The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Pege 2
The Daily Nebraskon
Wednesday, April 8, 1959
Editorial Comment:
63Mrl0u).HE JUST ISN'T...
Howell Should Stay
A Student Theatre
( 5IGH fe)
Utej 1
The University Theatre is fortunate to
be able to find an experienced amateur of
John Wenstrand's caliber to play the lead
in their final production of the season,
"Ah Wilderness."
There is just one disturbing factor about
the selection of Mr. Wenstrand for the
part. He is no longer a student at the
This difficulty has been cleared with the
office of student affairs, however, so there
is no technicality which could prevent Mr.
Wenstrand from assuming the role.
The selection of a non-University student
for the part sets a precedent that might
be abused. In the past, parts in University
productions have been reserved for stu
dents in keeping with the purpose of the
theatre to provide University students
with an opportunity to accumulate some
time in the theatre as part of their educa
tional experience.
We might point out that Mr. Wenstrand
was not given the part with the intent of
thwarting this purpose. Since the speech
department and its students have also un
dertaken the production of "The Taming
of the Shrew" for the Lincoln centennial,
their available personnel have been spread
too thin. When the student originally sched
uled to take Mr. Venstrand's Part was
forced to withdraw from school, the speech
department had no choice but to look out
side the University for talent.
This seems a shame, since tryouts for a
University Theatre production are open to
any University student. There must have
been someone around with enough of the
old Vic (that's a V, folks) in him and
enough theatrical experience to step into
the role.
We hope that the speech department
won't find it necessary to continue to go
outside the campus to fill the leading
roles in its plays. We think that the Uni
versity theatre is primarily an amateur
organization and if the quality of the pro
duction has to suffer slightly to provide
upcoming student thespians with the ex
perience they desire, we can take it.
At the same time, we hope that the
students won't allow their own apathy to
deprive them of one of their most impor
tant student traditions student theatre.
Elgin What to Do?
Now that we have it, what are we go
ing to do with it?
That's the problem facing the Univer
sity. They have the huge Elgin plant on
their hands at the present time and they
want to know how best to utilize the space
It gives them.
There is another problem connected with
the space too. The Elgin building is some
what far removed from the campus prop
er. Students having classes there would
have quite a sprint to make it to their
next class on time if it were located in
Ferguson, for instance.
This problem, isn't as bad as it first ap
pears, however. Students who think that
is a long trek ought to see the Wisconsin
campus. Most of the buildings are built
atop hills overlooking a lake. They are
usually surrounded by approximately an
acre of ground.
Wisconsin solves their problem in a
manner that has already been suggested
to University officials: they keep students
in one building as much as possible.
However, occasionally a student has a
class in another building. When this oc
casion arises, there is nothing for him to
do but hoof it.
Walking in Nebraska's weather really
isn't too bad two months in the spring
and fall of each year. Nevertheless, Uni
versity students bent on an education prob
ably wouldn't let something like that
stand in their way.
The strangest thing about the whole
question is the fact that there is any in
decision at all. When the University bought
the Elgin building, they said they needed
the space it would provide.
Certainly, they must have had some
thing specific in mind to use that space
for. They didn't pay $725,000 for extra
parking lots.
And if it wasn't practical to own a build
ing of that size, why did the University bid
at all?
This kind of confusion is what often
makes institutional life the subject of
whimsical cartoonists.
However, the Daily Nebraskan can see
the merit in taking a good long time to
decide what the building will be used for.
Once the decision is made, it will take a
lot of time and expense to unmake it if it's
a wrong one.
from the
Miss Sides
two student
Student Council and Student Tribunal
filings have opened this week both open
ings accompanied by frenzied activity on
the part of publicists for the two groups,
many stories in the Daily Nebraskan and
one large general "so
what" from most students.
That there is not a mass
exodus to sign up for
either of the two groups
is undoubtedly due to
many things, among them
a belief that student
bodies don't actually have
any final power (especial
ly in the case of a show
down between adminy and
student) and the seeming
ineffectualness of these
And, one must admit that the Council's
year has not been fraught with campus
shaking events. At times, it approached
real inefficiency e.g. losing ballot boxes
or sending a representative who didn't
care about what he was representing to a
faculty meeting.
The Council members have accom
plished several rather noteworthy things,
like their system of registration, and they
have a few good basic ideas which could
be worked out to the advantage of the
campus. An example of this is their plan
for sending student representatives to the
The Student Tribunal's work has been
clouded in such red tape type fog that no
one really has much idea of what it does.
The over-protected little crew of judges
Is generally regarded with suspicion by
most students, who if they do have any
Idea at all of what the Tribunal does usual
ly regard it as almost as effective as a
puppet play with the strings handled by
And again, the Tribunal has accom
plished much that it is not given credit
for. I understand that the Student Affairs
office has referred a large percentage of
Its cases to the Tribunal and that the
By Gretchen Sides
recommendations the Tribunal makes are
generally followed.
With all the furor and uproar created re
cently by student belief that a few of their
rights were being infringed upon, it does
not seem logical to me that the openings
of the two groups on campus which actual
ly provide the only means for students to
actively deal in the administrative and ju
dicial functions of their University should
be greeted by such that old word again
I can't claim that they are the most
powerful groups in the world or the most
efficient, but good grief they're all we've
got. And, they have given evidence of
definite possibilities. The usefulness of
any group is dependent upon the ability of
its membership, and generally competition
makes for better quality. Let's get out
there and compete a little. Why not take
some of that energy you waste climbing on
your soapbox and screaming about op
pression at NU and expend it toward some
thing that might get you somewhere. Let's
be logical about this even being in a place
where the screams are heard is certainly
.more advantageous than wearing out your
lungs in a closet, which is what you ac
complish by undirected and confused semi
rebellion. One little miscellaneous item that is
rather interesting came to my attention
the other day. A tribunal member men
tioned that the procedure of the tribunal
is pretty well left up to the members
themselves. This is just another example
of the importance of the question of who
will be chosing the new members. (Good
Heavens, this procedure is almost enough
to make the Daily Nebraskan resort to
graft, dirty politics, bribery or almost
any sort of method in order to get a mem
ber on the Tribunal who favors completely
open hearings.)
Seriously though, both Student Tribunal
and Student Council have a lot of poten
tial. Whether this potential is utilized and
in what manner it is utilized depends on
the members.
Daily Nebraskan
SIXTY-EIGHT TEARS OLD aenalfr reeponalbla for what they ear, ar to mt cum m
,.-,. mm printed. February 8, 1 955,
Member: Associated Collegiate Press ubeeriptiea rat. ars u m amaatar ar m tot u
lotereolleriste Press "t'""-
... ,, , , . Entered aeeootf elaae matter at the Bart effle t
Representative: National Advertising 8errlec Uwn. Mebraak. aimer , . mi
bscorporsted f"OBI?a' wtA"
Published et: Room . Student Onion !.LZ-&71''
Lincoln. Nebraska . t.''.:::::::::::::::::.
HtbAa jum k. Editor ::::::?!urtiV
n. mn, I.- WW . Tdmr. cTJ?,?hKm; c"" "
Weeaeeaa, d orlo ttw Mlw ww, awi Jr. , . r.iu,n ru Dean, T.i rtaetee
tmiHt wMsiiaM m eam perlcd.. ' Staff WHMn .. .. ... .Urliy (7tn7JmZZ
Onlvorvlty mt Heareeke under lb MtWulfci mi the oh, Hnerner. 1 mmm wmumm.
CommHtr m Stadeat Affaire mm eMre.lna of Ma- guff rkntofrapher Mlnette Tarter
ent opinion. Pablleall. ader " W''" RlBIXEft BTAFF
uixmmmttlM mm marten! rublleatiiwe ahall be free from BmilneM Manatee Jrr, bellentla
allortal moubmHIb m lite mmrt ml I be Rubenmmlttee at AaaUfant Banlneee Manac'ri , sua Kalmaa.
a bM pert ml aar member mt faealtjr mt the Da. barime Grow, Nona Boolflnf.
awi. Toa mtmmm at the Hcbraaaaa atott ar per- Clae.iriee Manager ...Oil Oradj
Daily Nebraskan Letterip
The Oeilr Nebraskaa will pabllsb
nly those letters whirb are alined.
Lctteri attatklix individual limit
cairy tbr author'! name. Otbera mar
a Inil'ali er a " name. Letteia
liou'd ;t eered 109 word. Vlhra
lelten eered thia llm'l - the No
hrakan reserves the rifht to con-d-n.r
them, the writer's
Thank You
To the Editor:
During the pre-Easter va
cation a group of us, for
eign students, were the
guests of the Mortar Boards
on the occasion of its re
cent tour of the state of
Nebraska. It is our opinion
that this tour was quite
educational and enjoyable.
It served to acquaint us
with the geography of the
State of Nebraska and, also,
afforded us an opportunity
to see and analyze certain
aspects of the "American"
way of life. Of course, it
'had its therapeutic and rec
reational values, too. This,
was a chance to release
our tensions and engage in
a bit of diversion, as all
other students like to do.
Most of all, it opened an
avenue for each of us to
learn and understand more
about the other to realize
why he is deserving of be
ing treated and regarded
as an equal.
Last Friday evening we
were entertained by Mr. &
Mrs. Mert Bernstein, who
had served as chaperons
during the above-mentioned
tour. The homely atmos
phere at this second activ
ity temporarily relieved us
of the nostalgia and isola
tion that we so often ex
perience. It motivated the
establishing of new relation
ships and the reinforcing
of older ones among stu
dents of different cultures
and countries, colors and
I take this opportunity to
publicly express, on behalf
of the foreign students in
volved, our gratitude to the
Mortar Board, the Bern
stein's, and all the other
individuals and organiza
tions which contributed to
the success of the activities.
It is our hope to have the
opportunity to return such
hospitable gestures to our
American counterparts in
the near future.
Roy S. Bryce
To the Editor:
To the author of the art
icle on featherbedding ad
ministrators in the March
31 issue of the Daily Ne
braskan: Dear Knucklehead:
1. Did you bother to stop
in at the Teacher Place
ment office while this al
leged featherbedding was
going on? If so you would
have seen many adminis
trators going through teach
ers credentials and sched
uling interviews for hiring
next years teaching staff.
2. Do you honestly think
that U of N freshmen would
take the time to look up
their high school adminis
trators or would appreciate
taking the time to be inter
viewed during spring vaca
tion if the administrator
came to them?
3. Did you consider the
fact that University fresh
men might be more likely
to voice their true feelings
while away from home and
on familiar University
grounds or the fact that the
administrators took the
time and trouble to come
to Lincoln shows a sincere
interest on their part and
not just an attempt at pay
ing lip service to the idea
that one can learn from
one's former students (pro
vided you can do so while
sitting in your own office)?
4. Do you honestly feel
that the vast majority of
our freshmen were utilizing
all the uninterrupted or
even interrupted study
time they could get one day
before vacation or were
they engaged in such schol
arly activities as: packing
for a trip home, driving
around the campus, sampl
ing a brew in whatever, hid
den spots are dear to the
hearts of freshmen nowa
days, etc.
5. Last, but. not least, if
you were a featherbedding
administrator would you
even rationally consider
stopping in dear old Lin
coln, Nebraska, if pleasure
were the uppermost in your
mind? The grass in Lincoln
is far from green compared
to other pastures northeast
of here.
Come, come, worthy au
thor. Admit,that your noble
tirade on saving the tax
payers money was just an
excuse to strike back at
school administrators in
order to revenge yourself
for having a "board of
education" applied to your
"seat of learning" by some
poor, underpaid, harassed,
school administrator who
had to contend with your
black deeds of misconduct
on top of: coaching all
three sports, teaching all
six periods a day, trying
to put through a long over
due redistricting plan and
build a new high school
building to replace the 50
year old eyesore that is the
pride and joy of the tax
payers, drive the school
bus to supplement his in
come, keep his teachers,
pupils, P.T.A., school pat
rons, taxpayers, and school
board members happy,
teach Sunday school and
take active leadership in
local church, social, and
business organizations, plus
'Proudly presents distinctive
Styled in
14K white or natural gold
with seven fine diamonds.
Federal Tax
commute to Lincoln or
Omaha one or two nights a
week, to take additional
coursework so that he may
become a better adminis
trator and teacher and thus
offer better educational
opportunities to youngsters
that probably will no more
begin to realize or even
appreciate his efforts on
their behalf than you do.
If by chance your old
high school administrator
did have the time to read
your editorial he probably
shook his head sadly,
reached for his bicarb of
soda, and muttered a brief
prayer that this year's crop
of Jinuckleheads would turn
out better than you did,
while he hurried down the
hall to his 6th period class.
D. B. Scott, Jr.
School Administrator
r i jfOTS
Outstanding Beauty, Quality, Value!
Choose your wedding ensemble from this new series,
designed in California, the world's style capital. Exqui
site settings for the brilliant beauty of the fine dia
monds! Rings of unusual glamour and most advanced
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Typewriters For Rent
Try Our Rental Purchase Plan
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125 No. 11th Phone 2-4234
Typewriter Ribbons Put On
(By the Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boytl "and,
"Barefool Boy with Cheek.")
While up in the attic last week hiding from the tax man, I cams
aciws a letter, yellow with age, that dear old Dad had sent me
when I was a freshman. I reproduce it below in the hope that
it may light your way as it did mine.
"Dear Son, (Dad always called me Son. This was Rhort for
Sonnenberg, which used to be my first name. I traded it lust
year with a man named Max. He threw in two outfielders and
a left-handed pitcher . . . But I digress.)
"Dear Son, (Dad wrote)
"I suppose you are finding college very big and bewildering,
and maybe a little frightening too. Well, it need not be that way
if you will follow a few simple rules.
"First of all, if you have any problems, take them to your
teachers. They want to help you. That's what they are there for.
Perhaps they seem a little aloof, but tliat is only because they
are so busy. You will find your teachers warm as and
friendly as pups if you will call on them at an hour when they
are not overly busy. Four a.m., for instance.
"Second, learn to budget your time. What with classes, activi
ties, studying, and social life all competing for your time, it is
easy to fall into sloppy habits. Set up a rigid schedule and stick
to it. Remember, there are only 24 hours a day. Three of these
hours must be spent in class. For every hour in class you must,
of course, spend two hours studying. So there go six more
hours. Then, as we all know, for every hour studying, you must
spend two hours sleeping. This accounts for twelve more hours.
Then there are meals three hours each for breakfast and lunch,
four hours for dinner. Never forget, Sonnenlerg, j'ou must
chew each mouthful 'twelve .hundred times. You show me a
backward student, and I'll show you a man who bolts his food.
r- Tmr JVS .
T... mar-1 v'!
- m
o I a
I Couiai
"But college is more than just sleeping, eating, and studying.
There are also many interesting activities which you must not
miss. You'll want to give at least three hours a day to the campus
newspaper, and, of course, another three hours each to the
dramatic and music clubs. And let's say a total of eight houri
daily to the stamp club, the debating club, and the foreign
aiTairs club. Then, of course, nine or ten hours for fencing and
bird-walking, and another ten or twelve for ceramics and three
card monte.
"Finally we come to the most important part of each day
what I call 'The Quiet Time.' This is a period in which you
renew yourself Jast relax and think great thoughts and smoke
Marlboro Cigarettes. Why Marlboro? Because they are the
natural complement to the active life.They have better 'makin V;
the filter filters; the flavor is rich and mellow and a treat to the
tired, a boon to the spent, a safe harbor to the storm-tossed.
That's why.
"Well, Sonnenberg, I guess that's about all. Your kindly old
mother sends her love. She has just finished putting up rathei
a large batch of pickles in fact, 350,000 jars. I told her that
with you away at school, we would not need so many, but
kindly old Mother is such a creature of habit that, though I hit
her quite hard several times, I could not dissuade her.
Keep 'em flying,
C last Mai Mela
Here'B more advice to freihmenand upperclastmen too.
if non-lilter cigarette are your pleasure, double your pleas,
ure with Philip Morris, made by the maker of Marlboro.