Poqe 8 The Dailv Nebraskon Friday, January 16, 1959 OpM to Hi. Public Saturday Nite, Jan. 17 JOHNNY JAY Orchestra CwHt Saturday, Jo. 14 PAVI KAVITCM ORCHESTRA EAST HILLS Nr Kasswatilm Mm. 4-II1J TOT EX tkeBSCCEST WAS SPECTACLES 4 Registration Remedies Heard by Council (Continued from Page 1) (almost half the Council) favored having the Reg istrar's Office pull the cards for all students. The remaining members' support was divided be tween suggestions four, six and seven. There was no movement in favor of return ing to the old system or leav ing the system as it now stands. 'Student Deprived The largest objection voiced against having the University pull all cards was the fact that it deprived the student of the chance to make his own second and third choices. With these outlines, the s y t e m would work smoth ly the argument ran. The big objection to the outlines were that they contained some "sour apples," courses in the late afternoon or on Saturday morning. No Solution? The answer to the "sour apples" argument was given that no matter what system of registration was used, some students would have to accept it In closing, lilair reminded the Council that they must "be sure to get what the stu dents really feel is best, not just a hasty decision." A permanent committee to be known as the Student Council's registrar's commit tee was set up during the meeting. This committee wouJd have the job of handling any prob lems between the students and the administration in re gard to registration. The committee could be made up of either Council members or other interested students or a combination of both. V'Arns rats Y WCMNICOIO VI 214 hours or DELI6MT1 CORt.HUSl.ERS ALL! Congregate at the HOTEL CORNHUSKER LANDMARK TEE PEE POW WOW TEE PEE Open 'til 1 A.M. weekdays and 'til 2 A.M. Fridays end Saturdays ENJOY SUNDAY BRUNCH . . . Served from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults $2.00 Children $1.00 In History Memorial Fellowship Established A $2000 gift for the estab lishment at the University of a history fellowship as a me morial for Dr. George Gil more, pioneer physician in Murray, was announced to day. The gift was given by Dr. John Gilmore of Santa Mon ica, Calif., son of the prom inent Cass County resident and a 1939 graduate of the University's College of Medi cine. The principal of the gift will be used to support a re search fellowship toward a Master's degree, specializing "in local history with special reference to Cass County." The late Dr. Gilmore was one of the founders of the Cass County, Historical So ciety and was interested in history and archeology. He wrote several articles for the Nebraska Historical Society's history magazine and worked closely with the University's departments. Beale to Discuss Lincoln Trade W. T. M. Beale Jr., deputy assistant secretary of state for economic affairs, will speak in Lincoln Feb. 17 at a world trade workshop. Sponsored by the Lincoln United Church Women, the workshop climaxes a survey to determine the extent of im ports and exports in Lincoln and the implications of inter national understanding and peace. Working together on this project are the women's groups of 49 local churches and the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, League of Women Voters and the YWCA public affairs committee. The workshop, which is open to the public, will be held in Trinity Methodist Church at 16th and A. Nuclear Energy Goes on KUON "VnHear Enere v-Kev tn Tomorrow", a new KUON- TV series, begins Monday over Channel 12 at 8 p.m. Dr. Warren Witzig, Bettis Plant Manager of Physics and Nuclear Design, will guide discussions with guests from the area of atom re search in the 12-program se ries. The history of nuclear en ergy from its discovery through today's applications, its future uses and potential peacetime applications will all be discussed. KUON-TV Friday, January 16 5:19 Children's Corner "Bubbles' f:0O Kveninc Prelude 6:30 TV Classroom Review ei deny urtry and physics 7:00 Lrathercraft and Summing Up 7:30 Industry on Parade 7:45 United Nations Review 1:00 Home Economics Enriches Living uo Passing Notes oa Music Coupon Good Dating final Period 25c OFF ON $1.39 PIZZA HAMBURGER PEPPWONI ANCHOVI SAUSAGE MUSHROOM Onler by Phone 2-5098 COFFMAN'S PIZZA 13th Cr K fp l'atll sOOOOC0WOOOOOOOOOOOOC JL w Shop Thursday 10 to 8:30, other days Bin? EiinRh. AND JUUET PETEtTuSTINOY at Pershing Municipal AUDITORIUM FEB. 2 Coming February 3 Hughes announces campus interviews for Electrical Engine: and Physicists receiving B. S.t M. 5., or Ph. D. degrees. Consult jour placement office nov: for an appointment. i HUGHES J HL&BE8 AIRCRAFT COMPANY Culver City, Los Angeles, El Segundo and Fullerton, Calif or and Tucson, Arizona aOOOOQQQOOOOOQW 9 to 5:30 j are happening! ft- 1 J Dresses by A- II Handmacher Aj i are neic in J 11 SPORTSWEAR, SECOND FLOOR ( ; k l Those master tailors, have turned their talents to mak- ri ing a group of classic tailored dresses ... the kind of J V' l v dresses you've been wanting! j ' 1 l 18.95 oy WM ! ft 25,95 "ii !! 3f.;v- I 1 ilv'' ur Handmacher classic ( I ffffjjs'f I 1 ' " I ft dresses are beautifully j j 7 k hO unored of creP. light j j :fitffif i I woolen and silk-rayon H y JiWi(fih l ; blends in pretty prints. !! I lWfm V lf Choose Black, Nav Red, S b--VtfA Mi Royal, Taupe, Gold in sizes 'fipifjM lTi any occasion. 0 iff l SPORTSWEAR, SECOD FLOOR THE FABULOUS ( fY I FOUR ACES C- r rA L f ft -mr f i w DECCA Records Great Singing Stars will be in Miller's TUNE SHOP for an Autograph Party Saturday, January 17 from 4 to 5 p.m. Choose from Four Ace's DECCA Albums: . Hits from Hollywood Shufflin Along The Swingin Aces Sentimental Souvenirs Heart and Soul She Loves the Movies Mood for Love 3.98 earn..... 33 LP Community Kaviiijs Stamps ire jrourc with every purchase. I THE FOUR ACES H appear t the Turnpike. Saturday, January 17! !! With each fwr Acet Album you purchase, you I HI will receive a complementary ticket for one person II :j to the Four Aees Turnpike appearance. II iij Ticket are also on sale in Miller's Tune Shop. P TV1SE SHOP, THIRD FLOOR m " Lincoln 9 mil j-- . "X""r r-"" seccocosoosooooooaoooooQooooooffi