The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Doily Nebroskon
Tuesday, April 7, 1959
Editorial Comment:
IFC Political Board
Wields Much Power
Tomorrow night seven men will sit down
and select 11 members of the 1959-60 Stu
dent Council.
The seven men will be the Interfraterni
ty Council political committee. They will
meet to hear applicants for IFC backing
in the upcoming Student Council elections.
They will select two men to run from the
College of Arts and Sciences, two from
Engineering, two from Teachers, one from
Law, one from Pharmacy and Dental Col
leges (combined), one from Agriculture.
The 11th man will be the Interfraternity
Tibet Assures
Us Our Course
Is Correct
Just as in the Hungarian revolution of
1956, the Communist dictators of China
and Russia have proved once again that
territorial expansion is their goal.
The victim this time was Tibet. This
time China spilled the blood instead of her
cousin in dialectics, Russia. And this
time again the free world can take a les
son from the results.
In 1956, the Russian peace offensive was
In high gear. Some people were even be
ginning to believe the positively cherubic
strains that floated over the Kremlin
Then came Hungary, and the Russian
peace offensive was drowned in a river of
blood. A shocked western world opened its
doors to the refugees and went back to
making the iron curtain the demarcation
line between freedom and slavery.
In Tibet, the Chinese were busily en
gaged in attempts to install secular educa
tion and cut down on the number of Bud
dhist priests as preliminary steps to
stamping out all religion.
When supporters of the Dalai Lama
flared into open revolt, the Chinese told
him to tell them to stop. The Lama said
The revolution then took a familiar
course: outnumbered and ill equipped
partisans fighting guerilla war against
planes and tanks.
Though it appears to have been quelled,
the Tibetian revolution should serve as a
warning to those nations in the far east
who view Chinese Communists as a dif
ferent breed than those in Moscow. It may
even jar India's Nehru out of his pro
Chinese neutralism.
If it does none of these, we at least, have
been reassured that opposing Communism
everywhere as an instrument of slavery
and exploitation is a sound policy.
The Spectrum
"Who should we back? No, he doesn't
have a chance. Let's put up somebody
whose name mans something to people."
"Sure he may have good ideas but why
not push so-and-so a little more. He's a
soph. He can use this
Council job next year."
"Yeah, I want to run but
what am I going to run
on? You guys got any
ideas what I should say
In this IFC interview?"
The above may or may
not have been typical of
some conversation in var
ious organized or disor
ganized houses during the
past few days as embryo
politicians attempted to get backing as
candidates for their group in the upcom
ing Student Council elections.
The Interfraternity Council Is holding
Interviews Wednesday bight as it narrows
down the Held of applicants for its slate.
Independent organizers will undoubtedly
make their choices of whom to support as
last year.
As mentioned before, the Council has
opened up campaigning this year with a
set of rules that seem rather negative.
The first rule says that posters, 22" by
24" or smaller, may be used if they are
stamped by the registrar and placed on
University bulletin boards.
However, this rule does not mention
things such as handbills, cards or banners.
Since these are distinctly different from
posters, why couldn't they be used by an
ambitious candidate? And although posters
can only be 22' by 24," it would seem to
be all right to have a 10 foot square ban-.
ner of some sort hanging from the per
son's residence or what have you. Must the
registrar stamp it, too?
Rule 2 says use of load speakers on auto
mobiles Is prohibited. A suggestion to can
Slembar: Associated CoilesUU Pre tWu gw ,Tt o t
IstereotlerUte Pre aadami. ?.
EepnsentfttlYei National AdvertUlct Service. uZh&SLT'.S? " VS.'Vi?.
Incorporated i itoux vturr
rsb!lhd t: Room 10, Student Union mii' 'wit'V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V;nS2Si72
Lincoln. Nebracka w iZ2''
Ttw rmUF ffrtrfki M Datoi, Iwrfn, lJf'Hj. Carroll Sim. aaaon Rail,
NM mm rudajr unm tew whom rw, nwiK , cSt, tJltZ. -
Hmmthi ml Ninmkt tmiMr the wtbafliatlaa mi Laa h, Harnm Omilf, Haataa.
CiniMlUt HbHI Affair a a eprum mi ata- it.ff rbaMfnfer MluM.
nit fma fahllMJIna aa laa rartaaD-tloa at Uw rwwimin- . . . .. -Mlaatta Tartar
niMKMitllw m xma-n! I'uMlratlna hall fn from Bu.Iimm Maoanr btamtt
aa aaa nrt af any mmhtw of u facairr ml tka Cat. hurt unw. N.Tm a2,lfl., ma.
zaa ara
didates: Yon might make a real splash
with a loudspeaker somehow arranged on
a horse and buggy, or the like. Or even
use public criers to plead your cause. This
should bring you loads of publicity and
perhaps a few summonses for disturbing
the peace.
Rule 3 says newspaper publicity must
be appioved by the chairman of the Stu
dent Council Elections committee. The
vagueness of this rule theoretically could
get a candidate into trouble. For instance
does the rule apply after a candidate get
his name in the paper although perhaps
he knew nothing" about it? What if a Daily
Nebraskan story about the campaigners
was written unknowingly to the candidate,
yet quite within the bounds of fairness as
far as news is concerned?
Rule 4 says there will be no campaign
ing oh election day. Included in this rule
would be prohibition of any posters on
University bulletin boards. But what if an
unscrupulous candidate happens to save
up a few of his competitors' posters and
liberally spread them around campus the
night before the election?
Perhaps an overzealons campaign man
ager on election day will tell a fraternity
brother to be sure and vote for so-and-so.
Is this campaigning or just persuasion?
Perhaps the campaign rules are Just a
little too lenient this year. It would seem
another clause stipulating some control
measure by the Council Elections Com
mittee could be used. It'd probably have
to be one of the purist, good taste-type
rules, but it could prevent a little too
much ridicule of what should be involved
in an election of what amounts to the gov
ernment of the student body.
We Zj
Daily Nebraskan
OLD ""
aw twaauiaa Maaawar
Council's own representative on the Coun
cil. Backing from the IFC is tantamount to
election on this campus because the IFC
fines any fraternity man not voting a dol
lar. If a fraternity man decides to buck the
IFC slate, that is, run as an independent
or with other party backing, his house
automatically loses the right to have an
IFC backed candidate the next year.
Members of the IFC political committee
are selected at the beginning of each
school year. Membership rotates among
the presidents of the fraternities in alpha
betical order. This year, representatives
from Alpha Gamma Sigma, Alpha Tau
Omega, Beta Sigma Psi, Beta Theta Pi,
Delta Sigma Phi and Delta Tau Delta will
meet to screen the candidates.
The seventh member of the committee
is a chairman appointed by the IFC execu
tive committee (president, vice-president,
etc.) at large. Chairman until last Wed
nesday night was George Porter, president
elect of the IFC. As yet, no one has been
named to succeed Porter, but informed
sources indicate that it will probably be
one of the candidates defeated for IFC of
fice Wednesday.
Anyone perusing this setup even casual
ly will recognire that these seven men
wield a lot of power. They can select whom
they please among the applicants regard
less of merit. Petty interfraternity poli
tics may enter into the selections.
There is nothing illegal in the above set
up. It is simply an instance of good, strong
party discipline. However, the Student
Council itself could destroy this discipline
with appropriate legislation.
But to do this might prove dangerous.
For one thing, the Council would-be strik
ing at the political party principle. For an
other, the election would then be thrown
wide open. With the present Council rules
governing the conduct of elections, this
could involve a regular chaos of political
wheeling and dealing.
The best solution to the problem would
be the emergence of another strong po
litical party centered in SeHeck Quad
rangle or of smaller parties formed with
in the colleges themselves. However, the
Quadrangle has no way to enforce party
discipline (ie the dollar fine for non
voters), and except in the smaller col
leges, numbers make it impractical to
form splinter groups (though-a good or
ganizer could bring it off.)
The nearest we can come to a safe
guard for the present is to caution the sev
en men on the IFC political committee to
make the best choice possible on the basis
of merit alone.
ta urn ttoj m$, m U m ,
TUperrs akent Paiom& to Me took.
Within less than a week,
University audiences will have
two opportunities to see that
fine actor, Alec Guinness. The
"ebraska theatre is current
ly playing a
return show
ing of "The
Bridge" on
f or w h l c h
Guinness won
last year's
Best Actor
Oscar, and
the U n i o n
shows "The
C a p t ain's
Paradise" Sunday
Alec Guinness' background
was hardly one that coincides
with the exotic life of an in
ternational celebrity. He was
not on the stage from the age
of four, nor were his parents
involved, or even interested,
in the theatre. Having failed
miserably at other jobs, and
despite disinterest from nu
merous producers and dra
matic critics, Guinness final
ly made his debut in 1934. He
was 20 at the time and tripled
as a Chinese coolie, a French
pirate and an English tar in
a single play at a London
West End theatre. .John Giel
gud saw him, gave him a job
and Alec Guinness has never
remained unemployed since
then except by choice.
That most of the world con
siders the actor a comedian
seems, ironic. The vast ma
jority of his earlier working
years were spent in theatrical
versions of such heavy drama
as "The Brothers Kararoa
rov." He is one clown who
actually played "Hamlet"
and more than once.
Shortly after the last war.
Guinness appeared in film
In reading the March 10th
issue of the Daily Nebras
kan, I was quite interested
in the articles on campus
social functions on the front
page. I was particularly in
terested in the comment by
Dean Snyder concern
ing proper business estab
lishments for social func
tions. "It can't be pinpoint
ed," she said, "it is a mat
ter of good taste, good judg
ment, good citizenship and
good education."
Other than the fact that
Dean Snyder left out a few
more "goods," I was pri
marily interested in who is
to make the decision as to
what good Judgment or good
taste is. Is it to be the
judgment of what is in
"taste" made by people us
ing the same standards i n
vogue 40 years ago or more
or less when they were at
tending the University? If
so perhaps it is worthwhile
stating that the basis for
such judgments change with
time as fast as music and
fashions. It is only an opin
ion, but I think that it might
do a good many people in
responsible positions a lot of
good to critically examine
the current trend in social
life before they attempt to
jIIIl -JJjk -Mkj
versions of two Dickens no
vels, "Great Expectations"
and "Oliver Twist." Having
done so well, he was offered
star billing in "Kind Hearts
and Coronets," a comedy. He
played eight assorted mem
bers (male and female) of
an upperclass British family
who were successively mur
dered by a young relative
aspiring to their inheiritance.
"The Last Holiday," "The
Lavender Hill Mob," "The
Man in the White Suit" and
"The Promoter," all come
dies, were among the many
pictures that followed.
Defies Description
The Guinness technique de
fies description. Each of his
roles have been strikingly
different. If there has been
any similarity, it is only that
he seems to find great plea
sure in glorifying the com
mon man. His own physical
appearance is quite ordinary.
Guinness as Colonel Nichol
son in "The Bridge on the
River Kwai" is well remem
bered. His portrayal in "The
Captain's Paradise" is one of
a man who really has every
thing. Sailing regularly back
and forth from England to the
tip of Africa on a passenger
line, the Captain finds peace
and contentment with two
wives. His bride in England
offers all the joys of a pleas-'
ant, respectable and reserved
family existance.' His wife at
the other end (Yvonne De
Carlo) is young, beautiful and
loves the pleasures of a night
on the town. All goes well for
the Captain, until the two
women get together.
Daily Nebraskan Letterip
set themselves up as prop
er authorities.
It is my opinion that for
its own and the stunts'
best interests, the Universi
ty should confine its control
of the student body to the
campus grounds and the
physical property of affiliat
ed houses.
It is further my opinion
that a university exists for
the academic education of
the student body, and not
as an avowed instrument of
social control. Restriction of
social freedom amounts to
restriction of the freedom
of discrimination choice
which is vital to the indi
vidual. If the University is afraid
of the pressure of political
and family forces in the
state, then perhaps it can
best solve its problem not
by surrendering to these
forces, but by proudly tell
ing them what the functions
and objectives of a uni
versity are.
Today, I am going to pro
pose a test case to the ad
ministration. Suppose I,
with a group of say 10 to 15
other students, all over 21
and male, rent a party
room at some business es
tablishment and escort to
this party 15 female stu
dents, all over 21, either
Recently, a great deal of
discussion has been going
on the matter of adminis
trational control. Many ad
ministrative officials have
been undu
ly criticized
for policies
that they
are re
quired to
e n force.
These poli
cies stem
from an
other ad-minis
tration Prokop
which is far more demand
ing about restrictions.
This administration is
the parents and relatives of
each student on campus.
How do they enter in?
There are more alumni
benefits held in campus
houses than there are so
cial functions. Evcrytime
one turns arouong, Big
Alumni is watching over
his shoulder.
Big Alumni Daddy must
check each beau for then
daughter who can't be
seen out with somebody
who is claimed to be a
souse and a no-good. Every
detail on each prospective
so-called man, (and I do
say this with extreme sar
casm) must be investigat
ed to find if he is the prop
er kind for my little girl.
Little insignificant ques
tions seem to pop
forth such as what frat does
he belong to? Is he going
to get a degree? What's
his bank account like? Or
is a big, big playboy who
-MY little WORLD-
When an institution reaches the point where tradition
ceases to have any meaning and the monetary aspects of all
things are considered, we may consider ourselves on the
long-warned-against road to regimentalization. Possibly
these things in themselves are trivial. But when looked at
as a basis of the past of the school which
we are attending (cr which, though we
sometimes condemn, we regard with a cer
tain amount of sentimentality), they be
come important if the same feeling is to
continue past our time.
I am not one to preach the virtues of
old grads returning for reunions to cry in
their beers over the "old and hallowed halls
of ivy." Our school doesn't even have any
ivy. It's ceremoniously planted each Ivy
Day and proceeds to die the day after Ivy
Day. The last building on Ag Campus that
was covered with the encroaching vine, had it uncere
moniously ripped off because it was ruining the foundation
and water was leaking in the basement. What could be any
more untraditional than that?
But in the surge ? rejuvination that has been carried
on this year, we have reached the impasse where nothing
carries any meaning any more and only the sterile frame
work of buildings, classes and books remains. As I have
also preached on the neglect of importance of scholastic
endeavor, this is not a total evil. But I feel very strongly
that we must have more to our school than this. We may
have abolished a great many things that weren't supporting
themselves, but the idea of discontinuing the same dress
for members of the sorority sings is carrying this purge a
little far. It has reached us lowly lights who are coerced
into singing or encouraging as the case may be. Oh well,
not until they tear up the lilac bushes in front of the library
will I quit.
from a single organized
house or from the student
body at large. Now, we will
take it for granted that
there will be drinking.
What is the University's
attitude towards this? Does
this constitute an illegal so
cial function it is com
posed of possibly more
than five students from the
same house? If the Univer
sity declares this illegal
then it is setting itself up as
a supra-body with the pow
ers to dictate to a legal
adult what he may and may
not do with the powers for
entertainment, a power
that I do not believe the
University does or should
If the University answers
that it does not have the
power to infringe on such a
group, then we will take the
same type of party only
including, or all minors.
Now if the University says
it has a right to step in
between adults and minors,
or, consequently between
classes that should be
equal. Not only that, It
would appear that the Uni
versity has thus taken on
itself at the least the pow
er of enforcing the state
liquor laws outside of its
own territorial domain a
is taking my little girl on
big ride?
The statement which is
typical of their attitude is
"I'm glad my darling is en
gaged since now she can't
get into trouble."
It isn't in the best inter
ests that my boy or girl
drink or smoke or stay up
late at night studying. It
isn't proper that she or ia
be made to work so hard in
school. The next instance,
Nebraska University will
become the biggest nursery
in the country.
The suggestions which
could alleviate such infil
tration of Big Alumni Dad
dy that we allow no more
alumni functions in the In
dividual houses, that we set
up regular visiting hours,
as the A. W. S. does for
boys in girl's houses with
the Alumni, and that we
have more of an under
standing with our parents
on what our limitations of
control from them are aft
er we reach the select age
of 18. And of course, any
group of more than three
Alumni would have to reg
ister as a social function
upon crossing the natural
boundaries which comprise
the University of Nebraska.
It's downright foolish
that some of our Alumni
act like little children now
when they had the reverse
attitude not so many years
power that the University
cannot prove by any legis
lated means that it pos
sesses. I should like an answer
to the following problems
from either Dean Colbert or
Dean Snyder speaking for
a unanimous opinion of the
administration. I will look
upon a failure to answer as
a concession that the Uni
versity is ustng arbitrary
power that it is not entitled
to use.
Now, there is a mythical
figure, claimed to be four
or five, persons from the
same organized house who,'
when together, constitute a
function. If they are from
the men's or women's dorm
rather fan from a fratern
ity or sorority, does this
constitute a dorm function
as it wouIJ for a fraternity?
Now say ihis group is ap
prehended at an "illegal"
party. Does the entire dorm
or independent group lose
its social privileges? If not,
then why it a distinction
drawn between these "in
dividuals" on the one hand
and "groups" on the other?
Is this not a case of draw
ing distinctions, arbitrarily,
between classes of stu
dents? J. F. Ileckt
i - 'f t '