The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1959, Image 1

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Page 3
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.Senega i3 1959
Page 4 RCH,Vfc&
Vol. 33MP,.5J.
The Daily Nebraskan
Tuesday, January 13, 1959
Administrative p o s i -tions
for Spring Day and for
the new All-University Open
House have been announced.
The Spring Day Central
Committee (also the All-University
Open House Commit
tee by recent act of the Stu
dent Council) has announced
the following chairmen and
committees for the two
For Spring Day, chairman
of men's competition is Arch
ie Clagg, his assistant is
Morris Beerbahm. Organiz
ing the women's events will
be chairman Judy Sieler. Her
assistant is Sue Goldham-
Arrangements chair
man for the All-University
Open House is Bob Kaff. Pat
Porter will be chairman of
arrangements for Spring
General Secretary for both
Spring Day and the Open
House is Karen -Peterson.
The publicity for these two
all-campus events has been
divided into three depart
ments. Carolyn Lang is chairman
of the art committee. She
will be assisted by Laurie
Abcrnathy and Bob Giesler.
Heading the committee in
charge of newspaper public
ity is Mary Lu Keill, assisted
by Gil Grady.
General Promotion
The general promotion
committee consists of Jim
Lee, John Zauba, and Sherry
Turner, chairman.
The responsibility for both
Spring Day and the Open
House has been divided
among the Central Commit
tee as follows:
Overall chairman of both
events is Jack Muck. John
Hoerner is publicity chair
man for both events.
Open House
Co-chairman for the All
University Open House are
Far Eastern
Sakai Will Direct
Summer Project !
One of the Midwest's first
Institutes on Far Eastern Af
fairs will be initiated this
summer by the University.
Dr. Robert Sakai, who
spent the 1955-56 school year
in Japan doing research on
the 19th Century Japanese
stateman, Saigo Takamori,
will direct the institute.
Advanced Students
He said the institute is de
signed for advanced students
and for high school and col
lege teachers.
The Institute will be held
from June 8-July 31. Courses
to be taught will be go
ography of the Far East, Far
Eastern politics, political the
ory of the Far East, Modern
China and pro-seminar in in
ternational affairs. Guest lec
turers will supplement the
formal course.
"It is our hope that this
Institute will be a basis for
stimulating interest in the
study of the Far East in our
hgh schools.
Interest Awoke
Until five years ago, little
interest was shown in the
midwest in the study of the
area, but because of its grow
ing importance in world af
fairs, it is necessary that our
students have knowledge of
the various aspects of the Far
Eastern societies, Dr. Sakai
The Board of Regents ac
cepted a $2400 grant from
Asia Foundation, the Asia
Society, Inc., and the Japan
Society, Inc. Saturday, which
will finance from 10 to 12 fel
lowships for students attend
ing the Institute.
The Institute is an inter-departmental
program planned
by a committee composed of
Dr. W. D. Moreland, associ
ate professor of secondary
education; Dr. Jasper Shan
non, professor and chairman
of political science; Dr. Rob
ert Bowman, professor and
acting chairman of geog'
raphy; and Dr. Sakai.
Jack Nielsen and Pat Flan
nigan. Liz Smith is cha9rman
of all arrangements.
Spring Day is May 1 and
the All-University Open
House is tentatively schedul
ed for April 23. Open House
plans Include a general tour
of such points of Interest as
Love Library, the planltari
um, and the ROTC depart
ments. Each high school senior
will be given the opportunity
to visit at least two and pos
sibly three colleges or departments.
Alpha Phi Omegas To Man
University Book Swap Again
Agronomy Club Will Handle Ag Exchange
By Sonda Whalen
The second annual Univer
sity Book Exchange will be
gin Feb. 2 and continue
through the 14th.
For the first time, an ex
change will also be operated
on the Agricultural campus,
under the direction of the Ag
ronomy Club.
Less Than Stores
The book exchange, which
was started last year, will
enable students to buy and
sell books at a cost lower than
the cost of those in commer
cial book stores, according to
Ken Tempero, president o f
Alpha Phi Omega which spon
sors the event.
A booth will be set up in
the hall of the Union begin
ning Jan. 23 where students
may leave the books they
wish to sell. The booth will
be open Jan. 23, 26 and 27
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stu-
dnets will out receipts when
they hand their books in, and
set the price they wish to ask.
"We advise that they ask
about 50 of the price of the
book new", Tempero said,
or try to hit a point mid
way between the price they'd
receive at a commercial book
store and what they would
have to pay for the book."
Adds 20c
He added that Alpha Phi
Omega then adds 20 cents to
the studen's price, for handl
ing costs.
Selling of the books will be
gin Feb. 2 through 4 and con
tinue from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
each day, in the Union Book
The unsold books and the
money received tor dooks
sold will be handed back
Feb. 6 in the Union.
300 Sold
Last year, Tempero said,
500 books came into the pool
and 300 were sold.
"We hope to double that this
year", ne said.
The Book Exchange is un
der the jurisdiction of the
Student Council and run by
Alpha Phi Omega, scouting
service fraternity. Fred Kick
ers will head the exchange
Home Economist
Joins NU Staff
At Ataturk U
A former Purdue faculty
member has been appointed
to serve as home economist
on the University's field staff
in Turkey.
Dr. Evelyn Morrow, who
was director of Family Serv
ices at Purdue, will replace
Prof. Mary Rokahr. Miss Ro
kahr returned to the States
late last year after serving
a two year assignment.
The project is a part of the
International Cooperation Ad
ministration contract with the
University and is financed
with U. S. foreign aid funds.
A department of home eco
nomics was approved for Ata
turk University in Ankara
during Miss Rokahr's stay in
Turkey. Plans were also com
pleted for a new home eco
nomics building on the An
kara campus.
Dr. Morrow, who received
her Master's and PhD from ; ferson on Democracy," and
the University of Chicago, j Dr. Boyd Carter, professor of
has served as president of j romance languages, will dis
the National Home Agents j cuss "Madame Bovary" with
Association. 'the students.
Outstanding Nebraskan
Nominee List Gains
Dr. Carter
this year.
All Over Country
"Alpha Phi Omega c h a p
ters all over the country have
been doing this as one of their
service projects," Tempero
The Book Exchange on Ag
campus will be operated by
the Agronomy Club. Books
may be turned into the Ac
tivities office at the Ag Un
ion from Jan. 19 to 31.
As on city campus, s t u -dents
may set their own price
and the Agronomy club will
4 Profs
Assist H.S.
Loup City Top
Students to Benefit
Four members of the Uni
versity faculty are cooperat
ing this semester with Loup
City High School in a pilot
project aimed at motivating
and encouraging outstanding
In cooperation with Loup
City superintendent of schools
Sam Porter, the University
professors and eight outstand
ing Loup City citizens will
conduct weekly evening sem
inars on various subjects in
the humanities. The profes
sors will help conduct four of
the seminars and will serve
in an advisory capacity in the
selection of reading lists.
Some 17 students have been
chosen on the basis of quali
fying examinations, past
grades and teachers' recom
mendations to participate in
the seminar. No formal cred
it will be offered.
The project evolved as a re
sult of Loup City's selection
by the North Central Associ
ation of Secondary Schools
and Colleges as a pilot school
in their "Guidance and Moti
vation of Superior and Tal
ented Students" program.
A similar program was
tried last year at Long Mount,
Colo, with the cooperation of
the University of Colorado
faculty members.
According to Dr. Walter
Wright, assisting dean of the
University's College of Arts
and Sciences and one of the
participating professors, one
purpose of the program is to
encourage the students to
form ideas for themselves.
The program is an illustra
tion, he said, of what a high
school can do for top schol
ars under existing conditions.
Professors participating
from the College of Arts and
Sciences include Dean Walter
Militzer, professor of chemis
try, who will conduct a sem
inar with Dr. B. L. Miller of
Loup City on "The World of
Copernicus, An g u s Armi-
tage, and Dean Wright who
will discuss "King Lear."
Dr. Robert Dewey, associ
ate professor of philosophy,
will conduct a seminar with
Attorney Ernie Moehnert of
Loup City on "Thomas Jef
add 20c for handling costs.
The books will be sold
from Feb. 2 to 6 in Room 1
of the Ag Union from 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Unsold books and
money may be picked up on
or after Feb. 6, according to
Norm Rohlfing, secretary of
the Agronomy Club.
"The exchange will take all
kinds of books, not just those
dealing with agricultural sub
jects," Rohlfing said. "We
hope this exchange will ease
the problem of buying books
on the Ag campus."
Missouri Valley
Oils at Gallery
Feature showing at the art
galleries this week is the Mis
souri Valley Exhibition, of Oil
The twelfth annual show
displays the work of artists
in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri,
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas
and Colorado.
The exh i b i t i o n is being
staged in collaboration with
Mulvane Art Museum, Wash
burn University, Topeka, Kansas.
Registration Menu Sampled
Alphabet Soup Tasted Okay
On the First Day That Is
By Sandy Kully
The ABC's of alphabet
soup blend together quite
well. So do the E, F, G, and
That seems to be the opin
ion of Floyd Hoover, Regis
trar, and the Student Coun
cil Complaint committee on
the gently simmering ket
tle of alphabetical registra
tion brew.
Dr. Hoover smiled as he
looked over the M and N
drill hall, relatively unclut
tered by papers and peo
ple. This is the first time
we have had no bottle necks
in registration", he said.
He stressed that the real
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"CARD-PULLER" EILEEN HANSEN (center, left), discusses the alphabet system
with (left to right) Dave Godbey, Student Council; Dr. Floyd Hoover, registrar; and
Jack Muck, Student Council. Those on duty in the council's "complaint booth" found
the day rather slow. Many Student Council members had to mill through the crowd,
talking to students, in order to get opinions.
l Dr. Carter, Lentz, Kinnier,
Shrag, Glynn, Get Letters
Two faculty members and
three students have been add
ed to the list of Outstanding
Nebraskan nominees.
Donald Lentz, director of
U n i v e r s
ity band and
Dr. Boyd
Carter of the
L a n g u age
faculty mem
bers n o m-
inated. Kinnler
Larry Schrag, John Kin
nier and John Glynn were
students nominated for the
award, which will be an
nounced in Friday's Daily
All nominations for the
award must be submitted to
the Daily Nebraskan office in
the Student Union basement
by noon today.
One senior or graduate stu
dent and one faculty member
will be selected for the bian
nual award.
Persons previously nomin
ated for the award are: Dal
las Williams, Louis Cromp
ton, Dr. William Hall who is
not eligible due to his position
on Pub Board, Lyle Hansen
and Terry Mitchem.
Don Lentz
The letter of nomination for
Donald Lentz was the joint
effort of five persons who
have worked with him.
In part, the letter read:
"When Donald Lentz came
to the University in 1937, he
brought with him a wealth
of musical experience gained
while playing flute under
some of the world's great
conductors in the New York
Symphony, t h e Barrerre
Symphony, the Sousa Band
and in theater, ballet and ra
dio. "During the first four
months of 1957, he and his
wife visited the Orient on a
Woods Fellowship for the pur
test will come today when
the backlog of people who
could ot register Monday
converge upon the building.
Bob Blair chairman of
the council committee, not
ed the lack of complaints
about the new system.
Many suggestions have
come in, he said, but only
one criticism about the plan
being unfair when it rotates
in the spring.
Calm Coated
The usual frenzy and fe
ver of registration was coat
ed by a clam and rather or
ganized group of people go
ing about the business of
pulling their cards.
There appeared to be no
red faced or tear stained
pose of setting down folk
music, still undiluted by
western influence.
"Professor Lentz has
brought recognition not only
. I rh
to the University Band but to
the University as a whole.
Last spring the band was one
of seven from throughout the
nation invited to perform at
the Brussels Worlds Fair.
"A crusader for better
bands in high schools, Profes
sor Lentz is given credit for
the building of Band Day at
the University, which now
serves as a model for such
events across the nation.
"He is an inspiring teacher,
Rag Luncheon
Members of the Daily
nebraskan and Cornhusker
staffs will honor the first
semester's two outstanding
Nebraskans at a Daily Ne
braskan press luncheon in
Parlor Z of the Union Fri
day noon.
Editor Ernie Hines will
present certificates to one
student and one faculty
member for service to the
University at the luncheon.
a fine conductor, a truly Out
standing Nebraskan."
Dr. Carter
Dr. Boyd Carter, who re
signed recently to join the
staff of Southern Illinois Uni
versity, was hailed in his let
ter of nomination as a "Fine
teacher, full of boundless en
thusiasm and interest."
The letter continued:
students begging for 10 a.m.
class cards.
The straggly lines of peo
ple blocking the English,
business, or engineering
sections also seemed to
have dwindled.
Proud Pointer
Dr. Hoove'1' proudly point
ed out that the longest line
on the first day consisted
of 20 people.
It was cleared in ten
minutes, he added.
The average time for a
complete registration was
clocked at 20 minutes, ac
cording to Blair.
He also emphasized that
Tuesday would be the test
day for Nebraska's newest
dish alphabet soup.
"Last year Dr. Carter was
informal spokesman for a
group of 11 University pro
fessors who struck out at the
laxity in requirements for
Teachers College. His idea
and theirs was that teacher
certification be placed in the
hands of the instructors in
the students major field.
"Dr. Carter and the other
10 professors were immedi
ately silenced by what seem
ed to be a coalition of Teach
ers College and its friends in
Adminny HaU. These men
undoubtedly realized the po
sition in which they were
placing themselves, a;.d it la
a tribute to their integrity
that they chose to speak nev
ertheless." Schrag Active
The writer of the nomina
tion for Larry Schrag said,
"To be awarded such an hon
or as Outstanding Nebras
kan, a worthy candidate
should have given a great
deal of time, interest and pa
tience to activities and or
ganizations, scholarship and
the well-being of the Univers
ity itself."
"As a freshman, Larry was
a member of Junior IFC and
Varsity Men's Glee Club. In
his sophomore year he joined
two organizations in which he
later became their chief:
Corn Cobs and the Cornhusk
er business staff.
"He became the president
of his fraternity, Phi Kappa
Psi, and as president he
again became a member of
the IFC.
"Honored as an Innocent
and chosen as its treasurer
for his high scholarship and
leadership in activities
Larry took on more respon
sibilities. Moving from as
sistant Business Manager to
Business Manager of the
Cornhusker, Larry has lent
his skill of organization and
ability to get things done.
"One of Larry's outstand
ing achievements in his seni
or year is that of student
chairman of the Nebraska
Human Resources Research
Foundation. He has also
(Continued on Page 4)
Fullback Grad
Wins Key Post
In Corporation
A former University AU
American fullback, George
Sauer, has been named execu
tive vice president of Polar
matic Corporation in Dallas.
Sauer graduated from the
University in 1934. After
graduation, he played several
years with the Green Bay
Packers then coached at New
Hampshire, Kansas, the Naval
Academy (Annapolis) and
He served as Baylor's ath
letic director until his recent
appointment as the ice-cream
m a c h i n ery manufacturing
company s vice-president.
In 1955 the Nebraska grad
was elected to the Football
Hall of Fame. He won confer
ence titles both years at Kan
sas and was the last Big Eight
coach to defeat Oklahoma.
His Baylor teams racked up
a 3B-19-3 record during the
eight years he directed the
athletic department with
teams going to the Orange and
Gator Bowls.
NUCWA Starts
Books for Asia
"Books for Asia" will be
sponsored by NUCWA next
Textbooks will be collected
which will be sent to Asia
for use by students who are
learning the English lan
guage. All types of textbooks
are needed except foreiga
language texts.
A collector will be ap
pointed in each organized
house to pick up books for
the collection. Boxes for
books will also be placed in
Love Library , and the Union
for all students who wish to
"The University could aid
the program considerably if
each student would contribute
at least one text," said Judy
Truell, NUCWA vice president.