The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1959, Page Page 4, Image 4
Poge 4 THe Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, March 17, 1959 American Paintings 'Leave Much Desired, At Morrill Hall Art Association Exhibition Ire All IFC Dances Jinxed? Tk Mistrial l rvl.w ml II,. .raa Art A,cl.l ! kMI .1 M.rrlH H.H. Th. irtic" ... iiti kv seal., art aisjar. By Jon Nelson l ne Contemporary Ameri can painting shown at the Nebraska Art Association's exhibit at Morrill Man leaves a lot to be de sired. The American paintings are part of the exhibit of con temporary U.S. and Euro pean paintings, graphic arts wnwMwim sea. f """ " "SEW?" "" "-'' '. , .mxKMKm ,i,...' 11,,,,. tn,,,, ina . A K - 111 L- 1 ;: ' ' """' fi'" " i , , , 4 .... .... . - " ' " limr i i by Robert Ander Parker, has a monumental quality that many modern pictures lack. Parker has given his ship the qualities of strength and imprepability which are in herent to a fortress of the Still Life Two still lifes by Gerogio Morandi, an Italian artist, warrant a trip across camp us to see. They are lyric po etry in paint. It is seldom that we in the Midwest, outside of the metropolitan areas, have a chance to see sculpture. Fourteen pieces are in the exhibit ranging from the tra ditional through the cubist to the abstract. One traditional piece bv Martini is a female head with an 18th century, Rococo feeling. The cubist piece by Henri Laurens is also a fe male head. An excellent piece, all of the lines carry through and flow into one an other no matter where one stands. Abstract i One abstract, by Ameri-i ican sculptress Louise Nevel son, is actually a group of! tnree pieces, ine group is composed of tall, narrow black boxes which stand up right and are filled, with wedges, circles, squares and freeform shapes cut from wood and painted black. . This work is from a series called "Moon Garden Tot ems." They look like night where the moonlight trans forms things into weird and fantastic shapes. In addition to the paintings and sculpture there is a sec tion of graphic arts, draw ings and prints. Included is one of Joseh Albsers' ink- less pintaglios, which repre sents contemporary prints in their purist degree. There is a Stanley William Hayter print, "Tropic of Cancer," which represents contempor aroy prints in their baroqe state. The exhibit covers the last' 100 years. It is interesting to see just how far we have come. Are IFC Balls universally jinxed? ' Although the University of Wyoming's IFC Spring Ball was recorded a financial suc cess, it suffered a loss of $710. The- IFC secretary said that this was "a great improve ment over previous years," particularly last year when the Ball lost $1,500. Last year the Ball featured Blue Baron and the Crew Cuts, while this year's starred Woody Herman's band. Alpha Kappa Psi Adds Ten to Clan Alpha Kappa Psi, profes sional business fraternity, has pledged 10 new members. The pledges are: Rex Buehrer, Neal Clausen, Bill Crest, Harold Hoff, Jim Jaeger, Dick Newman, David Stitt, Al Williams, David Weaver and Kent Winker. Interview Schedule Employment interviews will be conducted on campus by the following industrial firms and government agencies dur ing March. Information and sign-up sheets for the interviews can be obtained in 109 Administra tion Building. Tuesday Staley Milling Co., Black Sc Veatch. Wednesday Northern Nat ural Gas, Good-All Electric Co., Butler Manufacturing Co., Census Bureau. Thursday City of Milwau kee, American Cynamid Co., Boeing Airplane Company. Friday Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., American Cynamid Co., Boeing Airplane Co. March 30 Cessna Aircraft Co. March 31 Sunbeam Corpor. ation, Corps of Engineers, Ceco Steel Products Corp. Federal Aviation Agency. Mostocciole ' Spaghetti Lasagne Ravioli 3457 Holdrege ?Iacs4 MarHavi Pizxa $ .75 $1.50 $2.00 Ph. 8-1472 VERTICAL STILL LIFE portraits by Keith Vaughn are among the features of the Nebraska Art Association's an nual exhibit at Morrill Hall. Nebraskan Want Ads LOST A.M. pin. PS. on h,rk.. Cull Pro Sherman 2-3120. Reward. FOUND F'eh School Class Ring. Claim at Ne braskan Office. PERSONAL Kvher specialist tn Menu Women's rutin problems. Douhie breasted convene to single. 4445 So. th. 4-4212. FOR SALE IMS Ford Fairlane. Kordnmatic, ftillv equipped. Al DiinEle. 145 So 2Sth Evening. Tear old Macnavo HI-FI sn Call Howard Kooper 8 A.M. 2-3120. This space. Why don't yon sell those uriused itrtlcles. For ,a:e BookoAse. desk, elrm-of-J J r misrellaneous furatture, FOR RENT T-nemrtters. adding machines for rent or salt. BLOOMS, i-i No. 1. 2-5208. TV s rented 12.50 per month. Rverr. thing furnished. Kollar'a enhance. 1-2 Woman graduate student to share ex ceptionally nice apt. Near cmpus. Very reasonable. 6-tt0SJ after 6:30. THESIS BINDING "Udents. have your thesis bound at H. A H. Bindery by experienced book b riders t new low prices. Special custom binding at a slightly higher rate. Bibles, Textbooks. Periodicals bound and rebound at Iow Low prices. Phone 6-4435 Daytime 2-8309 Evenings. WANTED Ride ta Washington. D.C.. or vicinity tor vacation. Will share expenses and driving. Contact Sheridan Anderson. 7.'i Melleck. FRATERNITIES SORORITIES DtSavn's Texaco Service announces your standingi on March 16 1. Phi Delta Theta 2. Delta Ugsiba 3. Theta Xi 4. Sigma Phi Epsilon 5. Kappa Sigma 6. Alpha Chi Omega 7. Alpha Gamma Sigma 8. Sigma Chi 9. Alpha Xi Delta 10. Sigma Nil 11. Phi Kappa Psi 12. Alpha Phi 13. Delta Delta Delta 14. Sigma Alpha Uu 15. Delta Tan Delta 18. Ksppa Kappa Gamma 17. Beta Theta Pi 18. Alpha Tan. Omega 19. Zeta Tsu Ipha 20. Delta Eamma and sculpture which opened March 1 and will continue through March 29. As part of the Lincoln Cen tennial, 19th century and ear ly 20th century American art has been included as a special feature of the exhib it. New York School j There has been a lot of paint brushed, squeezed and; squirted on the large can vasses; and the most they manage to do is to look like watered versions of the New! York School artists such as Adolph Gottlieb. Franz Kline and Robert Moth erwell, who are not rep resented. There is one noticeable large painting by Nassos Daphm's titled "Composition No. 10" which is composed of red, blue and black rec tangles with a w hite stripe running vertically through the center of the picture. If; one stands and looks at this picture for awhile, the rec-i tangles begin to move in and ! out of the picture plane, and i the white stripes begin to ! waver from side to side. The best pictures in the show are the small ones. A watercolor of a battle ship, ' Conte Di Cavour IV," THE BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY Will 15e Represented ON CAMPUS THURSDAY - FRIDAY March 19, 20, 19..9 A CAUF.F.K AT BOEING is llie , Iiolcc of an ever increasing number of students from Nebraska University. Boeing looks forward to a long and pleasant association with those graduates who will join its organization at the end of the present school year. THE BOEING STORY is an impressive one. Contact the placement office now for an appointment with the Boeing career consultants. E.VGINEERS .Mechanical. Aeronautical. Electrical. Civil. Math, Phvsics, etc. will interview in the ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. BUSINESS GRADUATES Business Administration, Accounting . Industrial Jlanagenient, Statisticians, etc., will aUo interview in the ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. YOU'LL BE WELCOME BOEING AIRPLAf IE COMPANY KUON-TV Tuesday 5:30 Tales of Polndexter 5:45 The Friendly Giant Evening Prelude 6:30 TV Classroom 7 Let's Visit School 7:30 The Latin Americas I Language in Action 8:30 Decision Your Unicameral Patronize The Nebraskan Advertisers Junior Year in New York An vnutual one-yar college program Set your dtan or writ for brochuro to: Dean F. H. McCloskey Wishiniton Sqtiirt College New York University New York 3. N.Y. frTi io , L l K,,YorVil I mm THE FIRST Pressurized Shaving Lotion 4- WO; V j- 'v ," n S- - Wichita, Kansas Seattle, Washington Now you can enjoy Yardley After Shaving Lotion, famous for crisp, cool scent and nick-healing touch, in the new Jetstream pressurized container. No cap to lose, no bottle to break. Just press l!i top for right amount. Won't spill or evaporate Jetstream gives you quality and convenience. Trj it today. $1 plus tax. NEW JETSTREAM YARDLEY After Shaving Lotion Lincoln's SlsXolL Dr"9 Store Ruppert's Pharmacy Thirteenth & N Sts., Lincoln Dial 2-1209 o You Think for Yourself ? (. TAKE THIS TEST ) AND FIND OUT I 1. Does it bother you to admit that 5'ou I 1 I J haven't read a very popular book? YES NO j 2. Do you think there are degms of cheating in a game or examination? Are there certain foods you feci sure you'd dislike without having ever tried them? YES YES 4. Would you be seriously concerned toYEsI i NO read in your horoscope that catastrophe I I . would befall you tomorrow? Do you often fall short of cash several days before your pay or allowance is scheduled to come through? NO 6. When you're driving, do you like to be first getting away from a stop light about to change? 7. Would you be reluctant to learn a new sport in the presence of friends who were experts? 8. Have you found it to be personally true that "a man's best friend is his dog"? YES YES J,;..- p YES 9. Do you believe your choice of a filter cigarette should be based on hearsay ? If you're the kind of person who thicks for ' yourself, then choosing a cigarette will be based on a careful study of the facts not Oil quick decisions. Men and women who think for them feelves usually smoke VICEROY. Their good judgment tells them there's only one ciga rette with a thinking manVfilter and a smoking man's taste. And that cigarette is VICEROY. you've answered "NO" to eight out of the nine questions above, you reaUy think X let " jot yourseij: Famltlaf pack or box. PI Ff mm mm oxmm m I HQ IVlfln Nhn IhinlfC fnr Mimcolf fnntire ONLY viceroy has a thinking man s ..... w mmmmmtxm IM iiiiiiVill lUlWVId FILTER. ..A SMOKING MAN'S TASTE I i t i