Editorial Comment; Piecemeal News No Aid to Accuracy Friday morning before vacation, we re ceived a phone call from a member of the student Tribunal. Featlierbedding Bugaboo Blasts Salary Chances The week before the late, lamented spring vacation was scheduled to begin, a group of high school administrators visited the University campus. There announced purpose was to inter veiw 1958 graduates of their respective schools who were attending the University. The high school mentors hoped to find out how their schools could do a better job of preparing prep students for University careers. This motive is certainly an honorable one. And most recent high school grads at tending this institution could probably give their high school teachers quite an earful on what's wrong with high school prepara tion after battling through the first two semesters of college level English, history, math or science. But why did the schoolmen have to come all the way to Lincoln to find out what they wanted to know? After all, in one short day, the Univer sity was to dismiss classes for a week. All the exhigh schoolers (or at least an ex tremely good random sampling of them) would have been home for the holiday. They would have been within easy reach for any conferences that had to be held, and they would have had plenty of time to give their tutors a real earful. Apparently, however, the principals and " superintendents couldn't wait one day for the information. They had to make a trip to Lincoln (at the expense of the local school board), take a day off from their classes (with pay, naturally) and interrupt the study day of many a University frosh (most of them need all the uninterrupted studying they can get) to ask their ques tions. From here it looks like the teacher's vis it was either extremely illtimed or alto gether unnecessary. Schools might have more money to spend on better salaries if their administrators were willing to cut out featherbedding of this sort. He explained to us that the Tribunal does not use recommendations from the office of student affairs to decide cases. He fur ther stated that no such recommendations had ever been submitted to the Tribunal . by the office of student affairs. The recommendation which our reporter heard at the last Tribunal meeting was not from the office of student affairs, but from the resident advisor at Selleck Quad rangle, explained the student judge. Ac cording to him, it was not a recommenda tion at all, but a statement of the resident advisor's knowledge of the case. The fact that the resident advisor was recommending punishment for the indi vidual involved within the dormitory it self was misleading. We thought that this might possibly constitute a broad hint to the Tribunal that they should also recom mend some punishment. Apparently we were mistaken. Thus we tender our apology. And add: Why shouldnt' we have made such a mistake? After all, we attend our first Tribunal meeting in three months and the first thing they do is read a statement that sounds very much like a recommendation whether it is or not. Since this is the only chance we've had to witness Tribunal jus tice in action, we logically conclude that such statements (ie recommendations) are standard procedure in all cases. This, in itself, is the biggest single argu ment for open Tribunal hearings. When in formation is released in snatches and grabs, it is easy to garble it. When some is released and some kept secret, rumor fills in the gap. We are very glad that the Student Tri bunal does not hear recommendations on each case from the office of student af fairs. This knowledge goes a long way to ward strengthening our confidence in both the Tribunal and student affairs. Now we should like the Tribunal and the office of student affairs to have some con fidence in us. We would like them to be lieve that we are not about to bury our ed itorial hatchet in somebody's head ir responsibly. We would like them to be lieve that we can get a story right the first time. But we can't promise either of them that readers can keep things straight if they don't hear the whole story. The Spectrum Kraus It doesn't take long for things to get back to normal after vacation in the Rag and Cornhusker offices. Before long Monday afternoon, these typical events took place: Dick Basoco was locked out of his office; copy ed itors scoured through piles of stories looking for a headline; staff writers neglected their stories in the middle of a page as a friend issued an invitation to a coke in the Crib; George Moyer mathemat ically figured out how his editorial page was to fall in place after numerous revisions; and coed-type Theta Sigma Phis continued to try to pawn tickets for their Matrix Banquet on Saturday. From the corner of the room came the wafl "... why can't these teachers wait , while before springing hour exams." , And politicking continues. All appears to be normal on campus after the last breather leading into a long spring. Pink-Tinged For the new NU student sd used to the standard white and black format of the Daily Nebraskan, a word of caution may be due. Wednesday as you zealously race from an 11 o'clock to reach for a Rag in a box in the Annimal Husbandry or wom en's PE Building, do not think that it is color blindness, a trick of circulation man ager Hal Hoff or a misplaced bundle of Lincoln Journals that you see. For Wednesday is the first day of April time for that jolly edition lovingly called 'The Pink Rag." This feat of journalistic endeavor can be obtained only once a year (and cannot be purchased in department stores.) Second only to the Pixie Press In popularity and libel, it is the epitome of yellow journalism on pink paper. Watch for it. Campaign Time Yes, April is in the offing. It is a month of more down slips, muddy shoes, nervous twitchings, unauthorized social events, mid semester tests and Student Council campaigning. A word about the Council campaigns. The rules have been drastically cut allow ing wide-open use of publicity by candi dates. Council positions may have been reduced to objects of near ridicule at times in the past by persons who charged the members with do-nothing tactics. But the Council is the closest thing this campus has to a governing body. A Council member really can perform a service to his University and the student body with a few good ideas. That's where the campaigning changes comes in. Candidates now will have more of a chance to express what they believe and what they would do or strive for as a Council member. The changes will give the voting stu dents more of a chance to see what the can didates are like and what they intend to do. Council elections shoulldn't be one of these vote-for-him-because-he's-cute or for-her-because-she's-in-my-class sort of thing. The rules were changed to let the cam paigner express and publicize himself and to let the student public take a good look at what they're buying for their votes. Parties should take advantage of what could prove to be politicking deluxe. SIXTY-EIGHT TEAKS OLD tfember: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press r7ssestatiT9! Nstlonsl Advertigint Service, """ Incorporated Published at: Roots 20, Stndent Union Lincoln, Nebraska 14tB A B Tka Pally Nclwufcaa is puMLiMd Monday, ToMdsr. fefiweda anal t rid y during U school year, except taring vacation ana exam periods, by students of lb Enlverslty of Nebraska onocr In authorisation of the (lonunitiM aa Stodeat affair an aa expression of n eu opinion. Publication under the luriediettsa of. tka DuncommlMen on Stunrnt fnbllratlon shall he free from editorial eeasorship on (he part of the Subcommittee at a the pnrt of an member of the faculty of tb Iss araitr. Xaa amtiiri of (no Mebraokaa staff an par- Daily Nebraskan ba printed, rebniary g, ism. aceT, ar is for ilia E.UIIUKUL STAFF PVIItAV Managing Editor . , Senior Staff Writer Sports Editor . NlKht Mew Editor Copv Editor I'AnAv ZhH It. tAm 'Cditon Staff Wi-itf-v. ,., Jnhn Mnvu Staff Photographer BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Aslstant Business Manager tharlene (imss. Norm Rohlfln. ClaaaMled Manager . . . nonrtre Hmm. Diana Maxwell Gretrhea Hide Randall Lambert Sandra Rally . . Carroll Kraos, Sandra Kully i,- "" Tom navies Marllya Collar, Sondro VYbahw, . .Mloetts Taylor . .Jerry MHIrntla ataa kAlman, . Oil Grady THIS 15 liMcRE I U&S &TTIN5 THE TIME THAT SWEET LITTLE 610. OWE fsr.AfO GAVE ME PART Of HER ICE-CREAM CONE.. ' i'll neveg fogset it. THIS IS MSHT LOW J UAS SITTING, AND. 6 Xv re h J IdEll, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOf?.STUPID? 1T& 77 AY; INI THIS BOX THAT) BEETHOVEN IF BEETHOVEN LIKED &SL6. THEN lOHY DON'T YOU LIKE GIRLS ?H0H? 1 i HOWE again 7k l; roiJCHE!!! A XTK Daily Nebraskan , Lctierips Prisoners To the Editor: I sit here in class, turn around and see a group of bored looking individuals chewing on their pencils. Then I wonder, how many "children" will be sitting in this class next year at this time. "The word is out." Students are finally getting wise to the situation and moving .to other institutions of higher learning where the Gestapo doesn't stand over them with potential expul sion every time they have a desire to be together with more of their own infamous clan. Where may I ask is the great increase in enrollment our hallowed institution lias been expecting for the past four years? They're plan ning new dormitories, etc. for this great influx, but when may 1 ask is it going to reach us? The truth, gentle men, that it is not. Now that the word is out I fear that the enrollment of our particular salt mine will nev er increase. You may blame whom you will, but the facts remain that the reallly smart folk aren't going to enroll where the leading social function these days is the Sunday night movie and the off lim its sign blinks each time the brothers want to enjoy a beer at Casey's. Maybe when we become the size of some of our State Teachers' Colleges our nose wiping dictators will see the light. Chuck Carlson To The Editor: On the matter concerning Sergeant Furrow, our re marks were not directed at his innocence or guilt. We do not presume his guilt as this matter is yet to be set tled. Rather, our remarks are addressed as to the compromising situation he got himself into and the bad reflection it makes on oui University. R. S. Hornady. Photoplay The forthcoming Oscar presentations again prompt this column's annual specu lation as to the next win ners of the film industry's most coveted award. Writ ers have c r i t i cized the Acad emy of Mo tion Picture Arts and Sciences as the sponsor of what is only intend ed as one r t i A A West large promotional stunt for the movies. But, this is not the entire picture. As In grid Bergman recently ob served, "Isn't it nice that moviemakers have one day each year to admire one an other and play critics them selves." Hunches For weeks now, the trade papers have published vary ing predictions of next Mon day's outcome, but we are concerned here rather with some strong recent hunches which may as easily be re warding as not. Best Picture For Best Picture of t h e Year: "The Defiant Ones," Stanley Kramer's vastly overrated symbolistic melo drama. "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" was a far better ex ample of movie art, but it is feared that the racial is sue treated in "Defiant Ones" may give it winning support from the noble vot ers. One question: Why wasn't "The Old Man and the Sea" nominated? Actors Best Actor and Actress: Susan Hayward ("I Want to Live!") and Sidney Poitier ("The Defiant Ones"). Pre ferred choices are Deborah Kerr, who so beautifully portrayed an ugly woman in "Separate Tables," and Spencer Tracy in this past season's best and least her alded fUm, "The Old Man and Hie Sea." Elizabeth Taylor certainly gave an Oscar-worthy performance in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," but her winning is improb able. Burl Ives Burl Ives deserves, and certainly should have been 1QDM -Ul Hsajd nominated for his brilliant re-creation of Big Daddy in the film version of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." He was, however nominated as Best Supporting Actor for "The Big Country." This year's winner may be Arthur Ken nedy for "Some Came Run ning." Gig Young in "Teacher's Pet" did this year's best job for specific pictures nominated. In other categories, here's a large vote for Richard Brooks (Best Director for Cat); Jerome Moross (for his music for "The Big Country"); Best Song: "A Very Precious Love," from "Marjorie Morningstar"; Best Screenplay: Poe and Brooks for Cat. Sunday This week's Union Sunday fling is "Giant," with a 6:30 starting time. Of course, this is the George Stevens production of Edna Ferber's story of Texas. Liz Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean star, and perhaps you'll recall that this was the latter's last role shoot ing having been concluded several months before his untimely death. lr!?You Cau Bc pro,,i i ijSrja If Your Diamoml I yfp7v! Is From Sartors I s -v I SS L - Jvil ; I Lngagrment Ring Engagement Ring IUK white or natural gold $1 CftOO with twelve fine diamonds Including Federal Ta rs3Mri3xxionr or ... fp iillaTiUlSivi 359 3j 1 0 S S V 9 NJtinw spill 1 31 1 ill ii i mjE i jvino i iy o ha n o IsTnMri, v dfii a v This week's special ' is this beautiful Diamond Wedding Ensemble. Only the finest styling, quality and workmanship at this low price, and it can be purchased at Sartors . . . Where ycu can be sure of what you are getting. Easiett Term In Town Ao Interest Charge -Oualit, T.i.. iftfiV'TJ 1200 '0' f treat Jjf ICROSSWORD o. 19 19. 20. ACROSS 1. Fordham-lta 4. Savoy-type dance 9. Beta Kappa's rirat name 12. Rocky'a Albany predecessor 13. New Guinea 14. End of a heel 15. Studying each other 18. How knights would get on the deans' Paradoxical place to go out to . out with 22. Lamb who's gone to pot 26. It's needed for energy 28. Do you dig It? 29. Low man in the choral society 81. Giant in progress 82. Hslf of the opposite of fat 83. Start a week end 84. It'a the only enow fresh ons 43. Fellow looking for a shiner 44. Beginning to be taught 45. What to give a martini 46. World War II theater 47. Vanishing New York transportation 48. Much girl 49. The thing of it in Latin DOWN 1. Don't do this with your motor 2. Swanny river 8. Rendezvous 4. Counter advances 5. Sometimes s little white lie 6. Oh. daddy, s fish 7. Trumpet accessory 8. Scrub-team item 8. For literary pigs 10. What Konls don't have 11. Kind of tarred 16. Make little impression 17. Paint jobs 20. Ducky network 21. Are backward 23. Going concern 24. It's human to 25. Bigjrsr than 83 Down.butsmall 27. What bikinis barely do 80. With s Y, It's kind of foolish 81. Middle of the loweat 84. Kiss Me girl 85. It's precious, 0 chuml 36. Work in the Latin class 87. Fscto's first nam 88. God (German) 89. Came to rest 40. To laugh In Paris 41 s , 42. God of lova 1 I2 I3 Fl4 Is I7 I8 F'l9 ' I" 73 : ,i TT fu SJ J IS 16 17 7 Ti Cjmmtmnmm 11 aaaaaBi aamaaasni sBBBBsaBBBSl 1 I "are you kcdl SoTT rH enough to 57- -rjr-ftT Lj KRACK THIS?" 26 rri27 "yhi 29 30 3r?Y IT"; " r" 34 35 36" 37 38 39s5 40 41 1 42 43 " 47 i48 7 A cool and clean a a breath of fresh air, Finest leaf tobacco... mild refreshing menthol, and the worlds most thoroughly tested filter ! "With every puff your mouth feels clean, your throat refreshed ! Gmericos Mosh l&fieshing Oefe . ALSO REGULAR SIZE KOOL WITHOUT FILTER! 9 1960, Brown Williamson Tobacco Corp. f SWITCH FROM TO 1 fL M KCDL . FILTER fQi$arettel 3viSrV TGDX