Fridoy, March 6, 1959 Sig Kapps High in Riflcry Firing in the second week o( the women's riflery compe tition was completed on Sat urday. The three highest team to tals were posted by Sigma Kappa, 737, Terrace Hall, 722, nd the Independents, 719. The highest possible score that could have been achieved was 800. Leading the individual to tals, out of a possible 209 points, were Pat Vincent (Sig ma Kappa), 192, Carol Graves (Delta Gamma), Billy Prest (Kappa Kappa Gamma) and Elizabeth Banghart (Sigma Kappa), 191. Kolleen Kerr (Delta, Delta. Delta), and Dorothy Dusek (Terrace Hall) 139. Two girls hit 98 points out of a possible 100 points on tar get. They were Pat Vincent, Sigma Kappa, and Dorothy Dusek. The team results: Alpha Phi S 1 defeated ZU Tin Alpha 71-1 Alpha Chi Omen defeated Delta Gamma e?7-GG5 Terrace Hall defeated Kappa Alpha Tbeta 7J10 Kappa Kappa Gamma defeated Zeta Tail Alpha SI 7071 Siirma Kappa defeated Delta Delta Delta 73J-705 Independents defeated Alpha Phi ft CAMPUS CHATTER This is another Jona than Logan look of fash ion, styled from your fa vorite fashion magazine. The clever tare trim and bow form a winning com bination this spring. The soft anpressed pleats fan out into a burst of sweet femininity. Here i springtime magic wrapped up in an easy to care for package priced at S 14.98. Be sure to come and sec it at Gold's Campus Shop. Sec you soon, Sharon Andrrtnn mnJ Janri Horppnrr ir v Y q:i V Jl CORNHUSKERS ALL! Congregate at the HOTEL OUSI LAND? 'ARK TEE PEE POW WOW TEE PEE Open 'til A A.M. weekdays ond 'til 2 A.M. Fridays ond Saturdays ENJOY SUNDAY BRUNCH ... Served from 1 1 :30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults $2.00 Children $1.00 .... " r " I - -- ; 45 ,m. h .,r:,:r,.,J.Jr.J K., ' -v-- v - DALE VOSS, Husker distance ace. takes a breath of air as he finishes the (End lap of the 1500-meter race. Voss placed fifth in the marathon which was 66 laps from start to finish. . Big Eight Meet Starts; Sooner s Big Favorites Bv Tom Davies - , . i . . . i eDrasKa piays nosi to ine j Bis Eieht Swimming Cham- S Dionships which began last i night at 7:30 p.m. with t h e 1,500-meter freestyle; 0ck 1 Gawthrop, Colorado, 220-yard mo were Bob Connor, 19:5.3; finals in the 1.500-meter free-1 Lechner in the 200 and 1-; freestyle; Dave Drake, Iowa Don Johnson. 20:30.6; Ron style. jjard backstroke; John Jan-jstate iooyard butterfly; Bill! Hosner, 20:54-6; Voss, 21:- The storm has prevented ; ovy in the 200-jard individual , SiUer Kansas, 100-yard free-1 37.5: Cassidy, 21:40.4. several of the teams from medley; and Gorden Collet j style. jim Laidlaw, Kansas,) Bill North, Nebraska co arriving on time, but Husk- and Carlyn Trnzan in the 2SW 206-vard breaststroke; and! captain, who was third in the er Coach Hollie Lepley feels ' and 100-yard breaststroke. j Ton Goblentz. Kansas Stale, 1500 last year, finished out of that with minor juggling 1 n some of the preliminaries that the meet will be run accord ing to schedule. OU Favored The Sooners from Oklahoma enter the meet as heavy favorites, but Sooner Coach Matt Mann says, "It will be a real fine meet." The Okies are strong in ev ery event and will probably Bis Eight Swim Program FRIDAY'S PROGRAM: 10:00 a.m. 1-Meter Diving prelims and semifinals. 1:00 p.m. Preliminaries 200-yard Free Style; 50-yard Free; 200-yard Backstroke; 220-yard Free Style; 100-yard on in the diving; Larry Mc Breaststroke: Diving Exhibi- cSeaa ia the butterfly; and tion; 200-yard Individual Med-. Frank Tom son and Roger ley; 400-yard Free Style Re- Corn in the backstroke. lay 7:50 p.m. Finals 200-yard that stand a good chance of ' Butterfly; 50-yard Free Style; ; t0pping individual titles are: j ---200-yard Back; 220-yard Free Jerry Petkus, Iowa State, in I Style; 100-yard Breast; 1-met- the 50-yard free stvle; John er Diving; 200-yard Individual Jeffrey. Kansas, 2oyard but t Medlev; 400-vard Free Style Relav. SATURDAY'S PROGRAM: 10 a.m. Preliminaries: 100 vard Butterfly; 100-yard Free Stvle; 200-yard Breast Stroke 100-yard Back; 440-yard Free Stvle; 3-meter Diving (Exhibi tion): 400-yard Medley Relay. 12:45 p.m. J-Meter Diving Prelims and Semifinals. 4 p.m. Finals: 100-yard But terfly; 100-yard Free Style; 200-vard Breast Stroke; 100 vard Back Stroke; 440-yard ;Free Style; J-Meter Diving; 1400-yard Medley. iEii 'have the largest number ofterfly; Dave twen, lowa . : nr e n , n U , cniirrn. i p .uu.ic. 9 wai f bear watching re Lermo and Boo lonner in ine Last season the Sooners copped tneir sevemn straigni Big Eight Championship and placed high in the NCAA Championships. They scored 179 points in the Big Eight Meet, while second place Iowa State scored only 882. Huskers Oklahoma enters the meet with a 7-1 season record los ing only to SMTJ whom they! later defeated. The Huskers J 1 . . . a e I- ' nav e pobif u a 0-0 reason niu n. , - 1 1 . I s t . . inciuuiug ine uau men uicj dropped to the Sooners Wednesday night. Thai nsilm mad liV-olv Ia si v. iiujinivi m iuvis t w score in . . sue sucm mi . imc Voss and Bill North in t fa e distances; Joe Gacnsana in the sprints; Joe Stocker in the breastroke; Branch Walt- Other Bie Eieht swimmers "How can - ' Jr ."s.. The Daily Nebroskon . . i s r i rt 5iaie, ana oeorge itKcs, u.- 200-yard backstroke; Pa1 kapIpf Kansas, and Ali : iuvvarrf frpestvle brim b V iM . -ai 0 .SZSm&mi J ' I rVice iwclwdw: Ocan Sraeporsstioik, faaia. - mr4 Deport tnm U S S$ 1 . ' . IM. aWKSio DsWIiaa: Jwm IS, ) INSTITUTE OF 35 C WACK EUROPEAN STUDIES CHICAGO 1, ILL 1 1 be sure you've B 1 'MSi I Si ' yUffiifflSli! Sooners Rock Huskers 65-54; Turner Breaks Scoring Mark By Hal Brown Oklahoma hit 19 of 22 free throws in the second half as they took a 65-54 decision over the Husker cagers Nebraska's H e r s c h e 1 11 Turner scored 21 points to break the Nebraska season scoring record of 400 points by all Big Seven guard Jim Buchanan. Turner scored his record-breaking point on a free throw with 31 seconds re maining in the first half. The free throw gave the Huskers a 25-24 halftime advantage. The lead see-sawed backi and forth during the first few miniitps of the second half until Oklahoma's Bob Stoer-! .K cQ,o ov.i t inc. put nit; uuuiivi a auvou iv stay with a set show with a little over 16 minutes remain ing in the game. With 4:43 left in the game and leading 50-43, Oklahoma started a ball-control type of game. The Sooners waited for the easy lay-up and took ad vantage of Husker fouls to in crease their lead. A lady sit- ting about four rows behind j Wednesday night, that they the Sooner bench described ; were going to be hard to de the situation perfectly as she; throne in the Big Eight Con- Voss Finishes Fifth in 1500 Meters Dale Voss of Nebraska fin- !hfH fifth tn nirk nn two points for the Huskers in the ,0: ' Ro Ken"r i 1500-meters which was the D-, u - only race that was swum in;". i opening Big Eight competi- UUIl. Oklahoma picked up f ho tile first four DlaceS tO SCOre'l. Ernie Drowatiky t03; J. Rocer Bos-1 nineteen points, while Mike Cassidy of Kansas was sixth r- .v- .u l inr np 111 HIM IllI-ir t rifAnri;n i J ' Pi j jjqq meer champion topped the Sooner swimmers with a iq 91 . timintx Fnllnu-intr i the money. I YEAR IN EUROPE- Two xwintnar Stvdy-Trovel Progron for nder groduann. Studenh) take English taught courses at th UnivoTvry of Vnna and hrt in Austrian homes. Includes 2 months of travel through 9 countries en throe Study Tours. Total Coth $2080 neorsl, Svieiow -fulfil timdaai. wlai SEND THIS COUPON TODAY FOR DETAILED BROCHURE. got some Camels? shouted, "They're just wast- The Sooners made good on 13 of 14 free throws in the -i r fhA inmp Villains; lliuiutvo vi 1 e a 1 J A f A1 am r as iNeorasM nau t ... ... a.. effort to get the ball. Oklahoma had good scoring balance with four players c r'r- nrri.. TOTALS douDie injures, uennis iur Menace" -Price led the OU scorers with 19 points. He was followed by Joe Lee Thompson with 17, Bob Stoer mer with 12 and Ray Lewis with 10. Joe Lee Thompson had scored only 15 points all season prior to last night's S3"16- . n . As Oklahoma ccach Doyle put it after the game: We had balance and Ne braska diln't." Sooners Rap Huskers 75-11 Oklahoma served notice, ference Swimming meet, ine Sooners won every event inj handing Nebraska a 75-11 de-' feat. ! 4-rard medler relav 1. Oklahoma ; (Chuck Lechnec. Gordon CoUett. Jack Saan, Jerry Lermo). T 4:03.2 i Betters Coliseum pool record of 4:061. j Sid-rard freestyle I, Bob Connor fO); , I, John Janowar tOi J, Dale Vosa tS). T J:l 1. Sd-rard freestyle 1, Don Johnson ((: ".r) -,Bti5 (M. T 1:Z3 9. tDeiters pool rerora w . Iu . ..L. 1 rw Rrmm (0: i Tk. ihner to; , - Johnson o: . 1 li" fBetters pa Roer Corn ). T pool record of 2:15.1). I ..a i -i m I rmn oTtTi BrW o; i, bsu . i T T 1:56.4. (C-j-ari kreasmke 1. CoDett fO: 2. Chock Kruran OI; S. Joe Slooker X). T 2:24 5. I Belters pool record of I 36 9. ' 44-ar4 freestrle relay 1, Oklahoma : (Wilcox. Johnson. Drovatzky, Brown). T J4. Golds OF NEBRASKA New! Wash Jacket by 7.95 36 to 46 regular Marvin Moes suffests this new stash and wear sports jacket by Lakeland Sportswear for sprinj. 100 combed cotton topped with cotton collar and cuffs, adds up to Ions wearing comfort in an ideal weight for spring. Choose from light tan. copper or bine. GOLD S Varsitr Shop . . . Balconr We Give Z?K Green Stamps More buxom blondes with shipwrecked sailors insist on Camels than any other cigarette today. It stands to reason: the best tobacco makes the best smoke. The Camel blend of costly tobaccos has never been equalled for rich flavor and easygoing mildness. No wonder Camel is the No. 1 cigarette of all ! leeve fie iadtand fancy stuff tolandlubbtrt. cigarette- hsv8 s GArGL sas. -' It ' ) Page 3 j )at P f -J i stoermer. c j s i CT. 1 i i i is tot aw n si i . NVhrasaa ft ft f t 1 anvf.- P 7 M i II . -c ...................... . ; j howalke. F 1 S 4 I KhiDwriftht. fi 1 A 1 , Hr u t S 4 1 . . 19 14 17 54 4 ais kiah.n.a Nrhraski "S M OffioiaK: Bill Jennings. Nebraska; Lload Bers. Iowa. Now to March 14 SAVE 10 on any Record Bring coupon to Schmo!!er & Mueller 1212 "O" Only one coupon Oct record Kam . . . Address Popular Clossi Hi Ft Stereo trPI Feature of the Week.., From GOLD'S I'arsity Shop and Wear Lakeland urn