W IWfD) ,11 rnLm Vol. 33, No. 79 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, March 11, 1959 Board's Action Abolishes " ' " Li vr V WWPJCTrv c 1 jnOiwL.v4 . ; J B ' MAR 111 1 k f - t ft I I j ARCHIVES ' til I x V""1 I 1 ."k. 4 M ft n c i i - .- Charity in a Cylinder wue-ss KtauKAKSAL for rnursday's joint KNUS-National Foundation for infantile Paralysis effort to raise money finds Pro "wa sherman tucked into an iron lung. Sher man will broadcast from the iron lung Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Union lobby in a fund raising effort.. ental Bachelor of Science Moot Court to Begin March 18. Six Teams to Vie for Regional The annual Allen Moot Court competition will begin at the College of Law March 18, with six two-man teams participating. Part of the Law College functions since 1953, Moot Court arguments will be held in the moot court room of the College. Teams Teams arguing are Jay Sullivan, president of the Moot Court Board of Advis ors, and Charles Wall vs. Bob McCalla and Bob Knapple at 7:30 p.m. March 18. Alvin Grove and Claude Berreckman vs. John Heass ler and Richard Hubbner at 7:30 p.m. on March 19. Roger Langenheim and Dick Petrie vs. Larry Frazier and Bill Gilmore at 7:30 p.m. on March 19. Regional, National A three-man team will be selected after the arguments for regional and national com petition. -The regional round will be held in St. Louis and the finals in New York with a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court presiding. In 1953, Nebraska won na tional competition and In 1956 won national honors for pre senting the winning brief and oral argument. Freshmen in Law School lec-rn how to handle a case in moot court in non-competitive arguing. Moot Question Th case contains a moot question; that is, one with two arguable sides. The advisory board usually tries to present a question of law where the law leans to one side and the policy to the other. The student is allowed about three weeks to do research, write a memorandum and brief, and prepare an oral argument. The process takes from fiO to 120 hours of work and gives to the student the basic knowledge that is re quired of lawyers. Freshmen arguments take place in the court room of the law school. The case is argued before three judges who are volunteers from up- perciassmen. Judges give their opinions on which side wins - and constructive criti cism on the writing and con- Elliott To Give 'Last Lecture' Dr. Curtis Elliott, professor of economics, will speak at the Talks and Topics meeting Thursday at 4:30 p.m. in Room 316 of the Union. He will give a speech en titled "My Last Lecture," as if it were his last lecture. "The committee has been aslang speakers to do differ ent things like this in order to get more interesting side lights," Sue Carkoski, Union Publicity Chairman said. tent of the brief and presenta tion. Law School competition con sists of four arguments, with two students on a team. Prac ticing attorneys judge the competition. Once a team loses a round, they are eliminated. Winners of the semi-final or the third argument argue the final round before the judges of the Nebraska Supreme Court. Winners' names are inscribed on a permanent plaque in the Law College. Allen Alexrod, law profes sor, listens to early argu ments and decides which team has the best possibility of winning. At the School of Law a con stitution sets forth basic prin ciples and purposes for the local competition. It also pro vides for the Board of Advis ors which has control of school competition but fcav no functional capacity regard ing nationals. Prof. Axelrod has ccted as general advisor of the nation al team since 1953. The Board has the duty of seeing that the problems are written. teams selected, judges ob tained and schedules fol lowed. It also arbitrates dis putes that may arise. Facul ty advisor of the board this year is Richard Harnsberger, assistant professor of law. All competition is open to the public and everyone is in vited to attend the arguments. Prof. Koehl Comments- Berlin Crisis 'War of Nerves,' Part of Russ 'Initiative' Policy "The Berlin crisis is the old business of a war of nerves," Robert Koehl, associate professor of history, said. Rusia's actions, as Koehl views them, are determined by her foreign policy and her internal needs. Soviet Initiative "The crisis is part of the Soviet policy of always keeping the initiative," he said. "In this way, the United States must con centrate her efforts in the brush-fire areas rather than develop her own initiative else where in economic competition, for in stance." Trouble In Berlin also reflects unrest In the satellite, Koehl said. "It is an effort on Russia's part to show the satellites they have no hope in West ern help," he commented. This is particularly important in Poland and East Germany. Thorn in Side "West Berlin is a thorn in the side of East Germany," Koehl said. Through West Berlin propaganda from the West may be disemminated. East Germans may flee via the air routes rom the west tern sector. The possibility that a unified Germany could be re-born frightens the Poles, Koehl noted. Khrushchev can scare Po land, a country still more hostile to Soviet rule than even Hungary and East Ger many, by suggesting the possibility of agreement on a unified Germany, he said. Russia's policy in the past has been to push to the brink of war, then back down suddenly and stir trouble elsewhere, ac cording to Koehl. The next possible trouble area might be Formosa, he said. 'Pushing' America's policy might be "pushing Khrushchev to see if he'll crack," Koehl commented. "The United States seems to be pushing Khrushchev as much as he's pushing us," be said. "It may be that some of the erratic past behavior of Khrushchev Indicates that he k not as firmly in power as Stalin was," he continued. Khrushchev's behavior toward the Brit ish Prime Minister Macmillan "first 'friendly, then a slap in the face" is the behavior of a man who is either very sure of himself or not sure ,of himself, Koehl said. Uncertainty "We don't know which is true of Khrush chev," he commented. "If this crisis comes to a shooting war, we can kiss Berlin goodbye and a lot more," he said. "This doesn't look like a local war. If America does try to keep Berlin by force, atomic weapons will probably be used and not just tactical weapons." "This leads me to think this is a war of nerves," he concluded. - Since America Is a democracy, her for eign policy cannot be kept in the dark. This means that we must be prepared for all eventualities such as the possibility of war. This produces a delicate situation, Koehl explained, because any incident in Berlin might provoke demands for the United States to act. Much Manipulation "There is a big difference between manipulation of public opinion and educa tion of the public," Koehl said. "I think there has been too much of the former." For instance, there has been a contin ued emphasis on America's right to be in Berlin. This is a necessary emphasis but it is also necessary for Americans to un derstand that the people in Europe are not so certain of cur right to occupy West Ber lin, Koehl said. He suggested that President Eisenhower or Vice President Nixon broadcast a "policy speech" telling the public why we are in Berlin and where the points of ne gotiation between Russia and the United States lie. "The fact that Dulles is sick and that Ike is busy and may be not so well him self, doesn't alter the fact that such a speech would be good," the professor commented. State Tour Deadline Approaches Foreign Student Signup Needed The deadline for signing up for the International Student Tour, March 23-25, is tomor row. Application blanks should be turned in to the Union Ac tivities office. Orientation An orientation meeting for all international students go ing on the Mortar Board spon sored tour of Nebraska will be held Thursday at 5 p.m. in Parlor A of the Union; The bus tour of various Ne braskan cities, industries, etc., is limited to 40 students The cost is $7.50, covering room, board and transnorta tion. . "The tour is designed to ac quaint international students with the different facets of iNeoraskan lite not seen in Lincoln," Patsy Kaufman chairman of the tour, said. Stop Schedule Places to be visited include: Curtis School of Agriculture where a program including the Junior Aksarben is planned. A newspaper plant a n d a new high school in Grand Is land. The Teachers College in Kearney. Alfalfa mills and feed lots in Lexington. A plant manufacturing plas tic irrigation tubes in Cozad. Pioneer Village in Minden. MusicDepi. Sets Concert Thursday A Faculty Concert of Cham ber Music, featuring mem bers of the University music department, will be held Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. The program will include "String Quartet No. 2, Op. 92" by Prokofieff; Brahms "Trio for Piano, Violin, and Horn, Op. 40," and "Quintet for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Violincello, Op. 81" by Dvorak. Emanuel Wishnow, chair man of the department of music; Myron Cohen of Oma ha, graduate student; Louis Trzcinski, assistant profes sor; Pricilla Parson, instruc tor in music; Jack Crossan, assistant professor of piano; Jack Snider, assistant pro fessor of brass instruments and theory; and Audun Rav nan. assistant professor of music, will be t h e featured faculty musicians. IFC Offir Nominations Due Tonight Fraternities must have their suggested nominations in to the IFC executive committee tonight. The IFC executive commit tee's slate will be revealed March 19. Suggestions "The nominations which have to be in tonight," IFC President Gary Cadwallader said, "are suggestions for the executive committee to use in making up a slate." According to Cadwallader, a house may suggest candi dates either from their own membership or from another IFC fraternity. "Nominees must be active members of an IFC fraternity with a cumulative average of at least 5.0," Cadwallader said. The executive committee is not bound to form the slate from these men, he said. Few Changes "However, the selection is almost without fail made from these suggestions," he added. Any person not on the slate may be nominated from the floor of the IFC at the time cf election, this year April 1. Members of the executive The Bachelor of Science in the College of Dentistry was abolished by vote of the Board of Regents in its meet ing Tuesday. The degrees are given to students who have had two years of predental courses in the College of Arts and Sci ences and two years in the College of Dentistry. Two Dental Years The students then must take another two years in the College of Dentistry to receive their Doctor of Dental Surg- Regents Grant 4 Leaves For Study by Professors Four University professors will spend the next school year in special study away ii om tne campus. The professors are Dr. Wii liam Leavitt, Dr. Reino Virta nen, Dr. Robert Knoll and Harvey Hinshaw. Math Study Dr. Leavitt, chairman of the mathematics department, will accept fellowships from the National Science Founda tion and the University Re search Council for advanced work in mathematics. He will take advanced work in abstract algebra and con- Med College To Hear Dr. Lynen Dr. Feodor Lynen, professor of biochemistry at the Univer sity of Munich in Germany, will speak at the University College of Medicine Monday and the following Wednesday. A graduate of Munich Uni versity, he is also director of the Institute for Cell Chemis try, German Psychiatric Re search Institute, Munich. His research has primarily concerned problems associat ed with the fatty acid cycle. His studies on the role of coenzyme A in the metabolism of fat have earned him world wide recognition. Dr. Lynen received the Neu- berg Medal of the American Society of European Chemists in recognition of his outstand ing contributions to biochemis try. He is a member of the Bavarian Academy of Science and an honorary member of the Harvey Society. He will speak at a general seminar at 2 p.m. Monday and at an all-campus convocation at 1 p.m. Wednesday. tinue his present research on the g e n e f a 1 area of ring theory and the theory of mod ules at Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N. J. Dr. Virtanen, Dr. Knoll and Hinshaw will study under grants from the Woods Foun dation. Virtanen to Paris Dr. Virtanen, professor of romance languages and lit erature, will do most of his research at the National Li brary in Paris. He will study the impact of science on French literature of the 20th century Dr. Knoll will extend his study of the place of Ben Jon son among Elizabethan writ ers. He will work principally at the Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif. He is an associate profes sor of English. Hinshaw, assistant profes sor of music, will continue his study of the American com poser Charles Ives and renew his study with Madame Ro sina Lhevinne at the Juilliard School in New York. The Board of Regents ap proved the grants and leaves of absences Tuesday. 'Matchmaker' Seats Limited University Theatre sea son ticket holders and oth ers who plan to see "The Matchmaker" in Howell Theatre this week should make reservations now. The number of seats remaining is limited, according to Grover Kautz, in charge of publicity for the play. Friday and Saturday per formances are sold out, but some tickets are available for today and Thursday. them to council are the four IFC of ficers and the three advisors. J comports with the 'Matchmaker Scores: Larcenous Trio Nab Hearts at Howell By George Moyer There are thieves on the stage at Howell Theatre, a trio of them, and if you don't watch out Wednesday through Saturday they will steal your heart. The trio are Carl Harshbarger, Roy Willey and James Baker who are appearing in the "Matchmaker," Thornton Wilder's comedy farce with a "Gay Nineties" setting. Harshbarger makes his debut on the Howell stage a suc cessful one in his role as Cornelius, the rich man's .clerk who decides that there is no time like the summertime for a lark in New York. He has the show's juciest male part and does well by underplaying until just at the right mo ment. Then he is just on time with a slapstick grimace well calculated to jar the audience into a good solid belly laugh. Accomplished as Harshbarger is at escaping with the audiences' full attention while on the stage, he has a great deal of competition. Willey returns to the stage where he copped best actor awards last year with a smash. If anyone thinks one sem ester's layoff has made Roy rusty, he soon changes their mind as Maiachai Stack. He is on stage briefly in the first act, not at all in the second, but then comes back to cap ture the third act. He has a soliloquy on vice which is guar anteed to convert the most pious of Christians. Collaborating with Willey is James Baker as a cab driver. i a part that is never honored with a given name, Baker turns in the best performance of his three-year Howell career. He is villainous to a comic fault, drunken in the best comic tradition and larcenous enough to give Willey and Harshbarger all they want when it comes to scene stealing. The rest of the cast cooperates to make Matchmaker one of the best I've seen at the University. Ron Hall is a' wonderfully flustered Barnaby, the apprentice, and Alice Baumgartner as Irene Molloy and Ellie Kessler as her clerk, Minnie, get in some good comedy licks. It is a little disappointing, however, that the two actors billed as the leading players never quite jell. Dick Marrs is an adequate Vandergelder, but somehow he is never able to convince the audience that his bluster is not something that he has read in the author's directions. Bonna Tebo Hays as Mrs. Levi is also returning to the Howell stage. She came back with top billing after a semes ter's absence and somehow appears a little uneasy for it. For the first thiee acts, I half expected her to whirl and offer Snow White a poisoned apple, but she seemed to get more human by the finale. In a valiant effort to offer the theatre patrons a real Gay Nineties atmosphere, the management has provided oleo acts to fill time while sets are being changed plus a German band. The band is a brassy success, but none of the oleo acts live up to the show. Cliff Soubier comes close with a couple of throaty ballads. Sylvia Rigg belts a pair of torch sonas pretty good, but unfortunately the music ill Nineties moult. ery, which allows practice dentistry. Dr. Ralph Ireland, dean of the college, explained that the degrees carry no significance since the students cannot practice dentistry with them. Under the former proce dure, students who lacked two years of foreign lan guage in high school had to complete 16 hours of a lan guage in the College of Arts and Sciences. According to Dean Ireland, these required 16 hours created an unbal ance during the pre-dental course. No Prohibition This ruling, however, does not prohibit students from taking a foreign language if they wish, Dean Ireland said. Dr. Dale Haynes, associate professor of school adminis tration, was named chairman of the department of school administration. A University faculty mem ber since 1955, he is adminis trator of the Nebraska Com munity Education Project He was previously director of research for the S c h o o 1 Executive magazine and a teacher and school superin tendent in Iowa. Welfare Agreement Dr. Hayes received his Doc tor of Education degree from Columbia university, hi Master's Degree from the University of Denver and his Bachelor of Arts Deeree from Buena Vista College in Iowa. An agreement with the Ne braska State Board of Public Welfare was approved bv the Board. Made through the Office of Services for Crippled Chil dren, the agreement allows University Hospital facilities to be used for the rheumatic fever and cardiac nrowam and for a limited number of cleft palate and cleft lip na- tients. Compensation Services for CriDDled Chil dren will compensate the University Hospital at a rate of $27 a day for each patient ine Board approved the use of $1,176 from the Carl Her man Larson bequest as the University's one-ninth share in the Natimal Defense Ed ucation Act., to which the Federal government has con tributed $10,581. Claire Harper, director of the loans, said that 69 appli cations have been received, asking for $28,013 for federal student loans this current se mester. 32 Married He said of the applicants, 12 are under 21 years of age and 57 are over 21. Thirty two are married and have a total of 51 children. The University and the University Foundation have loaned a total of $117,669 since July 1, according to Harper. The Board approved the resolution to publish "Nebras ka Folklore" by the late Miss Louise Pound and also the appointment of Mari Sandoz, nationally known Nebraska author, to conduct a series of television shows on KUON- TV from March 15 until May 15. New Math Head Dr. Edwin Halfar was named acting chairman of the mathematics department, effective Sept. 1, in the ab sence of Dr. William Leavitt, who will take a leave of ab sence. In addition, the Board ap Dr. Trevor Evans of Emory University in Georgia as vis iting professor in mathemat ics to assume the teaching duties of Dr. Leavitt. A motion that the Nebraska Hall of Youth in the Kellogg Center be named the Hardin Hall of Youth for Chancellor Clifford Hardin was tabled in the Regents meeting. The Chancellor pointed out that .the motion, introduced by Dr. B. N. Greenberg, should be dropped because he did not feel it was proper for a building or monument to be named for a person while that person was still active on the University campus. But It's Winter This is a case of Snow, Come Again." For any NU studeel wno feels he needs a short rest, the weatherman has a hope ful note snow was predicted for last night and new wet snow and coid temperatures today. Vacation, anyone? 'Snow, I - v 1- -j