The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1959, Image 1

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    Students Back
SC's Propose
Exam Change
By John Hoerner
"Concrete support is begin'
ring to materialize for our
final exam proposal", S t u
dent Council president Dwain
Rogge said Thursday.
Last week, Chuck Huston,
chairman of the Council final
exams conmittee, appealed
to organizations and honorar
les and interested individuals
for support.
So far the council has re
ceived four letters, all in fa
vor of extending the final ex
am period one day and leav
ing the first day free for
Letters have been received
from the Civil Engineering
Honorary, Alpha Chi Omega,
Sigma Chi and a home econ
omics student Mary Walters.
Mary Walters wrote in part
I wish to express my appre
ciation for the efforts of the
Committee in asking the ad
ministration to extend the
final exam period one day
in order to leave the first day
completely free for study.
Five Finals At Once
"Like many other students,
I took five final exams dur
ing the first four days of ex
am period.
"Although I cancelled a 1 1
possible activities for the
two weeks preceding exams,
adequate preparation was im
Sigma Chi scholarship
chairman Bill Paxton wrote
that it was the general opin
ion of Sigma Chi that finals
come too soon after the last
classes of the semester.
Time Needed
Paxton said "It is felt that
since final exams play such
an important role on the stu
dents grade, they should be
set up in such a manner that
tk; average student will have
at least one day between each
Raymond L. Balfour, secre
tary of the Honorary Civil
Engineering Society wrote
that the society had unani
mously passed a resolution
supporting the Council action
Student council members
gave several reasons for their
asking the administration to
provide the day of study:
Five Reasons
1. Many instructors give
hour exams on the last days
of the semester. Studying for
these interferes with prepar
ation for early finals.
2. Many students work on
Saturday, thus giving them
only one day to prepare
for Monday exams.
3. Many students have the
greater portion of their ex
ams at the first of the period
making adequate preparation
4. Other schools provide a
period of study between the
last classes of semester and
the start of final exams.
5. Because of the high per
centage to which final ex
ams affect final grades, oft
en 30 to 40, sufficient time
to prepare should receive cor
responding importance.
Vol. 33, No.
The Daily Nebraskon
Friday, March 13, 195?
to Stay 'Til
Five University Scholars
Get Wilson Fellowships
Five University students
have been named recipients
of Woodrow Wilson Fellow
Wilbur Hass, Charles
Keyes, Jack Oruch, Steve
Schultz and Dave Young
were among the 1200 Ameri
can and Canadian students to
receive the awards.
$1,500 Plus Tuition
ine reuowsnips carry
$1,500 plus tuittion and fees
er," Walter Wright, dean of
for single students and $2,000
plus tuition and fees for mar
ried students. The winners,
all of whom are graduating
in June, will continue with
their field of study at several
graduate schools in the na
Students receiving the
scholarships "must indicate
that they are seriously con
sidering becoming a teach-
YW Plans
For Kids
Underprivileged L i n coin
children will be treated to an
Easter egg hunt 6n the Uni
versity campus by the cam
pus YWCA.
The Easter Egg hunt, being
held for the first time this
year, will include youngsters
from Pentzer Park Center,
White Hall and Cedars Home.
Some 130 c h i 1 d r e n will
search for more than 23 dozen
colored eggs hidden in the
women's Residence Halls
lawn. The children will hunt
eggs from 3 to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Special prizes will be of
fered for particular eggs
which will be colored by YW
YW members in bunny cos
tumes will appear at the
event. The girls are Joanna
Rogers, Mary Osbeck, Kay
Hiatt, Barbara Goodwin, Jo
anne Meyer and Virginia
Eggs and prizes are being
furnished by various Lincoln
grocers and merchants.
Alpha Tau Alpha
Initiates Twelve
Twelve new initiates of Al
pha Tau Alpha, honorary vo
cational education fraternity
at the University, are:
Gary Aten, Thomas Clark,
Richard Frahm, Jimmy Gil
ley, Larry Goiter, Edwin Heng
and Richard Herzog, James
Nuttle, Larry Ott, Roy Smith,
Gary Vencell, and Gene Wa
termeier. Beta chapter at the Univer
sity was organized in 1925
under direction of Harry Brad
ford. Charles Keep is presi
dent of the local chapter and
Dr. Howard Deems, professor
of vocational education, is fac
ulty advisor.
IFC Board
Rush, Pledge
Rulings Okayed
The Interfraternity Board
of Control has endorsed the
recent IFC legislation con
cerning spring rushing and
pledge sneaks.
In a letter to IFC president
Gary Cadwallader, Leo Beck
Jr., president of the Beard of
Control states:
" ... We are interested in
the stand that you have taken
on the issues of rushing and
pledge sneak night. I am cer
tain that you will find that
these will benefit the system.
"While the area of pledge
training must still be given
serious consideration, I would
like to express my apprecia
tion at this time to you and
the entire council for the most
effective way the rush ques
tion and sneak night have
been handled to date."
The IFC recently passed
legislation limiting rushing of
high school students during
the school year and requiring
the registering of pledge
sneaks with the IFC as well
as the administration.
This weekend, which in
cludes the state basketball
tournament, is one of the few
left this spring for rushing
under the new IFC legisla
Church Meet
Set at Doane
Christian Council
To Hear Hetzler
The second Nebraska Unit
ed Student Christian Council
Conference will be held today
and Saturday at Doane Col
lege. ' ,
The conference opens at
7:30 tonight and closes at 8(
p.m. Saturday.
Guest speaker is Donald
Hetzler, campus pastor of the
Lutheran Student Association
at the State University of
Iowa. Dr. Gustave Ferre,
dean of Cotner College, will
be the Bible study lecturer.
The theme of the confer
ence is "The Mission of the
Church in thi! Whole World."
Students from the Univer
sity, Wesleyair, Doane, Kear
ney, Hastings and Peru will
take part.
The University Student
Council on this campus con
sists of representatives from
the Babtiiit-Disciple Student
Fellowship, Lutheran Student
Association, United Campus
Christian Fellowship, Wesley
Foundation ,and the Ag and
City campus YWCA's. i
the College of Arts and Sci
ences, said.
The announcement of t h e
winners climazed an nation
wide search for future college
teachers. They were chosen
from 7,000 candidates from
700 colleges, who were nom
inated and screened by com
mittees of faculty members.
Cretghton Fellow
Wright explained that a fel
lowship winner from Creigh
ton University in ' Omaha is
taking his graduate study at
the University. The student,
Kevin Reilly, is studying
physics. He graduated from
Creighon in January; I
Wright said that the schoi
arships have been nation-wide
for seven years. The first year
100 were awarded until the
number built np to the 1,200
given this year. Last year
five University students re
ceived the scholarships.
The project is back by a $25
million grant from the Ford
Of this year's group, 875 stu
dents are men and 325 are
women. Thirty-eight per cent
are planning to study hu
manities, 34 per cent are
planning to study in the social
sciences and the remaining
28 per cent will study natural
sciences and math.
Theatre Directing
Schultz, who was last se
mester's Outstanding Nebras
kan, will attend graduate
school at Princeton Univer
sity. Although he will study
English, Schultz said that be
eventually hoped to teach
theatre and play directing.
"This scholarship means
that I'll have a chance to go
to a school that I never could
have gone tootherwis e,"
Schultz said.
He is president of Nebras
ka Masquers, editor of
"Scrip," a member of the
National Collegiate Players
and Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.
He is majoring in speech and
Dave Young, one of tlje
two married students will re
ceive the $2,000 grant plus tui
tion. He will attend graduate
school m Iowa City, la., study
ing Greek and Latin.
He is a member of Theta
Xi fraternity.
Literature Study
Oruch, the other married
recipient, will also get $2,000.
Past president of Sigma Al
pha Mu, Oruch is a proctor
in the English A program.
He will study literature at the
University of Indiana.
"The scholarship will give
me the opportunity to do the
The Matchmaker is such a
busy gal that she needs an
extra day to complete her
business in Lincoln. And she's
caused a "first-time-in-15-years"
event, too.
For the first time since
1945, a University Theatre
production has been extended.
A majority vote of the per
sonnel involved moved the
closing date up to Monday
night. The original closing
date was Saturday night.
Dallas Williams, University
Theatre director, said the
vote resulted from numerous
calls from students, faculty
members and townspeople
who hold season tickets and
were unable to attend any of
the performances due to sell
o u t s for all the remaining
"It is our desire to honor
these tickets and an extension
of the last performance would
fulfill our obligation to these
ticket-holders," said Williams.
"Skin of Our Teeth," the
1945 Theatre production, was
graduate work that I had only
hoped for," Oruch said.
Keyes, who will receive
$1,500, will study anthropolo
gy at Cornell University. He
is a member of the Pub
Board, past president of
NUCWA, member of Kappa
Sigma fraternity and writer
for "Scrip."
Keyes said he intended to
study anthropology because
he felt there was a "definite
need for understanding peo
ple and their cultures from
their standpoint."
Hass, a Phi Beta Kappa,
plans to study clinical psy
chology at the University of
Michigan. An English major
for his first two years of col
lege, Hass changed to psv
chology at the close of his
sophomore year. He is a
member of the Palladian So
ciety. Hass added that he Aas
worked at the University li
brary since he was a junior
a Lincoln High School.
Function Registration
Rules Clarified
By Marilyn Coffey
"If a group of students from
various organizations o r
houses decide to have a
group party, they're doing
that as individuals," Mrs.
James Eller, assistant to the
dean, said.
"But, if they break state
laws or violate University reg
ulations they are responsible
as individuals," she empha
sized. Registers Functions
Mrs. Eller registers Uni
cersity functions on the so-
Page 2
Deadline Nears
For Trio Sales
AH Kingston Trio house
representatives must turn
in their tickets or money
by S p.m. Saturday. If the
tickets and money are not
in, the representatives will
be billed for unsold tickets
and their houses will be
eliminated from house com
petition, according to Bob
Handy, activities director
of the Union.
Grad School
Use Uneven,
Dean Says
Full capabilities of gradu
ate schools should be fully
utilized and the load of grad
uate study should not fall
upon a few famous graduate
centers, Dr. John Weaver
Dr. Weaver, dean of the
University Graduate College,
said most graduate students
"pile up in a small number
of places."
Graduate institutions should
be encouraged to remain
strong in the specialties of
their own selection, he said.
Speaking to a Purdue Uni
versity Graduate College Con
vocation in Lafayette, Ind.,
Thursday, the Dean spoke on
the strength of American
graduate schools which are
in "a fight as urgent as sur
vival itself."
Dean Weaver is also a
member of a national advis
ory committee which assists
with administration of gradu
ate fellowships under the Na
tional Defense Administration
cial or on the events calendar.
She explained to the Daily
Nebraskan University regula
tions as she derstands
If a minority u students
from a single organized resi
dence decide to have a party,
they might be identifiable
with that organization, she
Minority Undefined
Just what a minority is can
not be determined by num
bers as, there is no specific
standard of measure, she
commented. What a minority
is depends on circumstances.
Asked if a house would be
responsible for violation of
laws or regulations by a mi
nority of their members, she
replied, "conceivably they
could be."
This would depend again on
circumstances, she said.
She compared this to a
family relationship where the
actions of one member can
reflect on the entire family
Interpret Policy
Dean J. Philip Colbert and
Associate Dean Helen Sny
der actually interpret policy in
this area, she said.
"Lately, there has been a
little difficulty in that sorori
ties and fraternities have
registered social events im
properly," she commented.
Late registration and chap
erone cards improperly filled
out were the most common
This trend has become more
noticeable within the past
several months and has in
volved several pledge classes
as well as active's functions.
Lack of information seemed
to be a basic difficulty, she
Social chairmen in the
houses are responsible for
informing their pledge social
chairmen about regulations.
Must Register
All living units on campus,
including Greek houses; or
ganizations such as the Del
ian Union and the YWCA,
honoraries, schools or depart
ments which hold social func
tions should register them.
When the function is a date
affair, chaperones are always
Date dinners served by
mothers clubs are an excep
tion to this rule, Mrs. Eller
Some Exceptions
Very few of the regulations
are so rigid that exceptions
cannot be made under unusu
al circumstances, she added.
Dating functions will b e
registered by Mrs. Eller on
the social calendar. Other
functions are registered on
the events calendar, she ex
plained, if it is understood
that the organization's advis
ers are there.
Chaperones are required,
she said, to protect the student
as well as the University. If
complaints come to the at
tention of the office, chaper
ones can be asked about the
truth of the complaint.
In Hospital,
Trial Reset
Another postponement has
been given Sgt. John Furrow
in his Lincoln Municipal Court
trial on charges of leaving
the scene of an accident.
Furrow, head of the campus
police, had his trial reset for
April, according to City pros
ecutor Tom Gorham who said
Furrow is now hospitalized.
The trial of the NU police
man had been postponed sev
eral times previously.
In addition, Gorham said
he has filed a negligent driv
ing charge against Furrow in
connection with the same
Feb. 1 incident, in which Fur
row's car allegedly struck a
parked vehicle on V i n e be
tween 23rd and 24th, and he
did not stop to leave his name
or address.
Furrow has pleaded inno
cent to the charge of leaving
the scene, but has not yet
been arraigned on the negli
gent driving charge.
also extended by a similar
popular demand.
Director Williams held the
vote at 7:30 last evening in
order to make the announce
ment during the play. Th
entire cast, crews and faculty
voted in an open vote. Wil
liams predicted the probable
extension yesterday, but did
not care to make a definite
commitment. He stated that
some of the members of the
cast and crews had tests
Tuesday and that they would
have to proceed with caution
if these tests were too preva
lent. The play, a comedy-farce,
tells the story of two appren
tice grocers on a day off la
New York City and Younkers.
It is written in such a way
that it requires audience par
ticipation. Parts of the action
take place in the auditorium,
as well as on the stage.
Richard Marrs, a graduate
student in speech, plays the
part of Horace Vandergelder,
the store owner. Ron Hull and
Karl Harshbarger play the
parts of the apprentices.
Other parts are portrayed by
James Baker, Elizabeth De
bo, Roy Willey, Bonnie Tebo
Hays, Bill Larson, Marijane
Craig and Alice Baumgartner
plus other smaller supporting
Small "Oleo" acts which
include a singing trio, a read
ing, a dance, and more sing
ing, were presented during
Popcorn and Pompoms and Basketballs,
That's What Tournaments Are Made Of!
It's hard to locate the 24
basketball teams in the con
fusion of cowbells, pompoms,
popcorn, and cokes.
That's the Nebraska High
School State Basketball tour
nament which began last
night in the Coliseum. In 49
years the tourney has become
a statewide and University
tradition with every prep club
in Huskerland pointing for a
berth in the "Big Show" from
the first game of the season.
In 1911, a group of Nebras
ka school men and University
officials banded together Us
oiganize the first state tour
nament. Purpose of the tbur
rament was to provide a cli
max for the winter's sports
struggle and give university
officials a recruiting crack, at
prep stars.
In that grandaddy of all
state tournaments, Beatrice
emerged with the champion
ship. Only 21 clubs took part
in one open class.
C C. Thompson, director of
the Nebraska High School ac
tivities association, is the
tournament director.
Some tales arise out of the
old multi-class and team stalt
tournaments. John Beritly,
university athletic publicist,
last year recalled rushing
cle for the results of games
that were being played in
out of the way spots.
"The sports page of the
Journal was so full of agate
type reporting results it
looked like the market page,"
Bently said.
Through the years tnimgs
around town on a motor cy-1 have become more complicat
Tourney Predictions
This year four champions will return to defend their
hard won titles.
Participating teams with Nebraskan predicted winners
in boldface type are:
Class AA: defending champs Lincoln High, Scottsblaff,
Omaha South, Omaha Tech.
Class A: defending -champs Omaha Holy Name, Be
atrice, Holdrege and Ogaliala.
Class B: Minden will defend their title, Syracuse,
Wayne, Ord.
Class C: St. Cecilia, defending champs, Louisville,
Lodgepole, Bancroft.
Class D: Beaver Crossing, Snyder, Red Willow, Shick-.
Class E: Tobias, Prso, Marquette, Wilsonville.
ed. By 1920 the tournament
bad expanded to 11 classes
and 170 learns. An all time
peak in confusion was reached
in 1926 when 339 teams en
tered in 22 classifications.
Fred Deutsch, presently a
Norfolk lawyer, recalls thft
chanting students paraded
Lincoln streets after victories
and the city was "a general
madhouse for a full week."
16 Teams
In 1931 the tournament was
returned to its original one
class with 16 teams qualify
ing. In 1932, class B was add
ed and 32 teams were made
eligible. Class C came in 1936
and the number of teams
jumped to 48, with 16 teams
in each class.
Class D was added in 1941
and the number of teams
qualifying in each class was
restricted to eight.
In 1955 the number of class
es was upped to six with foi;r
teams allowed in each class.
Band Back
Linger On
Tour Provides
Alarms, Flats
Eighty-t h r e e University
band members trudged back
to classes Thursday, weary
but full of memories of an
other annual band tour.
Traveling about 900 miles in
the three-day tour, the band
played concerts at Bassett,
Valentine, Rushville, Hay
Springs, Chadron, Mullen and
Fire Alarm
Excitement? Some bands
men, staying at Chadron
State Teachers College, woke
with a start at 5 a.m. Wednes
day when the fire alarm in the
dorm shorted and went off.
One of the station wagons
carrying uniforms and instru
ments was plagued by a flat
As the band ended their last
number Tuesday night,
"There is No Place Like Ne
braska," Mr. Lentz, Univer
sity symphonic band direc
tor, brought out a birthday
cake for one of the clarinet
ists. It was her 21st birthday.
A traditional 'Tast concert
prank of surprising Mr. Lentz
on one of the marches was
thwarted Wednesday night.
This year's plan was to sub
stitute a different march for
"There is No Place Like Ne
braska." Instead Mr. Lentz "graci
ously" handed the baton to
Jack Nyquist, president of
Gamma Lambda band fra
ternity, and one of the instiga
tors of the plan, and to Ed
Hirsch, assistant director of
public relations for the last
two numbers.
Lodging arrangements were
varied as most bandsmen
stayed in private homes. Two
bandsmen fa a d a complete
basement apartment to them
selves while two others had
a room complete with their
own television and telephone.
Although band tour is over
for another year, the Univer
sity Symphonic Band will take
the stage again Sunday when
it presents its Spring Concert
at 3 p.m. in the Union Ball
Student Teaching
Applications Due
Elementary Education
majors who plan to do student
teaching must make applica
tion not later than April L
Applications for the 1359
summer session of during the
fall semester of the 1959-60
school year are available ia
202 Teachers College.