The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1959, Image 1

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Campus Beautification
9 MAR 2 1959
Eight Council
Are Approved
Eight of the ten proposals
Cf tne campus Beautification
Committee will become a re
ality, according to Carl Don
aldson, University business
Donaldson said no reflecting
pool would be planned.
The proposal to construct
a sidewalk in a "direct line"
between University and Ne
braska bookstores was also
turned down.
Donaldson said that it was
uu a gvuu puinj f pin
parallel walks within 100 feet
of each other."
(There is already a side
walk leading from the Unl
versity bookstore to the cor
ner,, the only legal place to
cross the street aceuiding to
Lincoln traffic ordinances.
Reflecting Pool
Donaldson said that the re
flecting pool was a good idea
and would be very beautiful.
He said however that the
feasibility of constructing
such a pool on a University
campus would be doubted by
anyone familiar with the ac
tivities of exhubcrant college
The "sign board" in front
of the Union which the report
mentions will be eliminated
with the opening of the Union
addition, according to Don
aldson. New Sign
He said that the Union front
would probably be shifted 10
the north and a new sign con
structed there.
The 27th street parking
stalls between the Mueller
Tower and Love Library will
definitely not be eliminated
this semester, Donaldson said.
The faculty committee on
parking makes all changes it
the semester breaks, he
Block Streets
Donaldson revealed that
present University plans call
for the complete closing off
in the near future of the
streets between Love Library
and the Mueller Tower.
This whole area would be
come mall or possibly still
Ceres Club
Is Offered
Ag College coeds are eligi
ble to apply for a $50 scholar
ship offered by the Ceres Club
of the Agricultural College.
Women applying must have
earned one third of their credit
hours in home economics, be
wholly or partially self sup
porting and have a scholastic
average of 5.5
They must also be graduat
ing in either June or August
of 1960.
Application blanks may be
obtained from Miss Margaret
Cannell's office, 116 Home
Economics building. The com
pleted application should be
mailed with two references to
Mrs. Phil Henderson, 6947
Starr St. before March 16.
The scholarship will be
awarded for "meritorious ef
fort in school life as well as
scholastic attainments" ac
cording to Mrs. Henderson.
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Real Indian Yogi
THIS IS YOGI as demonstrated by Chakravarti Krish
naswami at the Indian Student Cultural Program held in
the Union Ballroom Saturday night. About 500 persons at
tended the event. Songs, solo dances, folk dances, comedy
and piano selections were given by about 27 NU students
from India. The program was organized by Himansu Sen
and Dev Raj Chopra.
kept for faculty parking.
' "The contract has already
been let and we are waiting
for the thaw," said Donaldson
concerning the sidewalks
along the east side of Ban
croft hall.
Stone Benches
The stone benches will have
to be purchased as students
show that they are being
used, Donaldson said.
The planting of trees and
the creation of a mall be
tween Love Library and the
tower would probably pre
cede the placing of benches
there, he added.
The area between Morrill
and Andrews was closed off
for the construction of the
Mueller planetarium, Donald
son said.
Area Open
Now that the construction
is completed the area will be
opened. If traffic studies show
it is necessary, diagonal side
walks will be poured.
Donaldson indicated that
when classes start in Elgin
these sidewalks will probably
be very necessary.
The University plans to con
tinue to plant trees in the
manner similar to those be
tween Love Library and the
new Administration Building.
Selleck Lots
Concerning "shrubbery and
trees planted in profusion"
around the Selleck lots Don
aldson said, "Safety dictates
that the bushes could not be
too high."
The lots will be resurfaced
and the number of parking
spaces cut down to leave more
room for bigger cars.
Donaldson praised the
Campus Beautification com
mittee for their work on the
project. "It's nice to know
students are interested."
Orchestra to Preveiw
Selections Sunday
The University Symphony
Orchestra will present two
"firsts" in Lincoln Sunday at
4 p.m. in the Union Ballroom
at its annual spring concert
under the direction of Prof.
Emanuel Wishnow.
The "firsts" are "Rhapso
dic Overture" by the Danish
composer, Nielson, considered
one of Denmark's finest com
posers and a musical impres
sion "Night Soliloquy" by
Kent Kennan a contempo
rary composer.
"Night Soliloquy" will be
played by flute soloist Gret
chen Blum. A junior in
Good Props?
Yeah, But If
Nirmal Dutta, pianist and
property builder for the In
dian Student Cultural Pro
gram Sunday night, was ap
parently working nnder a
slight handicap.
A Daily Nebraska photog
rapher, commenting on the
intricate work Dutta had
done on the props, was told:
"But he could have done
so much better if he hadn't
broken his hand."
Vol. 33, No. 73
Jbollies Jrirst
Beauties, Bachelors
Frost Follie s Cake
Beauties and bachelors
frosted the Coed Follies cake
Friday night.
Twelve coeds were named
as finalists for Cornhusker
Beauty Queens and 12 men
were presented as most eli
gible of unattached males at
the University.
From these finalists, six
queens and six bachelors will,
be revealed as winners in the
1959 Cornhusker in May.
Beauty Queen Finalists are:
Judy Berry, sophomore in
See Page 4
Teachers, and member of
Kappa Kappa Gamma;
Sylvia Bathe, sophomore in
Teachers, and member of
Kappa Alpha Theta;
Margene Goettsch, sopho
more in teachers and mem
ber of Delta Delta Delta;
Joanne Simpkins, sophomore
in Teachers, and member of
Chi Omega;
Elizabeth Aikens, freshman
in Teachers and pledge of Pi
Beta Phi;
Pat Rutt, senior in Teach
ers and member of Alpha
Omicron Pi;
Lucy Webster, junior in
Teachers, and member of
Teachers College, Miss Blum
is a member of the Lincoln
Symphony Orchestra and Uni
versity Band. Last year, she
appeared as a soloist with
pianist Abba Bogin in his per
formance with the University
Myron Cohen, a graduate
student in music, will play
a violin solo Nardini's "Con
certo in E Minor." He is
concertmaster of the Univer
sity Orchestra, Lincoln Sym
phony and Omaha Symphony
Mozart's Symphony No- 35,
"The Hoffa," will also be on
the program. Closing the per
formance will be Wagner's
"Overture to Rienzi" from the
opera "Rienzi."
School Aid
Sales Tax
A public hearing on a bill
calling for a public vote on a
constitutional amendment pro
viding a state sales and use
tax to finance schools will be
held today at 2 p.m. in the Su
preme Court Hearing Room.
LB158, introduced by Sen.
Terry Carpenter of Scottsbluff,
would provide a minimum two
per cent levy on retail sales
Revenue from the levy
would be distributed in this
No more than 10 per cent
should go annually to public
school districts in financial
distress. The legislature would
determine which districts
The remainder would go to
the public school districts, the
University of Nebraska, each
normal school, each junior
college and Omaha University.
This money would be distri
buted on the basis of an equal
amount per resident student
Part of LB158 proposes a
constitutional amendment pro
viding that if the state should
adopt income tax as a method
of raising revenue, Nebraska
would be prohibited from levy
ing a property tax.
Sales Tax Adoption
This change would allow the
adoption of a sales tax plus
the retention of the property
Under the present consti
tution, if a sales tax were
adopted, the state would be
for bidden to levy a property
tax for state purposes.
if LB158 is passed, the pro
posed constitutional amend
ments would be on the ballot
in 1960.
Kappa Kappa Gamma;
Sherry Johnson, sophomore
in Arts and Sciences, and
member of Alpha Phi;
Carol Frey, freshman in
Teachers, and pledge of Al
pha Phi;
' Yvonne Young, junior in
Teachers, and a pledge of Al
pha Omicron Pi;
Lois Muhle, sophomore in
Teachers and member of Del
ta Gamma.
From these 12 finalists,
Steve Allen, well-known tele
vision personality will choose
the six winners.
The 12 men chosen by
Mortar Boards as eligible
bachelor finalists are:
Bill North, senior in Busi
ness Administration and
member of Sigma Chi;
Bob Blair, junior in Busi
ness Administration and
member of Sigma Alpha Ep
silon; Tim Barnes, sophomore in
Arts & Sciences and member
of Phi Kappa Psi;
Don Herman, senior in Ag
riculture and member of
Farmhouse fraternity;
Marty Sophir, sophomore
in Arts and Sciences and
member of Sigma Alpha Mu.
Karl Bauman, junior in Arts
and Sciences and member of
Alpha Tau Omega;
josepn vaccaro, senior m
Engineering and Architecture
and member of Phi Gamma
Dick Shipwright, junior in
Teachers and member of Sig
ma Phi Epsilon;
Jerry Sellentin, senior
Teachers, and member
Theta Xi.
Larry Romjue, junior
Business Administration and
member of Beta Theta Pi;
Bob Dannert, senior in Ag
riculture and member of
Gene Nurenburg, junior in
Engineering and Architecture
and member of Cornhusker
The Mortar Boards will se
lect the six winners fnm
these finalists.
Biz Ad Senior
Picked For Trip
James Morris has been
chosen to represent the Uni
versity at the annual "Inside
Advertising" week in New
York April 5-10.
Morris is a senior in Bus
iness Administration, major
ing in sales and marketing in
connection with advertising.
During the sessions, Morris
will be one of 65 students from
other colleges and universi
ties who will discuss the mar
keting phase of advertising,
with business executives.
The Association of Adver
tising Men and Women spon
sor the week. Morris' partici
pation is sponsored by the
Lincoln Promotion Council.
NU Researcher Says
Economy Needs More
Medicine, Schools Not
By Marilyn Coffey
"What our economy needs
and demands is more
schools, more medicine and
more scientists not more
farmers," Bert Evans Uni
versity research economist
Evans explained his view
of the so-called "farm prob
lem," some of its causes and
a possible solution.
To understand what is
commonly termed "the farm
problem," agriculture must
not be viewed as a separate
segment of our economy,
Evans said.
The traditional economic
view of the farm problem is
wrong, he said. This view
separated each segment of
the economy such as agri
culture and industry
and scrutinized them, Once
analyzed, the economist
tried to fit them back into
the total picture.
The problem of agricul
ture is not primarily a prob-
era within agriculture i it
self. It is a question of the
relationship between agricul-,
The Daily Nebraskan
Miss Peterson
n, .
NU Ideal
Kartn Peterson, a junior in
Teachers College, was an
nounced as Ideal Nebraska
Coed Friday night.
She was presented at the
Coed Follies Revue at Persh
ing Auditorium.
Nan Carlson, president of
AW! presented the crown and
Selection of the Ideal NU
Coed was made by a com
mittee of faculty members
and students on the basis of
scholarship, appearance, per
sonality and participation in
campus activities.
Miss Peterson said she was
"dumbfounded" when she re
ceived the honor.
"I didn't know who would
get it but I didn't think it
would be me" she exclaimed.
When asked why she en
joyed activities so much Miss
Peterson said, "College is so
much more than scholarship
or activities by themselves. It
takes participation in both to
get full value received from
your education."
Miss Peterson said her
activities had given her "con
fidence in her own ability to
do things."
With a near eight overall
average, she is a member of
the Student Union Board of
Managers, Coed Counselors
Board and Hungarian Student
Project Committee. She is al
so Spring Day and All Uni
versity Open House general
Miss Peterson is a member
of Alpha Lambda Delta and
Pi Lambda Theta scholastic
honoraries and Pi Beta Phi
Other finalists were Jane
Savener, Gretchen Saeger,
Sally Downs and Karen
Physics Colloquium
To Hear Epstein
Saul Epstein, physics pro
fessor, will speak at the phys
ics colloquium Thursday at
4:15 p.m. in 211 Brace Lab.
Professor Epstein will dis
cuss "Toward a Universal
Fermi Interaction." There
will be a tea at 3:45.
ture and the rest of the econ
omy, Evans said.
"The so-called 'farm prob
lem' is largely symptomatic
of a maladjustment on a na
tional level," he said. "This
unbalance stems from a
changing and growing econ
omy." America is developing into
a more technical and indus
trial nation. When our coun
try began, the economy was
95 per cent agrarian, 5 per
cent industrial. Now the po
sitions are nearly reversed,
he added.
This change is directly re
lated to continuing techno
logical and scientific ad
vancement. j Human Resource
"A continual division and
specialization of labor
coupled with changing and
expanding human needs and
wants, means quite simply
that the human resources of
our society need to be ap
plied more heavily to medi
cine, education and scientif
ic advance.
Tri Belt, Kappa, BG
Take Other Honors
Alpha Omicron Pi emerged
with the victor's trophy at the
seventh annual presentation
of Coed Follies Friday even
Delta Delta Delta took first
place honors in the Traveler
Act competition.
Spectator attendance at the
"Dames Debut" was esti
mated at two thousand.
"Mostly Macbeth," the
AOPi skit, was directed by
Bobbie Butterfield. Janet
Dresher directed the Tri
Delt's act. "Three's a
The second place spot went
to Kappa Kappa Gamma s
"Hoop Scoop." Kati Daily
was skitmaster.
"Hannah Hits Harvard"
copped third place for the
Delta Gammas. Donna Scriv
en was skitmaster.
Judges for the awards were
Top Sales
May Win
Trio Visit
House Contest
To Be Held
The Kingston Trio will be
dinner guests of the house sell
ing the most tickets for the
Trio's March 18 show.
The winning house will be
judged on the number of dol
lars for tickets turned in by
March 14. Houses not turning
money and tickets in by
March 14 will be disqualified.
A meeting will be held Mon
day for organized house rep
resentatives who will be sell
ing tickets. The meeting will
be at 4 p.m. in Union 315.
Tickets for $2 and $1.50 will
be checked out at this time.
Representatives will be held
responsible for tickets checked
out to them.
Tickets will be available to
University students a week
before they go on sale at other
Any organized group which
has not been contacted may
send a representative to this
meeting without further
Late Showers
OK at Syracuse
"A recommendation to
permit coeds to take show
ers after curfew was passed
by the WSG assembly
Wednesday night . . ."
At Syracuse University it
seems that after 11:15 p.m.
coeds may not use the show
ers, hence the discussion.
The Daily Orange reports
that when one coed was
caught showering at 11:20,
the head resident walked in,
pulled back the shower cur
tains, turned off the water
and made the offender take
an extra proctoring assign
ment as a punishment.
"These human resources
need to be applied less heav
ily to agriculture," Evans
Nebraska has the addition
al problem of lack of indus
try. This makes it even
harder for her farm popula
tion to move into work of a
skilled or semi-skilled na
ture. 1 Industry
"We need industrial
growth within the state," he
"That Nebraska is rel
atively underdeveloped is
clearly seen in her rural
areas. The failure of small
businesses, the moving of
farmers to Detroit and Cali
fornia, the redistricting of
schools because of decreas
ing population these things
are symptomatic of the
same basic problem that
faces the nation: how hu
man resources can be allo
cated to the benefit of ' all,"
Evans commented.
(Editor'! note Farther asnecU f the
"farm prablrm" will be diwusur la
Tnrtday and Wednesday editloa af ibe
Dell; Nebraskaa. Mehllltr ef the farmer
la the next aueiUea aa let eoaaMera-
Monday, March 2, 1959
A jf n
Bob Handy, Miss Dorothy
Maxwell, Miss Mary Mulvan
ey, Miss Sue Arbuthnot, Dean
Helen Snyder, Van Westover,
Miss Mary Mielenz, Dr. Rob
ert Hough, Jack Snider, How
ard Martin, Mrs. Barbara
Jackson, Bob Schmidt, Chas.
Neidt, Miss Elsie Jevons and
Dr. John Wiley.
Linda Walt was Coed Fol
lies chairman and mistress of
ceremonies. Her assistants
were Janet Hansen, stage -manager,
Polly Doerlng,
sound and lights and Nancy
Johnson, skitsmaster.
"Mostly Macbeth" was a
satire on Shakespeare's Mac
beth. Lady Macbeth and her hus
band plotted to kill Duncan
who "lies within." When the
morning came to the tune of
"Oh what a horrible morn
ing" and "Bloccy Mac is the
boy for me," Lady Macbeth
did her famous candle scene
to "I'm gonna wash that blood
right offa my hands." A tune
ful fencing match ended Mac
beth's life.
The Tri Delt Traveler act
featured six dancers. Through
the use of costumes in which
each pair of dancers had
their inside legs in a pair of
pants topped with a dummy
the impression of three people
was created.
The second place skit, Hoop
Scoop told the story of the
invention or discovery of the
hula hoop in the jungles of
Africa. Kappas in grass skirts
opened the skit with a tribal
dance. A later version of the
hula hoop was used as a hoop
for skirts and the modern day
found it being used to catch
"Hannah Hits Harvard" fol
lowed the famed Delta Gam
ma character as she tried to
get into the all male Univers-.
ity on the grounds that "her
father her grandfather and
her great grandfather were
Harvard men and she wanted
to be a Harvard man too."
She was finally accepted
after spurring the Harvard
fencing team to victory with
her cheerleading.
Other skits in the show in
cluded "Northward Ho, the
Dogsled," the Alpha Xi Delta
skit directed by Pat Salis
bury. The Alpha Xis, who predict
ed what would happen if Ne
braska took a migration to the
University of Alaska, were
granted an overnight (six
months long in this case) and
one straggler walked to Ju
neau. The Sigma Kappa skit, di
rected by Nancy Flower, de
picted the consternation re
sulting from the detachment
of WAVES aboard a Navy
Pi Beta Phi presented "In
somnia" directed by Mary
Ann Ryan and Mary Anne
Timmons. The skit bemoaned
the girls' fate when they wor
ried about their true loves'
Prof to Speak
At Ag Meeting
G. W. Steinbruegge, profes
sor of agricultural engineer
ing, will attend an agricultural
research laboratory in Detroit,
Mich., Wednesday.
The meeting will try to form.
a joint armed services com
mittee to promote research in
the land locomotion field. The
committee would be formed in
cooperation with the armed
services, industry and agricul
ture. Steinbruegge will discuss
current land locomotion re
search being conducted at the
University. Land locomotion is
the ability of soils to permit
machines to propel them
selves. The University offers the
only course in the Midwest on
land locomotion, according to
Theta Sigma Phi
Initiates 11 Coeds '
Eleven University women
journalism students were in
itiated into Theta Sigma Phi,
professional journalism fra
ternity, Saturday.
The coeds are:
Bobbie Bible, Jane Crooker,
Sue Schnabel, Diana Maxwell,
Sandy Kully, Sony Whalen,
Gretchen Sides, Jackie Jani
cek, Emmie Limpo, Marilyn
Coffee and Ann Hale.