The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1959, Image 1

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Rggeats Accept Bids
For 'Alleys, Carpeting
4 ? .
To Travel
To Russia
Study Planned
On Cosmic Rays
The University director of
one of nine official cosmic ray
stations in the U.S., Dr. Rob
ert Chasson, will attend the
1959 Congress of Cosmic Ray
tee" in Mos
cow this sum
mer. Dr. Chas
son is one of
a p p r o x i
mately 20 to
30 American
who have
been invited
to the interna
tional meet- Chasson
ing. The meeting is sponsored
bi-annually by the Internation
al Union of Pure and Applied
A $1150 grant from the Na
tional Science Foundation will
pay his expenses. The grant
was accepted Thursday morn
ing by the Board of Regents.
This will be the first inter
national cosmic ray meeting
in which results of the Inter
national Geophysical Year
will be extensively discussed.
Approximately 50 researchers
from outside the Soviet Union
are expected to attend.
Dr. Chasson also has been
to a planning meeting of
the sub-committee on cos
mic ray intensity variations a
week before the main sessions
Dr. Chasson will present a
paper, "Local and World Wide
Cosmic Ray Variations during
the Period of Geo-Magnetic
Disturbance, which he co-
authored at the main meet
ings, July 6-11.
He attended the "I n t e r-
American Course in Cosmic
Rays" at Bariloche, Argentina
earlier this year.
By Sondra Whalen
Bids for the bowling alleys
and carpeting of the new Un
ion were approved by the
Board of Regents yesterday.
The bowling alleys and pin
setters will be built by Bruns
wick for approximately $115,
265. Brandeis and Sons will
handle the Carpeting for $9,-
Money from Bonds
The Board stressed the fact
that money for the new Union
and its facilities came from
revenue bonds, not tax funds.
The Board also approved
the beginning of negotiations
for the sale of the lot at the
northeast corner of 16th and
R streets to the Wesley Foun
dation. The price will be $48,-
The Wesley Foundation,
which now operates the Mem
dist Student Center at 1417 R,
wants to build a new Student
Center. The Board added that
they would make a stipulation
that 16 southern feet of the
lot be landscaped, and not
used for parking.
Elevator Bid
In other action, the Board
accepted the $25,373 low bid
of the Otis Elevator Co. for
elevator renovation at the
South Building, C o 1 1 e g e of
Medicine in Omaha.
They also approved the low
bid of $24,789 from Newberg
and Bookstrom Co. for air
conditioning of the Biochem
istry Building on the Agricul
tural campus.
Grants totaling $231,239
were accepted by the Board,
including $143,337 from the
U.S. Public Health Service for
the construction of a research
unit on the College of Medl
cine campus.'
Mental Treatment
The U.S. Public Health
Service also gave a $57,370
grant for a pilot screening
treatment unit for mentally
retarded at the C o 1 1 e g e of
Thirty-two appointments to
the graduate faculty were ac
cepted, effective Sept. 1, 1959.
Five resignations were ac
cepted and four leaves of
absence were approved.
Dr. H. Lloyd Weaver, as
sociate professor of botany,
was granted a two year leave
of absence to accept an as
signment with the University's
Field Mission in Turkey. The
leave is effective June 1.
Dr. Weaver will become
arts and science advisor for
the new University of Ataturk
in Erzurum, Turkey, which is
being patterned after the University.
Dr. Don Kanel, associate
professor of agricultural eco
nomics, was granted a year's
leave to teach at the Univer
sity of Punjab at Chandighar,
India. The teaching program
is being supported by Ford
Foundation. i
Nine new appointments to
the teaching staff also were
mils HBm W
Vol. 33, No. 91
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, April 10,
Is P
Of University Faculty Loss
By Marilyn Coffey
A total of 144 full-time staff
members left the University
during the last two years,
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
told the Legislature's budget
committee yesterday.
This constituted a turnover
of 23 per cent, he said.
The major portion of the
University's requested $4.2
million increase for their
continuation budget is to in-
Ten Posts Open:
Cornhusker Staff
Interviews Slated
Filings End
SC Applications
Due Tomorrow
Filings for Student Tribun
al close at noon today. Noon
tomorrow is the deadline for
Student Council filings.
The tribunal filings were
originally scheduled to close
Wednesday afternoon but
they have been extended to
allow more students to apply,
according to Mary McKnight,
chairman of the Council nom
inating committee.
Filing blanks and a sign up
tip sheet for tomorrow's inter
views are available outside
room 305 Student Union.
Twenty students had applied
for the seven student judge
positions by Thursday after
noon. College representatives
must have 25 bona fide signa
tures of members of their
college on their application
blank which must be in by
noon tomorrow. Organization
representatives must also
file by the same deadline but
the 25 signatures are not nec
essary. Students who have applied
for Tribunal so far are:
Larry K i 1 s t r u p , John
Holmes, Ingrid Leder, Bob
Paine, Bob Kaff, Chuck Wil
son, Dick Kelley, Mary Lou
Reese, Pat Anderson, Paul
Thomas, Don HalL Gary Kil
day. Carroll Novlckl, Sally Smi
ley, Rod Ellerbush, Jim Cad
wallader, Judy Truell. Bob
Grimit, Alice Baumgartner
and Dave McConahay.
Interviews for positions on
the Cornhusker staff w i 1 1 be
held April 30 at 2 p.m. in the
Faculty Lounge of the Union.
Open positions include edi
tor, two associate editors, four
managing editors, business
manager and two assistant
business managers.
Pub Board Interviews
Any full time undergradu
ate student with a weighted
average of 5 or above may
apply. The Board of Student
Publications will conduct the
Applications may be ob
tained from the School of
Journalism office, 309 Bur
nett. April 24 at 5 p.m. is the
deadline for submitting applications.
The editor receives $85 a
month and is general manager
of the editorial staff. The two
associate editors, one in
charge of photography and
the other copy, receive $50 a
The four managing editors
each coordinate pictures and
copy for four or five sections
of the Cornhusker. They re
ceive $40 a month.
The Cornhusker business
staff Is headed by the busi
ness manager who handles all
financial problems Involved in
production. His salary is $85
a month.
One assistant business man
ager deals with contracts and
the other handles advertising
space.. They receive $40 a
More Color
This year's Cornhusk
er, edited by Sharon McDon
ald, will be out May 15. Addi
tional color, unusual layouts
and informal copy have been
included in this year's books.
Staff members work every
afternoon, some mornings and
some evenings, according to
Miss McDonald.
SC Clarifies
Card Playing
In Library
The Student Council
Wednesday clarified its posi
tion on card playing in t h e
Love Library study room.
Council members pointed
out that their main intention
in asking that cards not be
used in the study room was
to keep the room open as long
as possible for student use.
According to Richard Far
ley, associate library director.
the room will eventually be
needed by the library for a
regular reading room or for
book storage.
Council members expressed
hope that even after the pres
ent room is closed that new
space could be found in the
library for students to relax
a moment and eniov a coke
while they were studying.
yney explained that the
card playing might jeopardize
the Council's chances to ob
tain such a room in the future.
Brooks Requests
Budget Increase
"The governor has indicated all along that he has
recognized the need for our salary requests," Chancellor
Clifford Hardin told the Daily Nebraskan yesterday.
"We're very pleased with his letter."
Gov. Ralph Brooks, in a letter to Sen. Otto Liebers,
chairman of the Legislature's Budget Committee, increased
his original recommendation for the University budget by
$2 million dollars.
Instead of the initially proposed $23 million from tax
funds for the University during the next biennium, the gov
ernor recommended $25 million.
"It is a question of the source of funds," A. C. Breck
enridge, dean of faculties, commented.
Dr. Joseph Soshnik, University comptroller, explained
to budget committee members why some of the University
funds, although reported as part of the University, budget,
are unavailable to supplement the general cash fund allot
ment for the institution.
"Auxiliary enterprises, such as the dormitories, the
Student Union, collegiate athletics, the bookstore, are self
liquidating," Dr. Soshnik said. More cash balances in
these areas are used to pay off revenue bond issues, bills,
and some is accumulated to buy new equipment when
"If there is no income, there are no expenditures (in
these areas)," he said.
"Some $4 million a year ($8 million per biennium) is
absolute double accounting, in terms of the University's
total expenditures," Dr. Soshnik said.
"This is a matter of statutory requirement," he com
mented. "We're not asking for an appropriation from the gen
eral fund for these areas," the comptroller told the com
mittee. Gov. Brooks, in his original budget recommendations
statement, recommended (in addition to the $23 million
from tax funds) $2 million to come from Fund 407A and to
be applied to salaries, research and purchase of equipment.
Fund 407A includes the self-liquidating operations and
is one of the revolving accounts, Dr. Soshnik told the Budget
Committee yesterday, that is unavailable for general use.
Stute Sisters
Elected to Posts
Two sisters have been se
lected secretary and treasurer
of the Independent Women's
Kay Stute was elected sec
retary and Alfrieda Stute was
elected treasurer of the
group, which was formerly
known as BABW.
Publicity chairmen are Beth
Swoboda and Madge Haumont
while Betty Mann w a s se
lected historian. Representa
tives from the independent
women's houses were in
stalled last night.
Kalico Klickers
The Kalico Klickers Square
Dance Club will hold a dance
April 10 at 8 p.m. at 130 So. 11.
Howey Wins
Curtis Prize
A $50 Scena Hansen-Curtis
award was presented April 9
to Richard Howey as the out
standing senior majoring in
German at the University.
Howey is president of Delta
Phi Alpha, honorary German
fraternity, and a member of
Palladian Literary Society.
The "Scena Hansen-Curtis
Prize," originated last year,
was given to the University
by Mrs. Edwin Curtis, Min
den. Formerly Scena Hansen,
she graduated from the Uni
versity in 1907.
The award was presented
by the chairman of the de
partment of Germanic Lan
guages and Literature, Dr.
William K. Pfeiler.
Last year's award was
awarded to Joan Weerts.
crease salaries of their fac
ulty and administrative staffs.
Requests Explained
Yesterday was the second
day the committee members
listened to members of t h e
University explain their budg
et requests.
Wednesday Gov. Ralph
Brooks, in a revised state
ment, recommended a $4 mil
lion increase in tax funds for
the University. Brooks origin
ally requested a $2 million
hike in funds.
In a letter to the Budget
Committee, Brooks said he
was recommending the in
crease with the "understand
ing" that it is to be used "ex
clusively for salaries of ad-
ministrative and instructional
$25 Million
The University has request
ed a total of $25,275,700 in tax
fund for the coming biennium
to continue its present serv
ices, plus another $1.6 million
for expansion of services.
Of the 144 persons that left
the University. 10 were full
professors, 20 associate p r c
fessors, 45 assistant profes
sors and 69 instructors, the
chancellor told the commit
tee. Salary Increase
On the average, an increase
of $2,500 in salary was real
ized when the people left the
employe of the University.
One person received a $6,000
A similar report submitted
two years ago showed that
three full professors and 16
associate professors had left
during that bienium, com
pared to the 10 professors and
20 associate professors that
left during this biennium.
Other Funds
The question of the use of
the University's revolving
cash funds and funds from
s e 1 f-liquidating operations
came up at the hearing.
Dr. Joseph Soshnik, Univer
sity comptroller, explained
that apparent cash, balances
showing in the budget for
these funds were not, in fact,
actual cash balances.
Nebraska has a program of
sending veteranary students
to Colorado, Kansas, Iowa and
Oklahoma to receive their
training.. The program, initi
ated four years ago, pays the
institution $1,200 for each Ne
braska vet student the Univer
sity approves. This places Ne
braska boys on a resident stu
dent basis.
"The program has worked
exceedingly well, Chancellor
Hardin commented. "We're
getting our needs served for
one tenth the annual cost (of
operating a veterinary pro
gram in Nebraska)," he said.
The University s expansion
budget was discussed and Dr.
J. P. Tollman, dean of the
Collge of Medicine in Oma
ha, presented the needs of his
school and Bruce Snyder,
rancher from Paxton, recom
mended the requested experi
mental station bs located in
the Sandhills.
Dr. Tollman's requests for
the Med college included an
assistant to the chairman of
the department of surgery and
a University hospital opera,
ing room. This would Include
the cost of equipment, drug
supplies and a nursing team
both for the operating room
and in the wards.
Eventually, the school would
like to add a physical thera
pist to their department of
physical medicine and rehab
Byrnes Says U.S., Soviet War Inevitable
Russian Expert Discusses Background of USSR
Counselors Pick
Soph Officers
Two sophomores In Teach
ers were selected the secre
tary and treasurer of Coed
Dorothy Sellentin was se
lected secretary and Shirley
Shiff was named treasurer.
Miss1 Sellentin is a Builders'
assistant, member of Red
Cross Board, treasurer of Al
pha Lambda Delta, secretary
of Newman Club, member of
UNSEA and Aquaquettes and
activities chairman of Delta
Delta Delta.
Miss Shiff is a member of
ACE, Sigma Delta Tau and Is
house representative
of YWCA.
By George Moyer
Russia would probably be
creating world tensions today
even if there had been no
Communist revolution in 1917.
That's the opinion of Dr.
Robert Byrnes, chairman of
the department of History at
Indiana University and ex
pert on Russian and Eastern
European history.
Dr. Byrnes also told a ton
vocation In Love Library
auditorium Thursday morning
that war between the United
States and Russia was in
evitable. "Russia and the United
States are like two basket
ball teams. Put them togeth
er on the same floor (the
world) and they will settle
things. The pattern of his
tory das been set."
The visiting professor told
listeners, "We would proba
bly be having the same kind
of troubles with Russia to
day even if there had been
no communist revolution.
Actually, the 1917 revolution
is not too important in Rus
sian history."
Four Factors
Dr. Byrnes cited four fact
ors wnlcn ne believes nave
influenced Russian attitudes.
"Most people tend to think
that Russia has western tra
ditions like our own," he
said. "This is not true they
are not like us."
The first factor that influ
ences the Russian mind is
the size of the country, ac
cording to Dr. Byrnes Rus
sia has no natural barriers to
invasion except in the south.
It is a huge, relatively flat
country very vulnerable to
invasion from the west.
"The constant danger of In
vasion emphasizes a strong
central government," Dr.
Byrnes said.
Moreover, Russia is not in
habited principally by Rus
sians. Only about 50 per cent
of the population is Russian
and only 40 per cent of this
is the ruling Great Russian
West Berlin Feared by Russians
Among Soviet leaders there Is a fear that
West Berlin will continue to progress eco
nomically and present an example of dem
ocratic capitalism which Communism has
not matched.
This statement was made by Professor
Robert Byrnes, chairman of the depart
ment of history at the University of Indi
ana, as he outlined the present crisis in the
Berlin situation.
Thursday Talk
. Also taking part in the discussion Thurs
day afternoon was Albin Anderson, profes
sor of history.
In describing the causes of the present
crisis, Byrnes said that Soviet leaders
would like to snuff out West Berlin because
It is a garrison of the West In the heart of
East Germany.
Then Professor Byrnes switched to the
Foreign Ministers Conference and possible
Summit Conference scheduled for this
summer, which he expects Soviet leader
Nikita Khrushchev to use for issues other
than the Berlin crisis for the purpose of
forcing a discussion of other economic and
political problems.
Byrnes expects Khrushchev to cause a
large amount of political tension and pos
sibly even minor skirmishes in Europe to
force the Berlin Issue before the Summit
meeting. Consequently, he predicts a wide
spread fear of war in the late spring or
early summer before the Summit meet
ing. He outlined the Soviet goals at the Sum
mit meeting.
First, Khrushchev will probably try to
get full recognition for East Germany from
the West. At present East Germany's ex
istence Is recognized by the terms set at
the Yalta conference, but East Germany is
not recognized officially.
Control Routes
If East Germany does deceive full rec
ognition, it will have the right to control
the routes to West Berlin. This will mean
the end of West Germany.
Secondly, Byrnes expects Khrushchev to
try to split the West by creating suspicion
among the United States and Its allies in
Western Europe.'
As to the outcome of the Summit confer
ence, Professor Byrnes doesn't forsee any
substantial changes in the present status
of West Berlin.
"The efforts of the Com
munist to master the various
peoples of Russia is one rea
son for the oppressive poli
cies of the last 40 years,"
according to Dr. Byrnes.
A further factor has been
Russia's religious conversion
from Byzantium.' "The Czar
considered converting the na
tion to Mohammedenism,"
Dr. Byrnes said, "but Mo
hammedans cannot drink and
Russia wasn't a dry state."
As a result, there has nev
er been a conflict between
the church end the state In
Russia. The religion has al
ways been an annex of the
government. In the west
many of the basic freedoms
were derived from the
church-state - conflict.
The fourth reason for the
present Russian absolute
government can be found in
the Mongol dictatorship
which lasted for 250 years.
The Mongols left a tradition
of autocratic government that
is still unbroken.
"Because of the Mongol
rule from the 13th to the 16th
centuries, Russia never had
the middle ages or the Ren
aissance. In the west, the
ideas of limited and decen
tralized government came
from thess two periods," Dr.
Byrnes giui
Pointed questioning by Sen,
William Moulton of Omaha
ensued during part of the
University's expansion budg
et presentation yesterday.
"What's going to happen at
the Fort Robinson area,?" he
inquired. "There's a lot of
area up there going complete
ly to waste."
The University Ag experi
mental station is located in
the area. The questioning fol
lowed the recommendation by
Bruce Snyder, rancher from
Paxton, that the budget allot
ment be increased to allow
the building of an experimen
tal station in the sandhills.
"There's a pine ridge and
bluff area there that certainly
can't be used in the Experi
ment station," the senator
He indicated that it might
be put to better use if it
were turned into a fish and
game recreation area.
William Lambert, director
of the agricultural experimen
tal station, pointed out that
surveys indicated that the
area cited by Sen. Moulton
had more carrying capacity
in terms of grazing cattle rban
some of the land not on the
Earlier," Snyder, speaking
for the Sandhills Experimen
tal station, said, "No other
place has soil conditions that
allows (the researchers) to do
work that appues to the sand
hills." "You won't find any mora
tax-conscious people in Ne
braska than the ranchers," he
concluded, but these same
people aren't hedging about
paying money for research.
That's not an expenditure,
that's an investment."
IFC Slate
The 1959 IFC Student Coun
cil slate has been tentatively
announced by the IFC politi
cal committee.
The candidates were chosen
from approximately 35 appli
cants in a four-hour long in
terview session.
The candidates and their
colleges are:
Agriculture: Don Epp,
Farm House.
Arts & Sciences Ken Tem
pero, Theta Xi; Tom Frolick,
Beta Theta Pi.
Business A d m 1 nistratlont
Dick Newman, Sigma Chlj
Larry Kilstrup, Phi Gamma
Teachers: Roy Neal, Delta
Tau Delta j Dave Myers, Phi
Dentistry: Bob Theda, Sis
ma Phi Epsilon.
Law: Jim Fournier, TU
Gamma Delta.
Engineering: Bill Bogaa,
Sigma Nu; Winston Wade,
Alpha Tau Omega; Don
Gable, Delta Sigma Phi.
The IFC political committee
is headed by newly ap
pointed committee chairman.
Bob Paine.
Eli Thompson represented
Alpha Gamma Sigma, Gary
Frenzel, Alpha Taa Omega;
Ron Gierhan, Beta Sigma
Phi; John Glynn, Beta Theta
PI; Bill Duffey, Delta Sigma
Phi, and Tom Neff, Delta Taa
The slate is subject to tht
approval of the IFC at thai
next meeting