The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1959, Page Page 3, Image 3
Tuesday, April 7, 1959 The Daily NIebroskon Page 3 NU Soccer Club Scores Victory The University of Nebraska Soccer Club started the spring season with a (1-0) victory over the detachment of the Royal Air Force at Offutt Air Base, Omaha, Nebraska. In the first half of the game neither team was able to score. In the. second half, al though the Haskers played against the wind, their de fense composed of Joe Luk, Clark Bcltzell, Fernando Nottebolm, Martin Car raneedo, Les Heathcote and Otto Ludewig was strong enough to prevent the Brit ishers rom scoring. With five minutej left in 2he game, a good combina tion oc Fomliman G o n g e, Louie iiolnan, Hermann Rid- der and Mossou Wodadid broke the R.A.F. defense and scorde after being set up by Chiu Edmund. This victory gives the Huskers a 3-2 record against the A.A.F. in tha last two seasons. The Huskers will practice on Thursday in front of the Coli seum 4-6 p.m. and on Satur day at 8:30 in the Field House. Next game will be Sunday, April 12, against the Latvia Team in Lincoln at Peter Pan Park. Jennings Sends Huskers Through Fundamentals in Opening Drills Nebraskan Advertisers Patronize The 1, By Keith Bland Fundamentals and a pass ing scrimmage keynoted the first day of spring drills for at least 101 Huskers yester day afternoon as football coach Bill Jennings and his assistants put each player tnrougn ms respective drills. A warm April day domin ated the area and a few minor injuries were reported by some of the players. Among them was Archie Cobb, Georgia Tech transfer, who injured his thumb. A few others received minor cuts and scratches. Other Injuries Tim Barnes and Roger Cole saw limited action due to pre- DI Softball Results DU-8 Phi Psis 7 Kappa Sigma 11 Sigma Nu 4 SlLMSMff NEW WORLD DICTIONARY f the American Language, College Edition mora entries (142,000) more examples ef usage more idiomatic expressions more and fuller etymologies more and fuller synonymies most up-to-date Available at your college nor tiit WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY Cleveland and New York Gail Parker Wins Ping Pong Tale Gail Parker of Delta Gam ma won the women's intra mural table tennis singles title by defeating Sally Barnes of Alpha Xi Delta. Miss Park er won the match in two straight games. The scores were 21-13 and 22-20. The Delta Gamma wit gave revenge for the loss that Gretchen Shellberg, also" a DG, had suffered in the semi finals to Miss Barnes. Miss Parker gained the finals by winning over Lois Waser, an independent. vious wrist injuries, while Ron Meade, Minnesota quar terback, will see action In a few days when he gets out of the hospital Leroy Zierke will also be seeing limited action until bis knee injury gets better. Coach Jennings put the squad through two hours of basic fundamentals. The team was divided into tea Badmitton, Softball Intramurals in both bad mitton and softball go into the second round today. Five single matches in badmitton and four games in softball comprise the lineup for today in these sports. In badmitton, games 13, 14, 18, 20, and 22 will be played in the PE building. In game 13, Bill Harvey Ind. will meet Dave Godbey Theta Xi; game 14, Harold Christy Gus II will meet Gary Aksa mit Beta; game 18, Gary Adams SAE will meet Mar vin Rohner Gus II; game 20, Harvey AM Theta Xi will meet Sid Stastny Ind.; and game 22, Frank Tomson, Ind. will meet Joe Huber PEK. In softball, eight teams will see action. SAE will play Delta Sig; Brown Palace will meet the Delts; Farm House will go against the Ag Men; and SAM will meet the Beta Sigs. The badmitton games are scheduled for 6:30, 7:30, and 8:30. All softball games will start at 5:30 an the PE field. different squads. Each squad coaches. was put nnder Its respective paces by the assistant Jennings followed this with a short passing scrimmage. He divided the team in half and alternated the teams on offense and defense for more than a half-hour. He then had them run a few wind sprints following their passing scrimmage and sent them to the showers. 111 F HURRY! X.,H 'VW ' LAST 2 DAYS MY JEtSOa Kli9 DHMff TECHNICOLOR G5 from WARNER BOOSX MI!W!l-mRral-l80gD DG Posts High Riflery Score Delta Gamma posted the highest score in women's riflery this past week. The DGs scored 749 points, fol lowed by the Sigma Kappas with 740 and the Alpha Phis with 732. Top individual score was recorded by Carol Graves of Delta Gamma with 197-points out of a possible 200 points. Rosalie Hubl copped second place with 190 points, while the following tied for third with 189: Dorothy Dusek, Ter race Hall, Mary Lueking, ZTA, Eloise Newberry," DG, Gayle Peddie, KAT, and Bev Ruck, Alpha Phi. In team competition the AlDha Chi Omega defeated Terrace Hall, 719-714, Delta Gamma defeated Alpha Phi 1. 749-732, and Zeta Tau Alpha defeated Kappa Alpha Theta, 695-691. Next Saturday the Delta Gammas will face Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Xi Delta will meet Sigma Kappa. Softball Intramural softball games will begin tomorrow at 5:39 p.m. and all entries are doe not later than 5 p.m. today in room 102, Physical Edu cation Building. A meeting w ill be held for all team managers today in room 114 of - the Physical Education Building. .mm. , mm,u ... ..iiiim ii.i.i. m-.i rmmmmm,, wmumw n mi. i m.Ju.Wm.wiWm.a - I , , - V5 ir'rrif.T l ' it"' ' -x W I 'A I WAkh, fe', .frij- - I 1 i 1 y ill r ' : - -I v ! ti 'I Pj w mj Alii , . I nil . n I. I MOVE CONTROL PANEL: " , S llilJ'' tm TO LOWED Roller Combl btird etl tougher, rowi lon(-ri K) to trim lideburni. RICHT TO RAISE Roller Combj when ikln tel more tender, end for "teen-ege tkm." UNLIMITED fETTINGI In between tor every min t perunal flu Ing neede, , Rnll-A-Matie .having obsolete! them all! A (ingle fab ulous shaver now adjusts to solve every shaving problem from your first shave on, all through life no matter how your beard or skin may change. Secret's in Remington's exclusive Roller Combs. They made Remington America's biggest selling shaver roll skin down, comb whiskers up to reach your Hidden Beard: whisker bases below ordinary shaving level. Now, they adjust, fit any face -while 6 diamond-honed cutters in the largest live shaving area of all give you faster, closer shaves that last hours longer. So get the only shaver that adjtmts to you all your life-Remington's Roll-A-Matic Shaver. At your campus Remington dealer, or any jewelry, drug, department or appliance store. NEW I ADJUSTABLE ., mi m m fm 0m. mm"w W ffl P Xf r-"S i, ' i n 1151 II lUJIi on mot i a ixni hitm ELECTRIC SHAVER tv fti'W JXmmt Elmc&4e toar, t. R4 CwiM, Side1 J. Cic w 4fl mwt mn tu Hnhijlw ttuw Uil liwnd wnkiH Uclrl TV' No. I thaw "Cuntnolw" an the CIS TV Network. tikr Nebraska Pitching Still Unstable; Flock Shines 7J.t Si Flock By Hal Brown Baseball Coach Tony Sharpe is still undecided on who his three starting pitchers will be for this season, but after the fine job turned in by Dean Flock against t : souu Dakota State, Satur- 2J day, he will H un Houhterilv t be one of J$ them. Flock toiled four innings in re Uef Saturday and retired 12 of the 13 batters to face him. The only baserunner got on with a scratch single in the infield as only one ball got out of the infield and that was a lazy fly ball to rightfield. Flock struck out 5 as he had the Jackrabbit hit ters chasing his wide-breaking curve ball. .97 ERA Flock has given up only one earned run this season in 10 2-3 finnings of pitching to lead the team with an 0.97 earned run average. He also leads the pitchers in strikeouts with 12 and he has a one and one won-lost record. Sharpe was fairly well pleased with the pitching on the southern trip. It was pitch ing which figured to - cause him the most worries and it still could be his biggest headache. However, things aren't as dark as they were before the southern trip. Inexperience could be the biggest obstacle on the pitch ing staff as only Bob Glea son, Gil Dunne and Enlowe Hevner have pitched college ball. Sharpe would rather keep Dunne at second base unless he is forced to use liim on the mound. The re turning pitchers hurled only 77 1-3 innings last year as Dwight Siebler and Chuck Ziegenbein handled most of the pitching chores. Siebler signed a professional contract with the Philadelphia Phillies and is assigned to Williams port, Pa. of the Class A East ern League. Ziegenbein grad uated and will pitch for Far go, N. D. again this summer. Gleason i Gleason, a senior right 'hander from Fullerton, start ed two games on the southern swing and was charged with the loss in both of them. He has appeared in '11 innings and has a '4.86 earned run average. Hevner started against South Dakota State and was shelled from the box in the third inning. He had allowed only one hit in the first two innings, but he lost his con trol in the third and wasn't able to retire a man before he was replaced by Harry Tolly. Hevner has allowed 8 earned runs in 5 innings of pitching for an earned run average of 15.40. He has no won-lost record. Tolly, a letter-winning quar terback the past two seasons, gave up spring football for baseball and he has been fair ly impressive considering the fact that this is his first taste of baseball since his Ameri can Legion Junior days in North Platte. He is a 6-2, 193 pound fireballer, who can make the mitt pop when he decides to rear back and fire. He has struck out seven in nine innings of pitching. Ruisinger Ken "Spook" Ruisinger has yet to give up an earned run in five innings and he gamed credit for one of the Huskers wins on the southern journey. However, Ruisinger will prob ably spend most of the sea son at first base. Dick Welch, a sophomore from Lincoln, collected the other Nebraska victory. Welch's mam trouble right now seems to be control as he has walked four and thrown two wild pitches in C 2-3 inn ings of work. He oss a good 2.69 earned ran average. Orvis Larsen has pitched only two innings giving up one hit and two earned runs. The one hit off iim was a home Rifle Team Places Third The Nebraska Varsity Rifle Team placed third in the Big Eight Rifle Matches held in Manhattan, Kansas last week end. Kansas State took first place and Oklahoma State carried away the second place trophy. Scores Kansas State 1929 Oklahoma State im Nebraska 1864 New Record Top five shooters on the Ne braska team were: Ken Novotny, 387; Conley Cleveland, 379; Marvin Cox, 377; Dick Woolley, 376; Dick Christensen, 375. Ken Ncvotny was awerded a medal and a gold watch for firing the highest prone-stand score, 194200. !run by Jon Horning of South uaxota Mate witn two on. Dunne Relieves Dunne, the captain, will probably not be used as a j starter unless some unfore- i seen catastrophs happens. I The tiny second baseman who throws mostly junk, ala Eddie lLopat, could be used in re lief. The catching outlook is j bright despite Lhe loss of vet ' eran Jim Kane. The catching will be handled almost en ! tirely by two sophomores, Ely ; Churchich of Omaha and Earl : "Porky" Oltman of Lincoln, j Churchich and Oltman give .Nebraska the best backstop- pmg duo uat Sharpe has had in several season. Churchich was the starting catcher on the southern sojourn but Olt man was given the nod against South Dakota State, Saturday. Churchich is tie stronger thrower but he takes a little longer getting rid of the ball than Oltman. Oltman has two hits in five times at the plate for a .400 batting average. He has one run batted in. Churchich has been up 19 times and has four hits for a .211 average. He has three rbi's. Included in his four hits is one home run. 4 stOH uio$pwg sa3H0ii3na3Aivd n a is j. o laow s liN3lLaaiiv otT v a (In a yan(sv)jD Tjii a v o stiL; sla a mo onnfo Js,4L a 3X o a T In 3 fflv n i tIJtTv zzZZ a v tTs 2 HI vis rst i n n Q a ajv no? i a d a 3 s n vTTT OlH 1 h aw 13 N 3 1 illpF a 3 AO si xi iiMisljalvlwlonivid 14 Fly Um $ Routes first Imagine yourtdf winging year wy to Amarioi's most fascinating ri tie ... or panaing the ocean I tnrcipcan cspnou no um twar w:np of the world's finest airliners! Yea, this could happen to yval Ahead of yon lies an exciting, prc &tabW fuUna as a TWA hosted. You ear a yoa leant with TWA. You II; free on your TWA paaa. Yoa meet new people, mate new meooa. It you can meet these qualification . . . are between 20-27; are z to ana ' between 130 nrd 135 lbs.... 2 yen Ins'ni experience or the eqnrnlent oi -ouege,or narw'a tranun ... ba a dear complexion good vision ... no g)Mw . and are unmarried ... then i gi your career ai a TWA baste by contactings . Mr. T. W. Dick TWA Suit Fonrencll Hotel, Omaha Wednesday, April 8 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. 1 KROSSWORD 0a 20 ACROSS 1. Mount Inr a turry ntg:ht ft. Important parts of burlesqtw tt.8pnttuo nocfa tim st th fead bag 14. Rmnibla principle U.MUd ralnsfalnc 16. Gocae in a mixed-op snara 17. Short lor Ika or Etn U. Nothing, tnada out of yarn CO. Kind of varsity ZL Half of Wittenberg with a lotta sn S2. One raponsa to "What do yousajr?" 18. Fresco's first name Si. Memsurs of newspaper spaes 28. Poll eat 17. Best psrt of Barry 19. Hardly those fctiers in Westerns 0. Create a neck 82. It's run out of on moonlight drives 15. Theatrical eowsbed St. Cheuiit, the eopat 40. Kind of to 42. Understanding between nations 44. Onseywi mTLt-A, ymi'U iiSwaya 4o. Unparca the Ups 44. Man ban died 47. They rhyme with etchers DOWN 1. Companion of eircurostanos . I. Kind of ate $. Tbm-eounding sound 4. Scraps at the end of eporta t. Jongg's first name 4. This musie just naan't fot tone it down; i light up a Kool I. Don't got t. Lad from Kentucky 10. Another way to switch from "hots' 11. Rock V roller 12. Are these bass sergeants! 19. Slightly reluctant ZL They een made a rope out of it 22. Switch from bote to Filter Kool 5. Kind of Y tower 28, The 28. This one's Impossible IL Frenohy moo Juice 12. When tbia la last, you're finished S3. Gal from Alabama 4. Put away 85. Made babla 87. Pot tattenar J8. Road In Vlterbo l. of iniquity 41. It sounds as U she saw a mouse 48. Half a twitch , It h U Is 1; l "U 'o I'i M TZ a TJ I? ii rr "-2s t , ISRaam , ail ARE VOU KODL CMOUGM TO 2J 37" 2J "" """" KRACK TWIS?" . mmmm waaarai LMMMII '''''''rWJ-' X-7swwa nnsaawi ZT 2M ; iT """" " " ' """ 40 IT- Y"" " ' 41 44 " I 45 j . . - SWITCH FROM TO KODL A cool and dean a breath of frcwlt air. Finest leaf tobacco... mild refreshing mentliol and tlae vrorlde moet tbgrougTy tasted filter! With evwry puff your mouth, feela clean. your throat refrwahed! Oxwm MosflMeshing Qgafe ... also eeauLA- size kool without ritTta ties.: atltOMIHTHOL stma-stx .'ir i rTftW"'.,air.7!'Wt !WrW wwrt'itf,flwn("i(S!e rlWITvWMntrHiwiai ww-wTCTT"