Frido'y, April 3, 1959 Page 2 The Daily Nebroskan v V t i -J I Editorial Comment: Everyone Has Points In Library Squeeze f's sort of like a squeeze play. Nobody seems to be particularly at1 fault and since everyone seems to be acting in good faith, it is rather hard to decide what should be done. However, since it is the Wanted -Ten Thinkers Five applications! , That's all that have been so far turned In to the Union Activities office for the Union Advisory Board. Interviews for this new concept in Union management will be held Saturday. The Union Advisory Board will be com posed of ten students there will be two Greeks, a boy and a girl; two dorm resi dents, a boy and a girl; two Lincoln stu dent commuters, a boy and a girl; a grad uate student; a married student and an in ternational student. Their job will be to sit down with the Union Activities Committe. once a week and advise them on what to do with the student body's money. There will be no poster painting, committee meeting busy work involved. It is strange that on a campus which makes much of its maturity and its right to govern itself in a state which make much of its frugality and financial inde pendenceten people cannot take the time to insure that right to govern and that fin ancial independence. It is more than strange it is disgusting. The Union Activities Committee, from which the idea for an advisory board first came, has worked long and hard to pre sent an ideal implement of student self government to the campus. And the campus has ignored it. The campus got it on a silver platter they didn't even have to fight for it like they fought for the Tribunal there isn't even any work involved in it like there is with the Tribunal. All it takes is someone who can think. Surely, there are ten people who can think left on this campus. students who are in the midst , of the squeeze, it seems as if something mast be done. . Forewarning came last year, when Love Library attempted to close the downstairs study hall. Student protest was so great that the plan was shelved. However, it has been taken down again, this time fly ing under slightly different banners. First hint of trouble came when the Student Council was told that if it did not take some action to cut out card playing, the room might have to be closed tempor arily. Council members then agreed to make periodic checks on the room. The first check was made yesterday. Five groups of card players amiably agreed to put the decks away. . Okay, so far, so good. It later became apparent, after check ing with library officials, that closing the study lounge where vocal study is allowed, is imminent anyway. Probable date of the closure, which library officials say is necessary to make room for more books, is scheduled to more or less coincide with the date of the opening of the new Union addition. Now, while it is true that the expanded Union will take care of the card players and the commuters who eat lunch in the study lounge, the new Union will not pro vide the most important function of the present study lounge. That is a place where students can study aloud. At pres ent, the downstairs lounge is used pre dominantly by students working problems, where group thought often is necessary, and by students studying jointly for exams. This sort of study cannot be done up stairs in the Reading Rooms where silence is the rule. The Union will not provide any such place for "loud" study since Union officials feel that the Union should be a place of relaxation rather than study. Okay, so everybody has a point ... the card players can move ... the library needs the space ... the Union wants recre ation ... the students want a place to talk and study . , . Anybody have any suggestions? the distillery . . . 4 !f 5 . --V Borland rCAItor! Bmuw we an owrtdtW with ad vertising and became the Wmlc Rac threw our eolomm nlata off stride one day, the Dally Nehraekaa le today turning over part of 1W editorial eolumne to one of Itt colamnlfits. The view expreeerd In any column by a Individual are not neeeteaiily thou held by the Dally IVebraekan. A looa m thlnga are back to normal, mr eolumnleta will move back to their regular four eolnmnt a the right aide of the page.) So far every printed opinion on some very touchy subject floating around cam pus has been couched in a great deal of journalistic compromise. I do not hold to this sort of thing, nor do I believe that this wishy-washiness will solve the questions of a genuinely concerned col lege undergraduate. What is said has not coincided with the facts. What is privately thought has warped the facts Into a jumble of crooked rea son. Between the office of laws in the faculty sub committee on social af fairs and the personal feel ings of a University student there is a can yon of apprehension and misunderstand ing. I have dope nothing, nor has any other student, to breech this canyon. I hate this thing which I call creeping Big Daddylsm with an unreasonable passion, and I have opposed its existence in both the campu leader and the administration. Thus I join the camp of those who oppose. However this will not create any more good will with the administration or change any laws. The arguments on both sides are un reasonable and tempered with a great deal of personal prejudice. What I want more than anything is to see this argument come out In the open. I think there is a need for frank, specific opinion divorced from the nsual banty of words which ob scures sensible understanding. This is what I mean by compromised opinion. It is the kind of thing you see every time a University official is inter viewed, and the kind of thing you see in the private opinion voiced through the edi torials and columns of this paper. Since I have asked for realistic thinking, I must admit that no official, except Terry Car penter, wants to take any strong stand on any touchy subject. This will have to be recognized when we turn to the admin istration for understanding. What I have said may seem obscure be cause I have chosen to generalize and moralize in the accepted fashion. To be specific; The letter in Tuesday's Rag at tacking a recent column by Judy Truel is the kind of biggoted thinking which indi cates just how strongly people feel about how students should conduct themselves. Dean Colbert's crack about parties in Plymouth Church basement shows how much concern he has for student opinion of him or his underlings. Next, my own biased dislike for the administration policy shows how far this breech can be carried. I have voiced this dislike, and I need not run through the scores of campus opinions which have done the same. Furthermore, the action of the Registrar acting without even sampling student opinion, and the re fusal of department heads to admit to un just grade discrimination or freshmen, is proof of the breech between student and teacher. The canyon which exists is one mostly of lack of sympathy. We are far more intolerant of the Administration than they are of us, yet it is up to them to make the first move. We have no one through which we can speak. I suggest that the Student Affairs office start practicing grass-roots politics. I would be the first one to listen if Deans Colbert and Halgren outlined the actual situation as it really exists. There is a very apparent crack-down on ell students at Nebraska, and there is assuredly some logical explanation. I would abide by the rules if I knew why, after my four years here, they are suddenly being tightened around my neck. What is the answer? Are somebodies mommies and daddies pressuring the Regents? Is the recent Sheriff's crack-down on teenagers hitting the Student Affairs office? There is quite obviously pressure coming from some where. With the coming of spring I want to know Just how many times the woods will be raided and Just how much longer I have to hide. I would welcome any rul ing on what I as an individual must and must not do. If I ask friends to a pre nuptial stag I sure as shooting don't want to register it. Daily Nebraskan ffirXTT-EIGBT TEAKS OLD SSatuberi Associated Collet-tale Press v Intercollegiate Pre KepreseBtetiTei National Advertising- Service, Incorporated FiiUiiuuid at: KaoB 28, Stuueiii Cuius Lisooln, Nebraska lttb A S Tke natly Nebrankaa M punllebai Monday, Taw day. CFeeiaaaaa and rrldny during the ehooi year, eaeept nrsag esaatMa and ezant period, by aludenM ef the letrelt of Nehraeka miner the authorization of the OMutnltwe on Student affair, an expreMlna ef eto ent opinion, rulilienllnn under the lurtedletfna of tb HuheommltUw on titunent fuhlicationa (hall be free from ditnrial eenenrahlp on the part of the Hobeommltten at an tha pert of any mem her of the faculty of the tint. amity, fan menu ere tf tat Metoiaakaa imtt an per- JUlSSZ. " " " " - " ,,5"rwL" ?' ' ""tar at the poit affleo la Uaeota. Nebraska, aster the act ef 4agaM 4. mj. Editor KITOlAL tFF ManlB;,Mm'V.V.V.V.V.V.7AV.V. "'Z ".' Writer .4?he. ZZ !?Eh?iEV;.. Saaaall Imb.rt Wight Newt Editor Fat jsn CJ7 !!" Cerrol Erase, Sandra Rally (tndy Zflchan. fj-;W "' , . . . . . .Pat Dean. Turn fence w.tmrw . .. .. ... .emaruya uouey, aonom HI nnn nnerner. Staff Photographer , M'tM.Mtrt SI AFT RiMtneae Manager AeniXant BualnrH Manager hariene (Inm, Nona Rahlflng. Clauilied Manager .Mlnetto Taylor . .Jerry helientia a ten luimaa, Oil Chraar LiaUalWOULDNtaX .1 I WOULDN'T IT B WONDKFUL I I WHY DOES THIS INTEREST VOU I I ( THEN L li'li'L. BE UJONOERFOL IF THERE U)EI? NO HATRED $0 MUCH, CHARUE BR0W? VttJOULP HATE ME " s' j1 if ay.ujika II II 1 1 except for the -r-ot (occasional INANITIES') N i hI. Daily Nebraskan Letterip Informed? To the Editor: I can see only two rea sons for the editorial in Tuesday's Rag which ques tioned the high school ad ministrator's alleged "feath erbedding". (1.) Either the writer was woefully unin formed or else (2.) he was simply scratching for some space filler. He began by lamenting the waste of the student's time. In regard to the interruption and use of studying time, the confer ence took exactly one hour of each freshman's time. The rewards passed on to the future freshmen should make that hour spent well .worthwhile. The writer felt that the ad ministrators should have waited a day and held their conferences at home during vacation, rather than travel to the University at the ex pense of the local school board. This suggestion was hardly feasible. If the writer had bothered to examine the situation he was debating, he would have found that the individual stu dent conferences took place only in the morning. In the afternoon, the high school administrators met with the chancellor and the deans of the various colleges. In this meeting, the administrators relayed not only the students' feelings on their secondary education, but also their suggestions and ideas on how the Universi ty could improve its own teaching techniques. To the confused author of the off-base articles on CAMPUS CHATTER 4S :v--.- 94- Hi .... j ' "-' i ... JF Andorra This younr atria by Helen WhltliMr will five you a special appearanoe where ver yov ao. Yen will love the touches of fashion that Individualize this easy to care for cotton. The solid color sheath with navy blue trim on the sailor cellar has a double breasted Jacket. This dress can be yt-urs for only $12.91. See you soon, Janet Hosppner mnd Sharon Andenon Na7 Ah " "featherbedding", I should like to offer one suggestion which he might try apply ing in the future. When writing try first and fore most to find out what you're writing about. L. L. Greenwald (Editor's note The Daily Nebraskan was in posses sion of all the facts con cerning the high school ad ministrators' visit to this campus when we wrote the editorial in question. These facts did not change our minds about that visit. Neither does Mr. Green wald's letter.) Stupow To The Editor: Doodness Dwacious. I have nevew w-written a let tew wipe befowe as I am to sowt of pewson who doesn't do that sowt o f thing. But I feel that I weally must pwotest the tywannical actions of the Administwation. Ot has gone too faw. It is not con tent to let the students do anything they want, but, wathew, insists upon, with out consulting student opin ion, enfowcing ihe laws of he state of Nebwaska. It has gone so faw as to say that thewe cannot be dwink ing on campus. It adminis twation must be bwought to wealize that those students wodding awound in caws and dwinking beew in the Elgin Pawking lot are ma tuwe, gwonup, adults, and should be tweated as such. It must must be bwought to wealize that a student, like e v e w y gwonup, matuew, adult needs to have a drink in the evening befowe he can go to sleep. It must wealize that a student like e v e w y gwonup, matuwe, adult has the wight to dwink himself into a stu pow. Manley Milklip Rennie Ashleman SPEEDWAY MOTORS 1719 N Sr. LINCOLN. NEBR. Speed Equipment Hollywood Mufflers HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR CORNHUSKER YET? Limited number still available 16 colored pages Delivery toon Order at Cornhusker office Std. Union ut soft! What taste from yonder FILTER-BLEND 1 7 I Vx' i Vx. 1 i i? Vf$W X ! '' ,, I i hi I - - 1 , ;v - t f 4, eft - c'TTWtwmMMm I r mmWmmuimm ima mmrimwM ITS OI1AT8 UP FilOriTTilAT COUrJTO This filter, be It e'er to pure and white Must needs give flavor too, full clear and bright Elss would ths trusting smoker, fillsd with hope Again be dashed, dejected bs . . . and mops. And thus ws com to Winston's obvious truth It's what's up front that counts-and 'tis, forsooth In that ths fins tobaccos, In ths and Ars by sxcluslvs process Filter-Blend Becoms ths testiest tasts that s'sr hath played Across your dancing tasts-buds, man or maid I Bs ys not slow, thersfors, to test ths wit Of what we say: that Winston, friend, is It; For that with ev'ry smoke ye do delay Ye are net gath'ring rosebuds while ye mayl 44 are advertised by our loving friends. KINO HENRY VI, -AHT III. ACT V. SC. Ill e. 1, RIYNOLDS TOIeCCO CO.. Wl NITON ALIa.R. S.