0 Tuesday, March 10, 1959 ryw 1 - Sit! r -A ' IT 4 -.i.v-t h' - Ill i V 5 i ' ' I jl ' V'ir'A The Doily Nebroskon Page 3 THE STRUGGLE between offense and defense Is depicted as Bob Prokop, perennial All University selection, of the Chemists tries to score with Chuck Smith of Phi Epsilon Kap pa intent on stopping him. Prokop missed the shot, but was given two free throws as the Chemists won 48-37. Sigma Nu Wins Two Gaines Over the Alpha Tail Omegas By Tom Davies J court with a 19-18 halftime Sigma Nu remained alive advantage. In the intramural basketball j Both teams were frigid in tournament in two divisions , the second half. In the final by overcoming the ATOs in minutes, the ATOs mada a both "A" and ' B" classes, j last ditch attempt but it fell The Sigma Nu "A" team hit short the ATO "A" squad 31-28 and the Sigma Nu "B" team slipped by the ATO "B" team The game was . close throughout its entirety and neither was able to gain a very large advantage. The Sigma Nus led by only one point at the close of the first Witte Led SN ihalf. Chuck Witte led the Sigma j However, in the closing NUS in the scoring deDartmenti minutes nf the namp Iho Rip-. 30-27 in an overtime decision, with 11. He was followed by j ma Nus gan io connect with .Th "A", pamp saw the I Don Wenzl with Ii and Rnn i . deadly accuracy and with 10 .The "A", game saw the Don Wenzl with S and Ron Snakes revenge a third round ! Seymour with 5. loss to the ATOs in a close, Bob Sullivan was all over hard-fought game. The ATOs , the floor grabbing most of the lacked the scoring punch that ' rebounds for the Sigma Nus they possessed in the earlier and breaking up many key seconds the ATOs were 4 points behind. Ed Sears of ATO was in tentionally fouled on a shot and he sunk his two free contest. ATO plays Draw First Blood Bob Brandes dumped in 10 ' throws to tie the game. Sigma Nu drew first blood points for the ATOs and Dick In the three minute over on two free throws by Chuck added 6. time that followed, the ATOs Witte and the 'die was cast.1 In the "B" game, the Sig- were unable to connect, but Ike McKim potted six points ma Nus won a real thriller, ! Ace Holcher sank a lay-up in the first period for the 3-27i in an overtime. j and Dick Schmoker dropped ATOs, but it was not quite Avenge Loss ! in a free throw to sew up the enough as the Sigma Nus took ' The ATOs had previously Same fr the Sigma Nus. an 11-7 first quarter lead. beaten the Sigma. Nus in the In the secpnd quarter, the fourth round 31-29. The Sig ATOs began to find the range ma Nus then had to beat the and they tied the score with Phi Gams 55-23 to earn the three minutes left in the half, chance to meet the ATOs but the Sigma Nus left the. again. Dick Schmoker paced the Snakes with 13 while Norm Shafer added 8. Wayne Gunderson grabbed scoring honors for the ATOs with 8 and Ed Sears put in 7. INebraskan Want Ads FOR SALE This space. Why don't you telt thot unused articles. For sale Bookcase, desk. ehft-of-truiri. miscellaneous furniture. 1-8337. For sale: Ytar old Magnavox HI PI set. Call Howard Koopcr SAM 2-3120. FOR RENT Typewriters, adding machines tor rent or sale. BLOOM. 328 No. 13. 2-5268. TV'a ranted. 312.50 oar month Evarv thine furnished. Kollar'a tnoluuica. 3-2744. WANTED FART TIME SALESMEN 1 need two rn.e! men with can. who will work 3 to houra a night for a nova average earnings. Work by appointment only, no canvassing. Call 3-7715. between 1-4 P.M.. Mon day thru Friday. I f GetWILDR00T)j CREAM-OIL Charlie! ! yt ' r v V Chemists Beat PEK Win Independent Title By Hal Brown Chemists were able to dom- The Chemists moved intojinate both boards. Mike Der- MaSKS;" for the gave them the Independent; The pEKg had no one ,n Championship. doub,e flgureg ag their gcor. The Chemists led all the ng wag cjoseiy bunched way in sweeping to the victory arnong fcen France and Roy as the PEK were unable Stinnett with 8, Jack Braley to find the range from the witn 7 and Gale Hefelfinger field until midway in the sec- and Cnuck Smth wjtn 6. . ond quarter. Chuck Smith jne game was loosely broke the ice for the PEKs i piayei by both teams and at with six minutes remaining in , timeg looi Uke anything but the first half and added four ; basketball. The defeat elim more points before leaving inated Pni Epsilon Kappa the game with an injured ifrom e double-elimination ankle just before the half i tourney. Their other defeat ended. was also suffered at the hands Early Lead '0f the Chemists, 34-30 in the The Chemists held a 7-2 second round of the tourney. lead with the Daily Nebraskan Sports Betas Win On Sig Ep Forfeit The Sigma Phi Epsilon "C" team had to forfeit their game to Beta Theta Pi's "C" team test night in the Fraternity "C basketball tournament. Beta Theta Pi moves into the Fraternity "C" Champion ship game against Delta Up- silon, tonight at 7 p.m. on court one, by virtue of the forfeit. Delta Upsilon "C" is un beaten in tournament play and holds a 35-30 victory over Beta Theta Pi in the tourney. If Delta Upsilon wins tonight, they will move into the finals of the All-University Cham pionship. But, .if they lose then the two teams would have to play again Wednes day night to determine who will represent the Fraternity C ' league in the finals. Huskers Lose 76-54 iii Season Finale to K. State Wildcats By Randall Lambert Kansas State, the nation's number one quintet, had its anxious moments before it stopped Nebraska, 76-54, at Manhatten last night. Before the Wildcats put on a late second half scoring splurge they saw a 15 point lead melt to seven as the Huskers fought gamely back on the K. State court. Huskers Rally With the count being 38-26 at the half, the Nebraska cagers came on strong to close the gap to 49-42 with seven minutes gone. The Huskers and Wildcats traded baskets for three minutes un til the score stood 54-46. It was then that Bob Booz er stole the ball and Steve Douglas hit the basket to draw the Wildcats to a ten point lead. Nebraska was only able to score two. baskets during the next seven minutes while Kansas State ran up a 70-50 lead and went on to win. Harry Out Throughout the second half and half of the first half, Bob Harry, the Husker's 6-6 cen ter, was playing with four fouls. Coach Jerry Bush was forced to pull the big boy with ten minutes left in th first period, but started him at the half. Bob picked up hit fifth personal with a little over six minutes left in the game. Bob Boozer, who played the entire game, led the Wildcats with 29 points. Herschell Turner and Albert Maxey led Nebraska in the season's fi nale with 16 points each. Nebraska's record is 5-9 in conference play and 12-13 for the season. Gus II Splits in Games With Hitchcock, Gus I Volleyball Today is the last day for Fraternities, Res i d e n c e Halls and Independent teams to enter teams In the AH University Volleyball Tournament. Team entries 'must be made in room 102 Physical Education Build ing before 5 p.m. There is no entry fee, but teams must provide their own officials. Voss Leads Swimmers McClean Leads ISV in Big 8 Dale Voss, a sophomore from Dakota City led the Husker swimming team in dual meet scoring with 954 points. Voss won 13 races and finished second 9 times Joe Stocker was runnerup in dual scoring with 76V4 points. Stocker led Nebraska's scoring in the Big Eight Meet with 6 points. He was fol lowed by Frank Tomson and Larry McClean, each with 4 and Voss, who had 4 points. Big Eight Scoring Joe Stocker 6' Frank Tomson 4V2 Larry McClean Vz Dale Voss 4 Joe Gacusana 3Vi Branch Walton 3 Ron Bucklin 1 Roger Bosveld Robin Snider Bryce Johnson V Ron Renfer Vi Dual Meet Scoring Name Hometown pts 1st D. Voaa. Dakota City 13 J. Stocker, Omaha Westsid 7Si. a B. Walton, Lincoln (Northeast) sai? g L. McClean, Fremont 54 7 R. Buckun. Lincoln (Northeast) ...52 j J. Gacusana, Lincoln High 47 3 F. Tomson, Omaha (Benson) 464 4 R. Renfer, Wyandotte, Mich. 37 4 B. North, Lincoln High 314 1 R. Corn, Lincoln Hiah 2 3 J. Fair, Omaha fTach) joi 1 R. Bosveld, Mason City, la !8' 1 B. Johnson, Holdreje .16. I R. Snider, Lincoln (Northeast) 14t 0 J. Keowa. Omaha it 1 By Hal Brown Gus II split in two games last night with the "A" team scoring a 43-35 win over Hitchcock and the "B" team dropping a 47-29 decision' to Gus I. The victory over Hitchcock gives Gus II the Residence Halls "A" Championship and the right to meet the winner of the Sigma Mu-Alpha Tau Omega game, which will be played tonight at 5 p.m. o n Court 2. Twice Defeated Gus II was the only team to defeat Hitchcock in tourney play. They defeated Hitch cock, 34-26 in first-round play. Hitckcock led 6-5 at the end of the first quarter as both teams were playing very cau tious ball, but the pace picked up in the second stanza with both teams beginning to find the range. Monte Kiffin hit a laytfp at! the beginning of the second quarter to give Gus II t h e lead and both teams bat tled on even terms until 30 seconds remained in the first half. Bill Tuning and Al Well man, each hit a bucket in the last 30 seconds to give Gus II a 20-16 lead at the halftime break. It was a lead which they never relinquished as they increased it to 33-24 at the end of three quarters. Too Many Horses It could easily be said that Gus II had too many horses for Hitchcock. The horses were in the form of Monte Kiffin and Al Wellman, who scored 15 points apiece to lead the Gus II scoring. Wellman didn't make his appearance until midway in the second quarter but when he did get into the game, he got right; down to business. ! Gus I "B" outscored Gus II "B" in every period as! they romped to a 47-29 vie-: tory. Gus I will meet Seaton I "B" tonight at 8 on court one. Gus I will need a victory to keep their hopes alive as they have one less and Seaton I is undefeated In tournament competition. Gus I was beaten 49-29 by Hitchcock "B" in second round play and Seaton I ias beaten Hitchcock, 45-?fc. I f Gus I wins, the same two teams will play again Wednes day night. Gus I took advantage of a balanced scoring attack to defeat Gus II. Warren Dob ry led Gus I with 13 points and he was followed by John Conger and Roger Behrens with 8, Guy James with 6 and Jim, Nickel with 5. John Bier bower scored 11 points for Gus II. KINGSTON TRIO March 18 1CJDM Msa-d "S of soh tuajj- ifH!2 SIV 3 d 0 la 3 SSO JL ViO 0 9V dlTT 3 S I HO Hole i v ? 3 in? x 3 !si v3 jnwrn 3 n s fcl" T1S g O r Z 1 A a 3 N a Ta n o sol o v yv i V JO O 8 Hjd I V HT! !: s 3sjs 3 ifl d y ITs i o vr JH J. JAA SVAV iV O V d t&MSNV TOttl 10 Ird 1-PI. Rel. t 6 0 7 3 0 2 10 s i t l 3 1 I 11 10 & A -LUIK mSMJSSA HIP, HIP, HURRAY for the GREYHOUND way to save money! Got tht good word about Greyhound Scenicruiser Service? It's the latest, the greatest way to go... with air-conditioning, pic ture windows, air-suspension ride and complete restroom! You'll have a ball headin' home on a Greyhound-4 it's often faster than other public transportation, and always less expensive! COMPARE THESE LOW, LOW FARES: Denver $11.05 Chicago 12.95 St. Louis 10.85 Lot Angeles 38.35 , phiS UK BAGGAGE PROBLEMS? You can take more with you on a Greyhound. Or, send your belongings by Greyhound Package Express. They arrive in hours and cost you less! ITS SUCH A COMFORT TO TAKE THE BUS... AND LEAVE THE DRIVING TO US! Use Nebraska!. Want Ads KINGSTON TRIO March 18 J. PAUL SHEEDY, hsir tcientiit, says: "Makes your hair look doggone handsome!" Jut a little b-t sf Wildroof and.WOW! first quarter only PEK points coming on free throws by Jack Braley and Gale Hefelfinger. The Chemists increased the lead to 22-14 at halftime with Bob Prokop. Mike Dsrleg anrl Iprrv Miller leading the I scoring with 7, 8 and 5 points SSJJ2?rm' rWB respectively. . PX(UI 9rod After falline behind. 39-23 ,-fcrvTM at the three-quarter mark, the PEKs staged a belated rally in the fourth quarter but were unable to overcome the Chem ists large lead. Big Bob Prokop moved out of the pivot and played a guard slot on offense, but still managed to score 16 points to lead all scorers. Even without Prokop under the basket, the YEAR IN EUROPE ESTHER LOSO Specialist in Men's & Women's Fitting Problems. 4445 So. 48 Custom Tailoring 4-4212 semester Study-Travel Program for under . uates. Students take English taught courses at the University of Vienno and live in Austrian. 'homes. Includes 2 months of travel through 9 countries on three Study Tours. Total Costs $2080 fie (ndvdss: Ocmii transportation, roam, board, tuition ana travel. Doaart from U.S. on M tvndam, sailina S.pt.mbor e, 1939. ApefkMlM tMltw Asm II, -1t! a or tL.."" INSTITUTE OF 35 E. WACKER I EUROPEAN STUDIES CHICAGO 1, ILL dorsts city SEND THi$ COUPON TODAY FOR DETAILED BROCHURE. CROSSWORD No. 17 ACROSS 1. Betwaffi s bop and jump t. Ammsl from tiron Bay? t. Wallonoounwml on some dates 10. Miss Gardner ad infinitum 11. Thsy attract ayss 12. Kind of stsnd IS. It toliows you down South 14. Don't grt caught in it 15. Gal who looks tike unmade bed 17. Marilyn's ons 18. Kind of do 21. Half a sonf at Yale 22. This makes a profound impression 15. With lemon in your mouth 26. AH you need to f et ahead 27. Paint 28. Snick and 2. Tackle's rainy day facial SO. Chow 4. Kind of tun 85. Biblical birth reference 87. She sounds like money 88. Instrument ot the conniver tne conuiver gj. )rnn up 40. Temple, hut far 32- Something to t. Are you smoking 'em? Good! S. You'ra brave if you're using this 4. Pets in confusion b. Manhandle . He (eta the air T. Meow from girl on phone? 5. A good plaos for "hots" t. Rock popular in Ireland IS. Early morning cut 17. Overimbibor 19. It's good in the hole 20. What Pop aaw in Clara Bow 21. Crosby cat 22. Gnatty crowd 23. Kooky mild refreshing ingredient 24. Right on target 26. Drink not favored by 17 Down 17. Favored receptacle of 17 Down 29. Pinochla or gin maneuvers 81. Drei from PhiUy 42. Flipped 48, Horaa A soap 44. Rains marbles 46. But she may not ba a cheap date DOWN 1, Got beyond Drat bass, illicitly liva for 83. Aaueous solutions 86. Fsvorit vegetable of this generation? St. The first man to break it wiui St. Point in eorapaseoj 41. Short general T I2 I' I4 Ij'AASVOUKCPri ' , ENOUGH TO io KRACK twis? , TT" nT" 20 """"j 21 """" 22 23 24 " 25 26 27 " mmm T'WMT'"a" 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 " "" 35 """" 34 ""F " 38 3? 40 41 42 ; 3 44 SWITCH FROM HUIS TO ... &a Aa cool and clean aa a breath of fresh air. Finest leaf tobacco... mild refreshing menthol. and the world's most thoroughly tested filter ! With every puff your mouth feela clean.' your throat refreshed ! .At0 REOULAR SIZE KOOL WITHOUT FILTERI " lata, asomawultsnso TabaossCsjrsv Mi9 HSHTWOI. Qujarettei .'-: i's ' H i k I , - I ! f