The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, March 17, 1959
Pooe 2
The Dailv Nebroskan
Editorial Comment:
New Retirement Bill
Advantageous to All
Tomorrow, the new University retire
ment bill, LB130, will be debated. Senator
David Tews, one of the sponsors of the bill,
whom we talked to Saturday night, hopes
the solons will give their stamp of ap
proval to the plan.
So do we.
It is time that the University had a re
placement for their present plan. That
plan, adopted by the Legislature in 1949.
prevents a former University employee
from drawing more than $2,400 a year in
NVCWA Program
The other day, Judy Truell, president
of NUCWA; stepped into our office to talk
about the organization's spring program.
It sounded pretty good.
NUCWA will sponsor a foreign student
picnic and a mock session of the United
Nations. We suggested it might be timely
to hold a mock session of a foreign mini
sters conference on Berlin or at least some
thing dealing with the problem, and Judy
said they would take it under advisement.
The organization is also interested in
the Books for Asia campaign. Several of
the universities in Asia need English lan
guage textbooks to fill out the English
courses they are teaching. XUCWA will
accept anything written in English for the
Also on the docket are a series of talks
during the regular Tuesday meetings. Dr.
Joseph Burt, dean of the college of pharm
acy, will be the first in the series with a
discussion and movies of the World's Fair
at 7:30 tonight.
It all adds up to an active sort of cam
paign to encourage better understanding
among American students of world affairs
affairs that influence their lives more
than most of them care to admit.
Now all that NUCWA needs is some in
terested people. They don't even have to
be members, if an individual feels he
hasn't got the time to spend on the organ
ization. AH they have to do is come and
get what they can from the programs.
But for some reason Americans have al
ways been vastly indifferent to foreign af
fairs. And that melody still lingers on. If
there is any one subject which Americans
refuse to inform themselves on more than
any other, it is foreign affairs.
And we fought two wars because we refused.
pensions from the University retirement
We don't have to spend much time tell
ing anybody how far $2,400 goes today. Un
less a "former employee is part of another
retirement plan. thnueh social security
or insurance, he will have to find another
job to keep body and soul together at a
decent rate.
The new program would take care of
this and in a manner that should aopeal to
most Xebraskans. It will be a funded pro
gram, which simplv means that it will be
a pay as you go affair.
Another advantage of the proposed pro
gram is its vested interest feature. At the
present, a University employee doesn"t pay
anything toward his own retirement. The
University takes care of this.
By the same token, if he retires or is
disabled before he is 65, he gets no money.
But, when he pays into the pension fund
himself, as he would under LB130. he
would collect in case of disability before
The most important aspect of the plan is.
however, that it will at last put the Uni
versity on a more nearly equal footing
when competing with other institutions for
competent personnel.
Say the University is attempting to hire
a prof from the University of Wyoming.
The fellow makes $6,000 a year plus a six
per cent contribution to the retirement
fund. If the University wants him they
have to pay $6,360 (the $360 being the
profs contribution to the retirement fund)
and then the University has to contribute
to the retirement fund for the feliow any
way. And here is one other good feature of the
plan that should gladden the hearts of the
thrifty folk of this state. An actuary em
ployed by the Unicameral to figure the
whole thing out, reports that by 1990 the
new plan will start saving money. So in
the lcng run, it's going to be cheaper.
Too Soon, Boys
Ever see a whole student body on pro
bation? Think it couldn't be done?
Take a look at Yale. There a premature
St. Patricks day parade, in which stu
dents snowballed policemen and otherwise
got out of hand, culminated with the ad
ministration putting every male member
of the school on probation. Zounds!
The Spectrum
The things that face the eyes of a new
freshman at the University at Nebraska
must be frightening.
The average 17 or 13 year old entering
youngster must be appalled to see his fel
low student committing
such felonies and criminal
actions that run the gam
ut from a 17 year -ld pur
chasing an illegal pack of
cigarettes in the Crib; to
a coed crossing 16th St.
although the traffic light
bad turned to amber be
fore she had reached the
halfway point in the street
(nonwith standing the
street beinz absent of traf
fic); to a Lincoln student parking 125
minutes in a two-hour parking zone, etc.,
But rather than Just shudder at these
flagrant violations of city ordinances, state
laws and moral codes, the student should
act to combat these legal abuses.
Suggestions might be:
L Have a periodic checkdown of ID's in
the Union. This would prevent smoking by
unathorized persons. Also it might be wise
to check into the spiking situation in the
Crib. Word is that some of the beverages
are being mixed with lemon, cherry, va
nilla and chocolate flavoring.
2. Have a junior traffic coordinating
committee (which could nicely fit into the
Student Council) which would assist stu
dents across streets at busy hours, and
help ease the flo w of traffic. To make the
committee more attractive, members
could be given the title of Junior Traffic
Officers, and could have shiny whistles,
blue caps and uniforms with gold stripes
on the trousers. In addition to easing the
traffic problem and keeping an eye out for
would be jaywalkers, members of the com
mittee might be students who have been
frustrated by inability to enroll in ad
vanced ROTC.
Since these appear to be the most ser
ious breeches of conduct facing our cam
pus, soon there would be no need for cam
pus police,, the Student Tribunal or mis
sives from the Dean of Student Affairs Of
fice. All would be sweetness and light, noth
ing would be off-limits and parents would
once again send their innocents to NU.
Arts Score
Dallas Williams and the University
Theatre crew are to be congratulated for
their production of "The .Matchmaker"
and apparently one of the biggest splashes
both for the Theatre and the campus this
year. Thornton Wilder, of course, can't be
forgotten in handing out the plaudits since
his play is the type that appeals to most
anyone and his University Theatre record
in the last 15 years is one that even
Shakespeare couldn't equal.
Although sets weren't spectacular and
some of the acting failed in parts, all in
all it was a fine production and a step on
the road to more interest in theatrics here.
A recent headline in the Oregon Daily
Emerald blared out 'Gromyko Raps
Dulles." And the adjacent advertisement
read "Knock on Wood."
Daily Nebraskan
grxrr-EiGHT teaks old
Member. Associate CoIleriaU rrew
Utereeiletiate "
BcyrecesUiive: Ksthmal AArtrtisiat Service.
rcbiisb at: bmi 2. Stalest CbJob
liseola. Nebraska
14th E
Taa IMf lObmrtraa a. mmtmmmt mm mmr. TMM.
r nni--i aa rnut araa law araaa w.
tmrmm nullum Ml mm mt tW
tmmtm mt mmmu a-rutf mt am
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mini, ri i - mt am ffaaraakaa mamt mrm mmw
Hwtm r raat fkrr aa. mm mm mm u
Iraraarr t.
9mm r,tnm rntrm mrm tt mmt mhw mt tm tm am
av.aafrwai trmw
(ami mM mmnmt mi fW mm MIM m
Umtmm, IcWMU. smVt Om at mt lam 4. my.
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aff "! 6m4n
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Cmmr Zaaa.
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mtmtt Krtlen MaraYa (Xln. Mate Waaiaa.
mttm Tartar
..Wry araua
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Amm aar McaacTa ......
iavMa It, Kana KaMflac
KMU EAT Five r:s )
I it KMr it mm . I i r I I f
University Pensions
Plan Designed to Match Other Schools
By John Schroeder
The University has a
friend in the person of
State Senator David Tews
of Norfolk.
Senator Tews is one of
the spon
sors of LB
130. a biU
to revise
the cur
rent Uni
v e r sity
tem. Senator
Tews said
the bill Tews
would provide a "pay as
you go plan." In this bill
the employee contributes a
certain percentage of his
wn wages toward his own
The basic features of
this proposed program are
found in the contributory
retirement programs of
nearly 500 universities and
colleges. Included in this
group are virtually all the
major universities with
which the University must
compete. To keep, and par
ticular) to procure, good
faculty members we must
meet the employment con
ditions of these institu
tions, Tews said.
Senator Tews added that
the bill would provide for
a two year study and es
tablishment of a re
tirement plan by the
Board of Regents.
Last week Senator Tews
proposed an amendment to
this bill which would in
clude limiting contribu
tions to . the retirement
fund by the individual and
by the University.
Under this amendment
the University could not
contribute more than six
MY little WORLD-
Dear Little C.G., Chuckie.
and the rest of the boysies:
You sweet little pargons
of virtue, ideals of Sunday
School Teachers, and inno
cents in a
cruel and
frig hten
i n g world,
h a ve flat
tered me.
com pare.
You busy
little men
have taken
time from
your noble
pursuits after
things in life
the milling mass
ants surrounding
the higher
away from
of peas
vou, to
peruse my column. 1 am
flattered, honored and deep
ly touched. For the continu
ation of this unsolicited ibut
not unappreciated i patron
age I shall hereafter proof
read with scrutiny and care
for those glaring errors so
sensitive to your tender
young eyes just opening to
he wonders of the world
about you. To also lighten
your obviously painful task
of reading, 1 shall draw dia
grams of subtle, cleverly
concealed meanings and la
bel especially obscure pas
sages as "sarcasm." I sin
cerely hope that these small
attempts will be of help to
you in your search after
analysis and truth.
Fresh Faced
If I had had any ambition
over the weekend, I would
have hustled around and
looked over the crop of
fresh-faced young boys that
invaded the Crib, the park
ing lots and the Coliseum.
Cad, they were all over the
place. It was impossible to
enjoy a nice soothing cup of
coffee in the Crib after a
hectic morning of classes
with shrill, squeaky voices
screeching back and forth
and some exuberant ones
bopping around the maga
zine stand. I must be getting
old, but all 1 wanted to do
was get out as fast as pos
sible. There must be an
amazing transition between
high school and college, but
1 can't possibly imagine my
mature acquaintances act
ing so loudly. We are a
quiet, sedate bunch.
New Union
The new Student Union is
-going 16 be" bice, but there is
going to be something sad
about moving out of the
small, dingy hole we have
been cokeing in. Those little
cracked red leather seats
are so intimate. But every
thing else with a little tradi
tion associated with it has
gotten the ax. so we might
as well resign ourselves to
a new Union in which we
might get lost in the maze
of rooms.
per cent ot the employ
ee's annual salary to his
retirement fund. The total
contribution for individuals
including the retirement
plan and social security is
not to exceed nine per cent
of the annual salary. The
employee's contribution
shail at least equal the
University's contribution.
Under the present retire
ment plan the employees
make no contributions
The present University
retirement plan was au
thorized by the legislature
at the 1919 session. It pro
vides for a single life an
nuity which can be pur
chased for the equivalent
of eight per cent of the
employee's salary, and
compounded at three per
cent annually. However no
employee may receive a
pension of more than
$2,400 annually.
The employee makes no
contribution and therefore
has no vested interest in
his retirement until he
reaches the age of 63. In
this case if the employee
should leave the Univer
sity (because of death, dis
ability or resignation) he
receives no compensation
for any of his prior serv
ice. Senator Tews said that
if the bill takes affect two
I years from now "it will in
no way affect anticipated
salary increases this bien
nium." A c t n a r i al projec
tions show that in the long
term the contributory sys
tem will be substantially
less expeWve-. than the
present prosram in which
the University foots the
entire bill.
Senator Tews added
that as each year passes
the retirement obligations
for that year will have
been fully met. The pro
posed plan, therefore, does
not place a lien on future
biennial appropriations for
the University.
The sponsor of the con
tributory retirement sys
tem think it will substan
tially raise the morale of
the present University fac
ulty. It gives them th?
protection of a tuna a
plan. It assures them or
their families benefits in
the event of death or dis
ability prior to reaching
retirement age.
No. IS
L Ha4r peak
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7. Hf takaa ran
A cool trad clctu m t, breath of freli air.
Fmet eml tobacco . . . mild refmhing menthol
mjod. thm world' most ttaorougMy tertd filter!
With every puii your mouth feel clean,
your throat ref rethed !
lM. kantvai
f SVVITCM from HOfS TO f I
Citfanf llninn Prerif$
Mrs MMW a
March IB, 1959
8:15 Pershing Audirorlam