2J Pog 2 The Daily Nebrajrvan Tuesday, March 3, 1959 i 4 if. 111 $1 6 i ' ). , . h ' H ; ; 4 7r - - 'V . . ". r - ' lEditotial Comment: ' Hard to Federal The latest dope sheet from the National Education' Association makes a concerted effort to justify federal aid to education. Since this has long been one of their pet projects, we approached the information therein contained with a modicum of suspicion. Sure enough, the facts were heavily tilted in favor of our burgeoning Burl Ives in Washington. First off, the pamphlet decried the fact that at present we put only 12 per cent of our tax money Into education. Since, in 1902 education's share of taxes was 17 per cent, the NEA people come up with the conclusion that we spend less tax money now oh education than we did in 1902. However, we are collecting much more tax money novf. The country is worth more now than it was In 1902. The education share of this money may have gone down hill a little percentagewise, since in 1902 local governments didn't have to build superhighways and parking lots, but the amount is actually higher. The point is that education taxation has kept pace pret ty well over the last 57 years considering all the new expenses that local govern ments have incurred. From their first misconclusion, NEA goes headfirst into another puddle full of sirup. Right now,' the federal government brings in about three out of every four tax dollars. Yet it pays only four per cent of the cost of public schools, they say. Well now that's so, but state and local governments aren't expected to maintain an army, build missies and make pay ments on the national debt either. In other Sorry Wrong Number A short note of apology is due the ladies of AWS. Somehow, the editor's column Monday stated that two hundred folks had attended the Coed Follies. It should have read two thousand. Incidentally, AWS was very happy with the crowd. It was slightly larger than last year's, though a final count is not im mediately available. If they continue this year's quality, the attendance should continue to rise. The Spectrum More Beauty Maybe they really are. Follies, that is. As Webster would say lack(s) of sense; foolish actions. And the actions get fast and furious just at the times when conscientious, University coeds should be studying home ec, elementary ed, love and marriage, etc. Namely at time, 1. ap proaching finals, and 2. approaching four-w e e k grade reports and the cons equential tests, quizzes, and examina tions. Some coeds, . whose house skits manage to make it into the finals of this February frolic, at times wonder at the worth of it all (or so I'm told), since many girls like high grades and to spend their time on various other follies. So I will make some suggestions to AWS on changing the makeup of this funfest, some of which aren't original and others which, may be; then give reasons why the suggestions aren't good or won't be ac cepted. 1.. Rotate the number of sororities par ticipating. Five sororities could participate each year for three years. This could cut down on the time consumed since the practices wouldn't have to be extended from semester to semester. Skit chairmen . could have a whole two years to plot out a new attack. But this would probably be voted down because no matter what choice was made as to which sororities would compete in the first year of the plan, 10 others would probably complain bitterly for having to sit that year out. Or at least the people would who like to com pete in this sort of thing and win trophies, etc. 2. Shorten the time before tryouts and before the Follies proper. But this un doubtedly would fail because enforcement of time limits for the practices would be next to Impossible within any rules that might be set up or within the house itself. Besides, people would say that less prac Daily Nebraskan SIXTY-EIGHT TEAKS OLD aonalrj. responslbla tor what tbej nr. or to or rsui. to . ,. , Printed, tebruar S. 1956. Member: Associated Collegiate Press aunserintion rate an S3 pit kbwm at is for tt Intercollegiate Pres. yZ&'ZT n... ,,. oft,,. Representative: National Advertisiof Berries, Ueoia. Nebraska, anaer ta act of a must , mt. Incorporated editorial htatf Pubiied t: Room i9. student omen 52Uv t::::::::::::::::::::: iln Nhritra Senior staff Writer Gretcarn Sides lAUtom, eOflH Rport. Editor Randall lambert 11th A R Nlnht News Editor Srnidra Whalen " " Copt Editor Carroll Kraut, Sandra Holly mltLj&JftiSZ ZJ22ttJZSi Hen. Ton, D.vte. ?X dixai rilS:. T, stojeot. otT. -, MIIy. Off.,. Sondr. Whal.n, Evel of N0l.ra.ka undor tt anthorlsa loo of lbs Jj nlSpfc- Mlnette. Tavlr Commute on Student Affair, aa an expression of - B," rnoKmapaef Mlnette. Taylor MifM. rs!leti seder roHsdMlot) sf tkt - l!WISS STAFF rJuocommlttee on Ntuarn. I'uhllratlons .hall be free from Business Manager ' . . J Try Sellentln ij.lonal eensonhlp on the part of Ihe rtuheommittoe at Assistant Bntlnest Manager. bt.B Kalman. aa tk port of an member of the faculty of too Vwt- IhaHen Gross, ISorm Boalflni, vantsr. Tho nemMta at tao Nobnskaa staff aro per- Classified Manage Oil Oradr Believe Many Aid Arguments words, the federal government has a good use for the dollars it drags in doing things the states can't do. On the other hand, the states can take care of education. By the reasoning of the NEA. however, the national government should stand 75 per cent of the brunt (since they get 3i of the taxes) and logi cally turning it around, the states should make V of the payments on the national debt. , Finally, the NEA people present charts and graphs proving that local and state debt has risen 182 per cent since 1948 while the federal debt is only up 10 per cent. This, the NEA says, makes local and state governments poor credit risks. Of course, in 1948 the federal debt had the tremendous expense of WW II already on it. It was already better than 240 bil lion. So 10 per cent of that can still add up to an awfully big pile of money. At the same time, in 1948 local debt wasn't very high (right now its around 80 billion, small compared to the federal debt.) But there was a lot of school build ing to be done because of expanding popu lation and the local governments rolled up their revenue bonds and went to it. Now the idea that any community with a solvent set of books, a well organized tax setup and competent local government can't borrow money at a reasonable rate to build new schools is preposterous. . The NEA is presenting the old fallacy of composition. They are taking a national figure that has had a not unsurprising growth in the last ten years, and pointing to each local gc arnment in alarm say ing, "These pocr people their schools are in ruins and their credit is no good." We're sorry fellows, but it just don't work that way. Not Really Somehow, someone has slipped up and let loose a little sunshine. The whole thing reminds one suspicious ly of spring. At the risk of chasing it away, we will even risk calling it that. Time to get the Bermuda's out of mothballs. By tice time would mean a drop in the qual ity of the skits. But according to a few comments on the judging of the skits, per haps that criticism wouldn't have too much to stand on. 3. Eliminate the Follies. Think of all the time that coeds could then spend on study ing phonetics, splitting wood for fireplaces and enjoying the beauty of the country side. But obviously this would run into trouble from organizers of the Ideal Coed, Eligible Bachelor and Beauty Queen con tests. They might even have to fall back on a Husker home basketball game half time for the presentation of the Bachelors and Beauties, just life AUF did with its Activities Queen. This could eliminate the feeling in the crowd that the presentation dragged a bit, since they wouldn't have the eager awaiting of which skits won what since there wouldn't be any skits to win anything. But I've been sick . . . Along with tht talk about campus beau tification, there's one thing that hasn't been mentioned which would beautify the campus and be of great utility, too. That is to build a streamlined, moving side walk, with a convertible cover. A sidewalk of this type could logically start at 519 No. 16th and logically branch off to the new Union addition (It's very nice when the Union moves its entrance closer to your door), to the Social Sciences Building, Burnett and 1618 R. With such a system one could eliminate winter colds, wet feet and surly students. The Union could improve its coffee trade, students could have no excuse for not at tending cultural programs by saying it's too far or by feigning fatigue, and if the moving walks would curve upward over streets, this would cut down on the NU traffic mortality rate and make the Gov ernor very happy and he would ask the Legislature for more money for the Uni versity. Back to Student Health . . . Kraus Carroll Kraus rgiiVis,iilgATMS SOUNDS LIKE My Little World Savants, Intellects, Schol ars, come out of your tor port your apathy, forgst your books, the long hours of diligent study, the plunge into the depths of k n o w 1 e dge-join the world in revelry. Spring is most up'jn us and we must pro pare early. "T h e w o r 1 d is ludy is a sea of beer" saith a professor and the crew necked crew a bunch of straws saith this onr What more can" one ex pect from life whenyoung than a hot brew shook to explosion from jouncing over the rutted back roads, and a starry-eyed young thing sitting next to you in the mud of a Nebraska cow pasture spring? Time enough when we are old and care-worn with the ne cessity of jobs to spend tired evenings reading a book that will transform us back to these madcap days of ir responsibility. The hours of classes during the week re quire this respite from drudgery. Harranging is not in my line because I really don't care. But if the Union ever imports goose-pimpled chorus girls to dance on the front steps and lug kegs of 3.2 beer into the basement to sell subversively and un obtrusively I shall again bemoan the obscur import ance of the forthcoming lit tle green papers with the results of a semesters en deavor as opposed to t h e awe rewarded an individual who can chug a beer in a gulp Individualism is the vogue and this is, after all is said and done, one very distinguishing quality. Mire Somewhere in the mire of unsorted and disorganized days, college students be came the amazing assimila tors of all that they read and all that strikes their fancy. When we read a univer sal author who seems to have taken our peculiar world in his hand and turned it inside out, we have that elation of want- I must warn you again. Be careful about reading this column. If you cling to any principle, moral, or habit as being the only possible or true way, then do not read this column for your own safety. Be ware ye believers in "to getherness"! You see, this is a column of storms and mists, and the weak may be shaken and fail to see; forces may tear the weak away from the rocks of faith to which they cling, and drown then in the psy chological sea. Only they who dare to swim forever may read this column with understanding, without cer tain panic, and even they must read with a hint of fear. Odd clods proceed at your own risk. Eggheads deserve punishment, but not this. As one prof put it, "Buck Eikelberry writes again!" Like Jail Just like jail. In some courses I'm taking, profs and grad assistants are putting great emphasis on the bodily presence of the student. These aren't just education courses, either; these are super duper elite Arts & Sciences (not Arts and Parties!) courses in cluding foreign languages and history. The bell rings and the echo says, "Into your cells!" If classes are for the purpose of learning, and if grades are supposed to reflect learning, isn't it unfair and deceitful to knock some grades on the basis of attendance quite apar; from learning? Cer tain' it is. Symbolically The following is symbol ically speaking. I want to state my firm : vattt'--- Buckshot IFY0VBUYAUSEDCA2AT THIS PLACE. V0U SET AllSEVEN BEETHOVEN CONCERTOS R3E 6NT THAT A 6000 DEAL? . . . by judy trusU ing to shout "this is true. ' As a result we base our ref erences on glib sprouting of the w or k of I b s e n, , Nietzsche, Eliot, Thom as, Yeats, Kerouak. We have no minds of our own hut become a part of their minds and our papers ere filled with the quotes which seem to tell a life philoso phy in a few words. It is said that one does not begin to learn until he is out of school fifteen years away from . his timorous radical outlooks when we can see this jumble of thoughts and take from them only that which ap plies to us alone. Collegians may carouse until dawn but in fifteen years the hangover will no longer taste. So there is after all a modicum of hope. Nebraskan Letterip The nail) Nebraskan will publish nnl.r thote letters which arr lirnrd. Letter attacking Individuals must rarry the author's nntne. Others may use Initials or a len nnnie. letters should nut exceed 200 words. When letters exceed this llmli l he Nebrasksn reserves the right to rondrnse them, retaining Iho writer', view.. Beaiitifioation To the Editor: In case anybody is inter ested in my views on the Campus Beautification bit as carried in the Rag last Friday, here goes. It seems to me that the proposed reflecting pool of the size indicated would represent a tremendous ex pense to build, maintain and supply with mosquito repellent, i presume to pre vent ice damage it would have to be drained in the winter. In that condition it would have about the same decorative value as an old bathtub. I don't know where the money for such things comes from, but I am sure it would do far more good if applied to raising salaries to prevent our professors from being lured elsewhere. The two faculty lots and the street stalls to be disposed of so lightly now accommodate over 230 cars. I would guess that the Student Council which en dorsed these proposals so wholeheartedly, is made up entirely of Greeks who al ready have a place U park their heaps and therefore need not be concerned with such a mundane consider by Melvyn 'Bucfc' Eikleberry belief that we should cease to construct ivory towers for the masses towers they cannot climb. My belief is that we should build bet ter pig pens for them, and provide more and better mud for them to wallow in. You can't climb Mt. Ever est without equipment, and let us face the fact that many people lack the .equipment to enjoy spending their time reading Ezra Pound or to vote in telligently. I'm sick of all the talk about apathy. I'm glad the masses are apathetic. When the mass es lose their apathy we will probably have a spectacle like the promiscuous de capitations of the French Revolution. We should fear lessly recognize that, as Plato puts it, some men are of gold, some of silver, and some of brass. The men of gold should not pretend that they are men of brass (as did many politicians of the "log cabin" set) nor should they pretend brass is really gold, man progress yes -whatver form we that but can make of brass, we cannot make it into gold. Progress itself may be an undesira ble strain. As I said before, more and better mud for the pigs. Complaints Any complaints at all about this column should be sent to Siberia upper Siberia. Praise, if any, should be sent to Letterip, but I fear none. Photo Play What Kinil Over the years, a great dial has been written about the brilliant career which was Humphrey Bogart's. Spanning 26 years in t h e movies, and an output of 75 feature films, his per formances were at times uninspired; at times great. But what has helped to make his pictures always interesting (from the ab surdity of "King pf the Un derworld" to the excellence of The Barefoot Contessa) is that Bogart, himself as gangster or soldier-of-f o r t u n e, was a fascinating character. Hollywood often speculat ed on what kind of a man Bogey really was. He wa? the kind of personality who could, and did, live up to his reputation. He snarled ation as the parking space ' for peons. As for the Rag editor, (whoever wrote the piece) I can only surmise from his viewpoint on cars en masse as view obstructors and unbearably ugly, that he must be a poor under privileged waif whose papa has denied him a car. My favorite remedy for those parking lot dust storms is to hard-surface the lots. I would like to say that I agree with any and all efforts to beautify the campus except those which are at the expense of utility or are of undue cost. Should beauty and utility become incompatible, I would vote in favor of utility. f. b. o'Gara Congratulations To the Editor: Congratulations to Kan dish Satkunman on his un derstanding of both the American and foreign stu dents. I think I would con sider Satkunman to be an authority on this because of the number of American friends that he has on the campus. When I asked him how he managed to get ac quainted with so many American students, he said, "When I first came to this country, I thought the Amer ican students to be very dogmatic. But, after one semester, I got acquainted with a few of them. Then I participated in various student organizations where I made more American friends. I like all my friends and they all like me too." His mention of the organ izations open to foreign stu dents included the religious foundations on campus. This is one of the best places to get acquainted with one an other. 1 know you would be more than welcome at any one of them, Finally, I must also com pliment Americans like "Robin" and "Roy" who are maintaining the Amer ican tradition. Francis Schmidt LITTLE MAN 1 " ft. -vr ir- rr?,.t) 'EVEN Tl'S 5TUPENT5 ARE PSMANPING W&WIQ. SALAPltrS FOR OUR TEACHti PROFESSORS COME 60 SO FAf Trig FfttTEKNiriES PONT HAVE TlM TO WlLP A 7IST FILi' ON THSM I LIKE TO SEE GOOD MUSIC MADE AVAILABLE 10 THE AVERASE MAN.. - bv John West at strangers, reedier" pom pous guests; made irrever ent remarks about tho movie industry. In society, at parties, he assumed the role of gadfly and tormen ter of the fat cats. This cause a misunderstand ing to occur on the parts of those who knew him only slightly, and saw, him only on those occasions. Sincere In truth, Humphrey Bo gart was a very sincere; a deeply humble and faithful man. He was faithful to his work, his friends and, )f course, his family. He was a devoted father and he loved his wife most dearly. He was a liberal Demi crat, an avid reader, and a man who never drank when he worked but on oc casions loved to stay w) un til dawn. He was famous for his "cute" remarks: On money: "The only reason to have money is so that you can tell any s.o.b. in the world to go to hell." On exercise: "At John Huston's house, years ago, a group of us played foot ball in the livinroom with a grapefruit. It was late in the evening, shall we say." Poked Fun Humphrey Bogart was a notorious joker. One, pok ing fun at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, he sponsored a plan to present a collegaue with a plaque for being tha year's worst actor. Chan,?-, ing his mind, he settled on an annual award for t h a best performance by an an imal. His film, "Beat Tlie Devil," which he made with John Huston and Truman Capote in Italy, was entire ly the result of a drinking party in which the three de cided to make a movie just for fun. The result made absolutely no sense, befud dled public and critics alike, and is unquestionably t h e longest shaggy dog story in history. Pictures Remain Fortunately the world can still refer to the Bogart art istry through the pictures that remain. In a Union showing Sunday, "Key Lar go," and "The Petrified Forest" will be shown. The first is John Huston's adap tion of the Maxwell Ander son play, and features Bo gey, Baby (Lauren Bacall), Edward G. Robinson, Lion el Barrymore and Claire Trevor (in her Oscar-winning performance). "The Petrified Forest" was Bo gart's break into big time pictures from a successful Broadway career. Although dated, the action of Robert Sheerwood's play, as well as the brilliance of Leslie Howard and Bette Davis, co-starring with Bogart, make it still interesting. Knowles to Show Ski Trip Movies Movies of the 1958-59 Ski Trip will be shown by Rex Knowles Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Parlors XYZ of tha Union. All students are in vited to attend. ON CAMPUS