The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1959, Page Page 4, Image 4
VJ ''i A .1 . I . Page 4 The Daily Nebroskan Wednesday, March 11, 1959 Use Nebraska n Want Ads Now to March 14 SAVE 10 on any Record Bring Coupon to Sclitncller & Mueller 1212 "0" Only n coupon put piM Nam , Add rest Popular Classic Hi Fi Stero Union Boards Selected: Managers' Posts to 12 Five seniors and three juniors have been picked for the city Union Board of Man agers. The board members are: Sally Downs, Dorothy Hall, Karen Peterson, Jean Sell, John West, Sue Carkoski, Jackie Collins and Pat Porter Judy Sieler, Roger Wehr bein, Morris Beerbohm and Archie Clegg have been picked as members of the Ag Board. Miss Downs is secretary of Alpha Phi, vice president of Builders, member of Student Council, Phi Sigma Iota, Pi Lambda Theta and Alpha Lambda Delta and finalist for Ideal Nebraska Coed. She is a junior in Arts and Sciences. ( Miss Hall is vice president of Builders, member of the Nebraska Human Research Foundation and Delta Gam ma. She is a junior in Teach ers. Miss Peterson is a member of AWS Board, Pi Beta Phi, and Alpha Lambda Delta, secretary of the Spring Day committee and Ideal Nebras ka Coed. She is a junior in Teachers. worker, Activities Queen and member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She is a sophomore in Teachers. Miss Collins, sophomore in Business Administration, is assistant pledge trainer for Alpha Omicron Pi. Miss Porter, sophomore in Teachers, is a member of Al pha Lambda Delta, arrange ments chairman for Spring Day, member of AUF Board, and pledge trainer for Alpha Chi Omega. Radio Engineer Posts Opened Openings for radio engi neers have been announced Ly the U.S. Civil Service Com mission. The openings are in the Federal Communications Commission located at var ious locations throughout the U.S. and its territories. Entrance salaries for the pbsitions are $4,490 and $5,430 Full information regarding requirements may be ob tained from Gerald Vallery, Civil Service Examiner, U.S Post Office, Lincoln. On the Social Side: : Pin Trading Down By Mary Anderson Three engagements but no pinnings have been announced this week. The sudden switch in weather may have caused the decline but spring is still coming and with spring a young man's fancy . . Engagements Betty Lou Park, a Zeta Tan Alpha sophomore in Teachers from Bruning. to Jonn met chneider. a Pi Kappa Phi sen- lreshman in Home Economics from Meadow Grove, to War len Bierman, a senior at Mid land college at Fremont, from Battle Creek Miss Sell, junior in Teach-jjor in Business Administra ers, is pledge trainer for Delta Delta Delta. West is a member of Alpha Tau Omega, a KXUS an nouncer, a Dally Nebraskan columnist and a junior in Teachers. Miss Carkoski is an AUF Board member, Masquers Typewriters For Rent Try Oct Itentol-Purtbast Plan Special Student Rotes NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. 11th Phone 2-4284 Typewriter JKHLotn Pvf Or tion from Lincoln Geneine Rutledge from Osh- kosh. to Glenn Shaheen, Siema Nu freshman in Busi ness Administration from Osh kosh. Grenda Grant, a Fedde Hall Main Feature Clock Stuart: "These Thousand Hills," 1:25, 3:25, 5:30, 7:30, 9:35. Lincoln: "The Ten Com mandments," 12:00, 4:00, 8:00. Nebraska: "Sea Wife." 1:12, I 5:31, 9:50. "The Song of Berna- dette," 2:40, 7:00. ! Varsity: ' House On Haunted Hill," 1:00, 2:47, 4:34, 6:21, 8:07, 6:54. State: "Blonde Blackmailer," 1:10, 3:34, 6:18, 8:52. "Wolf Lar sen," 2:11, 4:45, 7:19, 9:53. Joyo: "The Perfect Fur lough," 7:00, 10:05. "Saga of Hemp Brown," 8:45. Literary Entries Due Friday Entries for the Prairie Schooner award for fictional short stories and the lone Gardner Noyes Memorial award for poetry will close this Friday. Entries should be turned in to 221 Andrews. The Prairie Schooner award for fictional short stories is sponsored by Mari Sandoz, noted author of western his tory and Indian activities. She will present the award to the winner while at the Uni versity to present a series on writing and western history on M'ON-TV. Last year's winners of the award were: Ervin Krause, first prize of $50; Robert Almquist, second prize of $30; and Mrs. Glenna Luschei, third prize, $20. Honorable mention went to Vernon Bloe maker. This is the fourth an nual contest.' The lone Gardner Keyes Memorial Award for profici ency in poetry is given by Laurence Noyes, husband of the late Mrs. Noyes, and Mrs. Harold L. Meier, Mrs. Noyes' sister, in honor of Mrs. Noyes, who was a graduate of the class of 1924 at the University. This award originated in 1954. Last year s winner was Jerry Petsche. Barbara Mill nitz won second place. Need A Carpet? A Coat? Try the Nearly New The Nearly New, a miscel laneous exchange shop for married University students, will open Thursday at 8 p.m The shop will be open until 9:30 p.m. in Rm. 104, Tempo rary G. "So much has been donated that the original room was so crammed that we had to move to a new location," Mrs. John Weaver, publicity chairman for the shop, explained. To date, items for sale in the shop have been collected Numeds Numeds will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Bessey Hall Audi torium. Dr. Jack Wiedman of the Lincoln Clinic vill talk on his field of surgery and show slides from his collection. Premeds, medtechs and pre nursing students and otheri in related fielc"; are especially invited. KUON-TV Wednesday 5 SO Compass Kose 5:45 Mr. Murgle's Muse S The Fine Arts Quartet 7 Your Marriage 7:30 Community of the Condemned g Children Growing B:30 Conversation Piece I Japanese Brush Painting Thursday 5: The Story Lady 6 Evening Prelude 6:30 TV Classroom 7 Passing Notes on Muste 7:30 Nuclear Energy ( Varsity Basketball The Press and the People FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES! INTACT-UNCUT Exactly as shown on B'dwsyl SHOWS TODAY'S 12:00 4:00 1:00 by donations from the Univer sity Dame's Club and the Faculty Women's Club. Later, the Faculty Women's Club hopes to make city-wide drives. Among the unexpected items donated was a mouton coat. Most of the prices are around $2. The maximum price is $5. Offered for sale will be such things as baby beds, carpet ing, a washing machine, a snow suit and many woolen things. Profits from the shop are to go to the Emergency Student Loan Fund. Only University students with identification cards are eligible to buy the items This Hell Week Is Delightful! Sigma Nu pledges at Kan sas University had a new Hell Week duty. Expecting a swat from the actives' paddles and a lick from the fraternity's dog, the pledges received instead kisses from five coeds. i - - Of. ft - ti l TlU!l nil PARKINO AfTt t PULITZER mil WW ma Vfti i r ii ifl'Wro.iX.ii-tftCii mmrimmSTm I wm mejr Itdndar t. I I I xx i' ::: - 10 Last year s winner was IT I PkA """V ; Jen7 Petsche. Barbara MU1- & St sJrJQ j'w-x a uiu. won ftecuuu piace. I l i N it 3n nil I 'y A l III I slisls. I U U u f .,V ! LJ-3' ' r 1 i , JJd r .SS. . ?t7 y iJy li maaBm ;,"r mimiimii i Ii Ii iirmvA . . ' ' ' 1 VlSTRIKI ', - E ' 11 s it v nil J M . c - Silk organza dance-dress .; CIGARETTES 1 K5I0H-BWNNi-6iat-liOBll5OI AdvHs $1 00 Child 40c All Dovf NOW SHOWING SEE THE 13 GREATEST SHOCKS OF ALL TIME! House w$)& ffliMTEnHniil HCHH) ALAN ,J? LONG MARSHAL ill V!CENT PRICE OHMART ' ftRST fim WTO the mm at wan txro m vsmm j I L o ) JJ jLJLJC-y TT TL English: SCANDAL MAGAZINE ' E"a,'"h: COnvesation ender ThlnklltS trantlatlon: This mag azine is put out by a bunch of troublisher8. Their other monthly offerings: a horror series (feori odical), pin-up pictures (leeriodi cal) and a fortune tellers' gazette (seeriodical). Naturally, none car ries ads mentioning the honest taste of fine tobacco. Who'd want Lucky Strike mixing with that crowd? As for the scandal sheet, it's a smeariodical which deserves nothing but snublicity. Thmfcith- STOPtC KVl l, tASTt ILLINOIS ). English: ENLARGED PICTURE Gv3 AC 01 2 s thmklith: BLOATOSRAPH talking our language we've got hundreds of checks just itching to go! We're paying $25 each for the Thinklish words judged best! Thinklish is easy: it's ' a new word from two words like those on this page. Send yours to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, M t. Vernon, N. Y. Enclose name, address, college and class. NEARSIGHTED BASKETBALL TEAM IDC( HOWAOa. PACIFIC English: BIKINI BATHING SUIT She drifted in on billowy cloudsof silk organzo . . . the prettiest girl ot the parry. And she found her dream of a dance-dress in Hovland'i Career Shop . . . where they've a whole collection of organzas frosted with embroidery in solid pastels and beautiful water-color prints. 5-15, 8-16. Why not choose yours tomorrow? Ayy) ItccKDs WM: PUNtFOft ,YOS SODfS". COLlM Cnglith: POLICE PUBLICITY 'V'h' SaUlNTET ! ,.' Wf s'r.,00. ' COLL.' 29.95 to 35.95 Career Shopcond floor Get the genuine article ef the honest taste of a LUCECY STKIECE Product of & jfni&an $datc-tmyuiny uaeec- it our middU name Thmklhhi COPAGANDA WALTK rftCT. III. TalHITt C0LL16I