The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Pacjs 2
Tuesday, January 13, 1959
The Doilv Nebraskan
Editorial Comment"
They Tire Easily
wmes now that semester nightmare
known as final exams.
And about now, comes also the usual
reproofs from instructors, advisors, friends
and clergymen who all say "don't cheat."
Unfortunately, these reproofs are too
seldom taken to heart. At a short staff
conference, the members of the Daily Ne
braskan Monday afternoon came up with
an amazing variety of ways by which they
personally witnessed University students
fudging just a little on the side of dis
honesty. Now the Daily Nebraskan is not going
to say, "Don't cheat, fellows. Be good
That would produce a cynically hearty
snicker from those who would cheat any
way. It would also be a pretty trite way of
filling up the editorial page because some
how, good old fashioned honesty just
isn't highly regarded in some circles any-
But the Daily Nebraskan is going to
suggest a policy by which cheaters may
be dealt with.
Perhaps the greatest punishment the
University could mete out to cheaters is to
let them get by with it. Over the short
term, this might make certain of them look
pretty good, but if they don't know what
they've got to know for the long haul, they
soon will be surpassed.
After all, good grades are fine and
honestly won good grades are truly com
mendable (thank goodness, the majority
of the folk around here get their good
grades honestly.) A good solid five or six,
honestly won, however, just has to be of
more value than the same grade or better
won by cheating.
So let the cheater cheat. One of these
days they'll wake up to find out they
should have known better.
What Worse Time?
There ara already a sufficient number
of critics warning college students of an
over-emphasis on activities in their lives.
College, most of us agree, should primar
ily be concerned with the improvement of
one's mental facilities. At the same time,
a well balanced person will argue that he
got that way by concerning himself with
more than studies he also took and takes
part in social activities.
With these thoughts in mind we read
the news that Coed Follies tryouts are to
be held tonight. This means that for the
past few weeks several sororities have
had a good share of their population spend
ing several hours each week getting a skit
ready for these tryouts. The wiseness of
subjecting a majority of a house to such
preparation is open to question, and even
more open to question is the time sched
uled for tryouts. Practice comes right aft
er vacation and during the final two weeks
before semester examinations, which the
Coed Follies folks decide is ideal for try
outs. This naturally means that time once
available for writing term papers, doing
outside reading, or preparing for tests and
finals is no longer available.
The Daily Nebraskan earlier attacked
the powers to be in Kosmet Klub for
scheduling the Fall Review right after mi
gration and homecoming weekends. Kos
met Klub certainly was not any more
guilty of bad scheduling than the Coed
Follies group. One might conclude that if
there are no suitable, pressure-free times
to schedule these events, that they ought
to die the sudden death which Penny Car
nival suffered.
Since we ourselves are sometimes jok
ingly referred to as newspaper people, we
are always a little sad when other news
papers or news services go under.
For instance, when the old Interna
tional News Service was consolidated with
the United Press to form United Press
International, many an old newsman raised
a glass to the INS out of nostalgia, and
many a young newsman followed suit (per
haps out of something else, but the spirit
was there anyway.)
But there was one newspaper organi
zation whose passing caused a celebration
among real newsmen for a different reason.
And Stay Out!
That was on Jan. 13, 1958, when the
Communist Daily Worker passed into lim
bo with the threatening headline, "We'll
be back."
Most folks were glad to see "The
Daily Distorter" go, and from the looks
of things, it will probably stay gone. The
latest report from the Justice Department
says that Communist Party membership
has dropped substantially since "The
Worker became defunct, and there are
even a couple of cases where American
commies have left for China because they
felt the American Communist group had
become too stale and inactive.
To these enlightened souls, bon voyage
and we'll see you never.
From the Editor
A Few Words of a Kind
e. e. Junes
Glancing through Nation magazine I
fell upon a short editorial, "Dissent at
Washburn U." It went thus:
"We don't know what Washburn Uni
versity of Topeka, Kansas, did on the grid
iron last year, but it has an editorial full
back on the campus who
deserves some kind of All
America mention. It
seems that ... the cam-
mis nanrcnonAf W fl C 111-
formed bv local postal ff.
authorities that a pam-
... . i j ' -
phlet aaaressea 10 n, en-
titled "The German Dem
ocratic Republic: Its Uni
versities and Students,"
was undeliverable as 'for
eign political propaganda.'
The post office kindly explained, how
ever, that there was a loophole in the
law which would allow the insidious docu
ment from East Germany to slip through;
if the Washburn Review would state that
it had specifically requested the pamphlet
from its publishers, the law would no long
er consider it 'foreign political propagan
da,' but a little old ordinary piece of mail,
like a Christmas card or, perhaps, a pam
phlet entitled "The United Kingdom: Its
Universities and Students."
"But a Review editorial writer . . .
wasn't having any end runs, and crashed
straight ahead over center:
" 'The post office has been duly in
formed that this material was not request
ed by us. It has also been informed that,
in view of the fact that it was mailed
to us, we expect receipt of it by return
mail ...
"It appears . . . that the United States
is busily erecting for itself its peculiar
brand of 'Iron Curtain,' complete with a
committee of little men deciding for us
what we may or may not be allowed to
read . . . In addition, of course, this is
the ultimate insult to our intelligence, for
it suggests rather openly that we are not
to be trusted to exercise good judgment in
our handling of controversial material . . .
(that) we can be trusted to read only what
the little men say we can read.' "
After this great hurrah for freedom
of choice in the selection of material to
read or not read, and believe or not be
litve, I felt neglected that I hadn't the
opportunity to produce such a rousing
masterpiece. Then today I surveyed my
mail and discovered the following note
from the postmaster:
"This letter is to advise you that the
Postal Service has received foreign mail
addressed to you consisting of certain
publications which contain foreign politi
cal propaganda as defined by the Foreign
Agents Registration Act (22 U.S. Code
"Such matter ordinarily would be
treated as nonmailable. However, such
matter lawfully must be passed through
the mails and delivered to the addressee
when it has been ordered, subscribed to,
or is desired, and is not for dissemination.
It is possible that you did not order this
material and that your name is on a mail
ing list over which you have no control.
Therefore, in order to determine whether
the publications listed on the enclosed card
may be passed through the mails and de
livered to you please return this card."
I looked at the card but couldn't find
where it listed the questionable publica
tion. And then I signed my name on the
card and sent it on its way to the mail
box. The note caught me in a gentle mo
ment, and I was all fired up to judge for
myself the merits of whatever foreign pub
lication was being denied by tired eyes.
Actually, I rather like this Post Office
policy. The only trouble is that it is too
limited. I think it should be expanded to
include quizzing you on whether or not
you want to receive a letter which may
contain business or product propaganda,
or whether or not you desire to receive
letters from firms you know you owe three
or four dollars for books, magazines or
records. Think of how this would eventu
ally clear the mailboxes of junk mail,
allowing more time for the quick handling
of lovers' or extortionists' letters.
What an unprincipled cad I am.
gsb.r: AnM'tated Colleriate Pres
Intercollegiate Prew
BepraeBtative: National Advertising Service,
Published at: Room 20, Student Cnion
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th A R
The Pally NelwikM H pabllhe Monday. ToeodaT.
TTi iIiihi'i- and Friday 4 urine t arhonl yrnr, except
tarlBK eaeatlona and mi period!, by atodent of the
CmtVersltJ ' Nebmaka under the aathorliation of the
fsemmittee ea Ktndrnt Affair a ae ripmaaloa ef atn
amt ootnlon. Publication ander the larMlrttoa of the
ftubeoromlttee on Sttiocnt Publlntlnna ehall he free from
editorial eennnrahlp on the Part of Iho Hnhmmmlttee ar
M tfct pgr) frf any aieniber of the faealty ef the Cal-
Tna HIMIIH"! .'w. - m par-
Daily Nebraskan
many mponsfMe tar wlia they aay, er as er
ae pnniea. rerjruary a, i5a.
nbeerlptlaa ratal an SI per eaaaettar ar II for the
aeademte year.
Entered a arenad elaae anttar at the peat efflee hi
Uneoln. Mebraaka, ander the aet af aaraM 4, Mil.
Editor Brae HlB8,
Manaclnr Editor fieorr Moyer
Senior ntaff Writer Emmie Llrapo
ftnnrt editor Bandan Lambert
Copy Editor. Carroll Kraai, Diana Maxwell.
Sandra Rully, Gretthea Side.
rt,'r Marilyn Coffey.
ftoadra Weal en. Wyaa Smltnberger.
Stall Photographer Mlanett Taylor
BniHaeM Mmaaer Mn tuilenttn
AMlataat Buainea Manager Ht.n Kalmaa,
. . Charleao On, Norm Rohlfinr
Circulation Maaasar Jerry frapp
n3'"V -"
' west! J
Mv Little World
. . . by Judy truell
The secret of success is
timeliness! Where would
Hannibal have been if he
hadn't had some rather frost
bitten elephants and some
Alps to cross;
where would
been if he
fished down
in his pocket
and found
his last sil
ver dollar
which he
threw across
the Potomac with much bra
vado; where would Francis
Scott Key have been if he
hadn't had 20-20 vision?
I mean, after all, when
these things present them
selves grab them! And
where would this column be
this week if it hadn't been for
Co-Ed Follies? Probably non
existent. I heard a man last
night say that he loved to be
little the "suburb dwellers"
and that when he ran out of
material, they somehow went
off on another spree and sup
plied him all over again.
With amazing regularity,
things occur and reoccur that
are ripe for the picking for
any alert, energetic, hustling,
in-on-the-source of things
young go-getter columnist.
Perhaps this is why 1 have
to be prodded on four sides
to even open my eyes. But
enough of this drivel and on
to the thing at hand Co-Ed
There are three classes of
people who emerge when
these times come to separate
the sheep from the goats (or
in the other words the tal
ented from the cow-like non
talented.) First there are the
skitmasters who exist solely
on tranquilizers, cigarettes,
black coffee and a determin
ation which far exceeds noth
ing less than equalling the
Flickering Art
By John West
f?at of building the Great
:Yall of China.
' Second in this little hier-
archy are those few fortu
! nates who know that they
have both a right and left
foot and" who can somehow
manage to dance, smile, and
sing all at the same time
without gazing frantically at
their unmanageable feet.
And last are the peons who
can carry a tune only if there
are 30 other people backing
them up and who only want
to stand and pretend they are
a tree or at most occasional
ly wander from side to side
of the staee honing to not
i trip over some prop on the
I With this eager little band
f workers, the skit master
has the overwhelming task of
j marshalling them into a sem
I blence of a formation, getting
them standing on the same
i feet and in a few extreme
j cases singing the right song.
I Is it any wonder that she be
gins to eat her meals alone,
becomes gaunt and haggard,
land swears that if she ever
; lives through this she will
never go to another movie
musical again. But with iron
i will she calls practice after
j practice and the "perform
jers" come dragging down to
jthem with muttered dire
threats of what is going to
happen to certain people
! them know if they have to get
up once more at the unheard
of hour of 7 a.m. for prac
j tice.
I PnnciHorinfT irViat IVtPV Vlflva
'to work with, the girls who;
do take on this task of skit-
master deserve to stand up
and take a bow ut the same
time, my mosi sincere sym
pathies are with the bruised,
stiff, groggy, performers who
are trving their hardest. Al
though it may seem to the
casual observer that they are
a disorganized mob, there is
order in that chaos.
One of the happy realities
with the coming of long play
ing records has been the
availability of music from
motion pictures apart from
the dramatic action it accom
panies on the screen.
Important and beautiful
compositions have under
scored our movies since 1927,
the real beginning of the
sound film. Although some
critics argue that music for
movies is created with the in
spiration of an assembly line,
this is definitely not the whole
story. The film medium of
fers the working composer
the unique opportunity of real
ly needing his work. How less
exciting a sequence Barbara
Graham's capture would have
been in I WANT TO LIVE!
without Johnny Mandel's jazz
selection, "Stakeout."
The question then arises
whether film composition has
any real merit for home ! -tening.
The scores for "Kings
Row" (Erich Wolfgang
Korngold); "The Barefoot
Contessa" (Mario Nascim
bene); "East Of Eden" (Leon
ard Rosenman): "Peyton
Place" (Franz Waxman); and
"The Big County" (Jerome
(Moross) answer well, and
these are but a very few ex
lamplos. Indeed, some movie
(music, particularly the efforts
of Copland, Walton, Roz
sa and Leonard Bernstein,
may well survive the supreme
test of greatness that of dur.
j ability.
! Film Society planners find
i themselves confronted with
an unusual situation. The ti
tles of three of the 10 fea
tures in that well attended
j foreign film series have been
changed for reasons the pro
iducers describe as "better
I It was somewhat logical
!that "Rouge Et Noir" find
its American release as "The
Red and The Black," but
Handy, West and the Film
Committee really really
wonder about the degree of
! confusion when Wednesday's
i'The Bigamist" appears as
, 'A Plea for Passion" and
"Crime and Punishment" is
billed as "The Most Danger
ous Sin."
Burning Midnight Oil
Builds Up Sleep Debt
W'riter Declares
Draft Law Demoralizes
Senior College Students
American college seniors"
are required to cope with De
fense Dept. policies that are
unimaginative, extemporary,
unrealistic and inadequate,"
an associate dean at Amherst
College says in commenting
on present draft laws.
John C. Esty Jr., in an ar
ticle appearing in the Jan. 10
issue of Nation, Urait-
Dodger or Patriot?", de
clares that from the perspec
tive of college students "the
status quo is absolutely un
viable." Esty warns that the
"corruption of 'universal
service' is corrupting their
(college students) sense of
duty, uncertainty is making
cvnics of them, and their
talents and training are de
liberately turned from the
service of their country.
A captain in the Air Force
Reserve, Esty says that col
lege counselors must now in
form male students "don't
plan wait; become a father
sooner than you had planned;
go to graduate school even
though you're not ready; pick
your college major after con
sulting the draft-exempt list."
If a counselor gave this kind
of advice in normal times,
Esty contends, he would be
fired for Incompetency.
It should be as patriotic to
develop one's mind and intel
lectual talents as to do a pet
ty job in the military, the au
thor writes, and attacks the
fact that universal Selective
Service has lots its universal
ity with only one in four eli
gible persons being drafted.
The author says that most
students are taking part in
either six-month or ROTC
programs to escape uncer
tainty in their future. The
fault of the six-month pro
gram, he argues, is that the
student is obligated for the
next 5'i years and often faces
hardships as a result.
"An ROTC student sacri
fices the 'impractical' or
'non-vocational' courses, such
as music appreciation and lit
erature, which might have
opened the way for years of
leisure time richly and mean
ingfully spent." Esty writes.
Thousands of you exam-i
pressed students will be burn-1
ing the midnight oil during j
the next few weeks. After-
wards, states an article in the!
January Reader's Digest, you
should take a day off to sleep
off your fatigue.
MilllnMe of A mni.!niinc rl . . 1
itiiiiiiFiin ui nun nun uuu t
get enough sleep, the article
says. By becoming over
drawn at the sleep bank they
can get into serious trouble.
To test the results of pro
longed sleeplessness one vol
unteer recently kept himself
awake for 72 hours. He re
ported these effects: he be
came lightheaded and de
tached; voices seemed to
come from far away; objects
appeared to move in, then
back away; he burst into fre
quent laughter for no reason.
The effects are similar
though milder says author
Theodore Irwin, w hen we lose
even part of needed sleep.
Every sleep cheat suffers
some damage to his health.
Timing and coordination usu
ally suffer first; then hearing
and vision. The amount of
damage depends on the length
of the sleep debt.
Most sleep cheats stay up
for seemingly strong reasons
the late television show, an
exciting movie, a poker party.
Some are "moonlighters" who
hold down second jobs to pad
their incomes.
But for others, less obvious
causes are involved. Often
these are neurotic. The fren
zied man-about-town, for ex
ample, may be trying to es
cape from a painful reality.
The stay-up-late housewife
may be rejecting sleep be
cause of tensions and anxie
ties. For such persons, lack
of sleep is a symbol of deeper
The amount of sleep needed
varies with the individual,
says Irwin. To find out your
own need try going to bed
early enough so that you'll
wake up without an alarm
clock. But remember to ad
just your sleeping time to
your activities. The more
tired you are, the more sleep
you'll need.
Collegiate Roundup
K-State Folloivs iVU;
Greeks Have Quotas
Belsheim 'Good"
Edmund Belsheim, dean of
the University Law School is
reported in good condition in
a local hospital.
Dean Belsheim suffered a
mild heart attack, but is ex
pected to be released shortly.
Kansas State College The
Kansas State Panhellenic
Council has accepted a quota
limitation system for next
fall. This plan will guarantee
a balanced membership to
sororities interested in estab
lishing new chapters at K-
Maximum over-all chapter
size at K-State will be 80, in
cluding all active members,
affiliated transfers, and
pledges. This does not include
married women.
Maximum chapter house
capacity will be 50 and the
chapters will not be allowed
to maintain an annex.
The pledge quota which
will be dependent on the num-
iber of girls going through
I rush, is to be set each fall
j by the Panhellenic Advisor.
Using past statistics, the
, pledge quota will probably
j range from 27 to 30 girls.
Kansas State College Voo
doo doll heads on mixed
drink stirring rods, sold by
the YWCA Y-Mart last No-
jvember, were discovered to
contain poisonous jequinty
beans. The head consists of
a carved cashew nut with two
of the jequirity beans for
An official reported that no
illnesses have been blamed
on the poison so far.
-sjfc'p make Yhemxouw mi'. a5k vmmr
l fveo um up with m. mutz. this vmm.' -