Spring Day House chair men will meet today in room 315 Union at 4 p.m. to discuss participation rules for Spring Day com petition. Each organized house which intends to partici pate in the Spring Day competition must have a representative at this meeting according to Bob Paine, competition chair man. Brooks Okays Retirement Bill The bill empowering the Board of Regents to lish a new retirement sys tem for University employees was signed by Gov. Ralph Brooks last week. The measure provides for contributions by employees and the University. Under the present system the employee does not contribute, but the University contributes eight per cent of the employee s an nual salary. Speculation In his legislative message, Brooks said that measures requiring "an additional number of dollars to be levied through the general fund" would not have his approval. In addition, any new source of revenue must be placed in the general fund rather than be earmarked Nebraskan Ivy Day ceremonies. The only visible reactions to this is a sadden surge of cadet volunteers to sing with their house; a few grumbles and many questions as to why and how this whole thing came about A. James Ebel, president of the Centennial committee, explained the city commit tee's choice of dates: Salute to Ivy "We chose the opening to be on Ivy Day because we felt it would be a salute to Ivy Day. We hoped by com bining the events, we could bring mere people to Lincoln to participate in both." The Centennial Committee, he explained, checked the jlvy Day schedule and dis- covered a lull in activites during the noon hour. They j planned the parade at this; s time to keep conflict at a minimum, he said. The schedule for Ivy Day, March Ivy Will Be Memo Telh ROTC Dept's 'Work out' Ivy Conflicts After the University de cided to participate in the Centennial parade, a memor andum went from the Ad ministration to the heads of the Navy, Air Force and Ar my ROTC departments, no tifying them of the plans. The University will try to do all it can to participate! m the Centennial, read the memorandum, A. C. Breck- Jenridge, dean of faculties, said. "As Best They Can" In case of conflict, the stu dents and the military should try to work them out as best as they can, it continued. "We realized that you cant be two places at once," Dean Breckenridge com mented. "We wanted to con tinue with University activi ties and at the same time, without crippling University plans, help with the Centen nial at Lincoln.' Army ROTC cadets are be ing asked to participate in the parade on a volunteer Alpha Lam Announces 25 Pledges Twenty-five freshman girls were pledged by Alpha estab-jLambda Delta, freshmen women s scholastic honorary, Thursday. They include Karen Boe siger, Nancy Carroll, Ruby Daffer, Judy Davis, Janice Dean, Brenda Edorf, Shirley Gates, Elaine Gibbs. Barbara Hoffman, Julie Kay, Mary Kemp, Angela Long, Susan Lytle, Shirley McCord, Shirley Parker Mary Pollock, Ruth Prange and Karyl Rosenberger. Virginia Sagehorn, Linda Schelbitzki, Marilyn Swett, Sharyn Watson, Celesta Weise, Lynn Wright and Ann Walker. All have a minimum 7.5 first-semester average or an accumulative 7.5 average for their entire freshman year. Initiation of the new pledges will be May 12. Fashion School Rep Here April 13, 14 Misj Josephine Riggs, Ad missions Counselor for the Tobe-Coburn School for Fash ion Careers will be on campus today & tomorrow. Students interested In busi ness positions in the fashion field may interview with her on Ag Campus April 13 and in the Occupational Place ment Office, 109 Administra tion Building April 11 for a special purpose. This would mean that tha pari-mutuel tax, had it re tained its original provision alloting 75 per cent to schools, would probably have been vetoed, according to Lynch. The bill has been amended to provide that the revenue be placed in tha general fund. Monday, April 13, 1959 Day, ew shortly before and after the noon hour, was explained by Nan Carlson, vice president of Mortar Board. From 10:20 a.m. to 11:45, the Men's Sing; from 11:45 to 1 p.m. the court will be recessed; at 1:05 p.m. the Sorority begins and at 2 p.m. tha awards will be given. March at Noon The ROTC cadets partici pating in the parade will be marching during the noon hour, according to Colonel Vernon Rawie, professor of military science and tactics. The cadets will be march ing behind the distinguished guests, at the head of the parade. The parade begins at 12 noon from 20th and O Sts. The students participating in the parade will probably be tied up from about 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. estimated Commander J. P. Edwards, associate professor of naval science. basis, according to Colonel Vernon ILawie. "This was about as fair a policy as we could estab lish," he commented. "If a student can't participate, I won't be a Simon Legree about it." He estimated that about 500 of the Army's 900 cadets would be marching. About 200 have volunteered to date, he said. Commander J. P. W. Ed wards said that those in Ivy Day will be excused from marching with the Navy ca dets. The Navy ROTC will provide approximately a bat talion (150 people), of which 20-25 will be the drill squad. Navy cadets were told that they would march unless they were participating in Ivy Day in official capacity, a navy cadet told the Ne braskan. "Each case is to be decided on an individual basis," he said. AF Vokstary The Air Force are' asking their students to participate in the parade on a voluntary basis, Colonel Willard At well, professor of air sci ence, said. At this time, the colonel estimated that about on half of the air force's 850 ca dets would be participating in the parade, the ether half in Ivy Day. Chuck Humphrey, Air Force cadet, said they vera told,: "Don't sweat it If yon have a good excure, youH get out of the parade." Counselors9 Big Sister Filings Open Filings for Coed Counselor big sister positions will open tomorrow. Coed Counselors is tha women's organization which sponsors the big sister pro gram established to welcome and to orient all new incom ing women students to the University. Any woman student with a 5 average or above may ap ply. Applications will be in Rosa Bouton Hall and are due by 5 p.m. April 21. The Counselors msde sev eral changes in their program this year, including the drop ping of Penny Carnival and the shortening of their spring and fall program. Each big sister is assigned several new women students to contact ovsr the summer and in the fall Coed coun selors also work during New Student Week,