I ! i i ; i i 3 i Paga . The Dolly Nebraskan Fridoy, April 10, 1959 Editorial Comment: Simple Mathematics: No Money, No Men Whew! It looked like a sure thing, hut now that it has been done, it is difficult not to breathe at least one sigh of relief about the money, that is. It has occurred to us (among dozens of other persons) that without funds, it is virtually impos sible to run a con game, operate a store, buy shoes or run a University. The University's funds depend heavily on the decision made every two years by the men in the Unicameral, and it being that time now in those two years, we have waited with some apprehension for further word from the governor concerning the University's budget His earlier recom mendation to the budget committee re quested a $2 million increase in tax funds for the school for the coming biennium. His revised request based on further study of sources of University revenue is a much more realistic $4. The question now becomes more tense. Will the legislature grant this increase which has been called "essential," "im peritive" and all the other adjectives which are marshalled to give the request an euphonious ring. Actually, the situation couldn't be more serious. What the Chancellor might just as well have said in his appearance before the budget committee was that either the increase is forthcoming, or the University will have to drop completely out of the Interest Active In Self Government The other day the Daily Nebraskan cau tioned the IFC political committee to se lect candidates for Student Council on merit alone. It appears that they have done just that. The rindidates show a good distribution among the various houses. All of them, from the basis of our contacts with them, appear to be competent men. This should not be interpreted as plug to garner student vote for the IFC slate in the upcoming elections. It is merely a pat on the back for the committee which appar ently left politics out of their selections. A couple of things disturb us about the interviews however. One of these is the dirth of candidates from law school. Only One man applied for the job. Dentistry and Pharmacy could muster only two between them and one of these was ineligible. Uncontested nomina tions as well as elections are never a healthy situation. On the other hand, there were a host of candidates from the other colleges. There were so many in fact, that the committee could spend very little time on the indi vidual interviews. We submit that very little can be learned about a candidate's qualifications in a five to ten minute interview. The selection then rests on how well the committee members know the individual outside the interview room. There is a possibility that unknown but very good candidates slip through in this way. Next year, the committee might con sider narrowing the field to the five or six candidates who gave the best interview and calling them back at a later date for further and more lengthy consultation. In!the meantime, the interest shown in the positions from Arts and Sciences, En gineering, Bus Ad and Teachers College is a good sign. Students apparently still want to govern themselves. Conservative Estimate Why doesn't the Rag have a reprecenta- fact that in order to attain this position tive on the Student Council? I'm getting one must spend several semesters report sick and tired after sitting up in Council ing, staff writing, etc. During this period meeting for the past three semesters hear- the editor usually has spent at least one ing Council members waste their valuable semester either at the position of senior time expounding on var- t staff writer, or managing editor. Both of ious stories and remarks t "r- these positions involve reading virtually all appearing in the Daily Ne- I . ' the material that appears in the Nebras braskan. 4 kan and a lot that doesn't ever see print. Not that I mind the critl- The Council of course couldn't expect to cism of the paper, my re- ' J J always get favorable publicity no matter porting, the position of the what they do from sucn an arrangement, story on the page, head- but the fact that each organization would line, etc., etc., but the fact I f? i know belter the actions of the other would is that most of it is unin- 1 1 1 be to say the least an outstanding improve- formed, baseless, and U :jui-J ment. could be settled by one Hoerner In case you arc wondering why my sud- who knows the back- den outburst of feeling for this, Wednes- ground of Just how the story happened to, a few comca memberB Bpent almost' get in there anyhow. .... half an hour criticizing the Rag for print- The original purpose, I understand, of mg a tory other cmmcil memberg having organization reps on the council had asked us to print was to get the council closer to the activi- Witfl the Nebrasl5an editor on ties of the student body. cil not only ld . ht h & fa Now I ask you, what other campus or- ter what fe was doTng S the ganilzation dedicates itself completely to foot down in basement w3betara knowing what is going on all over the deal too "cm woma De m on . campus? In my opinion, the editor would be the , logical one to occupy the council seat. His J&L- Sj experience and knowledge of campus af- 'rVtfx . fairs would be almost unparalleled in the ( C Daily Nebraskan SIXTY-EIGHT YEABS OLD wwiiw, h, ih b MM Hemben Awociatea Collegiate Press nSZuSSS .V&V u EepraMntotivm National Advertisli Service, is"Z"tnZ'Z' V, J?,:L7. Incorporated TM emthbial staff FBbiiflbea stt Room 80. Student Onion E3y&jfJ tth s Kiht n.. Mit-:::::::::::::::::;,, TU tMJV tftnwam M pubtl.to TumAw, cm, aTJIL, Crron . Hb Kulli WMUMMdW nd tTidty flaring Uw nkwN r, umt Jr on, ( Hi . r,rlri" n warn pwiod. by MuaetiM of IM 8IT WTItoii m.. ?. T- I"m t?v?,l of N.h".k. undo, .hon..tl. o tM tZmXXLi M"Uyn "' VVhalm. Commltto Mulnil mttmtn mm mm mxptnmitm of t- 8laff phatorrmplwr . . . . Mlntt. DutMHtmmttte on Hlnd-nl PunHcstlnn. Mali l iw tram Bo,lni Maner l'H" n.n Oitnnal mmwnhip m tl part nl the Rihnmmltte ar A.-Ilnt Kii.lnn. Murwr-r. " -TZ 2 . ,'D o ts port o! mm nwrnow of tl fwulty of tt Uni- than, Gr!T Norm llolufln. Hlm.n, mumui. la nBitn at turn MMMMiuu ! mn pn. ClMUKd Uaiwcw UnuSl professorial market The statistics he pre sented were more than impressive. They pointed out unequivocally that without sal ary increases, the University cannot pos sibly hope to keep the majority of its top professors, let alone entice new, young ones to come here to teach. Sure, we have many tremendous instructors now out standing men such as Robert Sakai, Her bert Jehle, Samuel Eddy and Karl Sha piro. It is not enough to have them now. The University must be able to keep them and attract others of equal calibre. During the past two years, 144 full-time staff mem bers left the University. This represented a 23 per cent turn-over. As any good busi nessman can testify, a 23 per cent attrition rate is not good for business. Who did the "turning over" is as signifi cant as the startling number who idt the University. Ten were full professors, 20 associate professors, 45 assistant profes ors, and 69 were instructors. It does not take much astute observation to note that the instructors are the young men, the ones who have not yet had time to advance up the academic ladder into the different varieties of professorship. Presumably, the men who have been here longest, usu ally the associate and full professors, are men who have long-standing contacts in the city, who have no desire to pull up stakes and move to higher paying posts. One can scarcely blame a younger man for feeling no such compunctions, how ever. Well-educated men are still at a premium in the country, and if other universities can offer our instructors $2,000 a year more than we can, well, again it does not take a mathematician to figure odds on whether the man will go or not. On the average, every person who left the University in the past two years rea lized a $2,500 a year salary increase. Small wonder they went. What is astonish ing is that more did .not go. And so, to return to the men in the legis lature, indeed they do have a dilemma. Increased University appropriations re quire more money from somewhere. It is axiomatic that Nebraskans oppose tax in creases. Nevertheless, without substantial increases in the funds available to the University for salaries, it seems an im possibility to maintain a high caliber school. And as businessmen, it is assumed that the men in the legislature will recog nize the absolute essentialness of an in crease in our appropriations. Thankful Editor 'otr : The followinc editorial wms wrlttra by Judy Trwll. I'm gong to break a self-made promise never to write about the Student Tribunal because I wish to make some thankful remarks. The Rag printed our story in the way "Doc" wrote it and in the way we felt was the true aspect of the Tribunal's op erations this year. We have worked hard, tried to please many, failed to please even more, and eventually have come out with a workable student judiciary board. I feel that we have a right to be proud of the Tribunal, and a right to be proud of the student body for which it functions and which it disciplines. The editorial com ment in the Rag chastised us for our con tinuing effort to keep the meetings closed except at request of the student. This view was not presented belligerently but intelli gently. Perhaps the next year's Tribunal will see fit to change the by-laws in this respect. The Tribunal must continue to be a mobile organization that can change as the yearly temperament demands. For this year we feel we have functioned successfully. CHOMP CfiMC esTSr$2 CROUP IT? H ;t SAYS Mg 1 I THAT NOT T& AT All! I I I. TWATYOUgS BELIEVE IN A CAUSE J BELIEVE Excavations By Kandy Satkunam It is pleasing to note that with the new addition of the City Student Union, the Ad visory Cabinet of the City Union Activities Committee W'ould also be formed. The Cabi net which would com prise one repres e n t a t i v e from the G r a duate Stud e n t s, C o m m u-terStu- Kandy dents, International Stu dents, Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council, Res idence Halls for men, Resi dence Halls for women. In dependent men, Independ ent women, has some great problems that are yet to be solved. It seems to me that the City Student Union is lack ing in some way that might attract more students. One evening, Sandy and I tried in vain to figure out some ways and means to solve this problem. Add Beer? May be the introduction of the supply of beer in the Cafeteria of the Union might be attracting! Why not? The students of the University of Wisconsin have the liberty of drinking beer in their Union Cafeteria!! Or, it might be fun if there were a floor in the Cafeteria wh e r e the stu dents might be able to dance from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. during the week days and till mid-nite during the week-ends. The Juke box can be used for the choice of music. Accordingly, the lighting system in the Cafe teria might be adjusted to give a soothing atmosphere. I think a good number of the students might take ad vantage of this, especially during the week days when most of the dance halls in the city are not open, or even on week-ends when these places are filled. I re call one week-end when my friends from Iowa could not Them Cowboys Ain't Wliat They Used To Be If Wyatt, Bat and Jesse could just see themselves now. These invincible characters of the modern-day TV west ern would probably roll over in their Boothill graves if they realized how humanitarian, law-abiding, polished and brave they, have become, Time magazine reports. For although these old Westerners probably did make a mark for themselves in times past, they now are known for different qualities Jesse James for his beneficent character although he probably gave nary a farthing to the poor; Wyatt Earp for his great respect for law and order al though Earp actually was more interested in the profits from his red-light district holdings than impounding crim inals; and Bat Masterson who holds a similar niche in Western history than he held when he was living west of the Mississippi. Although Masterson fans may protest an attack on their hero, western history authorities say the most ex citing thing Bat ever did was to hide behind a saloon piano when a gunman was on the prowl. The westerners of yesteryear might wonder how the modern day cowpoke would even want to squeeze into a pair of tight pants instead of the comfortable "hair pants" right off the cow. But Hollywood and the horses were made for each other and it was love at first Bight. But how comes? Nobody knows for sure, Time reports, but the psychoan alysts are looking at such things as sex symbols (all those guns, of course); Oedipal patterns (to kill the wicked sheriff really means to kill Pop) ; and indirect aggressions (women are likely to think of their husbands in the villain's role.) But although the westerns (even the adult ones) are probably as phony as a P.T. Barnum attraction of the cen tury, who can say that they ought to be abolished. Dont you feel kind of a feeling of empathy for Maverick as he gallops to triumph every Sunday night? And besides, all them TV Western ladies are so purty. Kiss and Hit Driver Injured Kiss and run? Or kiss and hit The Loc Angeles State Col lege T'mes reports that one of its reporters 6lammed into the back of another car when his girlfriend kissed him. Both are now in the hospital with serious injuries. CUOMPCHOCfW find a place where they could dance. I am sure that if they had the facility of dancing at the Student Un ion, they would have appre ciated very much, and yet spent less money than they would elsewhere. Frankly speaking, I can hardly pin down the things that attract me in the Stu dent Union. I certainly liked some of the programs by the nation's prominent art ists that were offered at the Union. But the admission rates were so high that I could not take advantage of them. Of .course, the movies were free, and as such I did not miss any. Handy Idea Perhaps, it mi?ht be a good idea, as Bob Handy suggested, to include $1.25 or even $1. a semester witj our tuition fees. This mon ey might assist the city Stu dent Union to invite more nd better artists and yet everybody would have the the privilege to free ad- mission. I must congratu late Bob Handy for his bril liant idea, and I sincerely hope that every student would support this propors al. In an institution of seven to eight thousand students, it is sad to note that a very small fraction of the stu dents take advantage of the Student Union. The City Union officials and the members of the Activities Committee are doing the best to satisfy the students on the campus. But, they seem to feel that the re sponse is not very satisfac tory. There is. nothing much that can be done unless the students co-o p e r a t e with their suggestions. Perhaps, the Student Union might conduct a poll. Or a "sug gestion box" might be placed in the Union prem ises where the students might put in their sugges tions. We have an excellent Stu dent Union. But, there is something that is lacking. Perhaps you might have the answer! One Million Trees Shipped to State Karl Loerch, University ex ten:ion forester, is in charge of shipping approximately one million trees to points throughout Nebraska. The trees are being shipped from nursery beds at the Ne braska National Forest. Some 35 local residents are assist ing University and U. S. For est personnel in the job. OyCANHAVE"WlA5T0NE.. IF fM NOT A CAUSE WHAT IS ? IBEUfVElNTWCALgEOF 60OD0L'AE!THAT5 TKf CAUSE I reufevt IN! A Few Words . . . By e.e. IUnes Of A Kllld Somehow an issue of that provider of thorough and un biased reports of the goings on and out of the University of Nebraska creeped into my garret the other day. Be fore band aging up my coffee grounds in this partic ular edition of t h e Ne braskan, I took time to review it carefully in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the state of my fellow men. And behold! I saw where the University was having trouble figuring out what to do with its watch work remnants and was willing to bend an ear to anyone who might be able to step in and set time and the Elgin building aright once more. Perhaps the reason why the solution has not yet been reached is because it is so obvious. Elgin Build ing, I suggest, should be converted into the Depart ment of Conformity and Wholesome Recreation. This department would include an area for all functions by University student groups. The obvious advantage is that when students are searching for a place to hold their p r e-f ormal gin gerale parties they will not be subjected to shysters who charge exorbitant rent with out including such essential extras as chaperons. The sprawling one-time factory could offer all of these services in a handy well registered package. One feature not to be over looked is the fact that with all social functions confined to the campus the students will not have to cross civil ian streets which serve as "avenues for fiendish men waiting to pounce on unes corted sorority girls, as well as by-paths for intemperate drivers. ' Also included in the De partmentof Conformity should be those knights of virtue the campus police whose devotion to duty has cleaned student parking areas of .unqualified park ers. These fellows have done such a fine job that they deserve better quar ters. Where else but the Elgin Building in some spot adjacent to the social func tion area where raids may be conducted in swift, pre cise fashion when some devil's disciples smuggle in ale of a non-ginger nature in an effort to defile a 1 1 that the University stands for. Another feature in the Department of Conformity, should be classrooms for freshman orientation cours es which are badly needed in order to acquaint new stu dents with the serious na ture of the University enter prise. This course should emphasize the need for rap port between the adminis tration and students with special care taken to make the students feel at home. The administration, it should be stressed in this course, wants you to look upon it as your parents away from home just as the University is your home away from home. There should be no hesitancy on the part of the administration to explain that it hopes it won't have to spank you, and that it won't as long as you are a good little boy or girl. Les sons should be included on: Ten easy ways to love your studies. Ten easy ways to avoid temptation. Ten easy ways to love the administration. , Ten easy ways to do as you are told. The scope of my program is such that, of course, I have not been able to work out all of the details. But I iWSiJ I CAM Thc panic tu i on; I kTNOti), AND I BUCVE y TuirrAixc! J tuc i -7 GOOD .-'i.Sw am sure that many of you will agree that utilization of the Elgin Building in thc fashion I have suggested will help bring nearer the day when students and ad ministration dwell together in peace and happiness as one big good-hearted fam ily. Letterip The Dsitr Kebrasfcn riH ptffeltifc aly iImm tetter whir mrr Kfd. (setters attar kinf fcndivtdaaJa must carry the author s Mine. Otbert majr se initials r a prn aame. Letter aitirald aot eroeetf 800 words. Vl'hea letters ciceeed this Itmtt tha Ne vraftkaa reaarves the nrM sa caa sben retaial&K ttaa writer's srwa. Winn r . Downgrading To the Editor: I have noticed that there have been a number of let ters in the "Letterrip" downgrading Judy Truell's mind and her column, "My Little World." Roger Bor land has written something on her behalf in his last column but this conveys nothing to the students as he may just be being kind to a fellow staff writer. As a student with no connec tion with the newspaper I would like to say that I happen to like Judy's col umn and am sure that many other silent readers do also. The reason I like them is that they are well written and interesting. The "Daily Nebraskan" is a newspaper and as such is composed of news items and columns. If tiese columns were removed all that would remain would be a very bland fact sheet and I am sure that is not what the editor has in mind when he asks for material. If some people do not appreciate something that is written by a college stu dent, accepted by a college newspaper and printed in that paper then they should look to themselves first be fore they start pointing at anyone eise. It may very well be that the trouble lies with their not being able to understand the sub ject matter. When I read something that confuses me I do not say that it is poor ly written, I say that I do not understand. By doing this I may be letting some poorly written material slip by without the criti cism it deserves but I do not wind up condemning good writing. Rodger H. Skidmore Tremendous To the Editor: I feel that the plan sub mitted by Mr. H a n d y for taking fl.25 from each stu dent's t u i t i o n is tremen dous. This is something the University has heeded for a long time. It also seems like the most practical way to do something like this. Since I am sure that were we to have to pay for the attrac tions separately, the price would far exceed the $1.25 per semester. I suggest that the Union do what is necessary to promote this project so that it will be workable by next school year if possible and for sure in two years. Waiting Vice-Versa To The Editor: Has it occurred to you, as it has to me, that the world is full of illusions? During my high school days I looked for ward to classes at the Uni versity of Nebraska where the professors would shuffle into the classroom stroking long grey beard. But in stead of watching the young cleanshaven professors glide into the room, I count the beards on my classmates. Joan L. Graf