Si , i . If 1 Vol. 33; No. 83 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, March 18, 1959 MMm ft m . i ... , i i S 7' - if - l -V; ST , - V. ' ' Miss KU Relay Queen Innocents Young for Yvonne Young, junior in Teachers', has been selected as Nebraska's representative in the Queen of the Kansas Relay contest. Miss Young was selected from a field of ten contestants by the Innocents Society on a basis of beauty, poise and personality. A queen entry will be taken for the contest from each of the seven schools in the Re lay competition. One of the girls theft will be selected as the queen from pictures and a biographical sketch sub mitted to the contest. The judges will examine the pictures and sketches April 13. Faculty members from KU will select the queen. A co-queen will be elected from KU. The Relays will be held April 18 and 19 at Lawrence, Kansas. The girl selected will have an expense paid trip to SC to Hear Hardin Talk On Budget Annual Meeting Open to Students Chancellor Hardin will dis cuss the proposed NU budget and the bills in the Legisla ture which concern the Uni versity in a Student Council meeting to day. The meet ing will b e h e 1 d at 4 p.m. in Un ion 315. It is open to a 1 1 students. "This round table discus sion wi1h the Chancellor Hardin and the Council is an unusual event, sort of a 'state of the nation' type thing," said Gary Frenzel, vice president of the Council. "But this year the Chancel lor's speech will also be aimed to help the Student Council Legislative Commit tee in the work it has been doing concerning the Legisla ture," Frenzel said. "For the last few weeks we've been down talking to legislators, or have been ask ing persons from the various districts to talk to their legislatures, mainly concern ing the University budget. Salary Increase Our particular goal is to help get the budget passed and to convince the legisla tors that students are interest ed. We're especially interest ed in the proposed increase in faculty salaries," Frenzel said. The Council legislative com mittee, under the leadership of Mary McKnight, has se - lected three students from each of the senatorial d i s tricts to talk to their respec tive senators. "Today Chancellor Hardin will explain the budget and the increased expenditures and why they are needed in order that we'll be able to talk intelligently with our leg islators," Frenzel said. Cheerleailing The first cheerleaders prac tice session will be tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. in the Coliseum. The other sessions will be held in the second week in ApriL I 1 sJ""'l Young Select Contest KU from "April 16 to 19. Chaplain of Alpha Omicron Pi, Miss Young is the reign ing Miss National Rural Elec- trification Association. She is also a Cornhusker Beauty Queen finalist and a member of YVVCA and Red Cross. In Memoriam McConahay Innocents' Scholarship Dave McConahay of Hoi drege has been awarded the first scholarship from the newly established Innocents' Memorial Scholarship The schol arship was awarded on the basis of campus ac tivities and s c h olarship during his f r e shman year. A minimum average of McConahay 6.0 was required to be eligible for the scholarship. McConahay is a 1957 Hol- j drege High School graduate and is majoring in cnemisuy. A sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences, he is a member of the University M a r c h i n g and Symphonic Band, Nu-Meds, Gamma Lambda, band honorary so ciety, the varsity golf team and Phi Kappa Psi. Med Study He has received Regents scholarships for two years and is planning to study medicine after receiving his Bachelor of Science degree. The presentation was made Monday evening at the week ly Innocents' Society meeting. The Memorial Fund was started this year by recent University graduates in honor of three of their classmates, former Innocents, who were killed in accidents. The stu dents were Ben Eelmont and Robert Young, who were killed while in the service, and Robert Cook, who died In a traffic accident. To other prominent alumni who recently died are also be ing honored by the establish- 'Happiness9 Show Ahead KUON-TV Plans Series' Program A TV show attempting to find the elusive definition of happiness, will be featured on "Channel 12 Presents" March 27 at 8 p.m. "In Pursuit of Happiness," will concern a presentation of the ideas that attempt to describe the emotion. Poet-critic John Ciardi, so-ciologist-edncator Daniel Ler ner and botanist-author Edgar Anderson will participate in the program. . Lyman Bryson, professor emeritus of education at Teachers College, Columbia University, is moderator-interrogator along with Mrs,. Grace Stevenson, retiring president of the Adult Educa tion Association. Ag Engineers Meet The student branch of the Society of Ag Engineers will meet at 7 p.m. in 206 Ag En gineering Building. The meet ing topic is E-Week. Hass, Exclusive. . Six Stops: Twenty-Four Register For MB State Tour Twenty-four persons have registered to see Nebraska via the Mortar Board's Inter national Tour, Sally Flana can. chairman of the tour, said. "We would like to encour age more students, and espe cially more American stu dents, to participate," she said. 16 Places Available Of the 24, six are Ameri can students ana iwo are sponsors, Miss Flanagan said. The tour can accommodate 40 people. Names or application blanks for those planning to go should be turned into the Student Union Activities Of fice. Frequently students sign up at the last minute, the chair man said. 'I doubt that we will have Gets First ment of the fund: the society's founder, Dr. George Condra, former dean and director emeritus of tne University's Conservation and Survey Di vision, and Guy Reed of Chicago. Active-Alumni The establishment and pro motion of the trust fund is a joint effort of the active In nocents Society and the Alum ni Innocents Association. Recipient of the annual award will be chosen by the University's General Scholar ship Committee from candi dates recommended by the Innocents Advisory Commit tee. The award will pay tui tion and fees. Phis Win Kingston Trio; Chi O, Alpha Chi Place The Kingston Trio will move from the Hungry i into the Alpha Phi house tonight. The Trio is the Phi's re ward for selling the most dol lars worth of tickets, $465. Chi O Second Second place in the tickets selling contest went to Chi Omega who sold $423 dollars worth of tickets. Alpha Chi Omega placed third with $325. Joan Bailey, Alpha Phi tick et chairman, said plans for the Trio were indefinite; but she thought the house would have a date dinner. 'No Collaboration' She said that the Alpha Phi house had officially collabor ated with no other house, con trary to rumor. "We sold tickets to the Phi Delts, not with them," she Colorado State To Debate NU Two Colorado State stu dents will debate two Uni versity students tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in Howell Memorial Theater. They will debate the pros and cons of prohibiting the development of nuclear weap ons by international agree ment. Gary Hill and Sara Jones Gacdeken are the two Uni versity students. The debate is open to the public. Entries Needed For May 'Scrip9 Manuscripts are now being received for the next issue of Scrip, which will be out the middle of May. The manuscripts can be left in an envelope outside Prof. Robert Hough's office in An drews or can be left at the Phi Kappa Psi house with Steve SchuHz, Schultz sail Manuscripts must be turned in before April 3. Witte, Phillips a group of 40," Miss Flana gan said. "This is our seventh annual tour. Each year the number of students has gone ud gradually, although it stays basically the same." Previous Participation Last year 40 students par ticipated, she said, and the year prior to that one, 23 went on the tour. The itinerary of the tour remains basically the same from year to year, Miss Flan agan commented. This year's scheduled stops include: Grand Island where the group will tour the Grand Is land Independent and a sugar plant. They will lunch and present a, panel discussion at the high school. Kearney State Teachers College. Lexington where they will visit the power plant, an al falfa plant and a cattle feed ing lot. Cozad includes a tour of a plastic tube manufacturing plant. Curtis School of Agriculture, the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben Cattle and Stock Show. Minden, the Pioneer V i 1 lage. The tour is financed partly by the Mortar Board Society from proceeds from various projer during the year and partly by participants, Miss Flanagan explained. Organizations in the towns visited also cooperate by pro viding meals and programs, she said. The tour begins Monday, and ends Wednesday. MB Tour Meeting Planned Thursday A final orientation meeting for those going on the Mortar Board's International Tour will be held Thursday at 5 p.m. in the Student Union. said. The Phis racked up the dol lars by selling in the Selleck "a few Lincoln high schools," some houses on campus, and the girls Dorm. Marti Hansen, ticke t chairman for Chi Omega, said that the house sold in places "around the city" and at Doane College. She said they sold tickets to Delta Upsilon. Alpha Chi Omega said they sold tickets to Wesleyan, the Boys Dorm, and student nurses at Lincoln Hospitals. Bill Lindgren, Delta Tau Delta treasurer, said his house collaborated in the tick et selling with the Alpha Chis. Tribunal Cases Up 21 Slated Twenty-one students will appear before the Student Tribunal Thursday at 3 p.m., according to J. Philip Colbert, dean of the division of stu dent affairs. The Tribunal has scheduled a longer meeting than usual in order to hear the larger number of cases, he said. They will meet from 3-6 p.m. Instead of from 3-5 p.m. Fourteen of the cases are the result of a trespassing complaint, Dean Colbert said. Some of the fourteen cases also involve charges of mi nors possessing alcoholic bev erages, he said. Of the remaining seven cases, six are alcoholic bev erage charges. One involves a charge of theft, according to the dean. Teaching Applications Due By April 1 Student teachers must have their application for the 1959 summer session or 1959-60 fall semester in 202 Teachers Col lege by April L Scholastic Trio Reach Perfect Averages; Lowest in Top 10 Is 8.706 Three University students are members of an exclusive club they all received straight nine averages. Wilbur Hass, Alfred Witte and Wayne Phillips got the perfect marks. Other Top Grades Among the other seven students in the top 10 scholars is Myrna Grunwald, a Teacheri College January graduate, who had an average of 8.857. Two men, Ned Lindsay, a graduate student, and James Wees, senior in Engineering, scored 8.789. Larry Dornhoff, freshman in Arts and Sciences, and Car ole Conrad Van Haaften, sen ior in Arts and Sciences, both had averages of 8.765. Robert Meier, Junior in Engineering and Architecture, had a 8.75. Dixie Peterson, another Teachers College January graduate, had an 8.706 aver age. Hass, who was awarded a wooa row Wilson Fel lowship last week, will graduate in June from the College of Arts and Sci e n c e s. A K ,.f Phi B e t a Li V K a p p a, he Hass plans to do graduate study at the University of Michigan and then become a clinical psychologist. Poor Studies Claiming that he has "very poor study habits," Hass said, "If you want to use me as an ideal student, it's not a very good idea! I study on the bed with the radio playing." In advice to students, Hass said, "Students should realize Witte Phillips that neither the professors lectures or the textbooks give them an objective viewpoint. Both are biased and shouldn't be taken as an absolute truth." His overall average is 8.867. Last semester he carried eight hours of mathematics, seven hours of psychology and three of sociology. He had a Meadow Gold scholar ship for the past two years. Phillips, a sophomore in Arts and Sciences, started the University this year with 43 credit hours earned by ex tension and from summer school. He had been in the Army. With his overall average now at 8.4, Phillips carried German I, Chemistry 2, Eo nomics 11 and Zoology 1 last semester. He is a pre-dental student Not attributing his high grades to any secret method, Phillips says he just studies too much." He added that the intensive school work has held down his social life. Reading Pogo is among his favorite recreational habits. His current ambition is to stay above an eight average. Witte, the third nine scholar, was not available for comment. Burt Selected To Pharm Group Dean Joseph Burt of the University College of Pharm acy has been selected to serve as one of the two pharmacy representatives on the nom inating committee of the United Stales Pharmacopeial Convention. In April Dean Burt, will at tend a meeting of the nom inating committee in New York City which willpreclule the 1960 decennial Pharma copeial Convention. Nearly-New Shop Open Thursday The Nearlv-New Shop lo cated in Temporary G, will be open from 7 to 8 p.m. inurs day. The budget shop is spon sored bv faculty women. At 8 p.m. the group will meet at University High. The program will include two films on childbirth. '(' 1 J It Y DwT M ft -v A ' Nearly Two Per Cent Pull Eight Averages One hundred-eighteen full time students received grade averages of eight or above last semester. This group con sisted of less than two per cent of the 6,500 undergradu ate students. They are: James Adelson. Charlea Ahrens. Walter Akeson. Soma Anderson, Patricia Arnold. Marcele Barelman, Darlen Becker, Irvin Belzer, Henry Rami .KunnAth HPIHI. IJfln XSiaZCK. rfUD- Rnarknhauer. Carolvn Boesieer. Kar en Goesiger. Dennis Bonge, ram oower. Nancv Carroll. Kichard Carroll, Loren Casement. James Christensen. Thelma Christenson, Sherry Clendenny, Rodney Clifton, Nancy Copeland, Craole Crate, Ardu Deichmann. Georg Eagleton, James Eggers. Marilvn Evans. Delmar Fangmeier, Herbert Feidler. William Fish, James Foley, Fred Forss, Troy Fnchser, James Geist, Donald Hagerman, Lucille Happel, James Harpstreith, Jacqueline Higbee, William Holland. Donald lburg, Charles Johnson, Don Kauiman, Julianne Kay, Mary Kemp, Paulua Kersten, Charles Keyes, Sharon Dean Kindler, Glenda Klein, Mary Koch, Jaroslav Kohl, Ruth Kaziol, Earle Lar son, Nancy Lewis, Loren Lutes. Diana Maxwell, James Mctsnae, Myrna McClary, Bette Breland McKie, Ronald Morphey, Dennis Nelson, John Nelson. Richard Nelson. Richard New man. Richard Nolan, Monte NowaK, uon- ald Olson, Shirley Parker, Betty Pearson, Allen Peterson, Karen Peterson. Russell Kasmussen, Modris Richters, Frederick Rickers, Sylvia Rodehorst, Dwaine Rogge, Paul Mathias Rooney, Karvl Ro&enbereer. Paul Russell. Linda Schelbitiki, Dorothy Schidler, Vernon Schoep, Stanford Schuster, Mary Se- berger, Beverly Shepardson. Clayvena Shirley. Michael Smith, Paul Smith, Sid Snyder. Don Sorensen, Vir ginia Steele, Sharon sterner, ftersnn Stone, Dorothy Stron, Anette Sunderman, Zaffaroni Joins Workshop Staff Dr. Joe Zaffaroni, assistant professor and science super visor in elementary educa tion, will be on the staff of the McPherson College Na tural Science Workshop June 1-6. The workshop at McPher son, Kan., will emphasize re cent developments in the space and atomic age science as related to the elementary school. . Dr. Zaffaroni will cooperate with Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, member of the McPherson College science faculty, in the special summer course. District YWCA Conference Set The YWCA District Confer ence will be held April 3 and 4 at Kearney. The conference, which is en titled "What Is To Be Done,' concerns the work and pur poses of the organization on campus and a re-evaluation of what has been done. Mrs. Doris Wilson from the district office will be the main speaker. Students who wish to attend the conference must register at Rosa Bouton by Friday. Are Beatniks Meaningful? Some Scholars Think So (Note: The beat generation is the subject of articles in many college papers. The Iowa State Daily reports the following.) Are the beatniks represent ative of this generation? Many scholars feel they are. They see it on college cam puses and frequently in stu dent writing. For these people, religion has no meaning, the economy has no position, society has no station and morals have no significance. Life is meaningless. They have rejected everything and have nothing with which to replace it. Theirs is a nega tive philosophy completely lacking positive force or movement. Their aim is aim lessness. The causes for this nega tivism are diverse and mani fold, but a few of them indi cated in the "beat" writings are: i 1J The world tensions with Jo Club Fred Swaim. Jean Thomssoa. Barn' Tolly. f -mt Michael Voorhies, Mary Vrba, Gordon Warner, Gene Watson, Sharyn Watson, rrank wells, ueiane wslscn, William White, Bernard Wieman, Robert Wil liams, Richard Wooley, Lynn Wright. Journalists To Hear Kalber Film, Speeches Set by Newsman Floyd Kalber, news direc tor of KMTV in Omaha, will make two appearances before journalism students today. At 11 a.m., Kalber will speak to a beginning journal ism class on television news and the operation of a televi sion newsroom. Journalism Convocation At 1:30 p.m. in Rm. B-2, Burnett, Kalber will appear before a journalism convoca tion sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, men's professional jour nalistic fraternity; Theta Sig ma Phi, women's professional journalism fraternity, and Kappa Alpha Mu, profession al photographic fraternity. In the afternoon meeting, Kalber will show the "Hidden City," one in a series of docu mentary films produced by KMTV news under Kalber's direction. Each of the "Hid den City" programs details a part of the life of Omaha. The first film dealt with the Oma ha Police Department. Competing Series The "Hidden City" series will be placed in competition this fall with other documen taries produced by local sta tions. '" They will compete for the best locally-produced docu mentary award given annual ly by the Radio-Television News Directors Association. Russian Films Replace 'Ballet9 Two Russian films, "Boris Godunov" and the "Mosieyev Ballet" will be shown this week in place of the foreign film "The Ballet of Romeo and Juliet" originally sched uled. The films will be shown oa Thursday night instead of on Wednesday because of the Kingston trio performance. There will be two perform ances of both films with the features beginning at 8 and 9:40 p.m... the threat of an obliviating hydrogen-bomb war. 2) The theories of modern physics which created doubt for the possibility of predic tion or ascertainable natural order. 3) The theories of Darwin, by their insistence on the meaningless of will, created the foundation of the philoso phical cult of the accidental 4) The constant class strug gle between the rich and poor with the middle class emerging as the ultimate in mediocracy. 5) The dying social cus toms clung to reverently by a society that cannot explain their meaning or usefulness. Other scholars deny that the beatniks are representa tive. Certainly the person that bubbles with the beautiful and hides, ostrich-like, from the ugly cannot be represent ed by a group who see booze, dope, sex and despair, they , contend. " SVOv,-