The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, March 9, 1959
Editorial Comment:
Merry-Go-Roimd Keeps
Students Uninformed
The smoke therefore fire syllogism is
a sometimes overworked routine, but it
seems as if there has been a tremendous
amount of , smoke covering situations on
Book Burners
Need Caution
Last Sunday, March 1, the Omaha World
Herald published on their front page a
feature story by Edith Kermit Roosevelt
on high school history texts. The headline
on the story read "Some U.S. Pupils Get
Red View of History."
There followed a long list of quotes (out
of context), innuendo filled statements
and screaming accusations which were all
supposed to prove that a list of 11 high
school texts were influenced by Commu
nists. ,
We do not contend that the 11 textbooks
in question were not Communist inspired.
After all, we haven't read all of them, so
we don't know.
What galls us is the manner in which
the article attempts to prove its claim.
It does it in a style that smacks more
than a little of a Pravda press release.
First, there is this concerning the elec
tion of George Washington and John Ad
ams. One of the books under fire says that
these two were elected by the "wealthy,
aristocratic group in American society and
thus controlled the government fo r 12
years.' "
This, says the article, is "a baseless
charge. Actually it was the male white
electorate, consisting of 95 per cent of the
adult population that elected Washington
and Adams."
It strikes us that there must have been
an awful shortage of women and Negroes
in those days if 95 per cent of the adult
population were white males.
We might also mention that election
records of the time show that proper quali
fications were such that a good deal less
than 95 per cent of the white males were
allowed to vote. But then, why bother.
Miss Roosevelt has already trapped her
self aplenty.
Then there is her concluding statement
which runs "or 'iiaybe (GI's) turned
traitor (in Korea) because they had been
taught this new Marxist brand(of-American
To begin with only 12 GI's refused re
patriation from Korea and we doubt if any
of the books concerned could have influ
enced them much. Ten of the 11 were
published after the Korean War began.
campus recently. Rumors and hearsay
about raids, raids and yet more raids are
coming in thicker and thicker.
It's said that students have been
charged with trespassing on farmer's pro
perty even when the farmer has given
them permission to use the land. We
asked the County Attorney if this were
true. He 5aid he "didn't want tovget in
volved". Did this mean no comment, we
asked? No . . . just that he wouldn't an
swer the question.
We've heard that certain places are off
limits to students, and that the list in
cludes many spots that in the past have
been popular gathering places. We asked
the dean of Student Affairs what is off-limits.
His reply was that everything that is
not on the on-limits list is off-limits to Uni
versity students.
So we ..asked for the on-limits list. There
is only one list in existence we were told,
and this one is locked up in someone's of
fice, and was therefore unavailable to the
So now we are supposed to believe that
the Dean of Student Affairs goes about en
forcing discipline among the students
without knowing to what areas his authori
ty extends.
So once more we seem to be on the
merry-go-round, wondering just what we
can do and what we can't. The rumors
growtalk swirls around the dorms and
houses of a real crackdown. The County
Sheriff said there hasn't been a deliberate
crackdown on students, but that his force
has been increased by four men and two
cars whereas before there was only one
car and two men.
Then a local businessman told us that
he sees a slackening of social functions on
campus and that this is definitely hurting
his business. Groups are not having form
ats and other social functions as often, he
So the merry-go-round spins round and
round. It seems impossible to pin any one
down on what the score is. Is there a
crackdown? No, claim the officials. The
heck you say, shout the students from their
corner. Tsh, tsh, children, again say the
It spins and spins. And the longer it
spins, the wilder become the rumors, the
more the bitterness spreads, and the more
likely it becomes that students will even
tually become completely fed up.
Even older than the "where there's
smoke there's fire" adage is the one that
says people usually act about the way you
act as if you expect them to behave.
So how are things in junior high school,
From the Editor
Look, children, I'm back and just when
you thought you would be spared this ob
noxious column this wefek.
Actually, I wasn't really sick. It was all
a big test to see if George Moyer's all girl
band could get the Daily Nebraskan out
without 'George Moyer.
I was very disappointed to find out that
they could.
Really Lucky
Not only that, but I'm lucky too. The
chancellor calls off school, and here I am,
stuck in Student Health. By Thursday the
miriad of little bugs attacking my alco
hol riddled syctem had withdrawn to re
group and I was feeling well enough to
The nurses now know the athletic his
tory of Madison High School since I gradu
ated and before. They have heard all
about my exploits on the baseball dia
mond,' football field and basketball court.
(Some of these are really fantastic be
cause of the huge amounts of ineptitude
They have also heard all the amusing
anecdotes (well, I think they are amus
ing) that I have to tell about the race
track and print shop.
Needless to say, they are very glad
that I am gone. (Gloria was even tempted
to put me'under a heavy sedative by Fri
day night.) But they were all very nice. If
most -of them hadn't been married, I
wouldn't be we'J enough to leave yet.
Best Around
The new Student Health building, in
spite of a paint job that can only be de
scribed as gaudy, is the nicest hospital
I've ever been in.
-V i.. ''
They have the very latest in medical
equipment over there and there are even
different colored lines on the floor to lead
you to the right place. This gave one fel
low with a hangover a great deal of trou
ble, but though his illness was accurate,
it was transient, -o no permanent damage
was done.
Dr, Sammuel Fuenning, director of the
University health services, said that the
center at the present time is the best
staffed and most modern in the city.
Moreover, until the new Bryan expansion
is completed, it will continue to rank first
among the city's hospitals for comfort and
In short, if you have to be sick, there
ain't a better place.
There was no geting lonesome over
there. No indeed. Two of my columnists
were - up to gloat. Diana and Sellentin
came over to say hello (Sellentin had to
remark that he had finally got me van
quished and was selling Gold's the front
page for Friday which ruined everything.)
One of the columnists was Kandy Sat
kunam. He came every night about seven
which really saved some long evenings.
He makes a point of visiting in Student
Health every night and all the nurses and
most of the patients know him. He is
better than food packages from the Red
Cross. (And you really need them too if
they put you on that liquid diet they've
got. Phew!)
Daily Nebraskan
Member: Awwciated Collerlata Frew
Intercolleriate Prew
Eeoresentative: National AdvertLntaf Service,
Published at: Room JO, Student Union
Lincoln, Nebraska
Htb t R
Tim Daily
it NetoattM ta mttuUthm Monaj. Tuwxfajr.
dU ni '! CHUBS W wmmm rwmw, oov.
uumim an M parted, by atudnto sf the
thm aathoruatlaa at Mat
, utmiMi Affair m mm nptrnntim of atn-
" ' . llaHiiua ara mtm.
aw. ana ;
UMora, ncbraika, andcr tka act of aacuat 4, lu.
Managing KdltoV ...
Mnlr Staff Writer
Hixiru Kdltsr
Mdht Ni.. Editor ,
Cow lldltnn
( Imly frirhan.
Jr. ti Fdltora ...
8iaff Wrilera
John Hiwrner.
Staff FhotorraphfT
nunlnmu Manager
AtnlAtaitt Hilftlnrn Manager 7,
t barlMie (irn. Norm Hohlflng."
Claulfled Manager
Carroll kraui
, . flMirge Mover
...Diana Maiwrtl
, .. .(retrhrn Rlrtm
.Raadall Lambert
nannm Kuliy
Sandra Hull
, 'at Oean, Tom ftavten
.Marilyn Coffey, gondra W bairn.
.Mlnetta Taylor
.Jerry Melientln
SUn Knltnan.
Outside Our Skins
-Lenten Notes-
Cross Symbolizes God
In History of World
By Alvin Petersen
Pastor, Lutheran Student
The cross is the symbol of
God's intervention in his
tory. Its very shape sug
gests the traumatic event,
when God vertically inter
cepted the horizontal brok
enness of the world. Indeed,
history notes this event by
reckoning time as A.D. or
When Gov viwed the
plight of humanity, He con
cluded that no half means
would do. It was necessary
for him to take on human
form, to enter into the very
experience of human be
ings, that He might find a
way out.
Thus Christ, God incar
nate, with deliberate and
Oil Grady
Th Dally Nrbratkan will aumliik
Letteni attarking Individuals mart
only tfaaac letter whira are ftlgaed.
rarry tlie author's name. Other mar
mtit initial or a pen name. Letter
kttotiid not exceed gvO word. When
letter eireed thi limit the Nr.
brashaa reverve the right ta ro
dene them, retaining the wrlter't
f lew.
Kcligioii Unrest?
I have just finished read
ing the editorial in the
Daily Nebraskan which
posed the question as to why
Religious Emphasis Week
functions were not more
widely attended. Since you
slated that you are open to
suggestions, I feel free to
voice my opinions on the
Has anyone stopped to
consider the possibility that
the reason less people at
tend this sort of function h
because less students on the
campus are satisfied by the
social and supernatural as
pect of religion than were
students of previous genera
tions. Could it be that religion on
campus is not the fad that it
once was and that when the
students, caught in the con
tradiction between natural
sciences and believing in a
spiritual god, have chosen
agnosticism as far as a God
is concerned?
The students are realizing
the possibility that modern
religions may not be the ul
timate truth and are there
fore delving into natural sci
ences and humanities in a
search for values and a rea
son for existing.
I do not believe that ad
vertising and commercializ
ing the "Religious Emphasii
Week" is going to arouse
more interest. The religion
for the future must be one
which admits the validity of
the scientific method and at
the same time fulfills the
religious need which science
admits man needs.
This is a big request but
this is what I think the "ap
athetic" student of this
generation is searching and
working for.
Joe Tctro
measured steps "set His
face" to go to the cross, to
suffer and die and arise,
that men and women of all
time might have eternal
life. God, in Christ, recon-,
ciled the world to Himself.
The brokenness and rebel
lion of humanity, of you and
me, still exists, because sin
is innate. There is no easy
remedy to sin, selfishness,
and perverseness. It still
takes a "cross experience,"
that is God's grace must in
tercept our wilfulness, and
cleanse and purify us.
In fact, a new life has to
arise in each person. No
half measure will do! The
secret is in the cruciform
God is in Christ reconciling!
And one intent of this in
tervention is 'that God might
establish a community of
redeemed the church. And
in truth, the church does
exist as a positive demon
stration of the ongoing re
demptive activity of God.
Its fragmentation is its
shame, and due not to
weakness in the content of
the gospel, but to the weak
nesses of the "saints" who
are still sinners.
During Lent Christians
everywhere take cogni
zance of God's deed in his
tory, redemption, and
through the church, which
which is God's manifest
agency, "extend an invita
tion to men and women
everywhere to "make their
peace with God, "by accept
ing His grade and to wear
the cross as symbol, but
more than a symbol, as an
experience of restoration.
"If anyone is it Christ he
has become a new person
altogether, the past is fin
ished and gone, everything
has become fresh and new.
All this is God's doing, for
He has reconciled us to him
self through Jesus Christ."
(II Cor. 5:17-19)
Always on the iookout fc
a few laughs, I hit the jack
pot the other day when I ran
across a little campus pub
lication from one of the stu
dent houses
called "Dy
ing Embers"
or something
like that. It
really tick
led my funny-bone,
though I'm
afraid I
Barbara where n o
humor was intended. On the
back I found sometning of
close kin to a gossip column
called "Mousing In the
Church" by Tom Catt. or
something along that line.
Anyway, I was delighted to
find that Wanda Furd and
Henry Furginshlugginer are
now going steady.
She's wearing his perfect
Sunday - School attendance
medal. Somebody else is
(brace yourself) growing a
beard! Can you imagine?
Breakfast Blast
Then they cagily hint that
they had some sort of $
blast over thpre in which
some breakfast food got
heaved on the living room
wall. The column went on
to report a few more of the
earth-shaking events that
are going on unnoticed under
our very noses at the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
On the inside was an ear
nest confessional written by
some character called the
House Hermit. Here the au-
t h o r, probably shedding
oceans of guilty tears, blurts
out the shocking fact that
he's a chicken about ad
mitting that he's a Chris
tian. He lays bare his
soul, exposes all his vices,
and keeps only one secret
... his name. He follows
his initial statements with
several vague generaliza
tions about what "should
and must be the center of
(his) life" and lets us in on
the message that God has it
in for cowards.
Hates Cowards
Yup, He hates cowards
like everything. I must have
been brought up in a very
backward fashion, I guess.
My folks were provincial
enough to believe and teach
me that God's main feature
is love, which they said en
compassed us all, cowards
included. I'm certainly glad
I got the message, straight
from the hermit's mouth,
about what the deal really is
and whom He loves and
doesn't love.
After I had read this little
gem from cover to covti
avidly, learning about as
much as I get from Mad
magazine, I got to thinking
very deeply "Hmmmm, I
wonder," I, thought. What
I was thinking about was,
"What in ths name of Alfred
E. Neumann am I going to
write about in my column
this week?"
Outside World
It will be lovelv weather for slush today.
The weather man has predicted partly cloudy skies
and no important changes in temperature. Highs of 42
to 52 are forecast.
Bouncing Ballots
The counted and recounted ballots for governor will
be returned to the counties.
A notice from the recount committee said that the
expense of returning the ballots would be consiciared part
of the expense of the recount.
Senator Sees Plans
Senator Roman Hruska reviewed the present status
and future plans for the nation's longrange missiles pro
gram during a weekend visit to the Air Force Ballistic
Missiles Division in Inglewood, Calif.
The senator was briefed by project officers on prog
ress of the Atlas program, which he said is several months
ahead of schedule.
ithin I'll go Right
J THINK ILL Jf5TPlCUP V7 tui i'm
TRAFFIC LIGHTS Should be turned off ot oil dangerous intersections to
save electricity. Everybody knows it's a dangerous spot and that is
TEACHERS No need to review lessons. Tell the children just one and
they'll never forget.
HIGHWAY POLICE Stop driving up and down the highways. No need
to caution drivers by patrolling highwoys. Drivers know the law and should
OUT OF TOWNERS That advertise in the local paper, and mail order
firms that send catalogues are wasting their money. Everyone knows what
is sold at stores in town and they'll all shsp at home.
BUT If you are one of the wiser kind, like the Notre Dame Cathadral that
has stood for six centuries but still rings the bell every day to let peoplt
know it is there, and believe in continuous profitable advertising, then you
will advertise in , , ,